Wander! Blue Star People

Chapter 273 Time Factor

Qian Feiyan, who was far away in the space prison, received a notice from the coalition government. He had already made preparations for negotiations. As soon as he received the notice, he contacted Quintasha and rushed to the room where they were negotiating without stopping.

"Hello, Minister Qian!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Minister Qian. Would you like some coffee?"

"Minister Qian, has there been any progress in the negotiations?"


The staff of the space prison were very enthusiastic about Qian Feiyan.

Although the space prison is very far away from the headquarters of the Union Government, the distance between the two is within the range of the Union Government's wormhole machine, and the consciousness of the earth connects everyone as a whole.

Therefore, the atmosphere in the space prison is very harmonious, especially after Quintessa obtained a certain degree of freedom through negotiation. There is no situation like in some science fiction novels where individuals become morally corrupted when they leave the civilized subject.

Qian Feiyan politely responded to all the staff who greeted him along the way. He selectively answered some of the questions asked by the staff and declined others.

The rejected staff were not angry either. They realized that their questions were too sensitive and gave Qian Feiyan an apologetic smile.


The magnetically driven floating door opened automatically, and Qian Feiyan walked to the negotiation table and sat down.

"Ms. Quintessa, we meet again so soon."

Qian Feiyan showed a warm smile. He never regarded his opponents at the negotiating table as enemies because he regarded negotiations as a game of chess.

He likes playing chess very much. He knows that the more difficult the opponent is, the harder it is to win. He has no reason to be angry at his opponent. Even if he gets angry occasionally, it is just a chess piece he throws on the chessboard in order to gain benefits.

Quintanza snorted.

She did not sit down, but floated in mid-air.

"Has it been discussed?" Quintasha stared at Qian Feiyan expressionlessly, and she said in a deep voice, "What kind of deal are you prepared to accept to help us solve the problem of the forgotten beam?"

Qian Feiyan smiled and said tactfully: "We believe that these two transactions will not delay each other. We are ready to accept them at the same time. We will not only lead the way for you, but also find ways to help you solve your real troubles."

“But the latter obviously cannot be achieved overnight.”

Quintessa shrugged her shoulders. She originally had no hope for human beings. After all, even the Creator's civilization couldn't solve the problem of the Forgetting Beam. It would be too fanciful to think that human beings who have only just born civilization can solve it.

"Okay, let's leave it like this for the time being." Quintasha nodded and said loudly, "We will prepare a pilot plan. You should follow the plan carefully. You don't have to worry about other things."

Qian Feiyan waved his hand.

"Ms. Quintessa, you are too anxious. We still have things to discuss."

Quintessa was slightly startled.

"We haven't discussed the remuneration yet. We don't agree with your proposal of how far you can navigate and how much technology you want." Qian Feiyan tapped the table with his index finger and said seriously, "What if you go back on your word when approaching the Milky Way, or are unfortunate? Not long after the voyage started, the whole army was wiped out, and we."

"Shut up!" Quintasha interrupted Qian Feiyan with a dissatisfied look on her face, "My compatriots are different from me. They will never betray their trust, let alone be as fragile as you said!"

The main reason why Quintasha was dissatisfied was because of the second half of Qian Feiyan's words - the whole army was wiped out not long after the voyage. This was simply a curse that her whole family would die and she would become an orphan in the universe.

Qian Feiyan said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I was the one who offended."

His apology was sincere.

But he quickly changed the topic and said with piercing eyes: "But Ms. Quintasha, you must also understand our concerns. We hope that you will pay the full amount in advance, and then we will help you navigate."

Quintessa's eyebrows gradually knitted together. She realized that another protracted negotiation table battle was coming, and she didn't know how long her compatriots could sustain it.

Chen Fan's attention is not on Qian Feiyan at the moment, because the coalition government has more interesting things happening at the moment, which is the scientists' research on Liu Peiqiang.

Liu Peiqiang lay naked on the operating table, with only the slight rise and fall of his chest proving that he was still alive.

Just now, with Liu Peiqiang's consent, scientists performed a craniotomy on him in an attempt to find out the relationship between death and triggering time reset.

Although Liu Peiqiang himself does not have the ability to reset time, Liu Peiqiang plays the role of an "anchor" in this process. His existence throws an anchor on the timeline. Whenever he dies, Omega will reset time. The great vessel was towed back to where he anchored.

Scientists want to find this "anchor".

What is it that connects Liu Peiqiang to a certain point on the timeline? Is it a special substance or a scientific law that the coalition government has not yet mastered?

The charm of science lies in constantly expanding the boundaries of what is known and bringing the work originally considered to be the work of God and Buddha within the control of humans.

This operation was performed in the "Edge of Tomorrow" universe. Scientists paid great attention to Liu Peiqiang's blood loss during the operation to ensure that if Liu Peiqiang died during the operation, the time would be reset instead of dying on the spot.

Of course, the risk of the surgery itself is extremely low.

With the current technological level of the coalition government, it is impossible for the operation to fail if they are fully prepared. They are doing this just to be more prepared.

"There is a special tissue in Lieutenant General Liu Peiqiang's body. The diameter is only about 0.1mm, but it can be determined that this is not a normal brain tissue, nor is it a diseased tissue within the known range. There is a high probability that Lieutenant General Liu Peiqiang will be triggered. Newly grown after the ability to reset time."

Scientists observed a blue particle smaller than a millet grain inside Liu Peiqiang's skull, located in the center of the eyebrow bone. They determined that this was not a natural occurrence.

But they did not remove the millet grain, because removing the millet grain might cause Liu Peiqiang to lose the ability to trigger the time loop.

But the discovery itself is enough to excite scientists.

The time cycle is not illusory, but based on objectively existing matter. If the coalition government can master this material, then the coalition government can also establish a time cycle mechanism.

What an exciting discovery is this?

Its significance is by no means inferior to Einstein's theory of relativity or Planck's quantum mechanics!

"This is a major breakthrough."

"I suggest naming this substance now that is related to time and can even directly affect time. This special substance is likely to open a new door for us."

"Let's call it time factor. What do you think?"

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