War Hymn of Warcraft [WOW]

Chapter 82: The end of time (7)

"You mean, the future me will start a war on the entire continent because I'm too aggressive?" Garrosh was silent for a while before opening his mouth somewhat unacceptably.

"I don't know why, but you in that time and space are very racially discriminated against. And under the instigation of some people with good intentions, you are becoming more and more unscrupulous in war." Zhan Zhixing and Garrosh walked to the deep place. The direction of the Purple Guardian, detailing to him what the future of Azeroth would look like without his participation.

"In war, winners and losers always win. Although I don't think there is anything wrong with using unscrupulous means in wars, the world generally condemns you. At that time, you will discover a new continent—Pandaria, and between Pandaria There are countless titans and ancient gods on the land, and you will eventually control a fallen ancient god, the heart of Y'Shaarj, and possess his power. But because you provoked the war across the continent, countless people who were originally loyal to you The Horde, and the Alliance will work together to overthrow your rule."

"Although the orcs still support you as always, after all, the orcs are still unable to resist the joint attack of all races in the whole continent. You will eventually defeat Orgrimmar, the fortress that you built into a steel fortress."

Speaking of this, Zhan Zhixing turned his head and smiled at Garrosh: "But it's okay, in this timeline, you have changed a lot because of my existence, haven't you?"

Garrosh remained silent. Only he knew that if it weren't for the existence of Zhan Zhixing, he would really become a radical in another time and space—as long as he could make his own race live well and harm the interests of other races. It doesn't seem like a big deal. The law of the jungle has been like this since ancient times.

But there was Zhan Zhixing in this time and space, and the faction Zhan Zhixing was in was called the Alliance. Garrosh had to carefully handle the balance between himself and the Alliance to ensure that Zhan Zhixing's friends would not be unhappy with him. Compared with the enemy's alliance, it is easier for other races in one's own tribe to accept it.

"What about you in that timeline? According to what you said, if there is a 'you' in that timeline, I don't think I will do so many things." Garrosh said in the words of Zhan Zhixing I went through it again in my mind, and suddenly found something wrong.

Zhan Zhixing sighed, smiled wryly and shrugged: "This is what I have the most doubts about. Judging from your performance to me on that timeline, it is clear that there is also me in that timeline, and I always feel At that time, you and I were still lovers. But when you did all that, I didn't stop it at all, it's absolutely impossible."

"Yes, you once promised that you would restrain your pride for me." Garrosh remained silent, without saying anything, but countless possibilities flashed through his head quickly.

That Zhan Zhi line in time and space is a member of the tribe? No, even if Zhan Zhixing was a member of the tribe, he would not watch himself seek his own death. Or in that time and space, Zhan Zhixing died by accident? That was quite possible, Garrosh was sure he would go mad without him, and it was even more likely if the accident was caused by the Alliance or some other race of the Horde.

"However, I guess that among the six groups of us, the two of us will be the most relaxed. After all, Garrosh also has a crush on me, and I always feel that he is not the kind of person who wants to destroy the world." Zhan Zhixing pointed That dark purple beam of light spoke with certainty. If that Garrosh really wanted to destroy the world, he wouldn't have brought himself those prophecies.

The deep purple beam of light gradually approached, and Garrosh shook his head, throwing aside the messy thoughts in his mind. Who cares, anyway, after seeing the future self, there will always be some conclusions.

"You guys are here, the me from the past, and... Zhan Zhixing." A deep voice sounded in the distance, and Garrosh, who was bandaged, appeared in the line of sight of the two of them.

Garrosh found that the way he looked at Zhan Zhixing was complicated, with regret, understanding, and sadness... This was not right, and Garrosh's heart suddenly trembled, feeling that things were not as simple as he imagined.

"Then the rest is the time for the two of you to communicate?" Zhan Zhixing shrugged and took two steps back, allowing the two Garrosh to face each other.

The future Garrosh shrugged and gave an ugly smile: "Zhan Zhixing, I wonder if you can give me a little private space with him? Don't worry, I'm not like the other five guardians, who are full of destructive desires." *. That person has no way of accessing my timeline, nor can he…”

Zhan Zhixing made a gesture of please go ahead, turned around and rode on Xingzhuo, and flew towards the gathering place.

"I can't get in touch with your timeline? What does this mean?" As soon as Zhan Zhixing left, Garrosh couldn't wait to express his doubts.

The future Garrosh looked at the direction where Zhan Zhixing was going away, his smile became more bitter, his figure gradually faded, and he became a ghost-like existence. Turning his head and seeing Garrosh's worried expression, the Deep Purple Guardian waved his hands and said, "It's okay, it's very laborious for me to stay in the physical state all the time. I think talking with you in this posture is enough."

"After all, he is already dead..."

With the gray-black beam of light, Cirvanas sneered, and his body instantly turned into nothingness. As the Queen of Banshees, Cirvanas shouldn't have a body in the first place, and she could only appear in the real world by relying on this ability to transform reality.

"My future me, you have calculated everything, and you have forgotten one thing."

