It took several hours for this time to purify. Magnus woke up many times on the way, but Anglang always made him “come to sleep” again in time.

A few hours later, the purification was completed, and Magnus finally changed from an evil Demon King child with a height of five or six meters to the original Thousand Seed Gene Primarch, his height has shrunk drastically. , The traces of depravity disappeared completely.

What’s more conspicuous is that the goods are full of bags, and the whole face is swollen into a human shape.

Ryan panted heavily. He took out a towel and wiped the blood stains on his face: “Father, the situation of Magnus is a little different from that of Brother Anglang. I can purify him after he is promoted. His body can also reverse his soul, but under the influence of Yin Qi, his way of thinking has been permanently and irreversibly changed.”

“I understand, but it doesn’t matter.” The Emperor After listening to Ryan’s words, his face was very cold, and he didn’t care about it in his tone: “It’s not important.”

Ryan didn’t say more when he saw it.

“Ah! It hurts! It hurts!” The two of them were waiting to say something. Magnus lying on the stone slab suddenly screamed. He tried to touch his face with his hand. , So the screams became louder: “Ahhh! It hurts! My head hurts!”

“Relax, brother, these are repercussions after purification.” Anglang did not move. Put down the sledgehammer sensibly, and walked to Magnus with a grin: “It’ll be all right in a while.”

“f**k! Anglang! Brother, you are before me Didn’t you see it?!” Magnus yelled out of anger, “It was obviously your hand!”

“Really? You better figure it out, who did it?” Anger When Lang saw this, he picked up the sledge hammer again.

“Uh…that, I mean, my head was a little dizzy just after being cleansed, and I was a little confused just now.” Magnus barely opened his own swelling into a slit. After his eyes were reshaped, one of his blind eyes also recovered.

Noting that the head of Anglang’s sledgehammer was full of his own blood, Magnus immediately acknowledged his counsel, he chuckled, and then pulled the wound on his face: “Ah! It hurts! “

“It seems that you are very energetic, Magnus.” The emperor took a quick step and came to Magnus coldly, looking at the horse whose face was so swollen that it was not human. Gnuth, the expression on the emperor’s face seemed to have changed a little.

Ryan can feel the emperor smiling, and he seems to be in a good mood.

“father, the god of carrion on Golden Throne? Didn’t expect, you really have a way.” Magnus’s tone was full of unknown smells, like rejoicing. Again, it seems unwilling: “Really can…make me come back.”

“How stupid, Magnus, you are like a clown, you have been tricked by fate, and you never understand That’s why, I didn’t learn anything from your failure.” The Emperor Lightly said, he looked at the weak Magnus: “So you always fail, stupid, impulsive instinct always makes you do something Stupid thing, it’s also the case of being tricked and deceived to destroy the network. It is also the case of rushing to ambush Giliman on the moon.”

“Perhaps, father, I have always been a toy to be teased, by you and Tricky threw it over and threw it over, like a ball. I thought I could get rid of this fate, but it ended up being played by you.” Magnus tried it and found that his body was weak and almost unable to move. , So he gave up: “Anyway, I have no other choice. What I want to say has already been told to you on the moon. You will let your wolf cub kill us all. Tricky promised to help us solve the mutation. The question, the ending is that Aliman’s scarlet letter turned 90% of the soldiers into dust.”

“No matter how you choose, it’s a wrong answer. No matter how you do it, it’s a stupid decision. Now you tell me, Father, you changed me back to the way I was, you brought me here, what are you doing?” Magnus lay on the stone slab and said helplessly, “Don’t you worry about me betraying again? Go gather again. My army is back to destroy you?”

“Heh~ Tell me, Magnus, is it as happy to be the evil Demon King under Tecchi for ten thousand years as you think? “The Emperor lightly said.

“That’s really…not happy at all, Trick cheated me! I have always lived in a lie!” Magnus remembered his experience, and then said indignantly: ” Okay, I don’t think I have any more thoughts of working for Kinky.”

