War Hymn of Warcraft [WOW]

Chapter 51: unreliable mages

Sally Whitemane is the adopted daughter of the great lord Alexandros Mograine. After the death of her adoptive father, she became the chief inspector of the Scarlet Crusade, responsible for judging heretics and undead natural disasters. Today, Sally, as usual, was handling official business in the church. When she heard the noise outside, she wanted to come out to see if there was anything unusual, but Renault thoughtfully went out for her.

I didn't expect that when I rushed out, what I saw was such an image. With a scream, Whitemane rushed to the side of Lei Nuo's body, smashed his staff to the ground, and a holy light fell from the sky:

"Resurrect, my warrior!"

The holy light moistened Lei Nuo's body, and the head that had been separated from the body automatically flew back to Lei Nuo's neck. The blood line that had been cut horizontally recovered little by little, and finally returned to normal. Renault struggled in Darian's arms and woke up.

"Brother...Brother? Why am I here..." Under the aftereffect of the resurrection surgery, Lei Nuo's soul was not very stable, and he was a little unconscious. Shaking his head, recalling the past, "I, I became the leader of the Scarlet Crusade? Nightmare... Ashbringer... Wait, wait, I killed my father?!"

Renault seemed to be taken aback by his own memories, and looked at Darian in confusion—even though the shock on Darian's face in front of him had already shown his guess, Renault couldn't help but confirm again:

"Darian, father is fine, right? How could the father who is the Ashbringer die..."

"Brother, brother? Did you kill father?!" Darian seemed unable to accept this fact. He looked at his confused brother, glanced at the fallen Ashbringer, and suddenly seemed to understand everything.

On the other hand, Zhan Zhixing's strength is more than enough to deal with a mere "Saidan Dathrohan". After seeing Sally Whitemane perform the resurrection technique to revive Lei Nuo, Zhan Zhixing also concentrated on the battlefield between the two. Not long after, Zhan Zhixing seized an opportunity and beheaded "Saidan Dathrohan" by his sword.

Picking up the head of this "Saidan Dathrohan", Zhan Zhixing threw it at the feet of Darian and Lei Nuo: "Don't worry about blaming yourself, let's see what kind of species your 'Great Crusader' is. talk later."

The two looked down, but they could not see the face of Saidan Dathrohan. This was clearly the head of a dreadlord! Zhan Zhixing looked at the reactions of the two, and added at the right time: "Saidan died in an accident, and you have always seen this fearful demon king. Besides, Renault did such a thing, It's also because the darkness in your heart was controlled and magnified infinitely. All the tragedies in your family were caused by him, but fortunately Sally was there, and in the end, Lei Nuo did not die because of it."

"No, I killed my father...it was me..." At this moment, Lei Nuo was sinking into deep self-blame. When he was controlled by the Dread Demon King, he would have constant nightmares because of what he did, not to mention that he is not controlled by the Dread Demon King now. He tremblingly climbed to the side of the Ashbringer, as if he wanted to touch his father, but the dark green flame erupting from the Ashbringer stopped him from moving.

"It's useless, the Ashbringer has been polluted, I guess even my master can't do anything about it." Zhan Zhixing looked at the tottering Lei Nuo, and said with some unbearable, "The only thing that can restore the Ashbringer is love. But sometimes, love Another test of faith."

"...Love, huh?" Renault stepped back a few steps, helped Darien up, and then hugged him tightly, "My brother, I'm sorry..."

"No, brother, as long as you can recover, it's not too late..." Darian burst into tears, and suddenly felt that the previous dream was not far away.

Raynor couldn't get close to the Fallen Ashbringer, and in the end Darian carried the Fallen Ashbringer on his back. The Dread Demon King had been beheaded by Zhan Zhixing, Lei Nuo, Sally and other Scarlet Crusaders who were affected by the Dread Demon King also broke away from their frenzy and returned to normal.

"Thank you for your efforts, Paladin." Sally Whitemane, who was still a little confused at first, bowed deeply to Zhan Zhixing after she figured out everything.

Zhan Zhixing stepped aside quickly, and pointed to Darian, who was carrying the Fallen Ashbringer on his back: "Everything is due to him, and I also came here for a request. The Argent Dawn is currently preparing for the Northern Expedition. My master Tiri Al Fording is the current commander-in-chief of the Argent Dawn, if you want to join the Northern Expedition, you can find him at the Light's Hope Chapel."

"It's time for them to see the strength of the Scarlet Crusade," Whitemane pursed her lips. She witnessed a terrible scene when she was a child—her family was infected with the terrible undead plague when passing through Northern Lordaeron. . At that time, when she was young, she was forced to kill her parents and younger siblings with her own hands, and her heart was full of guilt and anger. What's more, she is still the chief prosecutor of the Scarlet Crusade, and I believe that the compatriots of the Scarlet Crusade will welcome a "natural disaster" to the undead.

The members of the Scarlet Crusade discussed it, and Renault, as the representative, opened the portal to the Holy Light's Hope Chapel together with Zhan Zhixing and Darian to sign a contract with the Silver Dawn.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he was teleported to the Holy Light's Hope Chapel, a magician greeted him and delivered a message to Zhan Zhixing: "Your Excellency Zhan Zhixing, after your Excellency Jaina Proudmoore asked you to come back, hurry to Dalaran. She has already told me the coordinates of the portal, please allow me to take you there."

Saying so, the mage waved his hand and threw a teleportation runestone to the ground, and a teleportation gate opened in front of everyone. Zhan Zhixing shrugged helplessly towards Brother Mograine, and said apologetically, "It seems that I have other things to do, so I won't go to see Master with you for now."

