Wander! Blue Star People

Chapter 295 Change of Destiny

Worthless? I?

Chen Fan stared at the somewhat hysterical Downey with interest. He remembered that Downey had said the same thing in the original anime, but at that time it was directed at a commoner who had a spinegu crawling on his head, and now it was directed at him.

There is no doubt that this man named Donnie has been completely brainwashed by the Beacon's common people's ideas.

A sudden change occurred!

The spine Gu swarm rushed towards Downey like crazy, not even avoiding the bullets. Even if they were shot themselves, they would keep their companions closer to Downey.

"Penny! Help me!" Donnie shouted in horror.

Penny reacted and opened fire with full force in Donnie's direction.

Da da da! Da da da!

Da da da!

But it's too late.

From the moment Downey said that Chen Fan was worthless, Downey's death was destined at this moment.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and glanced quietly into the shadows behind him.

Ava is angry?

The spine Gu group suddenly rioted, which is something that did not happen in the original work. This happened probably because Ava manipulated the bacterial colony to exert some influence on the spine Gu group.

Ava sees him as one of the same kind. Donnie calling him worthless is also saying to Ava that she is worthless. It is not unexpected that Ava will be angry.

Chen Fan sighed softly.

Although Downey offended him, he knew it was because Downey had received a wrong education and the source of the offense was not Downey himself, so he was not unhappy with Downey's words.

Planetary consciousness usually does not kill a person just because he angrily denounces God.

But Downey aroused Ava's dissatisfaction.

He was dead.

Chen Fan shook his head: "Donnie is hopeless."

Ava intends to kill Donnie. It is impossible to rescue Donnie with only Penny's gun. He can save Donnie, but he has no reason to take action for Donnie.

"Let's go." Chen Fan grabbed Petunia's wrist and dragged Petunia back.

"No! I won't leave!" Penny was anxious. She struggled to escape from Chen Fan's grasp, and at the same time she kept shooting at the spinegu near Donnie. "Let me go! I want to save Donnie!"

Chen Fan ignored it.

In the original anime, Penny tried to wake up Donnie who was in a hallucination, but was shot with dozens of bullets by Donnie, and even the body was shot again by Donnie.

Afterwards, Downey only woke up briefly, fell into the scarlet hallucination again, and was finally eaten by the Extreme Devourer.

The ending for both people is tragic.

Now Penny has been saved, and for Downey, dying directly among the spinegu swarm is already much better than his original fate.

So be it

Chen Fan ignored Petunia's shouts and forcefully dragged Petunia out of the storage cabin. The screams in the storage cabin only lasted for a second or two before ending abruptly, followed immediately by the terrifying sound of chewing.

Penny realized that Donnie was dead, her eyes were blank and she was limp when she walked.

Chen Fan could understand Penny's mood.

In the original anime, Penny had a crush on Downey and was even mentally prepared to refuse the breeding mission for Downey, planning to find an opportunity to commit suicide when the breeding mission was about to begin.

The breeding mission is a very special one.

The lighthouse does not allow free love, let alone private sex life, but it must increase the population.

Therefore, breeding tasks will be issued to men and women of appropriate age from time to time, allowing strangers to go to the so-called golden hall to communicate in depth in front of everyone.

The task of breeding is an extreme violation of human dignity, especially that of women.

However, the breeding task itself is not harmful, and you will receive rewards from the lighthouse. The lighthouse often promotes the honor of performing breeding tasks, and severely punishes those who refuse to perform breeding tasks, so almost no one refuses to perform breeding tasks.

Penny is willing to refuse the breeding mission for Downey, and is even willing to die, which shows that Penny has feelings for Downey.

At this moment, Penny witnessed Donnie's death, and it was natural for her heart to collapse.

After the matter is over, he will hire an excellent psychiatrist from the coalition government to help Penny get out of this shadow.

However, Penny's feelings for Donnie are not necessarily love.

Judging from his experience, Penny's feelings for Downey were probably just fake love caused by multiple factors such as hormones, work environment, and external high pressure.

From the original anime, he couldn't see anything worthy of love in Downey. Downey was completely brainwashed by Beacon and was arrogant. If someone else matched up with Penny, Penny might also fall in love with that person.

Most importantly, Penny's willingness to turn down the breeding mission for Donnie was without Donnie's complete knowledge.

The four words wishful thinking cannot escape.

Perhaps after psychological treatment by the coalition government, Penny will not only come out of the shadows, but also re-examine her feelings for Downey.

"Penny, where are the Downeys?"

Mark ran toward them.

Mark encountered many spinegu along the way, but these spinegu seemed to have drunk fake wine. They walked swaying, not at all as agile as usual, and some even attacked each other.

Therefore, he killed all the spinegu on the road without much effort and reached the end of the team.

"Donny. Donny is dead." Penny said in despair.

"Dead?" Mark frowned.

However, Donnie and he were not the same person, and their relationship was not close to begin with.

Mark didn't ask any more questions. He said to Chen Fan: "Penny is no longer fit to fight. Please take Penny out, and I will cut off the queen for you."

Chen Fan helped Penny and shook his head: "There is another big guy here. If we don't solve it, it will be difficult for us to get out of here."

big guy?

Mark was stunned for a moment.


Mark raised his arm and found a drop of slime falling from the ceiling near his wrist.

This is

Mark's expression changed drastically. He raised his pistol and shot upward without raising his head. At the same time, he kicked his feet hard and threw his body to the side.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

His response was very timely.


A thick tail swept across the place where he was standing just now, and photographed an innocent team member standing not far away. The team member was suddenly photographed and was confused about whether he was alive or dead.

His bullets struck the tail without causing any damage, and all bounced away.

Miss! Miss! Miss!

Hanging upside down from the ceiling was an khaki-colored monster that was bigger than a tank. The monster's head kept expanding and contracting like something, and its two small green bean-like eyes shone with anthropomorphic greed.

"The Devouring Beast!" Mark yelled, "You guys go away quickly!"

Penny woke up from her daze.

This was not the first time she had performed a mission, nor was it the first time she had experienced casualties. It was just that the people who died this time were more important to her, so she fell into a trance.

At this moment, the huge body of the Devouring Beast filled her sight.

The fear of death and the anger against the monster flooded into her mind at the same time. With tears in her eyes, she raised her rifle and fired wildly at the Devourer.

Da da da! Da da da!

Da da da!

The continuous sound of gunshots and stinging pain attracted the attention of the Devouring Beast. It shifted its attention from Mark to Penny, jumped to the ground, and ran towards Penny with a roar.

In a small corridor, the oppressive feeling created by running like a monster that fills the entire corridor is several times stronger than that of a tank!

Petunia was too scared to move.


Suddenly, Penny heard a sigh from behind her. (End of chapter)

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