War Paradise

Chapter 865

Chapter 836 Blood Blade, Lovers of Pain

The sound of torn flesh and blood sounded.

The bone knives held tightly in the hands of the two skinless monster corpses relentlessly tore the skin of the bloodblade, leaving two deep bone scars on her waist.

The burning pain constantly stimulates the nerves of the virtual body. Bloodblade frowned slightly, then opened the skill bar and glanced at it, then stepped forward again, using his own body to harden the monster’s attack.


The body was pierced by seven knives, but the blood blade still stared at the scarlet eyes, staring straight at the monster beside him, and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood. Then……

The brutal murderer’s scarred face showed a bright smile again:


Bloodblade kicked the three skinless monsters in front of her with one foot. The seven bone knives stuck in her body not only did not make her body dull, but it seemed to stimulate some “hidden ability”, leaving her to ignore it. Both power and speed have gained explosive Ascension!

He turned his head and punched the two skinless monsters to splatter blood. Looking at the other’s heads that were smashed into a deformed shape, the blood blade continued to move forward, with a few more bone knives on his body:

“You seem to have made a mistake.”

She walked forward with a smile, the strength on her body became more and more crazy, stretched out her hand to strangle a skinless monster’s head, directly lifted the opponent, and then squeezed it hard.

With a crisp sound, the head of the skinless monster was directly squeezed, and a mixture of blood and brain was sprayed out, splashing on the faces of the companions with muscles…


As if unexpectedly this situation, a little panic appeared for the first time in the whispers of the devil.

“You said that this is not a psychological suggestion, but since I have pain, it means that this is not a normal game space.” Looking at the “Pain Isolation” skill still in effect in his skill bar, the blood blade licked his lips. Bloodstain: “You want to make me feel intense pain through these stupid monsters, and trigger things like the’Sudden Death System’, right?”

The Great Arcanist hadn’t spoken yet, and the blood blade was another high whip leg, kicking the headless corpse in front of him. The seriously injured body burst out with incredible power:

“Thank you so much,” said Bloodblade.

“You monster…” The voice of the Great Arcanist began to tremble.

Since signing a contract with the devil in the frozen Savia Valley, the Great Arcanist has acquired magical skills that can draw enemies into the “Otherworld” and make them miserable.

Although using this skill will reduce his own attributes, as long as he destroys the opponent in the mind space, even if the body in the game is weaker, it is not a big deal.

Now, the Great Arcanist hasn’t mastered this skill proficiently, but has used it to kill many mercenaries and even grabbed two tanks. Even the “leprosy dwarf” who turned into a monster by scavenging waste cannot resist the painful nightmare. but……

This time he is facing not those enemies who fear pain, but a complete monster!

“Pain… is the meaning of my fight.”

Bloodblade reached out and pulled out the two bone knives inserted in his waist. A large amount of plasma spewed from the wound, which was suppressed to one-third of the pain. Bloodblade felt unprecedented pleasure and gained incomparably powerful strength!

“Games without pain…will weaken my strength.”

As he said, Bloodblade stepped forward, tore apart the bodies of several skinless monsters around him, and opened the “door of The Underworld” covered with bone spurs.

Even as a “pioneer” like Lin Chi, the combat effectiveness of Bloodblade is very unstable and fluctuates greatly in different games. In the eyes of others, this violent ups and downs may be the result of the “nerve knife”. But only Bloodblade knows why this happens:

She needs painful stimulation to become a real strong.

——As long as she can feel the pain in the game, she will be transformed into a super “devil”, and in the mainstream game without pain, her combat effectiveness will drop a lot and become an ordinary middleman.

Because of this, when the mainstream online games are beginning to cancel the pain setting, the blood blade has gradually faded out. It wasn’t until the appearance of “War Paradise”, a game that could still experience pain, that she finally returned.

It’s a pity that she only got cool for a few days, and then she acquired the passive skill “Pain Isolation” that could not be turned off, and she immediately fell from the god-tier back to the category of ordinary players.

Because of this, she would make some wounds on her body from time to time, trying to get even the slightest pain, but it was completely useless.

——The blood blade that has lost the pain is not a true complete body.

The Great Arcanist had never imagined that for most people, the pain was a negative effect, but it was a downright positive effect on the blood blade. After gaining the pain sensation, this legendary pioneer finally revealed a terrifying “true form”!

The skinless monsters in the illusion space surrounded them and continued to attack the bloodblade frantically, but their attacks could only make the opponent stronger.

“This stuff is completely crazy…” The Great Arcanist said with emotion.

The Great Arcanist, who prides himself on The Underworld Devil, finally realized that the guy he was facing was the real Devil!

Seeing that the pain in the hallucination had no effect, he also decisively turned off his own skills and planned to escape the government warehouse. but……

“Hey, is that just a little bit? I haven’t played enough yet.”

The scrawny man in blue had already been pierced with a blood blade in his right hand, and he was nailed to the wall. The great arcanist who had become weak because of Devil’s possession wanted to struggle, but after using the skills, his body no longer had the strength to struggle.

“Your skill is quite interesting…”

Bloodblade leaned forward, looked at the angled and thin face of the Great Arcanist at close range, stretched out his hand to strangle the opponent’s neck, and smiled: “Where did you get this skill? People want one too. You are telling me on the initiative. What? Or wait until the skin is peeled off?”

“Now… it’s still live broadcast…” The Great Arcanist said with difficulty: “You will be titled and banned…”

“It doesn’t matter, of course I have a method that will not be detected by the torture protection system.” Bloodblade said as he took out the bandage and pliers from the backpack, shook in front of the Great Arcanist’s eyes:

“According to the rules of the torture protection system, some’harmful behaviors’ in the game to treat injuries will not be counted as abuse. Otherwise, those doctors who need surgery or bones will have to go straight away.” At this point, the blood blade clamped the pliers on a finger of the great arcanist: “And I, I have long learned to disguise torture as a method of treatment.”

“Wait…Wait a minute!” The Great Arcanist cried out in horror, “I said…I said it’s not alright?”

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