Wander! Blue Star People

Chapter 248 Lost Contact

"Don't go too far!"

Quintasha couldn't bear it anymore and yelled at Qian Feiyan through the glass: "Normal temperature superconducting ore is good, but it must be in a certain quantity. You don't just want to give it 100,000 tons, right?"

"What can one hundred thousand tons be enough for?"

"You want to exchange 100,000 tons of room-temperature superconducting ore for the wisdom crystallized by our civilization for hundreds of millions of years?"

"Are you dreaming?"

Quintessa was furious.

She has long felt the greed of humans, but she did not expect humans to be greedy to this extent.

One hundred thousand tons of normal temperature superconducting ore.

Room-temperature superconducting ores are indeed very useful and can make many subjects of the Creator's civilization make further progress, but this is based on a sufficient quantity of room-temperature superconducting ores.

If the coalition government can only provide a small amount of room-temperature superconducting ore, and it is gone after just two uses, it will not mean much to the Creator's civilization.

"I tell you solemnly!"

"If you want to exchange 100,000 tons of room-temperature superconducting ore with us for ten advanced technologies and computer algorithms, this deal will be impossible to reach under any circumstances!"

"Absolutely impossible!"

"This is fantastic! Do you understand?"

Quintessa was very emotional.

Qian Feiyan stretched out his hands and made a gesture of emptiness, signaling Quintasha to restrain his emotions.

"Ms. Quintasha, you misunderstood." Qian Feiyan shook his head and said seriously, "We will not provide 100,000 tons of superconducting room-temperature ore for this transaction."

He wasn't going to play a guessing game with Quintessa, he was going to reveal the answer directly.

"We're ready to deliver."

Quintasha stared at Qian Feiyan's mouth with bated breath, a trace of expectation rising reluctantly in her heart.

Maybe she really misunderstood humans?

Maybe humans weren't as greedy as she thought, and would at least be more generous in this deal.

However, as Qian Feiyan opened and closed his upper and lower lips, an unexpected answer reached her ears and pierced her heart.


"A piece of room-temperature superconducting ore!"

Qian Feiyan's expression was extremely serious, and he was not joking at all.

Quintessa:? ? ?

She wondered if her sensor was malfunctioning. What did Qian Feiyan say? How much superconducting ore would humanity prepare to provide?

piece? !

"Normal temperature superconducting ore is very rare. It took us many years to dig out a small amount." Seeing Quintasha motionless, Qian Feiyan emphasized again, "We can only give you one piece, but Please rest assured that although there is only one piece, it is more than enough for microscopic research. You can also try to synthesize this substance artificially."

Creak - creak - creak -

There was a strange noise in the air.

Quintasha gritted her iron teeth and made a squeaking sound. Her gaze was like a sharp sword on Qian Feiyan's face, trying to measure the thickness of human face.

piece? God damn it!

What a piece of normal-temperature superconducting ore can do is really only be taken into the laboratory for microscopic research, and it has no practical use at all.

"Are you kidding us?" Quintessa was so angry that she couldn't sit still. She floated into the air, her face almost touching the glass. "Do you know what you are talking about? You think it can be done with just a piece of superconducting ore?" Do you want to replace our technology?"

"I see that you have no sincerity in negotiating!"

Quintessa was really angry this time.

Whenever she has a new understanding of human shamelessness, humans will soon refresh this understanding to another level.

Qian Feiyan shook his head and sighed: "You must also understand what it means to discover a new material and how difficult it is to discover a new material."

"The reserves of this material are very low. We can only give you a little for research."

"But you are quite accomplished in the microscopic field. Even if you only have a few samples, you should be able to quickly create artificial products with similar properties, right?"

The coalition government did not cheat the Creator civilization on this matter.

Because the coalition government itself has been studying the technology of artificial Pandora ore, and has made great progress, but the experimental conditions are relatively harsh and cannot be met for the time being.

But coalition government scientists are very optimistic about the experiment.

After dealing with the matter of Quintessa and the Creator Civilization, the coalition government will set out to find a suitable place to complete this experiment and try to achieve freedom from Pandora Ore.

The Creator Civilization can turn ordinary metals into deformed metals, and its attainments in the microscopic field must be very deep. If the United Government can study and understand things, the Creator Civilization can also study and understand them.

"We will not only provide you with samples, we will also tell you how this ore is naturally formed, and we believe that you can achieve artificial production on your own."

Qian Feiyan smiled at Quintasha: "We are very sincere, please believe us no matter what."

Quintessa's expression softened slightly.

If the coalition government can provide the natural formation method of this ore, then there will be little obstacle for the creator civilization to break through man-made technology, because even if the creator civilization cannot synthesize it artificially, it can still reproduce this process in nature.

Anyway, the Creator's civilization is an ancient civilization that is not sensitive to lifespan and time.

"I want to discuss this matter with my civilization, but you are asking too much. Even if you can provide us with a...well, a somewhat special new material, my civilization will still not agree."

Quintessa is a bit arrogant.

In fact, she has already approved the transaction in her heart. She just wants to discuss the specific technology and the amount of the transaction, but she still wants to say "disagree".

Qian Feiyan spread his hands: "Please."

Quintessa slowly closed her eyes and let her thoughts sink into the empty space of consciousness.

Exchanging technology for materials is not cost-effective for lower civilizations, because the role of a special substance in promoting the scientific and technological level of lower civilizations is often not as good as strengthening grassroots education and giving birth to more scientists.

But for advanced civilizations, countless geniuses have been born over a long period of time. These geniuses have built the scientific building so completely that future generations have no room for breakthroughs unless a new building material can be discovered.

In this case, a new substance is extremely valuable.

The Creator Civilization was stuck at this bottleneck before, but they were lucky enough to find a special substance on the way to the Andromeda Galaxy, and used it to achieve a technological explosion.

If another special substance can be obtained at this time, the Creator Civilization is likely to go further on the original basis. When entering the crisis-ridden Andromeda Galaxy, it will be a little more sure of defeating the enemy out of thin air.

Quintessa sent a distress signal to the Creator Civilization.


The symbol flashed frequently, but surprisingly, there was no answer this time.

Quintessa's heart skipped a beat.

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