“Anyway, Magnus, my brother, welcome back!” Anglang laughed heartily, he Stepped forward and gave Magnus a big hug, regardless of Magnus’ screams: “Ahhh! It hurts me to death, don’t use it so hard!”

“Damn it, Anglang, it turns out that you are here, the terrifying iron fire demon army is searching for your whereabouts everywhere, and it tells you whoever takes your head can immediately be promoted to the evil Demon King and win the preciousness of taking the head of Kiliman. Opportunity.” Magnus scratched his red hair and barely sat up with the help of Anglang: “As a result, you were changed back to the way you were.”

“This is it. My purpose, Magnus, I want to gather all your brothers again.” The emperor moved towards Magnus said: “Fogen, Roga, Peturabo, Mortarian… I will Continue my great expedition until the entire galaxy is ruled by humans again.”

“If this is the case, I mean, father, if you really think so, I think, this is the same as mine. What’s the relationship?” Magnus’ eyes flickered, and he seemed to remember the memory that was about to be forgotten.

The memory of 10,000 years ago.

The blood and glory that were once, the brothers and the children that were once have all gone, and what is left is emptiness.

“Gray Knight Primarch, I need your help.” At this time, Great Sage Belisariu-Kaul came to Ryan’s body: “About the last time you said Things…”

“Yes, I told you last time that I want to make a gray Knight.” Ryan said solemnly.

“Understand, understand, but the production of Gray Knight is very special. The brand-new original cast interstellar warrior technology has been successfully tested on Extreme Warrior, but can it be effective on Gray Knight? To be tested, I need to take some of your blood and go back to study.” Great Sage Kaul said in an electronic voice without any emotion.

“Okay!” Ryan nodded, and after Kaul’s robe stretched out a big needle, which pierced Ryan’s body.

Great Sage drew more than 600 milliliters of blood from Ryan’s body before giving up.

At this time, Magnus finally understood the entire process of development. Qianzi’s gene progenitor said with a smile: “Oh, didn’t expect, your prime minister will leave it for you. The last hope is, yes, you never trust us, you only trust him.”

“That’s because you guys are unreliable! What a spoiled group of children.” The emperor said coldly.

“Uh…” Magnus scarlet’s eyes rolled around. He looked at Anglang’s happy face, and then whispered: “That…father, not equal to me. Stay here? Ryan, he needs a helper, a helper in witchcraft, I think I can do it…”

“You want to stay too? No, no, Magnus, I There is a more important mission to be entrusted to you, which involves the future of mankind! You will become a hero of the Protector category!” The emperor’s expression has changed a bit, and his face filled with countless miracles and light seems to be suppressing something. .

“Will you make me a military commander? Father? Let me lead your empire on a great expedition?” Magnus immediately thought of a possibility. The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was. Really, he thought to himself that if father can change his past and make himself a commander in battle, then it is not impossible to serve father again.

“You’ll know if you follow me back.” The emperor patted Magnus’s shoulder, and the expression on his face looked very kind: “This is definitely a surprise.”

“Okay.” Seduced by the pie drawn by his father, Magnus gave up his plan to stay.

Next, the emperor touched Ryan’s head: “I leave it to you, Ryan, Anglang, I will take Magnus back.”

“Okay.” Ryan, who had been drawn with more than six hundred milliliters of blood, looked a little pale, and he and Anglang nodded together.

So the emperor, Great Sage Kaur, and the newly recovered Red Son Magnus left together. After greeted the Forbidden Army and the others, Ryan and Anglang walked out Go to the cave and stroll in the snowy forest.

After taking a few steps, Anglang suddenly sighed: “Magnus is still so stupid, so stupid, he actually thought that father would make him a commander in battle.”

“hahaha ~It’s always good to have a dream, brother.” Ryan couldn’t help but keep smiling, “Actually, no one will be his turn.”

