Wander! Blue Star People

Chapter 283 Capturing Omega

Understanding a brand new world requires looking at both micro and macro aspects. This is a long and arduous task for the scientific research team of the coalition government, because they currently do not even have the most basic understanding of the conscious world.

They could do almost nothing but constantly communicate with Chen Fan in the world of consciousness and ask Chen Fan about his understanding of consciousness.

Chen Fan let his subconscious deal with the scientists' questions and turned his main attention to the coalition government's actions in the "Edge of Tomorrow" universe.

The coalition government is going to capture Omega.

In a recent transaction, the Creator Civilization handed over to the United Government time-freezing technology that was more advanced than Transformers Hot Rod's time-freezing gun.

Any time-related technology is full of temptations for living things, so the Creator's civilization has not stopped at the preliminary mastery of time-freezing technology.

After creating the first time-freezing gun, the Creator Civilization kept adding manpower and material resources, and finally the time-freezing technology made great progress.

Although the time solidification technology currently mastered by the coalition government is not the most advanced of the Creator's civilization, it can solidify the entire earth's time for a long time in units of ten thousand years if there is sufficient energy.

In the operation to capture Omega, there is no need to freeze time on such a large scale.

The coalition government's plan is to solidify the water area where Omega is located, and then pack the entire water area away.

Thanks to the research on time freezing technology and Liu Peiqiang, the scientists of the coalition government have mastered some properties of the time factor. Next, as long as they find out the mechanism of Omega to reset time, the coalition government will be able to establish its own time cycle system.

By then, the self-protection capabilities of the coalition government will reach a higher level, and Chen Fan can be more open to the use of his own capabilities.

Chen Fan has been staying with Ava recently. He found that Ava has an unusually outstanding performance in searching for other universes due to some unknown factors.

About every ten worlds Ava "opens", one has something in it.

Although the other universes he touched after the "Edge of Tomorrow" universe were all barren, he could often catch a few asteroid fragments. Although it was worthless, it was still incredible to Chen Fan.

Because he had opened wormholes thousands of times before, he only had the chance to touch something once or twice.

"Something must have rubbed off on me."

Chen Fan doesn't think this is because of Ava's good luck. Unless scientists discover something like a luck factor, he doesn't believe in the existence of luck at all.

He suspected that the ability itself affected him.

The ability to travel across the universe, on the one hand, gives him the ability to shuttle and jump between different universes, but on the other hand, it also makes it easy for him to ignore those universes where life exists.

Therefore, when he searches the universe, he always opens wormholes to extremely desolate places.

He didn't know why yet, but he would find out one day, but for now he was paying attention to the coalition government's efforts to capture Omega.

It's almost successful.

Omega is hiding at the bottom of the Palace of Versailles in France. There is a huge pool here. Omega is hiding in this pool. At this time, it is completely unaware of the danger that is coming.

Omega's ability to predict the future is based on experiencing the future once, and it is not a true prediction of the future.

Therefore, when the coalition government was about to take action, Omega still communicated with the Alphas as if nothing had happened, asking them to find Liu Peiqiang who had stolen Alpha's abilities in the shortest possible time.

Omega knew nothing about Liu Peiqiang's identity and location. It only believed that Liu Peiqiang was a human from the "Edge of Tomorrow" universe, because the coalition government's fleet had not yet arrived here.

It desperately wanted to eradicate Liu Peiqiang.

Because as long as Liu Peiqiang is still alive, its plan to destroy mankind cannot succeed. Humanity can keep going back in time like it does until it finds a chance to defeat it.

This made Omega very scared.

Although it is heavily guarded near it, no matter how small the probability is, as long as it is repeated an infinite number of times, it will eventually happen, and the consequences are absolutely unbearable.

"The time-freezing ray is much more domineering than Hot Rod's time-freezing gun!"

In the Palace of Versailles, not even a single Mimic or Alpha discovered that there were many more mechanical creations here than before. It has to be said that the Transformers have set their racial talents very high. When they are in the mechanical state, they look at Just like real televisions, computers, mobile phones, clocks, and radios, they will not arouse Omega's suspicion at all.

After all, who would have thought that an ordinary machine could turn into a robot before experiencing it firsthand?

At this moment, when the coalition government really made up its mind to close the net, the number of Transformers hidden in the Palace of Versailles had reached 1,200.

"Are we going to be frozen too?"

The Transformers were talking a lot.

"Will we die if we are solidified? The coalition government will not forget us and cause us to be solidified all the time, right?"

"Don't worry, the coalition government is quite reliable in its work."

"Of course we won't be forgotten. We are the heroes. This time we go back for at least a comprehensive maintenance and a body upgrade. I have already chosen it. I just want to upgrade the memory space of my brain."

"By the way, do we really not have to do anything?"

"It's not that we don't need to do anything, it's that we don't need to do it. There are a few special guys lurking in. I met them a few days ago."


On the outskirts of the Palace of Versailles, the mimic aliens and Alpha instinctively felt a little uneasy, but they searched the area over and over again and found no dangerous elements.

The weather today is exceptionally clear and cloudless.

If a human plane attacks, they can easily detect it, and then Alpha commits suicide, triggering a time reset and helping Omega escape in time.

Omega was always successful when it invaded other planets in the past, and it also relied on this defense mechanism.

Although simple, it is very effective.

No one can defeat it in countless time loops, unless the opponent is a well-prepared advanced civilization.


The blue beam of light tore through the false sky and hung down from the crack at the speed of light, enveloping the entire Palace of Versailles. In just an instant, everything near the Palace of Versailles and underground was frozen in time.

Alpha, who was responsible for the defense mission, had no time to react and was frozen in this moment.

The cloud of nanorobots floating in the sky lifted its optical camouflage, and a huge steel fleet appeared out of thin air, and a chilling atmosphere filled the air.

When Alpha in the distance saw this scene, he immediately screamed and stabbed himself to death with his tentacles.

However, the blue corpse slumped to the ground, and the blood slowly seeped into the ground. The time scale did not move at all, as if it was tightly grasped by an invisible big hand.

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