Darien and Renault both expressed that they didn't mind, so Zhan Zhixing walked into the portal leading to Dalaran together with the archmage.

As soon as he arrived in Dalaran, Zhan Zhixing discovered the unique atmosphere here: the original Dalaran was quiet and peaceful. Even though it has been in the state of post-disaster reconstruction, it has never behaved like it is now.

All the sorcerers were busy running on the street. The original wide road was covered with gemstones and inks of various colors, and many sorcerers were lying on the ground writing something without paying attention to their images. Zhan Zhixing carefully walked through layers of "roadblocks", and finally, led by the mage, came to the Violet Castle in the center of Dalaran.

After entering the Violet Castle, Zhan Zhixing realized that the chaos outside was nothing compared to what he saw in front of him. Precious magic tomes were randomly thrown on the ground, rare legendary items were randomly placed on the table, a group of energetic hero-level and pseudo-hero-level mages were arguing around a platform with their sleeves rolled up, making Zhan Zhi Xing can't help but think of the aunt in the vegetable market in his previous life.

Seeing the appearance of Zhan Zhixing, Jaina, who had been arguing with others, took a deep breath and shouted: "Stop shouting, Zhan Zhixing is here, theory is not as good as practice, we asked him to put everything Just try it out!"

In an instant, the entire Violet Castle fell silent, and a group of priests looked at Zhan Zhixing with green eyes, like a group of hungry wolves who hadn't eaten meat for several days. Zhan Zhixing was so frightened that he took a few steps back, shaking off the goosebumps all over the ground: "You...what do you want to do?"

Jaina came over with a smile on her face. Zhan Zhixing had never thought that such a gentle and elegant female mage could show such an expression—well, Jaina had already broken the lower limit of Zhan Zhixing when she was in Blue Secret Island. , it doesn't matter if you refresh it several times. She smiled sinisterly, grabbed Zhan Zhixing's wrist, and dragged him to the front of the alchemist's platform.

"This is the way it is now. We have taken out several devices that require holy light to drive from Naaru technology. But since we have no way to guarantee constant holy light, we have improved these devices and turned them into devices that require holy light. After activation, the arcane energy can be used to continuously supply energy. You can experiment with these devices separately, and it is enough to pour holy light into them stably and continuously."

There were nearly 20 scattered items on the table, Zhan Zhixing picked up one casually, and saw one of the army masters rushing over, pointing to a handle on the device: "Hold that handle, continue to output holy light until the entire device glows."

Zhan Zhixing thought it was a big deal, but it was just to help with some experiments. He held the handle of the device according to what the healer said, and continuously and steadily output holy light into it. About one-third of Zhan Zhixing's energy was consumed before the device shone slightly.

"It works!" The eyes of the magician who came out suddenly lit up, "Look, I said that the holy light must be composed of some elementary particles, so it must have the same mass-energy transformation effect as the arcane energy!"

Before the magician was happy for too long, I just heard a "snap" inside the device, and the holy light inside the device burst out like a deflated ball in a short time. Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhan Zhixing quickly threw the device out, but before the thing fell to the ground, it exploded with a "bang".

The nurse stared blankly at the blown torn pieces, and muttered to himself in a dumbfounded way, chanting some formulas that Zhan Zhixing couldn't understand.

"Look, I said that even if it has a mass-energy conversion effect, we can't use it like this!" Another dwarf mage handed his "proud work" to Zhan Zhixing, and said triumphantly , "My theorem must be correct. Instead of using the mass-energy conversion effect, it is better to use the wave-particle duality of light!"

According to the guidance of the second mage, Zhan Zhixing poured holy light into the device. As a result, before the output of Zhan Zhixing was about to stabilize, the whole device exploded with a "boom", and the intensity was absolutely comparable to a full-strength blow from a hero-level combat force.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhan Zhixing quickly activated the Holy Shield Technique and entered an invincible state. Except that the field of vision wrapped by the holy shield was instantly covered with soot and dust, and it took a long time for it to dissipate. Zhan Zhixing looked at it again, all the mages without exception were ashamed, but they held their works firmly, even Jaina was the same, her golden hair seemed to be burned by flames.

"This is impossible. Relying on the wave-particle duality of holy energy, it should be able to drive the fluctuations of arcane particles. How could such a strong explosion occur." The author of the device that exploded just happened to be in the center of the explosion, and the whole person They all seemed to have been roasted by fire, and there was no hair left. However, he didn't pay attention to these details at all, and kept drawing some obscure symbols in the void.

"You must have added too many arcane particles. All the coordinated vibrations burst out all the arcane energy in an instant. I will clean up the house later..." After all, Jaina, as a woman, still pays more attention to her image. After the explosion, she cast a recovery spell on herself, and even restored the entire Violet Castle to its original state.

Giving the device in her hand to Zhan Zhixing, Jaina said affirmatively: "My device must be the most perfect, for sure!"

Zhan Zhixing's mouth was a little bit bitter, why did he get such an errand. Slowly pouring holy light into the device, Zhan Zhixing was ready to escape at any time.

However, after a while, the entire Violet Castle echoed Zhan Zhixing's curse:

"Damn, Jaina, why didn't you say that your device will cause a space burst!!"

The author has something to say:

There is a scumbag author here who sells cuteness and rolls around begging for support. Why don’t you come and post it in Sao Nian? The mellow little attack belongs to you~~

Mianyue Bingqingmao threw a bazooka, hit the scumbag author's moral gentleman, and dropped [Resurrection Cheats]*1, and I can shout "Resurrection, my warrior" in the future~ (Thank you for the bazooka, okay? Da╭(╯3╰)╮)

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