After the first bones were discovered, people in the square began to dig out the soil one after another. If they had tools, they would dig with them. If they didn't, they would use their hands to dig.

Soon hundreds of bones were discovered, and the dungeon was also discovered. However, there were more people than Franz imagined, and it even made him wonder how Vihliu Yasusky could feed so many people.

As more people with missing limbs and mutilated bodies were found, the mystery became self-evident.

Almost all of the people brought by Bordeaux were veterans who were accustomed to fighting. The smoke and blood on the battlefield were commonplace to them. To ordinary people, these guys were no different from butchers.

However, the executioner in the eyes of this group of ordinary people was vomiting, trembling, and holding hands until his knuckles turned white.

"Is there a doctor?"

Franz shouted that there were actually doctors in the army, but the number was far from enough. Several people in the crowd raised their hands, and Franz counted only a dozen.

And it goes without saying that these people most likely do not have medical licenses, and are not even doctors who treat people, but it is better than nothing.

"Please follow the command of the military medical officer. Those poor people need help."

Doctors and "doctors" were busy saving people, but the victims were not "appreciative" and the latter wanted to stay and watch the execution.

However, under Franz's persuasion, most people decided to receive treatment first, because Vihliu Yasusky was left last.

There are seven to eight hundred people in the entire Yasusky Manor. Even excluding minors, it would take at least a week to go through them one by one.

However, Franz felt that it was better to have a good meal than to bury him directly, or to let the serfs beat him to death. The value of a public trial was much greater, and the effect was much more lasting.

If you want to completely defeat Poland, only the Poles themselves can do it. Compared with military conquest and economic control, national identity is efficient and cheap.

In fact, there is a cheaper and more efficient way, which is religious deification and idolatry. However, the side effects of doing so are too great, which is equivalent to drinking poison to quench thirst.

And it will anger some people, and it will also stimulate the ambition of some people. What if you fail to do a good job in dealing with the aftermath, or your successor is incompetent.

Then the conflicts that have been accumulated before will burst out at once, and because the magnitude is too large, it can easily lead to qualitative changes.

The results may range from changing flags to changing flags, or may result in shattering into pieces.

Franz has enough capital. He does not need to deliberately let some people go. At the same time, as the spokesperson of the aristocracy, it is impossible to encourage the people to target the aristocracy.

For the sake of so-called progress, he must revolutionize his own life, and Franz does not believe that there is only one way to develop the world.

Franz decided to leave the trial of Vihliu Yasusky until the end. Death is often a relief for those who must die. The real pain and suffering is the process of waiting for the death sentence.

The first person to judge often determines the tone of a normal trial, so Franz chose the butler known as the "gentle beast".

The butler's name was Vladimir Worcester, who was Wihliu Jassusky's white glove and the most valued person by the latter. He was also the person responsible for contacting the Polish Zionist Army.

Mere treason and attempted murder of a member of the royal family were enough to warrant a death sentence, but this gentle beast's crimes went far beyond that.

Although he had only been here for five years, 135 families were persecuted on site alone. The charges included murder, injury, robbery, fraud, arson, rape, collaboration with the enemy and almost all known crimes.

In order to make this gentle beast suffer more, Franz specially obtained full plate armor for the four guards escorting the prisoners.

As Vladimir Worst walked through the crowd, the angry people threw debris, dirt and rocks at him.

In this era, ordinary people's lives are very poor, and they will not use precious eggs and tomatoes to punish prisoners because they are reluctant to part with them.

Before Vladimir Worcester was sent to the gallows, he was covered in mud, and there was blood from the corners of his eyes.

It was a man who desperately jumped on the prison car and smashed it out, but at this time Vladimir Worcester looked completely indifferent.

He raised his head and shouted in the direction of the man, "Your wife is great! Your sister is great too! Your two daughters are the best!"

Then he laughed so hard that tears were about to flow out. Two guards beat him on the liver desperately, but they could not stop Vladimir Worcester's laughter. In the end, the executioner couldn't stand it anymore and stuffed a ball of rags into it. Only then did he stop laughing.

The verdict will be read out by local officials, after which a priest will offer his final prayers. After the ceremony, the criminal should give his last words and the priest should record them on his behalf.

However, Vladimir Worcester's mouth was gagged at this time, so it was obviously impossible to give his last words. According to the laws of the Austrian Empire, prisoners had this right.

The priest removed the rag from Vladimir Worst's mouth, and the latter immediately shouted: "You damn hams! You born slaves actually colluded with the Austrians, and you are all going to hell. Go!"

There was another commotion on the execution platform, and Vladimir Worcester was struck in the throat with a knife before he shut his mouth.

At this moment, the priest seemed extremely dissatisfied. He shouted directly, "Prisoners have the right to give their last words before they die, but you can't do that!"

God will not forgive your atrocities! "

It was the law and God. The guards and executioners on the side obviously did not dare to be tough.

Only then did the priest frown slightly, but just now the executioner specifically greeted Vladimir Worcester's throat, causing the latter to be unable to shout at this time.

Vladimir Worcester lowered his head and spat out a mouthful of blood. His lips were moving but the sound could not be heard clearly. The priest had to get closer.

But the voice of the man who was so lively just now was frighteningly soft, and the priest could only move closer to Vladimir Worcester's mouth.

The executioner on the side had no time to stop him, so he bit the priest's ear like a beast. The latter was so frightened that he screamed in pain. People around him swarmed around him, but it was too late.

Vladimir Worcester tore off the priest's ear directly, and then swallowed it in front of everyone. His face was full of pleasure, and he raised his head like a winner.

Facing the gallows next was like the heroic sacrifice of the ancient warriors. At this time, public executions had become a joke.

The criminals all knew that even the most heinous crimes would result in death, so when they saw the gentle beast showing such bravery, the most heinous criminals felt a sense of pleasure, and they all boasted about their daily "accomplishments".

The accomplices also beat their chests and beat their feet, wondering why they didn't kill more people and do more bad things, causing themselves to be looked down upon by their brothers.

And those people who had no subjective will but were just coerced cried bitterly. They hated it, but no one knew what they hated.

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