Wander! Blue Star People

Chapter 597 Before departure

"The nature of subspace?" Guilliman showed an expression that seemed to understand.

The emperor explained concisely and concisely: "You can also understand it as the authority that gave birth to you, who was once a subspace god."

There is authority first, then there is god.

The secondary gods are not racial gods. Their divine status is innate, and they can be roughly regarded as powers and spirits.

When the Emperor created the Primarchs, he purged them of their personalities and memories of their time as authorities.

When Guilliman awakens to the nature of the subspace, he only accepts his original authority and does not turn back into the lesser god he was before.

The emperor felt a little emotional.

He really needed help during the Great Crusade.

But if he only needs a few helpers, there is no need to erase the personalities and memories of those twenty secondary gods.

The conscious Lesser Gods are in any case smarter and more powerful than the Primarchs who started from scratch.

The reason why he added such a laborious process was because when he used the sub-gods of the subspace to make embryos, he expected that one day the primitives might return to the subspace one by one.

That's why he erased the personalities and memories of the twenty lesser gods, giving the original bodies space to give birth to their humanity.

He thus ensured that when the Primarchs became warp gods again, they might become masters of their power, or at least benevolent gods towards humanity.

Looking at this parallel time and space, this decision is undoubtedly wise.

If he had not erased the personalities and memories of those twenty lesser gods, I am afraid that all twenty lesser gods would have turned against him as soon as the Horus Heresy began.

Even if he restrained them by some means, he did not dare to let Guilliman awaken the essence of subspace to do things for him at this moment.

The Emperor stared into Guilliman's face and waved his hand.

Guilliman was stunned.

In a trance, he saw a rippling blue light and shadow. Floating in the light and shadow were a book, a scepter inlaid with golden gems, an exquisite dagger, and swords, axes, hammers and sickles, etc. He could recognize or recognize them. Unavailable tools.

For an instant, Guilliman fell into a state of fugue.

In the dark, he felt a vacancy in his body. He seemed to have lost something a long time ago, and the hole has not been filled until now.

He is like a donut, empty in the middle.

"See?" the Emperor's voice sounded in Guilliman's ears.

Guilliman suddenly woke up.

"I saw it!" he murmured. "Is that my subspace essence?"

The emperor nodded slightly: "Do you feel attracted every time you pass through the subspace?"

"Yes." Guilliman pursed his lips.

Every time he walked from the subspace, he felt that there was something faintly attracting him deep in the subspace.

But he abides by the Emperor's orders and never creates extraneous matters.

"I will send you to subspace, and you will find a way to awaken your own subspace essence." The Emperor patted Guilliman on the shoulder and said solemnly, "After that, I will find you and conduct Next step."

Guilliman took a deep breath: "The situation in the Empire is so corrupt that I just left after recovering."

The person who arranged for the Living Saint to save him was the God-Emperor of this parallel time and space, his real father.

The God-Emperor definitely wanted him to take charge of the overall situation.

If he leaves recklessly, who will take over the empire's mess?

"As long as I'm here, you don't have to worry." The emperor said calmly, "I will go to Terra as soon as possible."

The matter of pushing Guilliman to become a god still requires his help in this parallel time and space. In addition, he also needs to understand his situation in this parallel time and space and see if there is anything he can do to help.

In this parallel time and space, he has endured tens of thousands of years of human faith and is much stronger than him. He must make contact as soon as possible.

Hearing the Emperor's words, Guilliman felt relieved.

When it comes to reorganizing the empire, there is no one more suitable than the Emperor.

"Then when will I go to the warp?" Guilliman asked.

Guilliman was a primarch of extremely high execution, and he couldn't wait to get going.

The war has lasted for ten thousand years, and the people of the empire have been ravaged by the forces of Chaos. The traitors have pierced the bodies of the loyalists time and time again. If he is still sleeping, that's it, but now that he wakes up, he must race against time. to end this nightmare.

This was his duty as a Primarch of the Empire.

"Call everyone here, inform them, and then set off immediately." The Emperor paused, and he warned, "You may be able to find your subspace essence soon, but it may also be very slow, no matter what happens Don’t give up no matter the situation, we’ll keep an eye on you.”

us? Guilliman's heart trembled.

He said firmly: "I understand!"

Even if he encountered the traitor Primarch in the Warp, his journey through the Warp would not end.

He must awaken to his subspace nature.

Every time he passes through the subspace, he will feel the attraction of authority. As long as he follows it, he may be able to successfully awaken in a short time and be able to help the two emperors.

At this time, the emperor sat down.

Guilliman also sat down. He turned on the communicator and asked Calgar to summon everyone to his study.

He held his chin in thought.

He was leaving soon, and before he left, he wanted to explain things clearly, return the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar to its best condition as soon as possible, and expand the Ultramarine Legion in case of emergencies.

Thoughts were circulating in his mind.

After a while, a number of important figures including Chapter Master Calgar, Think Tank Director Tigris, Inquisitor Greyfax, Living Saint Celestine, and Great Sage Caul entered the study one after another.

They couldn't help but be a little surprised when they saw an Ultramarine sitting in front of Guilliman with his back to them.

They immediately thought of the mysterious Ultramarine they had seen in the temple before.

This Ultramarine is obviously not one of their own. The Ultramarine's power armor on the other party was probably obtained after killing an Ultramarine.

Calga was the first to hold back.

He wanted to step forward to see who this Ultramarine was, but was held back by Guilliman's warning eyes.

After a while, everyone arrived.

"Everyone, the defense of Macragge is coming to an end, and Ultramar is back under control." Guilliman said slowly, "It's time for me to leave here and set out to perform a more meaningful mission."

Leave to perform more meaningful tasks?

What could be more meaningful than the return of a Primarch to his Chapter?

Calga stared at the mysterious ultramarine with his back to everyone, then raised his head and asked: "Father, I have no intention of interfering with your actions, but you have just come back, and many brothers have not seen you yet. Can you stay for a while? Leave again?" (End of chapter)

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