War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 710 Going their separate ways (Part 1)

Vienna, Schönbrunn Palace.

Despite frequent disasters, despite the presence of powerful enemies, and despite the lingering conspiracies and evils, Schönbrunn Palace is still spring-like all year round.

A seal occupied the kennel and was sleeping. A group of antelopes not only drank up the water in the water tank next to the kennel, but also targeted the dog food in the rice bowl.

No matter how good-tempered Ludwig (Mrs. Sophie’s St. Bernard) was, he couldn’t help but protest why seals sleep on land and herbivores eat dog food.

"Woof! Woof!."

Just after Ludwig called twice, he disturbed the auk who was passing by. The latter rushed over and bit the former's butt.

Ludwig, who was bitten, could only whimper and run away

Lakshmi Pai and little Maria each rode their own ponies and ran wildly inside and outside the palace. Although they were "running wildly", they were not actually very fast, but occasionally they would smash some equipment and scare some palace residents.

As they grow older, Franz's friends have grown up. Although they are still in the same position, their play has become more and more excessive.

If they were not in Schonbrunn Palace, they would be even more unscrupulous, and hunting on horseback would not satisfy them at all.

In fact, the family behind them was also dissatisfied with their desires. Franz was about to come of age, and many people speculated that he might serve as deputy king in Tyrol and concurrently serve as colonial minister.

In fact, the Austrian Empire itself did not have the position of Colonial Secretary. Later, when colonies were established, the War Secretary also held the post.

However, Count Latour, who served as Minister of War, knew nothing about overseas colonization and handed over this power to the navy.

Friedrich, as Admiral of the Navy, also showed no interest in this and gave up the position to Franz.

Then as the colonies of the Austrian Empire grew stronger and stronger, Franz's power became more and more powerful, and he had more and more oil and water.

The heads of the major families are not fools, and it will be time for them to prove their worth when Franz leaves Vienna.

Therefore, it is very necessary to find a good job for the future important members of the family, or the next generation of patriarchs.

California and Namibia are undoubtedly the two most lucrative places, but the dangers are also self-evident, with officials dying almost every year.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, let alone these proud men. Some of the small and medium-sized nobles who were ready to side with Franz had already begun to move to the Tyrol region.

The thinking of this group of people is that His Majesty Ferdinand I was in his prime, and could continue to be emperor for at least another ten or twenty years.

This means that Franz will have to stay in Tyrol for at least ten or twenty years. During this period, he will need to be familiar with government affairs, and he will definitely need some capable helpers.

So betting at this time is the wisest choice. After all, in ten or twenty years, as long as you are not too stupid, you can become familiar with it.

In the Austrian Empire under the conferment system, it is very meaningful to be familiar with the future emperor.

At this time, Austria had both a conferment system and an examination system, but there would be an interview anyway. Some minor officials could be promoted with money and face, but senior officials could only be appointed by the emperor himself.

Franz would be a good emperor in the future, and few in the Austrian Empire at this time doubted this.

(This is mainly due to the overwhelming publicity and momentum. The government, church, media, especially the bottom people prefer the legends of heroes and emperors, the middle people talk about the law, and the top people mostly only talk about interests.)

Historically, Franz's popularity was very high. This was partly due to the special nature of the current emperor Ferdinand I. People felt that it could not be worse.

There is a difference at this time. People are not looking for a less bad thing from the worst things, but they really know what is powerful and excellent.

It’s not surprising that young people occasionally make one or two shocking moves, but it’s very difficult to make things not end at the end but get better and better.

Nobles and bureaucrats knew that plans and decrees in this world rarely passed the test of time, but Archduke Franz's plan seemed correct at least for now.

Some people, like Count Kolarov, felt that the future of the Austrian Empire might lie overseas. At this time, Akadov Lebsteinsky was asking Franz for a position in the Central American colonies.

In fact, Akadov himself was very dissatisfied with this, because he was a top student in the military academy, and as the heir of the Lebsteinsky family, he should not have gone to that barbaric land in Central America.

Especially when Richard Metternich wanted to take over Franz's business in Vienna.

In Akadorf's mind, this was a timely help, and Franz's business in Vienna was better than a local governor.

The most important thing is that Akadov feels that even Richard Metternich dares to accept him, and he is not afraid of death, so why can't he accept it?

Of course Count Korolaf knew that Franz's business in Vienna was huge, but it was also very dangerous, and the former felt that his eldest grandson did not have the ability to take over this hot potato.

In addition, Count Korolaf did not think that the so-called wild land in Central America was unimportant. As the Minister of Finance, he was very aware of the flow of funds. This less dazzling colony at this time received the most investment.

When you open the map, you will know that this is a battleground for military strategists, but at this time, the vast majority of people in the world are focusing their attention on Europe and Asia.

But in fact, the economic and strategic status of the Americas is constantly rising, and facts have proved that the Anglo-Saxons simply cannot defend their back garden.

As an old rival of the French, the Austrian Empire naturally could not be content to lag behind.

In fact, the Austrian military has always had a plan, that is, when the French invade Mexico or California, the main force of the Austrian army will cross the Rhine River and fight them directly on the European continent.

As for why we crossed the Rhine River instead of passing through the Swiss mountains or the Kingdom of Sardinia?

Austria and France attacking each other across the Swiss mountains could only exist in the Middle Ages, because the local transportation was too inconvenient, and there was no way to pass a sufficient number of troops. It was also very difficult to maintain supplies.

In the increasingly large-scale modern wars, this is simply a sign of seeking death.

The French want to start war directly in Italy through the Kingdom of Sardinia. The question is, is the Kingdom of Sardinia, which was destroyed once by Napoleon, still willing to believe in the former?

In fact, since the sixteenth century, the competition for building fortresses on the Franco-Saharan border has never stopped.

In fact, both the Austrians and the French hope to bring the war to the other side's homeland, and this must go through the Kingdom of Sardinia, but the latter will obviously not agree.

Because once the border is opened, the greatest possibility is that France and Austria will start fighting directly on the land of the Kingdom of Sardinia.

Moreover, it is easy to invite gods but difficult to send them away. These two great gods will not leave the Kingdom of Sardinia until they are reduced to a scorched earth.

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