Boonpal Port was a port built by France, which was once the largest colonial empire in the world. At that time, the French built a large number of permanent fortifications on it in order to rule Calaika forever, and even had rapid-fire forts specially designed to deal with clippers.

It's just that these antiques from more than two hundred years ago are now vulnerable to the attacks of the Austrian Tranquiba colonial army and the "Anti-Narcotics" war group.

The guard that Kiran Vasje was so proud of was in a state of collapse. The 500 cavalrymen who were the trump card were now in full force, but they were heading in the opposite direction to the battlefield.

"Damn! What's going on?!"

Kiran Wasj also saw smoke coming from the direction of the port, but he didn't understand what happened. After all, it was surrounded by some small kingdoms, and the British had already gone inland to suppress the rebellion.

Now, theoretically speaking, only Kalaikabang is responsible for beating others, and the surrounding small kingdoms should burn high incense if they are not beaten.

However, Kiran Vasje saw fleeing soldiers and panicked civilians everywhere. He grabbed a deserter angrily and asked.

"what happened?"

At this time, Kieran Vasje's good mood that he had just negotiated a big deal was gone, and was replaced by rage. He wanted to tear the intruder into pieces immediately and drink it.

In fact, Kiran Vasje did this before, but the last time was the day he usurped the throne.

"The Kshatriya Brahmins are coming!"

The soldier said in a panic.

Kiran Vasje pulled out a machete and chopped it hard on the deserter's head, then raised his head high.

"This is the fate of those who run away! I, Kiran Vasje, a descendant of the great Molka Vasje, will now lead you to retake our capital city of Boonpal!

Brahma is watching us! Ka Lai Ka will win! "

The soldiers accompanying Kiran Vasje also pulled out their knives and raised their guns to stop their retreat.

It has to be said that he is indeed a warlord who came to power through a coup. He does have two brushes, and he soon gathered nearly 5,000 people around him.

In fact, Kiran Vasje is not a reckless man who only shouts slogans. He made his decision after careful analysis.

The only white force nearby is the Danes in Tranquiba. There are only 500-600 troops stationed there at most, and it is not a problem for Kalaika to give Kiran Wasj a period of time to produce 30,000 to 50,000 troops.

He had already recruited nearly 20,000 troops during his previous campaigns in the east and west, and there were more than 6,000 troops near Boonpal alone.

Although they were defeated by the opponent in a sneak attack at this time, these remnants plus their own main force, how can they still lose if they fight one out of ten? Kiran Wasj doesn't believe it.

As a result, when Kalaika's army entered Boonpal, they found that the opponent had at least 3,000 men, and in addition there were a large number of artillery.

(In fact, in the Indian subcontinent, more than ten cannons are considered a lot, and the average state only has a few cannons.)

Facing the Calaika army that collided head-on with them, the Tranquiba colonial army was at a loss for a moment. After all, this was their first time fighting the Indian army, and according to the Danes, the Indians would only run away. and surrender.

Although the military organization of the church on the other side has been involved in Southeast Asia for many years, it behaves more confused than its comrades in the colonial army because they are used to chasing and beating the natives.

Even the kingdom's troops were difficult to organize once they were defeated. This was the first time they were attacked and counterattacked.

Fortunately, Kiran Vasje's army was just like that, and a few rounds of shotgun stopped their charging momentum.

At the same time, the Kalaika army, which mainly uses cold weapons, is vulnerable to modern rifles. If they charge too hard, they will naturally suffer heavy casualties.

In just a quarter of an hour, Kiran Vasje lost a fifth of his army. At this time, the Austrian army also regained their composure, and they began to kill step by step.

There was no suspense in the battle, and the morale of the Kalaika army was about to collapse. At this time, those Kalaika officers who had been fighting on the front line discovered a problem: their king was missing.

In fact, during the first firefight, Kiran Vasje found that the situation was different from what he expected, and he immediately decided to escape with his cronies.

Kiran Wasj did not think this was a shameful act. On the contrary, he felt that Kalaika was so big that he could make a comeback even if the capital was lost.

After all, the opponent only has a few thousand people, but Kalaika has a population of millions. I don’t believe that the opponent can defeat it with a hundred thousand soldiers.

This idea is not illogical. First of all, India is the country with the largest population after the Qing Dynasty. Any small state has millions of people. Large states even have tens of millions of people, which is the lowest level in Europe and is Prussia.

At this time, Prussia's population was only a pitiful 17 million, and Austria was plundered by Franz. Coupled with medical advancements, maternal mortality and neonatal mortality had reached record lows.

At the same time, the rejuvenated empire also gave people hope. They could have enough to eat and have some savings. In an era when civilians did not have much entertainment, making babies became a common entertainment project.

Due to the influence of religion, it is the obligation of every believer to have children. In fact, most of the ancient religions have such scriptures and obligations. After all, human resources were very important in ancient times. If there were not enough people, there would be no inheritance at all.

Then Franz specifically asked the priests to preach more doctrines in this area during sermons and masses. For the lower class people in Europe at that time, they may not know the emperor or the mayor, but they must know the priests of their own diocese.

In addition, Austria passed an anti-human smuggling agreement at the German Confederation Congress, intercepting a large number of people who were supposed to go to the United States and Britain.

However, the price is that the number of Italians in Austria has exceeded the 10 million mark, and is still increasing rapidly. You must know that the population of the Austrian Empire at this time is only 46 million (38 million at the same time in history).

The German population is about 12 million, and the total population of the German region except the Austrian Empire is 35 million.

The only good thing is that the number of Hungarians is still around 6.5 million, and there is even a slight downward trend. After all, as the external market shrinks, the excess labor force becomes worthless.

(The heavy tariffs between Hungary and Austria have caused a sharp decline in trade volume between the two parties, which is mainly reflected in Austria’s imported agricultural products.)

Population of other major countries in the world (only counting the local area):

France has 35 million, the UK has 27 million, Spain has 13 million, and the United States has 21 million.

Due to constant wars (civil wars, foreign wars, and land loss), Mexico's population is smaller than at the same time in history, only 5.5 million.

Ottoman 33 million, Brazil 6.6 million, Argentina 1.8 million, Persia 13 million, Serbia 950,000, Denmark 1.5 million, Portugal 3.7 million, Sweden 3.4 million, Egypt 5.3 million, Afghanistan 2.5 million, and the Sikh Empire 12 million.

Due to the acquisition of Limburg and West Luxembourg, Luxembourg's land area tripled and its population increased 1.5 times to 470,000.

Regarding the population of Russia, there are estimates ranging from 67 million to 83 million. The average here is 75 million.

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