"Aliens? Incredible!"

NASA discovered an alien spacecraft and made contact with it. This news quickly spread to a certain level.

"Emilia, although the aliens say they will help us, we cannot place our hopes for the continuation of the race on the aliens, do you understand what I mean?" Professor Brand said to the beautiful girl in front of him.

Emilia nodded.

She heard that the aliens didn't ask for anything and were providing help to Earth out of kindness and love.

It sounds like a fairy tale.

If Alice asked for something from this earth, the humans on this earth might be more secure.

From the perspective of humans on this earth, aliens have no need for them, and there is no reason to help them. This means that aliens can leave here at any time, leaving them happy in vain.

"So Plan B still needs to be implemented, right?" Emilia said slowly.

Professor Brand nodded vigorously.

Humanity is currently unable to solve the problems of climate change and blight. If this continues, human civilization is bound to become extinct.

To avoid this situation, NASA has developed two plans.

Plan A is to find a way to develop a device to control gravity, build a space station in space, and bring all people on earth to live in space.

But to achieve this, we need data from inside the black hole.

At present, it can be said that it is far away.

Plan B is to find a new home.

The astronauts took five thousand fertilized eggs to the other side of the wormhole to find a planet suitable for human survival.

After they are found, ten fertilized eggs are hatched, and then the bodies of these new humans are used as surrogates. An interstellar colony of several hundred people can be created in just a few decades.

Human civilization will be reborn on the far shore.

The shortcomings of Plan B are obvious. Due to the current space carrying capacity of mankind, the astronauts sent out are the only fire for mankind, and all those left on earth will have to wait for death.

But compared to the far-fetched Plan A, Plan B is more practical.

"Cooper is ready, you can set off at any time." Professor Brand said slowly.

After two seconds of silence, Amelia asked: "What's the specific time? Has it been decided?"

"Leave tomorrow," Professor Brand said. "Politicians are short-sighted. I'm worried that their blind belief in aliens will cause Plan B to run aground."

Exploring other galaxies is expensive.

NASA has spent a lot of money on this goal, and even built this secret base to raise a large group of people.

In this special period of food shortage, once aliens give the Earth government a little hope, politicians may shut down NASA bases, refuse to provide food security for NASA members, and then use the pretext of transporting talents to society.

Professor Brand didn't want to take that risk.

the most important is

Emilia is his daughter, and he doesn't want Emilia to stay on a hopeless planet.

NASA has previously sent a team to the other side of the wormhole and received good news. He believes that the next team is likely to find a habitable planet and survive on another planet.

"So anxious?" Emilia frowned.

She didn't want to leave so hastily.

"It has to be like this under special circumstances." Professor Brand said, "Who knows if the aliens are really helping us? The blight may have been spread by aliens."

Emilia was silent.

The earth's biotechnology is not bad, but it has no way to deal with the blight sweeping through the plant world. We can only watch one plant after another fall in the face of the blight.

If it was poisoning by aliens, that would explain it.

"I heard that aliens want to build weather control towers on the earth, one on each continent, and then they can manipulate the weather at will and calm the extreme weather raging around the world."

Professor Brand said worriedly: "I'm worried that this is an alien conspiracy."

Emilia's heart sank.

"In short, you must leave as soon as possible." Professor Brand said slowly, "I have already informed the others. You are the last one. Have a good rest tonight."

Amelia sighed: "I know, Dad."

NASA is preparing to launch a spacecraft to find habitable planets on the other side of the wormhole. This news is captured by the detector launched by Alice and quickly conveyed to Alice herself.

"Red Queen, do we want to join in the fun?" Alice asked with interest.

Let us regard the Saturn wormhole as a masterpiece of advanced civilization.

Obviously, a higher civilization will not place a wormhole at the doorstep of a backward civilization for no reason.

There must be another purpose behind this move.

"I suggest reporting the situation in this universe to the coalition government to avoid being involved in uncontrollable dangers." The Red Queen gave rational advice, "Once the advanced civilization that built the wormhole becomes interested in us, it will be difficult for us to protect ourselves. .”

Alice raised her eyebrows.

An artificial wormhole with no trace of man-made artifacts was indeed beyond her ability to deal with it.

If she insists on having her own way, she may put herself in danger.

"Okay, report it to the coalition government." Alice decided, "Remember to submit my planet transformation plan together. I still want this part of the contribution."

The Red Queen transmits the collected data information to the MOSS sub-body on the ship, and the MOSS sub-body transmits the information to the MOSS parent body far away in the coalition government.

The coalition government has improved the way of communication with the exploration team and switched to using biological computers as the carrier of MOSS sub-bodies to transmit information through the consciousness of the earth, thus avoiding the risks that may arise from opening a cross-universe wormhole.

【Data comparison in progress】

The data uploaded by Red Queen went directly into the comparison database. At this moment, there are thousands of exploration teams comparing data, trying to confirm the specific information of the universe they are in.

[Comparison completion level 15%]

[Comparison completion level 27%]

[Comparison completion level 47%]


[Comparison completed]

[Confirmed that the target universe is "Interstellar\

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