In the prayer room on the third floor of Ryan’s Baron Castle, under Jean Baron, Brittany, in early November.

Because the renovation has not been completed, the tower of the fairy in the lake is currently only covered with two floors, which is far from the minimum 5-Layer required by the fairy in the lake. The craftsmen expect it to be around this time next year. It will be finished.

Ryan did not blame these artisans. Most of the artisans hired by Ryan came from Montfort and Pordro. In order to help him maintain and rebuild the castle, the businessman Ismail may not have hired cloth. The best craftsmen in Letania must also be first-class craftsmen, and Ismail’s policy is to build the castle first, and then build a new tower, because in the eyes of the big merchants, the tower is a new construction, requiring manpower and The energy is great, and the old Baron castle already has the entire outline and stone walls. What is needed is actually interior decoration, re-planning of the area and repairing some disrepair and damaged places.

Then considering that Ryan has no place to live, Ismail’s consideration must be to complete the renovation of Baron Castle as soon as possible, and then build the tower.

The prayer room on the third floor has always been a forbidden area for the servants of the castle, especially after Ryan returned to the domain. Ryan stipulated that no one except Olica should enter the prayer room. Usually the prayer room is always locked.

In the prayer room, the original structure remains unchanged. Only the fairy in the lake and Ryan are sitting opposite each other. At this time, the fairy in the lake is different from the normal situation. Her face was ruddy. Slightly pale, the jade hand, who has always been holding the Holy Grail, is holding Ryan’s right hand, and the Holy Grail has been put aside.

Ryan’s situation is not very good either, the spirit of the Holy Grail Knight is relatively sluggish, but he still sends his psionic energy continuously to the fairy in the lake.

Normally, deities exist in subspaces. The mood swings of believers form energy, and the energy converges to become deities. If deities need to interfere in the mortal world, they must expend a lot of divine force to enter the main material plane. Finding a suitable carrier makes it difficult for the gods to interfere with the matters of the main material plane. There are many things that mortals have done their best, and this is the truth for many things that mortals can only rely on themselves.

But the existence of Ryan is equivalent to opening a back door for the fairy in the lake between the subspace and the mortal world. The fairy in the lake can travel unimpeded in the subspace and the mortal world. With the increase in strength, Ryan’s more powerful soul has been able to ensure that the fairy in the lake releases her divine force as much as possible.

“Sure enough, Mu Xilong’s city wall cannot be breached under the protection of magic and seals.” For a long time, the face of the fairy in the lake became paler, and she signaled that Ryan was ready.

After the flood swept across the Duke of Connaught for a whole day, the lake fairy’s flood still couldn’t break through the city wall of Musilon, so after the divine force was consumed a lot, the lake fairy decided to stop this Action, she put away her hand: “Well, Ryan, my champion, let’s do this for now.”

“Okay!” Ryan also put away his hand, his psychic energy It also consumes most of it. In the prayer room, the faces of one person and one god are a little wilted. The fairy moved towards Ryan in the lake stretched out her arm, motioned him to sit next to her, and sighed a long way: “In this way, the blood-red Duke and His allies were unable to initiate a war in a short time. We at least won more time.”

“Thank you, my lady.” Ryan was about to put his hands away, Hu The middle fairy immediately took his arm and leaned on him. Goddess’ voice was full of exhaustion: “My champion, I need to rest for a while.”

“Well, I I think I need to rest for a while, I have to say, my lady, you are really not polite to use my psionics.” Ryan made a joke, and he felt very tired.

“You are my champion, you don’t need yours, who do I use?” The lake fairy made a joke with Ryan. With the help of Ryan’s power, the blood-red Duke of Musilone and what he called The Dark Knight allies cannot do much for the time being. They must resume production in the army and territory as soon as possible. Although the undead no longer need food and sleep, they still need a lot of weapons and magic costs to form an undead army. Vampires also need enough human blood to meet their thirst for blood. Taking this opportunity, the Holy Grail Knights will dispatch collectively to take out the remains of the Holy Grail and return them to the Holy Grail Cathedral in Curona for burial.

