War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 1004 The Hungarians’ new policy (Part 1)

Franz, who had not ascended the throne, naturally could not change the law. Even if he wanted to move the interests of these people after he ascended the throne, it would take a lot of effort.

The so-called politics is by no means the arbitrary and arbitrary thing that some people think. It is the normal state to be stubborn and push back and forth.

But fortunately, it's chaotic enough at this time, so chaotic that as long as you have a big fist, you can have the final say. And the royal family is stable enough, so stable that only Franz has a voice.

Archduke Louis in the royal family was Franz's staunch opponent because the latter broke the rules of the game. However, although Grand Duke Louis had a very noble status, his IQ was not very high, and he had no influence in the Vienna court.

Outside of Vienna, Archduke Louis's political influence was even less than that of Archduke Karl and his family.

The forces that were attached to Grand Duke Louis and the black hands behind the scenes were all eliminated by Franz with lightning speed and by bright or dark means.

In order to eliminate the root cause, Franz came up with a "Wartime Temporary Compensation Law". The traitors could not just die casually, or just go to jail for a few days.

To eliminate traitors, we must first eradicate the soil where they live. Traitors must compensate for the losses they have caused, and they must continue to compensate even if they die.

Those who support the traitors and provide them with funds, shelters, weapons, ammunition, and food are also jointly and severally liable. If the traitors' property is not enough to compensate for the damage they cause, then these people who assist them must bear the responsibility. its debt.

As for the specific method of compensation, there is a lot of room for maneuver in the amount of compensation. Anyway, it will definitely be enough to bankrupt 99% of the traitors in this rebellion.

The traitors have no money or food, and cannot cultivate interest groups through nepotism. They still want to commit treason when their future is so gloomy. Those people are either crazy or have no brains.

In addition, Franz always believed that the power of punishment lies not only in its cruelty, but also in its inevitability. Only by allowing every traitor to receive the punishment they deserve can this unhealthy trend be stopped.

As for the specific scale, it is difficult to control, but considering the actual situation of the Austrian Empire at this time, it is a good choice to bankrupt it.

After all, money is an external thing. As long as you live, there is hope, and those worldly things can just make up for Austria's war losses and contribute to the future development of the country.

Franz felt that the stories of reforming evil and returning to the top were more inspiring, but those stories of repeatedly jumping around, waiting for prices, and finally "forsaking the dark and turning to the bright" and becoming heroes were not suitable for the future Austrian Empire, at least they should not appear in his empire.

Returning to the different voices in the Hungarian army, they were actually made by the three giants in the future Hungarian army.

Gergey Artur, János Damojanic, and Heinrich Deme, among which Gergey Artur is the most famous and the most capable of the three. He went through dozens of battles in his life without any defeat, and finally surrendered to the Russians.

But it was precisely because of this move that Kossuth called him a traitor to the Hungarian nation, the chief culprit for the failure of the 1848 revolution, and a coward without courage.

However, due to Franz's intervention, Prince Windischgrätz did not go to Hungary to kill people, and Hungary's policy of genocide did not begin, so Hungary's strongest general was only a major in a new military camp.

János Damojanic has the highest military rank among the three, but as a major general he can only sit at the bottom of the military council.

There is no doubt about his bravery, but his origin meant that he would not be able to hold a high position at this time.

Heinrich Deme was a nominal major general, but he was a Pole and was not willing to become a Hungarian. He became a Hungarian, so he was not taken seriously.

These three people unanimously opposed the storming of Pressburg Fortress. First of all, from a purely military perspective, the Hungarian government forces at this time did not have the strength to confront the Austrian defenders of Pressburg.

Whether it is the quality of soldiers, terrain, artillery, or logistics, the Austrians who have been prepared have an absolute advantage.

Secondly, from a political perspective, attacking Pressburg is even more of a bad move. Yes, these military personnel have different political views and there are different political groups within the military.

The groups of these three people and themselves all believe that compared with the illusory assistance from the British, the Hungarian government first assimilates the ethnic minorities in St. Stephen's Crown and takes over their wealth and armed forces.

Different from history, in addition to targeting the Croats, Serbs, and Transylvanians, they also targeted the Germans who lived in the royal estates.

Among them, Transylvania is a relatively complex region, mainly including Saxons (a branch of the Germans, mainly living in cities), Roma, Slovaks, Jews, and a small number of Polish and Armenian refugees.

In fact, the reason why these people first targeted the Germans in the royal estates is also very simple. The first and most direct reason is that the royal estates are relatively wealthy. Although they are not necessarily rich, most of them have a large amount of food reserves and a large amount of food. primary raw materials.

Second, eliminating these royal estates can greatly damage the morale of the Austrian government troops, and even force the defenders of Pressburg to leave the city to fight.

In this way, Pressburg's difficult problems will naturally be solved.

At the same time, such tactics can also give Hungary's proud hussars room to display. The endless Hungarian plains are definitely the best stage for the cavalry.

Third, eliminate the effective forces of the Austrian side and prevent the Austrian Empire from recruiting troops from these royal estates.

After all, most of these manors are Germans. According to the Hungarians' own national theory, if these people refuse to become Hungarians, they must be enemies.

At this time, no Hungarian politician or nationalist was arrogant enough to think that Magyar culture could assimilate the Austrians or Germans.

The land of the royal estate is a ready-made prize. It is unrealistic for the big nobles and big capitalists (land capitalists, those who have land are not necessarily nobles) to use their own land to motivate soldiers, but it is completely possible to use the enemy's land to achieve the same effect. Even better efficacy.

After all, this is what their ancestors, the Huns, did, and the redistribution of land has been effective in motivating soldiers throughout the ages.

From Pompeii in ancient Rome, to the Crusades, and then to the Napoleonic Wars, this approach can always play a powerful boosting role in the early stages.

They believe that once implemented, the top government officials and soldiers will only hate the enemy for not having enough land, and will no longer be afraid of the enemy's power.

However, their approach was firmly opposed by Duke Ebaniat and Count Szechenyi. Taking necessary tough measures against other ethnic groups would only cause some moral and ethical issues.

Then taking drastic measures against the royal estates of the Austrian Empire and the Germans living there would be tantamount to suicide.

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