News of the Egyptian naval defeat reached Cairo.

In the Maneo Palace, Muhammad Ali felt dizzy, and a maid tried to step forward to help him.

However, in an instant, the maid fell into a pool of blood.

Muhammad Ali held the scimitar still dripping blood in his hand and laughed.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! You must all be lying to me! The number of battleships of Eparich Pasha is twice that of the British. Even if they cannot be defeated, they will not be completely wiped out! Thiers promised me! France will definitely send troops!”

In fact, Thiers really wanted to have a big fight with the British. However, at this time, the French King Louis Philippe was an Anglophobe, and verbal threats to go to war with the British were the limit of what he could tolerate.

The current situation is good enough for France. There is no need to go to war with the British over Egypt. And as far as Louis Philippe himself was concerned, he felt that Britain was invincible.

After all, as powerful as Napoleon, he couldn't break the English Channel. Rather than creating any great achievements, he would rather be a peaceful monarch and continue his family's rule.

Soult has long since lost his ambitions, and now he just wants to retire. Guizot, who actually held power, was a complete pro-British faction.

In the end, the French navy did not take action. After all, most Europeans felt that the British navy could not defeat it at this time. Even during the Crimean War, the Russians would rather sink the ship than have a head-on conflict with the British navy.

No one of the surrounding court officials dared to step forward to dissuade him. They could only cower and pray that Ali Pasha would not call his name.

At this time, a clever courtier remembered the opium wine and hurriedly opened the wine cabinet. The moment the cork was removed, Ali seemed to wake up. After taking a big gulp, he slammed the bottle to the ground.

He didn't expect that his allies would be so short-sighted. It seemed that he could only use his trump card to let those short-sighted guys know his true strength.

"Pass my order to ask Aspasha to immediately go out with the large fleet and ask them to destroy the British fleet in Beirut at all costs. At the same time, order Ibrahim to drive the British into the sea at all costs. We must let them Osman agrees to our terms."

Muhammad Ali suddenly realized something was wrong and asked.

"Where's Aspasha?"

No one answered.

"Where's Aspasha?"

Ali asked again, but still no one answered.

"Are you all deaf? If you don't say anything, I'll kill you all!"

At this time, a court official finally crawled to the ground.

"My lord, Ash Pasha was killed in battle."

Muhammad Ali's chest jumped suddenly, as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer.

"Did the British do it?"

"." No one answered.

"Who did it!" Ali shouted.

"have no idea"

"Where is my fleet?"


"Where is my fleet!" Ali roared with red eyes. He had already thought of the worst possibility, which was to be blown up directly in the dock. But it is almost impossible to blow up such a large natural cave. It is almost impossible to destroy so many ships at once. He still has a sense of luck...

"Being driven away"


Muhammad Ali suffered more from having his fleet become someone else's property than from having his fleet destroyed. He fell backwards into his throne.

Muhammad Ali closed his eyes and recalled his military career. From an orphan begging on the roadside, he gradually became a dominant overlord. It took him eight years of hard work. For this, he did not hesitate to bear the name of a tyrant, and even Sacrificing the future of Egypt, but at this moment, she made a wedding dress for others.

(Egypt’s borrowing from France allowed the former to develop rapidly in a short period of time, but once defeated, the latter would be completely overwhelmed by debt.)

Finally Ali spit out a mouthful of black blood and fell down on his back.

Ibrahim, who was on the Syrian front line, actually began to lead his troops to storm Beirut without waiting for Ali's order, hoping to recapture this important city from the British army.

However, the 20,000 elite troops under his command were never able to capture the city where 2,000 Sequoia troops were stationed.

Compared with the fighting power of the Sequoia Army, what surprised him even more was that the residents of Beirut actually sided with the British.

"These damn traitors, the lackeys of the infidels!" Ibrahim was frustrated on both sides at this time, and his logistics had been harassed by the guerrillas. Although he did not know the situation at sea, he was sure that everything was terrible now.

Istanbul, Grand Saragirion Palace.

Magid couldn't believe his ears. The British used half of the opponent's forces to annihilate the Egyptian navy, and then the Austrians intercepted the hidden strength of the Egyptian navy.

Magid has been called a genius since he was a child, but now he suddenly feels that his brain is not enough.

The amount of information really exceeded the limit he could bear, but Magid understood that the old man Metternich was not just talking. The Austrians were indeed powerful, and he must now reconsider his relations with European countries.

But in any case, the Ottoman crisis should be resolved this time. Egypt, which has lost its navy, can only choose to withdraw its troops, otherwise it will be cut off by the navy. The 130,000 Egyptian expeditionary force will have no bones left and can only be turned into the Syrian desert. of dust.

Although the Egyptians were finished, the Ottoman Empire's war potential was also finished. And those crazy pagans in the north will definitely not miss this opportunity and make unreasonable demands on the weak Ottoman.

Magid felt that perhaps he could use the power of the Austrian Empire to check and balance the terrible Russia. Moreover, there are many Slavs in Austria. The excuses used by Russia against the Ottoman Empire are likely to be used against the Austrians.

According to Magid's prediction, after the Austrians got the bad land in Bosnia, they should no longer be interested in the Ottoman land.

After all, it was the worst land in the entire Ottoman state. Bandits were rampant on the barren land. The tough mountain people were either fighting or on the way to fights, so that taxation could not maintain local stability at all.

Magid believed that Bosnia, the poisonous candy, would be able to stop Austria's ambitions in the Balkans. Moreover, according to his intelligence, except for a small number of Catholics in Bosnia, all Europeans in the Balkans were heretics to Austria.

The leader of the heresy is of course a Russian. He knows very well that heresy is more terrifying than heresy, so he firmly believes in his judgment that the Austrians will definitely be willing to maintain his rule to counter Russian influence, and he will also start from the three fulcrums Find true balance.

The three fulcrums that Maggid calls are Austria, Britain, and Russia.

Ottoman is a region heavily influenced by religion. Although Magid and his father have been trying to weaken the influence of religion, they still cannot change their religious thinking.

However, there were voices of opposition within the Austrian Empire.

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