This matter has nothing to do with Ryan. The fairy in the lake made it clear that Ryan does not need to be dispatched for the next thing, and Morjana and her Holy Grail Knights will complete this matter.

Ryan’s heart turned a single thought, but he didn’t show it on his face.

He had an idea that he borrowed the black Holy Grail Knight and tried to control and command the Holy Grail Knight. If he could strengthen the connection with the Holy Grail Knight, what he could do later Just more.

He has already laid a good foundation in Brittania, but it is not strong enough.

The fairy in the lake seems to have seen his thoughts, she said softly: “It’s not time yet, my champion, it’s not time yet…”

“My lady, I plan to equip the army with artillery.” Ryan also knows that some things can’t be rushed. In this year’s Knights War, he has been a big show, which has caused dissatisfaction with many conservative aristocrats, especially the wood elves and dwarves. After the infestation, some dukes criticized this. For example, the Duke of Montfort, who guarded the axe bite, had a lot of opinions about this. This duke hated all races except humans, and his territory did not accept anything other than humans. Any creature settles.

“I have never forbidden the Knights to use artillery at any time, anywhere, my champion.” The lake fairy immediately understood what Ryan meant, and Goddess smiled and shook his head: “My champion, if You can obtain artillery technology from the dwarves, that is naturally the best, but you have to pay attention that the Charlemagne’s descendants over the mountain have an agreement with the dwarves, and they keep the secret of gunpowder together. You guys, think about how to make the dwarf willingly make artillery for you.”

“I have a way, my lady, as long as you allow me to use it.” Ryan nodded repeatedly, there is a lake. With the approval of the fairies, this matter is much easier.

The champion of God’s Choice faintly felt that the fairy in the lake was actually a Goddess who knew how to work around and weigh the pros and cons. The Knight’s eight virtues she left behind were over-interpreted and cited as rigid dogma by the Knights. A firm belief is conducive to fighting the corruption of Chaos. The corruption of the people of Breton is much lower than that of the Empire, but it also makes the Knights conservative and proud. It can only be said that everything has advantages and disadvantages.

“When your tower is built, it will be my permanent place in the future, my champion, close your eyes, I have a gift for you.” The fairy in the lake motioned to Ryan to close eye.

After Ryan closed his eyes, he felt a soft touch on his face.

This is? !

“hahahaha ~” The laughter of the fairy in the lake is still echoing in the room, but apart from the light and the fragrance of the iris on her body, there is no Goddess silhouette in the prayer room.

Ryan opened his mouth and didn’t know what he wanted to say. For a long time, he felt tired too, so he left the prayer room, returned to his master bedroom, and took a shower. Just fell asleep.

Ryan, who was given a lot of psionic energy, took a rest for more than a day. After all, he is the son of the emperor, the Primarch of Grey Knight, and he recovered quickly. Baron couldn’t rest forever. There are still many things for him to deal with.

In early November, Bretania finally ushered in the First Stage snow after the winter.

In the early morning, Ryan woke up, and the Holy Grail Knight got a bucket of hot water, then soaked comfortably in the bath, and hung two of his legs on the edge of the wooden barrel comfortably. Lika was serving by the side.

“Woke up so early, my Great Knight?” The lazy Witch Garland was lying on the big bed in the master bedroom, leaning on the soft pillow, her face was flushed, and she was obviously blushed last night. It moisturizes well: “Don’t take a little rest?”

Big snowflakes appeared outside the window. This year’s climate is a bit unusual. Normally, the first snow will not be so heavy.

“Today, I’m going to see the situation at the workshop. I heard that Katzenberg said that the dwarf craftsman came to the workshop with about seven or eight people, and then asked for the entire workshop’s facilities Re-arrangement, a lot of people are needed to help him, and I just came back to have other things, now as the lord, I should go over and have a look, and talk to him by the way.” Ryan did not shy away from the barrel directly Standing up in the middle, Olica took out the towel to dry him, and then he put on his own clothes: “Want to go with me?”

