The successive defeats of Britain and France did not scare Kossuth, but made him recognize the reality.

The so-called reinforcements and assistance from the British were nothing more than pie in the sky. The legendary world's largest navy actually lost to the Austrian river patrol.

In Kossuth's view, the British Empire was nothing more than that. After all, although he had never crossed the sea, he still knew how much the Austrian river patrol weighed.

(One theory is that when Kossuth arrived in the United States in 1851, he said it was his first boat trip.)

You must know that the heroic Magyars captured several Austrian warships worth hundreds of tons with just their sabers.

Presumably, the British navy, which could be defeated by the Austrians, would not be that strong. Besides, no matter how strong the British navy was, they would not be able to get ashore. He would have to rebuild the glory of Grand Magyar himself.

The plans of the future three giants in the Hungarian army naturally came into his vision. The Croatians had strong soldiers and horses, and most of them lived in the mountains. It was too difficult to attack by force, so they mainly focused on recruiting.

The Hungarian envoy promised Governor Jelačić that as long as Croatia joined the Hungarian cause, they would all become glorious Magyars and that after defeating the Austrian Empire, Vojvodina could be assigned to Croatia. West Asia.

Jelacic will also become the governor of the three provinces and the first marshal of New Hungary. It is not an exaggeration to say that the power in New Hungary is overwhelming.

But these promises first required Jelačić and his family to become Hungarians and become Magyars, then he needed to convince the Croats to accept Magyarization, and finally he needed to defeat the Austrian Empire.

No man can face the temptation of power without being tempted, let alone such overwhelming power.

However, heartbeat is one thing, and action is another.

Over the years, thanks to state-level support, the lives of the Croatian people have improved a lot, especially after he took charge of Vojvodina. The Croatian people finally no longer have to plan their children voluntarily, and young people no longer have only Being a soldier is one way to go.

Before the end of World War II, Croatia had always been synonymous with remoteness. Among them, the Croatian population in the Austrian Empire had almost no change from the end of the anti-French war to before World War I.

During the same period, the populations of other ethnic groups in the Austrian Empire, except Italians, doubled.

The barren land cannot support too many people. The simple mountain people can only reduce the population spontaneously. They can only reduce the population and make money. They only think of serving as soldiers.

Therefore, the Croatian region has always been one of the important sources of troops for the Austrian Empire, but Franz's reforms gave them a new choice, to go out to work and go into the mines.

Going into the mines in Neletania is usually a form of torture for criminals, and only those who are desperate will choose to enter the mines.

But this is indeed a way out in the mountains of Croatia. Although it is not decent, the pay is very generous. It is a job that many young people yearn for. After all, in theory, it is easier than carrying a gun and killing people.

These tangible benefits, coupled with the fact that the Croatian region itself had a tradition of loyalty to the Austrian Empire, made the people very supportive of the empire.

In fact, on the other hand, it is also because the Hungarians are indeed not human beings. The Hungarian government's exploitation and suppression of Croatia has never stopped, and Hungarian landlords and officials often act recklessly in Croatia.

Especially the Great Magyarization reforms launched by the Hungarians in 1848 made the relationship between the two nations even more intense.

However, the so-called influence of public opinion at that time was actually very little, especially in the eyes of local powerful factions like Jelacic.

However, the nobles and merchants were more opposed to joining the Hungarian cause because their interests were mostly linked to the Austrian Empire rather than Hungary.

Even for the sake of power and money, they would not support the Hungarians. So where does the so-called tradition of loyalty come from? Aren’t they still the leaders of these landlords and country squires!

As for the church, it has long been tied to the Habsburg family. In a sense, these holy sticks are the most loyal believers in the Austrian Empire.

These people can only influence decision-making, and the real decision-making power is still in the hands of the governors of each province.

However, senior officials of the Slovenian province rejected this discussion about the future fate of the Greater Illyria region.

(It is said that Slovenia is for the convenience of readers to read and understand. In fact, strictly speaking, Slovenia at that time consisted of three administrative regions: the Principality of Carinthia, the Principality of Krajina and the Principality of Styria. Slovenia The concept of Vinia did not exist at that time.)

The attitude of the Slovenian region was very resolute, because Slovenians at that time usually communicated in German and Italian, not their native Slovenian.

In fact, this is inseparable from the local history and natural environment. In the early 19th century, there were more than 100 dialects in Slovenia. Even today, there are still 46 officially recognized dialects.

And because they have been ruled by others for thousands of years, the locals have a very strong mentality of being strong. Most of them like to call themselves Germans or Italians, not Slovenians.

Since Slovenians usually know three to five languages ​​of the Austrian Empire, the translation department has long been dominated by Slovenians.

