Wander! Blue Star People

Chapter 626 Climbing to the top of Arasaka Tower

Jack also broke the jar.

After all, he came here, even if he did nothing, Arasaka Company would not let him go afterwards.

He only worries about his old mother.

His mother, Mrs. Wells, owned a bar in Heywood and was easily found by people from the Arasaka Company.

He has already informed his mother to leave Night City.

It should be in time.

Arasaka Company's energy is focused on Arasaka Tower at the moment, and they have no time to find an old woman who runs a bar, and she has considerable influence among the gang members in Heywood.

Jack patted Jenkins on the shoulder and asked curiously: "You still don't know that you were sold?"

Jenkins looked confused.

Am I being sold?

He and V looked at each other, and when he saw the helplessness on V's face, his heart suddenly thumped.

"V! You betrayed me?" He felt unbelievable.

He single-handedly promoted V. The whole company knew that V was his confidant. He also had a lot of dirty information about V. He never imagined that V would betray him.

"You dare to believe that bitch Abernathy?"

"What benefit has she given you?"

Jenkins felt furious, and at the same time felt that V was stupid for betraying him to Abernathy, and that V himself could not escape.

"I didn't betray you." V had to explain, "It was Carter. He eavesdropped on our conversation and packaged us up and sold us to Abernathy."

Jenkins was her boss and promoted her a lot.

This may very well be the last time they meet. The next time they meet is unknown in the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Horse.

She was willing to talk to Jenkins a little more. .

"But you don't have to worry."

"Abernathy didn't get the evidence."

"You'll be fine."

After tonight, the world will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Jenkins might have escaped with his life.

After all, Chen Fan's plan is to eliminate big capitalists, and Saburo Arasaka is undoubtedly one of them.

Arasaka Corporation, Military Technology, Biotechnology, Kangtao, Su Petrochemical

These famous multinational companies will soon cease to exist, and the world will usher in a new pattern, one planned by aliens.

It will be the destruction of the rich and the rebirth of the poor.

"Carter?" Jenkins was stunned for a moment.

He remembered that Carter was a newcomer to their department. He was hired into the company based on his grades in school and had no background.

V reminded: "If you want to take revenge, seize the time to take revenge. Although Abernathy can't do anything to you, but for some other reasons, after tonight, you may have nothing."

other reasons

Jenkins looked sullen and stopped talking.

For Jenkins, who holds the position of Minister of Counterintelligence, power is his life, and losing power for any reason is absolutely unacceptable to him.

But what can he do now?

Mechanical spiders crawled past him in groups. Did he draw his gun and shoot at these mechanical spiders?

That's asking for death!

Jenkins stood stiffly on the spot. At this moment, he could only hope that Arasaka Company could suppress this weird invasion.

Chen Fan didn't pay attention to Jenkins.

He passed Jenkins and headed toward the elevator, Jack and V following closely behind.

The elevator is locked by Arasaka Company hackers.

However, the cracking program written by MOSS was very efficient. It only took a few seconds for the mechanical spider to crack the elevator program and open the door.

MOSS is no longer what it used to be.

Today's MOSS has twenty giant servers equivalent to the size of the earth, with nearly unlimited computing power.

"What's wrong! The elevator's authority has been taken away!"

The hackers of Arasaka Company looked fearful. Facing MOSS's cyber offensive, they didn't even have a chance to react before MOSS took control of the elevator away.

This is a complete crushing.

This means that all electronic equipment in the entire Arasaka Company can be easily seized by intruders. Not only that, the other party can also use prosthetics to burn the brains of Arasaka Company agents.

The resistance of Arasaka Company seems to be approaching zero.

"Shut down all cameras immediately! Physically shut down!" the hackers said in fear. "The other party has a very powerful hacker team. Don't expose it to the other party's field of vision."

For a truly powerful hacker, a look may be all it takes to kill someone.

"Blow up the elevator cables!" Abernathy, as the Director of Special Operations, temporarily directed the anti-invasion operations within Arasaka Tower.

Control of the elevator was taken away by Chen Fan.

If not stopped in time, Chen Fan can reach any floor in a very short time.

Once Chen Fan appears in front of the board of directors, Abernathy's position as Director of Special Operations will be in danger.

So she decided to blow up the expensive elevator.


With the violent explosion, the elevator cable was broken by agents of Arasaka Company. Not only that, the agents also fired two rockets at the falling car.

But their efforts were entirely in vain.

The nanorobots formed many layers of interception nets on the top of the car and successfully intercepted the two rockets in mid-air.

At the same time, the nanorobot also formed a propeller at the bottom of the car, allowing the car to rush toward the top at a faster speed.

"Damn it!"

"What the hell is all this?"

"How did you change it?"

Abernathy felt her scalp tingle because she was at her wits end.

The cable broke, but the elevator still sat.

What else could she do?

Destroy the elevator shaft?

This is the elevator shaft of a skyscraper. The structure is very strong and will not be damaged even if a magnitude 9 earthquake occurs.

To destroy the elevator shaft, it would take at least ten minutes to install explosives.

But ten minutes is enough for the intruder to take the elevator back and forth several times, and the intruder will not watch them install explosives.

What was most unacceptable to Abernathy was this.

Intruders can actually conjure equipment out of thin air!

Is this scientific?

Abernathy looked frustrated.

Soon, Chen Fan and others arrived at the top floor.

As soon as the elevator door opened, a barrage of bullets came in.

The nanorobots formed a nanoshield at the elevator entrance. The bullets caused ripples on the shield, but none of them could penetrate.

So are grenades and rockets.

The seemingly invisible nanoshield is actually more reliable than a steel plate several meters thick.

Chen Fan walked out of the elevator with his head held high. Jack and V followed him closely, for fear of leaving the shield range and being beaten into pieces by Arasaka's agents.

Densely packed mechanical spiders emerged from the white light around Chen Fan.

They coldly tackle Arasaka Company agents, slitting their throats or piercing their hearts with their sharp arthropods.

Human weapons are very efficient at killing similar species, but not against alien species.

The agents' bullets could barely hit these agile mechanical spiders, and their own flesh looked like paper under the mechanical spider's jointed limbs.

The battle on the top floor was completely one-sided.

Even the armed helicopters in the sky were crushed by the giant hands composed of nanorobots.

Chen Fan arrived at the highest point of Arasaka Tower.

At this moment, the eyes of the whole world were focused on him.

He spoke slowly.

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