“Well, my dear, I saw the tower still I thought you were preparing it for me, didn’t expect…” Veronica opened the quilt. Although the witch didn’t say it clearly, but Ryan, who knew her, knew that the witch was planning to go to the workshop with him. “I’ll talk about it on the road.”


The two changed their clothes, called the tax officer Gasparton and Steward Katzenberg, with A few sergeants walked along the lower reaches of the Chinon River. There was snow on the ground along the way, and the entire Baron collar became white. The cold gale blew across the field, and most of the serfs had their doors locked. A few serfs are still working.

On the road, Ryan happened to meet the half-elf Ester with two eternal guards and a few woodland guards. The half-elves and wood elves were all wearing fur coats and saw Ryan appeared stunned for a while, and Estelle immediately greeted: “Your Excellency Ryan? Are you back?”

“Well, I’m back, what’s the matter, Estelle? Are you going here? Ryan asked.

“Ah, I’m going to take them to the blacksmith’s workshop by the river to fetch weapons. Winter is here, the tree spirits fell asleep, and our king stepped into the flames and turned to ashes. He won’t return until the next spring.” Ester’s expression was not very good, he explained: “So in winter, the forest can only be guarded by ourselves. We need sufficient weapons.”

The wood elves’ forest king Ao Ryan and his wife Alaire will step into the flames and die every winter, and then resurrect in the spring of the following year, and the summer is their most powerful time.

“It just so happens, I also want to go to the blacksmith workshop, let’s act together.” Ryan nodded, motioned everyone to act together.

The eternal guards of the wood elves were a little reluctant. They first looked at the sergeants behind Ryan, Gasparton and Katzenberg with contemptuous eyes, and then used them in awe. After staring at Ryan and Veronica, he finally agreed. One of the eternal guards said in elf language: “Hello, Lord Ryan, I am the eternal Guard Captain Anas from the eternal forest. Winter is coming. We are urgently We need more ironware, ore and food, but your subordinates cannot meet our needs. The dwarf craftsman also rejected our order. I hope you can help us.”

“Dear Ah Nass, I just returned to the territory, and I am not very clear about the current situation.” Ryan shook his head: “I believe that according to our original agreement, our output here can meet your requirements. Will the Esleys increase again? A new order, or a temporary request?”

The Eternal Guard stopped talking, and Ester smiled bitterly when he saw it. He said to Ryan, “Ryan, we are in trouble, Val Anvil Woodland After being invaded by the shadow war beast group, the production of ironware has been severely affected, and for ore we almost completely rely on imports from you, so we need some ready-made weapons temporarily.”

“I understand, let’s talk as we walk.” Ryan motioned to everyone and said as they walked.

So along the dry river, the entire group said as they walked, Veronica always held Ryan’s hand without saying a word, looking like a vase.

It’s very interesting that the tax officer Gasparton is very enthusiastic about these wood elves. The Eternal Guard tries to communicate with him in lame low Gothic language. Gasparton has always been asking questions. Must answer, Steward Katzenberg has no good expressions on these wood elves.

It’s no wonder that the appearance and trade of wood elves have brought great benefits to Ryan. The exquisite handicrafts and jewelry necklaces of elves are the most sought after objects of human nobles. Because of this, the wood elves’ The trading post has brought huge taxes to Ryan’s territory, and Gasparton expects that this year’s Baron will receive more than one thousand gold crowns.

But Katzenberg doesn’t think so. The relationship between these wood elves and the human inhabitants is not good. The serfs are afraid and wary of the pointed ears, and something has happened. , The wood elves have disputes with the residents, and these matters are handled by Katzenberg. These disputes are not easy to handle because of the particularity of the wood elves in Ryan’s territory, so Katzenberg has no good face.

On the road, I talked a little about the existing problems. Along the Chinon River, Ryan and other entire groups arrived at a workshop hosted by the dwarf blacksmith Deron Feinsen, with black walls and roofs. It is now covered with snow, and black smoke comes out of the chimney from time to time.

“Huh?” Ryan narrowed his eyes, and he noticed that a big human being was beating an iron in the blacksmith’s workshop.


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