Their connection with the Austrian Empire was too close, and since they were closer to the Italian battlefield, they were also more aware of the power of the Austrian Empire, so the option of participating in the rebellion simply did not exist.

In fact, the concept of the Slovenian nation was proposed by the rebels in Vienna, but at this time they did not have the opportunity to make those influential speeches.

They have either been sent to the mines or have become fertilizer. Franz didn't want to give these people a chance to perform, let alone leave their names in history, even if they were left with a bad name.

The unemployed college students hired by Franz came in handy again at this time. Their task was to "truthfully" record the despicable, shameless, dirty, and despicable rebellion, and at the same time show the suffering suffered by the residents of Vienna and the actions of the counter-rebels. Greatness, light and justice.

Of course, a necessary review mechanism is indispensable. Franz does not want some opponents and fun-lovers to be mixed into the team. Since he has decided to do it, he must do it cleanly and beautifully.

West Bosnia directly executed the envoy from Zagreb. The locals were still under the influence of strong convert fanaticism. They not only refused to negotiate, but even considered talking about the rebellion itself a crime.

Western Bosnia suffered under the rule of foreign pagans for hundreds of years and was not liberated by the Austrian Empire until 1844.

The literacy rate of the local indigenous people is less than 0.1%, because they used to be called "Raiya" in Ottoman language, which means livestock. They were the local third-class people. In the past, their fate was like livestock, which could be slaughtered and sold at will.

It was not until 1844 that the Austrian Empire allocated tens of millions of florins to Western Bosnia every year, allowing schools, hospitals, and churches to be built one after another, and for the first time there were roads and railways in the mountains. the concept of.

In fact, Franz's method of persuading the regent committee was very simple, that is, all these expenses were attributed to defense expenditures. After all, it was a borderland. This reason was reasonable.

In fact, the West Bosnians had already organized an army to defend their country, but they were held back by Franz.

Because the weapons and equipment of this army are too rudimentary. Since it is a self-organized army, it does not have the Austrian Empire standard equipment. It has everything from inferior weapons on the black market to old antiques, to broadswords and spears.

Franz did not doubt the courage of the mountain people, but in this era of European wars, only passion was not enough, especially on the Hungarian plains.

Therefore, the High Command's order to the West Bosnian Army was to stick to it, which stopped the patriotic enthusiasm and religious enthusiasm of these people.

The reason why the locals are so extreme cannot be attributed to the church's sects. In the hearts of a group of illiterate people who have been oppressed for hundreds of years, no nation or morality is as discernible as religion, and gold and silver have no temptation to go to heaven. big.

As long as an order from the empire's center comes down, if these people really dare to rush out of the mountains with their young and old to fight the Hungarians on the plains, of course it's hard to say whether they can win.

Zagreb's hesitation at this time not only resulted in the tragic death of an envoy, but also caused a bloody massacre of local "outsiders".

These "outsiders" refer to the Croatians who came from the Croatian province to aid West Bosnia, not the Germans. Perhaps it is the fate of this nation to fight against each other.

The West Bosnians, with their convert fanaticism, naturally regarded the Austrians as first-class people, themselves as second-class people, and those who opposed the Austrian Empire as enemies.

The enemies are all beasts! It's a pagan! Western Bosnian thinking patterns that have been formed over hundreds of years will not be completely changed in a few years.

Jelacic was very depressed. To be honest, he was really a big fan of the Austrian Empire. Otherwise, historically, he would not have supported Austria, which was the weak side, when Hungary was dominant.

The reason why Jelacic held a meeting to discuss this matter was entirely to find out the traitor within, and then unify his thoughts and gather the power of Illyria to help the empire tide over the difficulties. As a result, he now seems to be a traitor.

Jelacic couldn't help but look at his advisor angrily.

"It's all you! Why don't you have a meeting if you have nothing to do! We used to get things done in the church!

What should we do now? I feel like a traitor with a weak will now! "

The consultant thought for a moment and said.

"Your Excellency General, we are considering the future of the Croatian nation. Future generations will definitely vindicate your foresight."

"I'm not an artist! Why wait until death? And the Croatian nation you mentioned is just because these bastards can't speak German. If they can, then they will no longer be Croatian. People."

Over the past ten years, the Croatians who already yearn for German culture have become even more eager to become Germans.

And with the establishment of schools, German has become more and more popular. At least in the upper class of Croatia, few people let their children learn Croatian.

In fact, one of the most important factors for Croatia to choose loyalty at this time was the completion of the Greater Illyria Railway. This railway not only strengthened the connection between Croatia and the outside world, but more importantly, it also provided it with more s Choice.

At the same time, it also strengthened Croatia's dependence on Austria, allowing the Austrian Empire to easily invade the hinterland of Croatia.

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