Wander! Blue Star People

Chapter 600 The Primarch Gathers

"We came to this parallel time and space to test the parallel time and space technology, and we cannot provide you with much help." The security official of the coalition government said, "If you have such needs, you should communicate with Assistant Cheng Xin."

Security officials in the coalition government were somewhat helpless.

They took the Emperor with them on this mission mainly to ensure the safety of the scientists, rather than to help the Emperor revitalize this parallel time and space empire.

Now, the Emperor is actually taking people to Terra.

How can we ensure the safety of the scientists when the Emperor is gone? Is it possible for the scientists to follow the Emperor to Terra?

I followed this time, what about next time?

We can't let scientists follow the Emperor around in this parallel time and space, right?

no! Absolutely not!

The Emperor remained calm in the face of the security officials' polite refusal.

At this time, he took off his armor and put on the formal clothes for working in the coalition government, and his height returned to about 1.8 meters.

Celestine and others are waiting for him to return at Hera Fortress, and they will go to Terra together.

"Okay, then please contact Assistant Cheng Xin for me." The emperor said politely.

Security officials were relieved.

Although the Emperor did not target him, he had read through the Emperor's resume and knew who the Emperor was, so he could not help but feel psychological pressure when facing the Emperor.

"MOSS, please connect us to Assistant Cheng Xin," the security officer said in a low voice.

MOSS poked his head out from the ceiling, and a symbolic smiley face was displayed on the square screen: "Okay, we are contacting Assistant Cheng Xin."


Cheng Xin's work ID and job information were displayed on the screen.

【Portrait photo.jpg】

[Position: Assistant to the United Government Council]

[Administrative number: ****C2521]

A few seconds later, the call interface turned from red to green, and at the same time, Cheng Xin's sweet voice came from inside: "I'm Cheng Xin, is the experiment going well?"

Cheng Xin didn't ask if there was an accident in the experiment, because accidents in the experiment were not her responsibility.

She knew there must be other things that needed her help.

"Assistant Cheng Xin, I'm looking for you." The emperor spoke.

Cheng Xin had worked with the emperor for many days, and she recognized the emperor's voice when she heard it. She smiled and said, "Nios, what's wrong? Which parallel time and space are you in?"

"We have reached the 40K timeline." The Emperor replied calmly, "The situation in the Empire is terrible. Here I am left with only a skeleton, sitting on a golden toilet and lingering."

The Emperor has learned about the 40K era and also knows some jokes about himself.

"That sounds terrible. How can I help you?" Cheng Xin asked thoughtfully.

She had worked with the Emperor for a long time, and she knew that the Emperor never did anything without meaning.

The Emperor must be asking for help from the coalition government this time.

But what?

Do you plan to do some experiments in this parallel time and space, and then bring the successful experience back to your own parallel time and space to fundamentally solve the hidden dangers of subspace?

Cheng Xin almost guessed it right.

However, the Emperor's pattern is larger. After solving the hidden dangers of subspace in his own parallel time and space, he also wants to extend the method to save more "Warhammer 40K" universes in parallel time and space.

The emperor knew that Cheng Xin's time was precious, so he got straight to the point: "I want to get assistance from the coalition government, including military and technological aspects, and I also want to bring some people from my hometown here."

Cheng Xin on the other end of the communication blinked and said with a smile, "Nios, it's not impossible to help you, but..."

She stopped talking and didn't continue.

Since the coalition government developed the parallel time and space technology, supplies have become extremely abundant, and even many rare resources have gradually become more abundant.

The Emperor knew this.

Providing aid is not a big deal and is a piece of cake for the coalition government.

But there has to be a reason, right?

Just because the emperor opened his mouth, the coalition government couldn't rush to help get things done.

The United Government is a coalition government of Earth civilization, not a human empire led by the Emperor.

You know, the people in the coalition government don’t know yet

"After the work is completed, I will be rewarded." The emperor paused, "Hasn't our coalition government always wanted to study the soul and consciousness?"

