Chapter 436 The first fight

If it was before, Frieza would not care whether his subordinates are dead or alive, only the strong can survive, and the weak will die!

But the situation is different now. There are only more than 100 soldiers who came to Nami’s nemesis, and his own elite special forces Ginuit team has not arrived yet, and besides himself, whether it is Vegeta, Naha , or Sabo, who has no combat power, is an elite with a combat power exceeding “657” over 10,000.

If such an elite dies, and there are too few soldiers in Nami’s nemesis, the next action will be very unsmooth. That’s why Frieza asked Vegeta to take Sabo away.

Seeing Vegeta leaving with the two Dragon Balls, a faint smile appeared at the corner of Iris’ mouth. Vegeta separated the Dragon Balls, but did not hold them in his own hands, then Vegeta’s Dragon Ball It is no longer his.

With the help of the Dragon Ball radar, no matter how secretly Vegeta hides the Dragon Ball, it won’t be a problem.

“You also go back, and then you go to find a single Dragon Ball.” Iris said to Sun Wukong: “It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, Bulma knows what it means.”

Iris spoke so vaguely that he didn’t want Frieza to know too much.

“Okay, I understand, I will trouble you here.” Sun Wukong said, he flew straight up, and left crookedly.

Now Sun Wukong’s physical condition can be described as extremely bad, and the Fifty Times Realm King Fist has already caused him considerable damage, and it is internal damage.

Next, he resisted a wave of incomparably violent searches, and now he was able to fly because of his own incomparable determination.

“We’re the only ones left now, Frieza.” Iris said with a faint smile: “I haven’t had an opponent for a long time, and the previous battles have left me with no desire to fight at all. I hope you can bring me a little fun. .”

When Frieza heard what Iris said, he was about to explode with anger. Frieza, the dignified emperor of the universe, was now reduced to being someone else’s fun?

Efrisha’s character was naturally unbearable, the aura of his body burst out, and the personal vehicle he was riding was instantly rolled into powder by the violent aura around his body: “How dare you be so rude?”

Iris was completely irritated when he saw Frieza, and he also took a stand. He doesn’t know how strong his strength is now, so he has to slowly exert his full strength and try his own limit!

Frieza took the lead and smashed Iris with a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye. Iris staggered his arms to block the blow. Most of the power is removed.

At the same time, a powerful force extended along Frieza’s arm and slammed into Frieza’s body, causing Frieza to stop for a moment.

This is the special move Iris tailored for himself, instant parry. When the opponent’s strength reaches the most fixed point of 1.5, he parries the opponent’s attack, then removes most of the power, and bounces part of the power back into the opponent’s body. Not only can it make the opponent receive a certain amount of damage, but it can also delay the opponent’s recovery time and make the opponent stagnate for a moment!

But for a master of the Iris level, this moment of stagnation is an absolute disadvantage!

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