Chapter 484 Super Saiyan Vegeta

“Hahahaha, you guys, you should have died a long time ago!” Frieza made a big move and gasped because of the loss of a lot of physical strength, but still laughed wildly: “This is what angered me. In the end, I am the king of the universe, Frieza!”

Frieza, “Well done.” Slug had a gray aura all over his body and landed not far from Frieza, “Then it’s time for my revenge. First of all, it’s you, Piccolo! As a Nami nemesis, you dare to help the earthlings kill me!

Piccolo took a deep breath and said, “I don’t know who you are.”

“Of course you don’t know.” Slug said with a sneer, “You are just a frog in the well.

Seeing Slug being so arrogant, Iris suddenly laughed, and Iris’ laughter made Slug have some heart palpitations. After all, he was watching when Iris fought the perverted Sharu!

“Bick, do you want to be stronger? Avenge them for killing Frieza?” Iris asked suddenly.

“Of course I do!” Looking at the battle (ahbfi) lying on the ground, although they used to have a lot of contradictions, after getting along with them in the past few years, Piccolo has a certain friendship with them, “Even if Not for these guys, but definitely for the slain Nami nemesis!”

Iris nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll give you this chance. As long as you can defeat Slug, then you will be able to gain an incomparably powerful power, and this power will even be stronger than Frieza.”

“Just beat him? I want to kill him more, his anger makes me very uncomfortable.” Piccolo said with a little cruel tone.

“Can’t kill.” Iris said it flatly and succinctly.

Piccolo looked at Slug with bad eyes, and a blue-white spiritual light burst out from his body, rushing towards Slug.

And Iris looked at Frieza and said: Frieza, “Want to have a fight with me?”

“One fight? No, I’m going to kill you!” Frieza said coldly: “I’ve ruined my good things so many times, and now that I’m in a state of completeness, I’ll definitely be able to kill you!”

And just when Frieza was about to rush towards Iris, a terrifying aura suddenly erupted from Nami’s nemesis. Not only did the entire Nami’s nemesis tremble, but even the ground trembled, and the sea also rose. There was a huge tsunami that shattered the surrounding islands and everything!

“I…I was not killed by Frieza? I’m resurrected now?” Vegeta looked at his hands and said in disbelief, and then he felt his power rise to a terrifying level , Immediately after, Vegeta roared furiously.

An aura that shocked everyone from Frieza appeared on Vegeta’s body, and the golden arrogance on Vegeta’s body quickly rendered. When all the aura on his body turned golden, Vegeta’s soaring hair and eyebrows appeared. It also turned golden, and a golden flame-like aura appeared on his body.

“The ancestor’s statement is actually true, the legendary Super Saiyan, the powerful golden warrior Frieza looked at Vegeta who had become a Super Saiyan, with an unbelievable look on his face, “This is impossible, how can it appear Super Saiyan!”

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