War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Take a day off and watch the plot ahead.

The story of the Great Famine in Ireland and the Swiss Civil War will be completed next.

There may be a little bit about the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the middle. Personally, I think it’s pretty good, but I won’t write too much about it, it’s just a branch line.

You may also write about the Prussian version of the Estates-General (Prussian United Provincial Assembly). In fact, these are all related to the Year of the Storm.

Some things are not written, and some things that happened in the stormy years may not be understood at all, or may be directly understood as completely contrary to the facts.

I think it is better to explain most of the events clearly. In addition, I may not write according to the timeline in the future, because I can always hear the curse, but not writing according to the timeline is a good thing for me personally, because It saves you a lot of energy worrying about the minutiae.

This is my 1.5 personal novel. I hope it will do well, but on the other hand, I don’t want to leave too many regrets for this book, so I won’t rush too much to catch up on the word count and plot.

That’s pretty much it, goo goo goo!

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