Claridge's Hotel, London.

After the Austrian Empire mission returned to its base, Baron Brooke closed the door and held a small meeting, and then allowed the members of the mission to move freely.

Although Franz bought the hotel, the staff inside was basically unchanged, especially the waiters and waiters responsible for reception services.

So the news naturally reached the ears of the British intelligence agencies. This meeting immediately attracted the attention of the heads of the four major British intelligence agencies.

They spent a fortune to obtain memoranda of the meeting, only to be disappointed.

Because the content seemed to be just some words of encouragement and a restatement of some confidentiality regulations, but they could still infer from between the lines that the Austrians did not seem to intend to leave London immediately.

Whitehall, Foreign Secretary Palmerston's office.

"That's it! Sir! We took decisive and resolute action as soon as we got the news."

Faustino Heywood, the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service, was slapped so hard before he could finish his words that Palmerston's nose became crooked with anger.

"Even a pig knows that the Austrians will not leave immediately! Their goal has not been achieved yet! Your four major intelligence organizations used more than thirty agents and spent thousands of pounds to come up with such a fucking nonsense?"

To be honest, Faustino Heywood, the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service, can be considered a person who has been in a high position for a long time. In addition, due to the special nature of the affairs he is responsible for, there are few people in the UK who dare not show his favor.

However, at this time, after being beaten evenly by Palmerston, he had no temper at all.

"I'm sorry, it's all my subordinates who are doing things badly."

Palmerston seized Faustino Heywood by the collar and spoke harshly.

"Then you have to go in person! Otherwise, I will send you to New Zealand and let you keep company with the cannibals!"

After Faustino Heywood fled, Palmerston sat in his chair and let out a long sigh.

British operations in North America failed again, and the Texas colony failed to become a new British territory.

On the other hand, from the next day, members of the Austrian Imperial Mission frequently appeared at banquets held by senior officials, nobles and business elites. Oxford University even invited several of its famous economists to give lectures at the school.

In particular, the contacts with those bankers attracted great attention from the British government, because some officials felt that in the eyes of those capitalists, there was no country at all, only money.

If the Austrians really paid dearly to bribe these capitalists, it would not be impossible for these people to collectively force the British government to cease the war.

As early as 1689, when the Bill of Rights came into effect, the dominance of the British bourgeoisie was established. But in fact, the influence of the British nobles and royal family was still very strong at that time, and it could only be regarded as a peacemaking government at best.

However, as time went by, the power of the British bourgeoisie continued to expand. Especially during the Anti-French War, the government had to borrow heavily and transfer more power in order to maintain huge war expenses.

The voice of the British bourgeoisie finally overcame the aristocracy. After more than ten years of development, British power was finally transferred from the House of Lords to the House of Commons after the parliamentary reform in 1832.

During this period, the then British Prime Minister Charles Gray tried to save the crisis and increase the number of new nobles to fight against the growing bourgeoisie, but was rejected by the then British King William IV.

With the repeal of the Corn Laws, the traditional aristocracy was brought to its knees.

At this time, if those gentlemen in the City of London are determined to exchange British national interests for their commercial interests, then where should the British government go?

In fact, Palmerston's worries were unnecessary. After all, the British aristocracy and royal family were still very powerful at this time. It would be their turn to have the final say after the First World War when all the aristocrats were wiped out. Franz didn't want to Waste your own money.

While waiting anxiously, the British government received bad news one after another. First, the news of the great victory of the German Allied Forces in Celesta City reached London.

John Russell was so angry that he called him "trash", and Palmerston also looked sad.

Because from the British perspective, Celesta is too important, mainly because it is too close to Paris, the capital of France.

In addition, at this time, another French army led by Marshal Lamosilier encountered a tenacious blockade in Salburg.

And Celesta's German coalition forces could completely bypass the Vosges Mountains to attack Lamosilier's rear after winning, or advance directly to Paris.

There was immediate panic within the British government. If the French surrendered, Britain might have to face the Austrians and the entire German Confederation alone.

Although the British Empire is invincible, if it continues for decades like the anti-French war, the British Empire will be unable to bear it.

Palmerston did not bother to refute this view.

It would be a great disservice to Britain if France withdrew from the war. However, compared with the emergence of a huge power running north and south in Central Europe, any sacrifices Britain makes for this will be worth it.

Austria will unify Germany, and Russia will not sit idly by. When Britain and Russia join forces, no country in the world can resist.

But Russia's status is already too high at this time. If Russia's influence is allowed to continue to develop, it will be a bigger trouble for Britain.

Palmerston is a staunch supporter of the Russian threat theory. He has devoted his life to weakening Russia and its influence, so he is very resistant to such a result in his heart.

But before the British had time to worry, even bigger bad news arrived.

The sharp knife of France, the "Iron Madman", Emmenable Pellissier was defeated in Switzerland, and the entire expeditionary force was wiped out.

In the eyes of the British, this meant that the door of France was wide open, and the German Allied Forces could enter the hinterland of France unimpeded.

But in fact, the high mountains and mountains are natural dangers for both sides. It is completely impossible for the German coalition forces to attack France through narrow valleys.

Franz's temporary residence on the outskirts of Celesta.

Some people gently opened the door at night, but Franz didn't pay too much attention. After all, from Thalia to Adjani, and then to the few waitresses that Madam Sophie later found for herself, they all had this. Kind of a problem.

But Franz soon opened his eyes again, because this is a battlefield, and Zoche will pay great attention to etiquette, and Bordeaux will not do this.

Franz held his breath and saw a figure coming to his bed, and then suddenly leaned down as if looking for something.

Franz didn't know what the other party was going to do, but he knew that this was a good time to take action.

After confirming that there was only one person on the other side, Franz was absolutely sure to subdue the opponent. After all, he had not practiced in vain all these years.

Franz pulled the rope connecting the alarm line, and then rushed towards the black shadow.

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