War Paradise

Chapter 846

Chapter 819 Blood Blade and Monster

“Government military warehouse…”

An extremely hoarse voice floated from under the gray hood. The commander holding an MK14 combat rifle in his hand narrowed his scarlet eyes and stared at the game map that appeared in his field of vision.

As one of the most watched players in this game, Blood Blade’s trip naturally came to occupy a strategic location. She did not choose to fight in the city center, but went to the suburbs, preparing to attack the building that had been occupied by the “leprosy dwarf”.

In the battle last night, although Bloodblade succeeded in killing the vengeful “mad believer”, his own side was also greatly injured. Twenty-three soldiers under his command killed 15 people, and the remaining eight were still Two disabled, can only be described as miserable.

“Damn mad dog…”

Looking at his left wrist wrapped in bandages, Blood Blade cursed in a low voice. Although there is no pain, the feeling of weakness caused by the fracture still has an impact on her combat effectiveness.

What she likes is chasing enemies and enjoying the thrill of hunting. Rather than being chased and beaten by a passionate enemy. However, the tragic death of the fanatic should be considered “worth the fare”…

“Commander, please give instructions.”

A message from the remaining soldiers sounded in the earphones. These soldiers are also currently in the elite mercenary mode, lurking silently nearby, and they can suddenly be killed as long as the blood blade gives an order.

“Follow me…” The blood blade licked his lips, and a fierce light seemed to flash in his eyes: “Let’s go and have some fun.”

The special force she chose was the famous French Gendarmerie Special Service (GIGN). The combat effectiveness of this unit was extremely powerful, and it directly wiped out the fanatics and all his subordinates. The reason for the heavy casualties was that Because of the flare released by the fanatic before his death, hundreds of mercenaries were attracted.

Thinking of the battle last night, an unnamed fire rose in Bloodblade’s heart again. She speeded up her pace through the killing field with corpses all over the wild, and walked sneakily through the ruins of the ruined wall with a cat on her waist.

There were not many soldiers left under her command. Two entourages had been sent out to look for the “upstream”. She was also extremely alert at this time. After thinking for a few seconds, she turned on the radio to contact her entourage:

“Come here, idiot.”

“Huh?” A circumflex, extremely rich male voice sounded in the earphones: “I’m still searching for that person! I found some clues…”

“No time, hurry up!” Bloodblade urged: “I will gather at my place within half an hour. If you dare to be late, I will cut off your tongue and take that thing to feed the pigs.”

“Okay, I see…” The man sighed, “But this way, my tracking will also be interrupted. There should be no way to find that person today.”

“Whatever you want, you will meet sooner or later anyway.” When it matters to the overall situation, Bloodblade is still very judgmental. She did not choose to blindly follow the “reverse current”, but took the pragmatic line: “Bring yours. ‘That gun’ come here.”

“Yes, Miss.” The man breathed out frivolously, making a harsh sound in the headset, and then cut off the call directly.

After notifying the other entourage, Bloodblade opened the map and observed the strategic location marked with a blue cross and the plan of the nearby block.

This government army warehouse was occupied by a player named Leprosy Gnome. Blood Blade had never heard of this name before, and she had no interest in this kind of guy who seemed to her to be an unknown person, she just wanted to make a quick decision.

She knew very well that it was impossible for herself and the leprosy dwarf to stare at the warehouse. There must be other players lurking nearby. Even if they couldn’t capture the warehouse, killing someone nearby was not bad.

The murderer in a gray cloak slowly approached the government warehouse before the entourage arrived. When she arrived less than 500 meters away from the warehouse, she took off her cloak and stuffed it into her backpack, revealing the blood on her body. Streaky urban camouflage uniforms.

Then, the bloodblade drew a saber and slashed a few times on own shoulder and waist, creating fresh wounds that were bleeding, and matched with the dry bloodstains all over her body, it looked like a walking corpse.

The current bloodblade can be disguised as a dead body as long as it falls on the ground, and it seems to die worse than those mercenaries on the street. With the use of special anti-infrared fabric combat uniforms on her body, even if the enemy wears thermal imaging mirrors, I can’t tell that she is still alive at all.

“Leprosy dwarf, don’t let me down…”

Bloodblade snorted, slowly crawled through the ruins, approached to the position where the government army warehouse could be seen, and picked up the binoculars to observe the situation on the street.

When she was about to find a way to touch the investigation, she felt a little strange.

“poison gas?”

She frowned slightly, her small plasma-filled face, and the smile that was still hanging on her face suddenly disappeared.

Out of personal interest, Bloodblade has conducted certain research on almost all tortures and inhuman terrorist weapons in this world. The few corpses lying on the street in front of them did not appear to have any obvious trauma, and they seemed to have died of poison gas.

If it were erosive gas, these people would certainly not die so “elegantly”. Looking at the wrinkled faces and hideous expressions of those people, they were obviously masterpieces of nerve gas.

“It’s interesting…” Bloodblade put on a gas mask and lay next to the bombed corpse, patiently waiting for the arrival of his own two entourages.

She didn’t know if the poison gas was released by the leprosy dwarf in the warehouse, but it didn’t matter at all. Now that the other party has prepared poison gas, of course, he has to come up with a reliable “return gift”.

Thinking of this, she put her right hand into the backpack, and before she had time to take out her own equipment, she heard a cold male voice in the earphones:

“Leprosy dwarf, wait for death, I’m already on the way.”

The other party seemed to forcibly occupy the public band here, and the sound was not only transmitted into the bloodblade’s earphones, but was also heard by the “leprosy dwarf” hiding in the warehouse.

——In this way, the player hiding in the warehouse will undoubtedly be on guard. If he wants to make a quick decision, he will definitely fail!

Thinking of this, Blood Blade cursed with his teeth: “Is this man’s head filled with Xiang?”

Before she finished speaking, she received a message from the GIGN soldier hiding nearby:

“The two tanks are approaching, please hide immediately.”

“What the hell, this stupid can still grab the tank?” Bloodblade looked back in surprise.

When she saw the dust and smoke rising from the far side of the street, she wisely chose to jump into the basement of the ruined house.

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