Cheng Xin's eyes lit up, and she asked with a smile, "Do you have the skills in this area?"

"As long as the coalition government helps me, I can give the coalition government a status comparable to the four evil gods." The emperor knew the pain points of the coalition government very well. He said bluntly, "You can study whatever you want to study at that time."

"God's position?" Cheng Xin was stunned.

The gods of the "Warhammer 40K" universe are very good at playing with souls. If the coalition government can obtain a god, and it is a god that is comparable to the four evil gods, there will be a major breakthrough in the science of soul and consciousness.

The coalition government will add another large piece of its technology landscape.

Cheng Xin didn't expect that the emperor would use this as a bargaining chip. If the emperor could really deliver, let alone a trivial aid, the coalition government would even be willing to help!

"Yes, I'm ready." The emperor explained his plan.

After a few minutes, the call ended.

The Emperor returned to Hera Fortress with a satisfied smile, and embarked on the journey back to Terra with Celestine and others.

"May my brother be victorious!"

Horus raised his glass, and the sweet red wine liquid reflected the smiling face of the empire's new warmaster.

"Thank you!" Sanguinius raised his glass and clinked it with Horus.

He smiled and said in a relaxed tone: "I can't even remember the last time we two brothers met. Now that we have the Star Gate, we can get together every three or five."

After the Stargate system was built, transportation in the empire became extremely convenient, just like once old constipation was cleared, everyone felt a sense of relief.

"The Star Gate is a good thing." Horus said with a smile, "The war is almost over, and many brothers are free. Next time, call everyone together, and let's have a good drink together!"

Sanguinius said enthusiastically, "Okay!"

Suddenly, a think tank walked in. He first gave Horus a helpless look, and then loudly said: "The Emperor's Word!"

Horus and Sanguinius looked at each other, both seeing the other's confusion.


"Choose a few of your brothers who are good at fighting and return to Terra together!"

"We need you for something big here!"

The think tank paused for two seconds, then relaxed.

He said slightly apologetically: "I'm sorry, father, but the Emperor requires that no matter what you are doing, you must listen to his instructions immediately."

Horus nodded slightly and showed an friendly smile: "It doesn't matter, go down."

The think tank who delivered the oral message left.

Horus showed a distressed expression: "Oh, my father might as well just give me a list. Why do I have to choose by myself?"

Listen to this, how many of them can you choose who are good at fighting?

In other words, whoever is not selected will not be able to fight well?

Doesn't this make him offend others?

"Father values ​​you very much. As soon as you take office, you will be entrusted with important tasks." Sanguinius looked directly into Horus's eyes, "I want to go, you won't take me with you, right?"

The emperor wanted someone who was good at conquering and fighting, not someone who was good at singing and dancing. This looked like another tough battle was coming.

The Primarchs are restless.

Now that the Great Crusade is coming to an end, everyone is worried about what they will do after the war is over.

He didn't know about others, but Sanguinius himself didn't want to miss any battle.

Horus waved his hands repeatedly: "How could I not take you with me, my good brother!"

He had a very good relationship with Sanguinius, and it was impossible not to take Sanguinius with him without anyone else, and besides, Sanguinius was right in front of him and listened to the dictation with him.

If he hadn't brought Sanguinius with him, today would be the day when their friendship would end.

It’s just that the remaining spots are difficult to allocate.

"Don't tell others about the oral message!" Horus rolled his eyes and thought of a solution.

He thought that as long as the other Primarchs did not know the contents of the Emperor's decree, there was no need to worry about the dissatisfaction of the unsuccessful Primarch.

"Don't worry, I will give you my promise." Sanguinius understood Horus's difficulty. He paused and asked, "The Great Crusade is almost over. Why is the Emperor gathering us at this time?"

Horus shook his head and said with a puzzled look on his face: "I don't know, maybe a powerful alien civilization has been discovered?"

"do not care!"

"Notify the fleet! Return to Terra!" (End of this chapter)

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