Cirvanas' voice echoed in this space, and in the distance, those thirty-six ghouls gradually approached.

"Damn, what are you going to do, Cirvanas!?" The gray-black guardian somewhat guessed Cirvanas' intentions, screamed and wanted to blur, but she who led the ghouls approaching He could only quietly wait for Cirvanas' actions.

"Both of us can transform between virtual and real, and our energy comes from the same source. You said that if I put the materialized coordinates on you, will your energy think that I am you, or that you are you? Cirvanas's inexplicable laughter spread into the gray-black guardian's ears, a void energy covered the gray-black guardian, and Cirvanas instantly transformed the body into an entity inside the guardian's body.

"Damn it, you think your will can compete with mine!" The gray-black guardian cursed, and she already felt that the power of the two banshees had been completely fused together. Now it depends on whether Cirvanas' belief in survival is greater, or her desire to survive is stronger.

"That's right, the future me!" Cirvanas' voice rang in the guardian's mind instead. Now she and the guardian share the same body, and the two consciousnesses are competing for each other in the body.

Because of the competition between the two, the formation formed by the thirty-six ghouls collapsed in an instant. Kael'thas quickly caught the falling "Sylvanas", and looked at her slightly worried.

"Who do you think Kael'thas is looking at? This pathetic you who wants to destroy the world? Or the me he loves and is pursuing?" Cirvanas, like a bewitching witch, kept saying Sighed deep in the guardian's soul.

"Let me see your memory, everything about you. It's really pathetic. You want to be with your sister, but you actually try to kill her. With me like this, death is not too much." Cirvanas said coldly Hmph, this guardian actually thought of killing Veresa, her little moon, it is simply unforgivable!

"What do you know... Only death can bring eternity!" The gray-black guardian struggled with his last consciousness, trying to break through Cirvanas' defense. But just as Cirvanas could see her memory, she also saw Cirvanas's. The journey with Veresa and Kael'thas, the happy time in Outland, and the daily life in Dalaran. All these turned into sharp knives, constantly attacking the already fragile psychological defense of the guardian.

"Heh, I'm living well with Veresa in Dalaran now, and Zhan Zhixing is trying to bless the World Tree with eternal life. If it succeeds, her legendary level can live forever with me." Silva Nas even took advantage of her illness and the principle of killing her, and continued to make up the knife mercilessly, "Even if it fails, I can transform her and my brother-in-law into a banshee after she dies, and our family will live forever. Together. And you? You are nothing more than a pathetic 'forsaken'! You will be forgotten!"

"Will it be forgotten...?" The guardian's consciousness of survival gradually weakened, yes, from the moment she became the king of the forgotten, she was destined to be forgotten.

"If I live, there will be Veresa who loves me, my lovely nephew, and that stupid Kael'thas who has finally been cured of his second illness. If you live, who will care? What?" Cirvanas mercilessly continued to attack the guardian's lack of survival awareness.

"Yeah... no one will, care about me..."

The guardian's survival awareness gradually weakened, and she seemed to see Val'kyr trying to fly in the distance. They also wanted to follow an ancient pact to swap her out of that dark Jedi.

"No need, Val'kyr. According to the ancient contract, the binding between you and me is bound to my soul. The past me in front of me is exactly the same as my soul. Please guard her by her side in the future, let She won't repeat my tragedy..."

Kael'thas looked warily at the white creatures that landed beside Cirvanas, a drop of water slid across his finger, Kael'thas looked down, "Sirvanas" was quietly tears.

"Goodbye, the old me. With my last wish, let's live happily."

"You don't need to say I will!" Cirvanas' voice was still so stubborn, but there was also a trace of sadness for the loss of this "self".

The guardian looked at the sky through this body for the last time. The sky at the end of time will always be as black as ever, so black that it is bottomless. The guardian can still vaguely recall what he saw when he jumped off the Saffron Spire.

Even the Lich King is just a young man... A world of darkness, endless darkness... In the dark, the original Alsace and Sylvanas overlapped in an instant:

"...In front of my eyes, there is only darkness."

The last tear of "Sylvanas" fell and turned into a gray-black crystal, which fell into Kael'thas' hands. When she opened her eyes again, she returned to the state Kael'thas was familiar with.

"Sirvanas, you're alright..." Kael'thas hugged her excitedly, with a tremor in his voice.

Cirvanas hesitated for a while, but still firmly hugged the prince who had hurt him—

"Fool, I'm fine."

Cirvanas looked at Kael'thas with some nostalgia for his blond hair. Since when did that prince who was the same as his younger brother grow so tall? He also became a well-known magician, and even ruled a country, becoming the king of sin'dorei.

"Let's change our clothes when we go back, one set a day, and see when we can wear all the clothes you gave me."

Kael'thas raised his head, with obvious excitement in his eyes, he stared blankly at Cirvanas.

If Cirvanas still had blood flowing, there might be a hint of blush on his face now: "At this time, shouldn't you kiss me... Oh, do you think I have a rotten smell? Uh... "

Kael'thas mercilessly buried the second half of Cirvanas' words between his lips.

There's a lot of time at the end of time, isn't it...

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