"Archduke Franz, we will die on the battlefield. We are nobles."

"Are you nobles? Aren't the people who stopped the retreating troops on the front line aristocrats? Are there not many nobles among the front-line commanders of our army?"

"These" before the playboys had time to argue, Franz continued. 6̾̾

"You only know pleasure, are greedy for life and fear death, and make trouble everywhere. You only want to enjoy the benefits of power but are unwilling to bear the responsibilities of being a noble. You call them bullshit nobles! You have disgraced the nobles!"

Pick up a gun and go to the battlefield to prove that you are not cowards, or else get out of the coalition forces, stay at home and don't let me see you again! "

As expected, all these playboys ran away in the opposite direction of the battlefield. How could the dynasty not decline when there were such corpse-like people everywhere?

Franz forcefully resolved an internal crisis among men, but the ladies did not learn his lesson. They walked arm in arm to Franz's tent (cabin) holding parasols.

On the other side of the battlefield in Celesta, Fanny Cote got up from the ground and silently walked towards an Orleans military flag that had been left on the ground.

She took off her gloves and held the flagpole with her white jade fingers, then raised the Orleans Army flag high above her head and waved it vigorously.

"Brave warriors of Orleans! Charge with me!"

Fanny Cote did not look back, but rushed straight to the French barricade.

The French skirmisher behind the barricade was looking at his commander with questioning eyes. After all, the other officer was both an officer and a nobleman. He did not carry a thermal weapon. According to the rules, he could not shoot her with a gun.

However, the French colonel on the front line obviously did not want to abide by this so-called rule.

"Mr. Dan Gila said that any means is reasonable to deal with the remnants of the Orleans Dynasty."

The colonel added.

"Don't kill me! The military prostitute camp still needs a good horse."

The soldiers on the side all laughed obscenely. They were the happiest they had been in these days, and they laughed even more wildly when they thought that they might be able to participate in the sideshow at night.

But soon the unpleasant scream sounded again.

"It's an Austrian rocket! Hide!"

This time the French army went to Alsace to fight extremely hard, first the citizens of Celesta who refused to surrender, and then the mercenaries who wanted money rather than their lives.

I wanted to replenish some supplies on the spot (rob on the spot), but the nearby unruly people actually turned the surrounding area into a sea of ​​fire.

Continuous street fighting was like a flesh-and-blood mill destroying the lives and spirits of French soldiers.

Then something even more terrifying came. Reinforcements from the German Allied Forces were like locusts all over the mountains and plains.

Along with them came these rockets and heavy artillery, and the continuous explosions were heard, and the already dilapidated ruins were blown into even more tatters.

Earth chips and wood chips continued to fall from the ruins of the walls, raising a cloud of smoke and dust in front of the French army's position, causing the French soldiers to cough repeatedly.

When the smoke cleared, the French soldiers were horrified to find that the enemy had rushed in front of them.

Not just the crazy woman, but also countless roaring angry men.

In fact, the French at this time did not lack blood, they just lacked appropriate spurs and leaders.

Although Fanny Cote is very serious, she is indeed a layman. There is no supervising team in her army, and the bounty provided by Louis Philippe is obviously not enough to make people sacrifice their lives.

Fanny Cote and her flag had just taken the lead, and her charge really stimulated the pride of the men.

After all, letting a nineteen-year-old widow take the lead made those big men feel that they were disgraced.

In addition to the Orleans Army in Alsace, there were also some other soldiers from the German Allied Forces in the charging team. After all, if we were to fight the French, there would be many people willing to help.

Of course, Franz's artillery support also played a role in fueling the flames.

Although Franz didn't intend to attack by force, he would not lose any face by betraying him.

"The lackeys of the Orleans Dynasty are coming! Hold it! Hold it!"

The French major who had just inspected the front line was trapped in the front line by artillery fire. The rebels who were still weak just now were already in front of them. In panic, he had forgotten his original mission.

"Kick the rebels from our land!"

Soldiers from both sides shouted "Long live France!" and then fought with each other.

The colonel from the Second French Republic wanted to escape, but the screams behind him made him turn back instinctively.

At this time, a pointed spear penetrated directly through his lower body. Just as he was about to scream, the spear penetrated his throat.

Fanny Cote gasped and pulled out the royal flag of Orleans. She also played tennis and polo as usual, otherwise running with the flag would have exhausted her energy.

But Fanny Cote was not going to rest, she wanted to rush into Celesta today.

"Soldiers! Don't rest! We are going to liberate Celesta today! Enough red wine and steak for tonight! I'll give it to you!"

"Come on!"

Red wine, steak, etc. are not important, what is important is that someone invites you. At this moment, these patchwork militiamen finally turned into an army that dared to fight and charge.

However, the Duchess obviously had a problem with her sense of direction. While shouting for the liberation of Celesta, she led the Orleans and German troops in a chaotic charge.

There is also the advantage of rushing indiscriminately, because the already scattered French army could not transmit intelligence in time. Many French troops were still behind the barricades to defend against the German allied attack. Suddenly Fanny Cote came out from behind the barricades. .

In addition, according to the intelligence returned from the reconnaissance hot-air balloon, the French army seemed to have been planning a military operation, but it was completely disrupted by Fanny Cote.

At this time, the French army and Fanny Cote in the entire city of Celesta were running around like headless flies. However, one side wanted to fight, the other wanted to run away, and under the influence of the other, the army led by Bono de Cullen The French army was completely defeated.

With victory in sight, all parties began to take action. Allied forces joined the battlefield one after another. Celesta's defenders also took the opportunity to launch a counterattack. Naturally, Franz would not miss the opportunity.

When the Austrian army joined the battlefield, the French army completely lost hope.

The defense of Celesta, which lasted eighteen days, finally ended on July 1, 1848.

The total casualties of the French army were as high as 58,000, and another 30,000 were captured. Bono de Cullen escaped from the encirclement with less than 2,000 people, of which Franz was indispensable.

Franz did not let the German allied forces go deep into France to continue the pursuit, but divided them into three parts. One part was stationed at the border to prevent the French from coming back, part of them helped rebuild their homes, and the rest were sent to other battlefields.

After all, there was no need for so many people on the Celesta battlefield. The reason why so many troops were concentrated was entirely due to political considerations and to prevent unexpected situations from happening.

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