Chapter 325: The Power of the Sun Fruit!

“The Gate of Heaven!”

Lu Cifer took the shot before Eim did it, and the holy white brilliance condensed into a huge portal in front of Lu Cifer!

Like white jade, all twelve angels are vividly carved on it!

The gate of heaven appeared in the air, lifted in the air by white clouds.

Bathed in the white light, the white ones resembled the gates of the mutton jade heaven opened from it!

A famous angel with a pair of pure white wings flew out of the gate of heaven with a sword in his hand!

In the blink of an eye, countless angels occupied the entire sky and flew toward Yim!

“This, a lot of angels!!!” The five elders looked very moved, looking up at the sky, the whole sky, all the angels with wings in their eyes!

Fly his wings and fly towards Eim!

There are so many angels, they are too many to predict. What’s more, everyone can clearly see the sight of the gate of heaven!

A famous angel with a sword and a spear is arranged in a rectangular square. At a glance, it is densely packed-all angels!

The Great Elder couldn’t help but exclaimed: “How many angels are there!?

With so many angels, the great elder felt fear in his heart, even if he was exhausted, he could not kill it!

Facing the vast and endless angel legion, the elder also knew that if he really faced the angel legion, he would only have to escape!

Facing the overwhelming sky, holding a sharp sword, and flying towards his angel legion, Yim’s expression is calm and unmoved!

Im calmly stretched out his palm, palms facing forward, and his five fingers spread out!

It seems that everything in the world is grasped by Yim!

Im indifferently looked at the angels in the sky and the road with three pairs of wings in the distance. Cifer declared: “Under the sun, everything is a ray of ants! Challenge the majesty of the world government, and it will be wiped out!”

“Everything in the universe burns when it meets it!

“Anode·Sun Fire!”

With extremely terrifying high temperature red energy, gushing out from the palm of Yim!

As soon as it can appear, the atmosphere begins to twist in an instant, and the entire sky seems to have begun to deform because of this terrifying heat wave and flame!

All combustibles have spontaneously ignited before they come into contact with energy, turning to ashes!

Even if it is the earth, the stone is still touching, close to it, it becomes invisible!

The incomparably hot air wave suddenly set off a monstrous flame rushing in all directions!

All the angels did not have time to scream and scream, they have turned into ashes and disappeared completely in the human world!

Wherever you go, push everything horizontally, nothing can stop Yim’s attack!

Annihilate everything in the world in an instant!

Destroy everything!

Simply is Five Elders standing behind Eam, otherwise I am afraid that this terrifying force will also be affected!

“Is this the sun fruit!? The legendary star species Devil Fruit is too terrible!!” The elder couldn’t help swallowing his saliva, a little frightened.

I have seen with my own eyes, everything is reduced to ashes under this terrible energy!

Burn everything in the world!

The angel legion that was densely packed and powerful in the sky was instantly emptied and wiped out abruptly!

It is also the first time that the Great Elder has seen someone use the Devil Fruit of Logia Stars.

too frightening!

It is so terrible that he is a small human being, and the Eim in front of him is the god that humans need to look up to.Life and death are between the gods’ thoughts!

Not under your control.

It was so terrible that the Great Elder had no doubt that everyone in the entire world, together, was still not an opponent of Lord Yim!

Five Elders became excited instantly, and the haze of defeat under Lu Cifer was swept away!

The terrifying energy hits the road Cifer directly, the energy has not yet arrived, but the terrifying heat wave has hit the road, making the way Cifer’s powerful body feels a searing heat that is unstoppable!

The temperature of the whole body rises rapidly, and the body is getting hotter and hotter!

The road Cifer, which originally symbolized white, was reflected in red even with its wings!

“Guardian of the Holy Light!”

Lu Cifer’s six wings were folded from behind and protected in front of him, and a large amount of white light condensed on the wings!

The strongest defensive move!

The terrifying energy bombards the guardian of the holy light!

The guardian of the holy light instantly shattered like an eggshell, breaking apart!

Lu Cifer was immediately knocked out, and fell to the ground fiercely, forming a bottomless pit!

…For flowers…………

Under the terrifying high temperature, the blood disappeared into the air as soon as it exited, and it was nowhere to be seen!

Yim’s powerful blow directly gave way to Cifer who suffered an unprecedented hit!

Even if it condenses the strongest defense, the guardian of the holy light!

It was still easily and domineeringly crushed by Yim!

Under the pothole, Lu Cifer was covered with terrible burns all over his body, and there was no blood flowing out at all, because the wounds were completely bound together, as if mud was going up!

The handsome face became terrible, and became hideous.

Lu Cifer stood up from the ground, flapped his wings and flew out of the hole, his eyes full of warfare, and he looked at Eim firmly: “You are very strong! But I will not admit defeat!”


Lu Cifer gritted his teeth, stimulating the potential in his body.

“Fallen Angels Convert!

Some of the scorched wings became pitch black in an instant, like a sharp black blade, long and pointed!

It’s completely different from the previous white wings, with many feathers and softness!

The wings are inserted into the skeleton like a sharp sword. What is even more frightening is that there are black corpses attached to the wing skeleton behind Lu Cifer, withered bones!

Lu Cifer’s whole person also instantly turned black, completely transformed from a holy angel into a fallen angel form!

The changes in Lu Cifer shocked the hearts of the Five Elders, and they did not expect that Lu Cifer would not only die under the terrifying attack of Yim!

It even used a trick that looked terrifying!

The road in front of him, Cifer turned into a fallen angel state, and the whole person was carrying a strong dark wind, and his body was full of violence, as if it had brought death!

Five Elders has no doubt that the road Cifer in front of him is definitely stronger than the previous one.

Im faintly smiled: “You have suffered such a serious injury. At the end of the force, how many attacks can you launch?”

“Even so, you still have to provoke me! No matter, let you see the true power of the sun’s fruit!”

“I will let you know what is meant to be vulnerable!” Yi,

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