The seaside of Hawaii has azure waters, white sandy beaches, dense forests and bright flowers. You can also see brightly colored fish through the clear water, and there are sea turtles lazily basking in the sun on the shore.

It's just that the black warship anchored not far away seems incompatible with this beautiful natural picture.

The term "student" obviously does not satisfy Princess Sinaka, but this does not prevent her from continuing to seek the answers she wants.

"Then what did he teach you?" Sineka asked with interest.

"A reason to live." Kagura said it lightly, but it made the former's pupils tremble and he looked at this "alien" like a monster.

In fact, Princess Sneka can be regarded as an "alien" in the Oman Empire. She is different from the ladies who are waiting for marriage. She likes to travel on camels, likes knives, likes muskets, likes dancing and reading, and even More knowledgeable than many Ulama.

Ulema, a scholar in the Tianfang religious tradition.

But the Japanese woman in front of me is really weird, but her owner may be even weirder.

Living is a matter of course in Sneka's eyes, so she cannot understand what the other party said. This is because of the differences in history and religion between the East and the West.

In the East, there are often sayings about killing one's life to achieve benevolence and martyrdom, while the West usually opposes this practice, and the same is true for Tianfang Sect.

So Princess Sneka changed the topic.

"Then what skills did he teach you?"

Kagura took out a pistol directly from his arms. Although Sneka knew that she could not dodge the bullet, she still dodged instinctively.

At this time, gunfire rang out, and a native not far away who had just climbed onto the bow of the boat threw forward, clutching his chest. Then two more native warriors were knocked down, but more natives climbed up.

Kagura grabbed Princess Sneka and retreated while fighting. She didn't know how many attackers there were. Although Friedrich took most of them away, the people on the ship should theoretically be enough to cope with the attack.

According to her calculations, as long as she persisted for about five minutes, the soldiers on the lower deck would arrive.

Moreover, the sound of the alarm bell was heard only after the gunshot, so he should be the first one to spot the attacker. The scale of the attack should not be large, at least the sentries were not killed.

But another point worried her. Just like Franz said, winning too many battles is sometimes not a good thing.

At this time, the Austrian army undoubtedly underestimated the enemy, but another thing was to think more carefully.

The attackers actually attacked Friedrich's flagship first, and all important people lived on this floor.

How could a group of indigenous people investigate the matter so clearly? Is it just luck? That's absolutely impossible! The only reasonable explanation is that there is a traitor in this fleet.

Historically, metal fixed-loading ammunition only began to be accepted by various countries and installed on a large scale after 1870. However, this technology has actually been available since 1812. After several improvements by the Royal Society of Science in Vienna, it can be fully used in actual combat. .

The revolver in Kagura's hand at this time was a new weapon used with metal fixed ammunition. Theoretically speaking, although more than a dozen indigenous people did not get on the boat together, they still had to pinch two women who were less than 20 meters away.

However, both the shooting speed and the reloading speed of this new revolver are beyond the imagination of ordinary people in this era.

After Kagura emptied the bullets of the two revolvers, finally a native couldn't bear the fear of death and subconsciously threw the spear.

The former ducked sideways and calmly poured out the shells, then replaced it with a brand new drum. After the gun was reset, a bullet accurately hit the latter's chest.

In fact, unless it is to show off skills, or the opponent is wearing thick armor, few people choose to "shoot the head". After all, the target of the head is much smaller than the torso.

Just like that, Kagura hid in the cabin. At this time, only four of the fifteen attackers were left.

They never expected that this would be the result. They thought it would be as easy as an eagle catching a rabbit, but before they could catch them, they were almost wiped out.

Although the door in front of me was made of wood, it was made of fine oak and fixed with steel plates, making it impossible for the axes in the hands of these natives to break open.

Not far away, there was the thumping sound and yelling of soldiers stepping on the deck. Although they could not understand it, they were nothing more than telling themselves to stop and kill themselves.

At this time, the strong man leading the way couldn't do much, so he directly chose to hit the door with his body. However, this trick is actually much easier to use than an axe. After all, no matter how strong the door is, the folding leaves are just like that.

After the door was knocked open, there were no bullets coming towards him. In fact, Kagura was hiding on the side at this time, because she didn't know how many more enemies there were, and there was also the burden of Princess Shineka.

The latter considered herself to be a very brave person, and also had good shooting skills, but when she was suddenly assassinated, she realized how weak she was.

An indigenous probe wanted to observe the situation inside the house, but was directly hit by a bullet in the face and fell to the ground twitching.

Another native was so frightened that he quickly retreated, but the strong native leader before did not allow him to do so.

The second native was also hit by a shot as soon as he showed his head, but he did not fall down because the strong native behind was holding on to the former's belt.

Just like that, the indigenous man who was shot was carried forward, his eyes full of despair, and his mouth was saying something in native language.

But that didn't matter to Kagura, because she had already heard the sounds outside and the vibrations on the deck, and a large group of soldiers would arrive here in less than two minutes.

Kagura took a deep breath, and then she finally saw clearly the native who was using his companion as a shield, and the two revolvers in his hands fired together.

It's just that the caliber of the pistol she used is too small. After shooting through the human shield in front, it won't have much effect on the second person.

At this time, a small man suddenly appeared from behind the strong man, his movements were as agile as a spiritual ape, but no matter how fast he was, he could not move faster than a bullet.

But before he died, the little man still threw a stone rope in the direction of Kagura. When the latter was dodging, the strong man just now took the opportunity to rush up with the body on his head.

At this time, Kagura's bullets were empty. She decisively dropped her gun and rushed towards the opponent.

The strong native dropped the corpse in his hand and stretched out his hand to catch Kagura who was rushing towards him, but was directly grabbed by the latter and slapped him.

Ba Tou means that in a judo sparring, the opponent breaks forward, bends your body and slides forward and downward. At the same time, you bend your knee with one foot and kick the opponent's abdomen with your foot, causing the opponent to roll over your neck like a roller. Down.

To put it simply, it is to directly use the sacrificial skill to throw the opponent who is charging forward with yourself as the fulcrum.

The power of this move has little to do with the caster's own strength. It mainly depends on the opponent's forward speed and weight.

The strong native happened to have two characteristics: fast forward speed and large weight. Coupled with the furniture displayed beside him, the damage he suffered was naturally great.

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