“Yes. Father just wants someone who can replace him to maintain the Star Torch and sit on the Golden Throne that’s all.” Anglanghehe smiled straight: “It is indeed a surprise, but this is more surprise than joy.”

” hahahahaha~” The two gene primitives laughed loudly in the snowy field, shaking so much snow fell on the ground.

“Brother, it seems that we can only figure out your weapon by ourselves.” Ryan remembered another question: “If we want to make a weapon similar to a power axe, we need vibrato. Only this Only the highest quality material can make the weapon you want.”

“I know, but where do you want to find Zhenjin?” Anglang nodded, indicating that he understood.

“Vibration… the overwhelming majority in the world are controlled by the dwarves. Even if there is a small amount in circulation on the market, it is difficult for us to obtain it. One is that our financial resources are not enough. A small amount of vibrating is not enough to make a tomahawk with enough weight for my brother.” Ryan Fowns, he is still very concerned about Anglang.

“No hurry, brother, in fact, I still haven’t recovered from the weakness of rebirth. It will take at least seven or eight years.” Anglang patted Ryan’s shoulder with understanding. : “Take it slowly, you first settle your own business, I don’t need to worry about it.”

“Thank you.” Ryan was very moved.

“In this World, only our brother, we should support each other.”



In the following days, Ryan focused on governing the territory. Under his governance, Gene Baron was full of business opportunities, attracting a large number of free people to settle down, and the workshops by the river began to prosper, many such as The tannery and textile workshops have officially started operations. The existence of the Wood Elf Trade Station has attracted countless merchants and nobles to trade. Every time the wood Elf shipped goods, the goods were sold out on the 2nd day. The Wood Elf Also take this opportunity to obtain a large amount of urgently needed materials, such as amber, ore, wood and food for the winter (wood elves basically do not farm).

The time has come to December, and the footsteps of the Winter Veil Festival are gradually approaching.

This is the first Winter Veil Feast that Ryan has ever had since he came to this country.

Before the Winter Veil Feast, Ryan gathered all Knights and courtiers under him for a year-end meeting. Some of them were Ryan’s tax officer Gasparton, Steward Katzenberg, His four Knight Lopes, Hex, Olivier and Angland, his wine estate manager Durand, his magic consultant Veronica, and the builder of the Church of Justice Alfred.

Unconsciously, he has established a team of his own.

During this year, he did a lot of things, such as building territories, attracting investment, participating in the Knight’s Dao War, and rising to fame in this country. Many bards sang his poems, and only entered the Kingdom of Knight. In one year, he received a second-class iris badge and was promoted to the holy grail Knight.

Many dukes have expressed kindness to him, but there are also many dukes who have a lot of dislike for him. For example, the Duke of Berleon believes that Ryan has absorbed a large number of free people from Fiefdom, which is a challenge, such as The Duke of Pallaon is jealous of Ryan’s ability to trade with wood elves.

“In the next year, I plan to take a rest, consolidate our existing territorial foundation, ensure law and order, and at the same time train the army and develop business.” Ryan said at the end of the year: The foundation is not stable. There are many conflicts between locals and outsiders, so I don’t plan to use soldiers anymore in a short time.”

Hearing Ryan’s plan, the Knights were a little disappointed, because war is promotion. The best way, but his tax officer and steward are very happy, this is what they want.

After the meeting, Ryan stopped his blond childhood playmate: “Afu? Come to my castle for the Winter Veil Festival!”

“Hey! Yeah, Good friend, you are not fighting for the year when you came to your territory, or I was busy with things, so I didn’t have too many opportunities to meet, no problem, I will definitely come.” Alfred nodded, he was still optimistic. Look like.

“Okay!” Ryan nodded, and Steward Katzenberg suddenly went and returned: “My Baron?”

“What’s wrong? Katzenberg?”

“His Majesty has come down.”

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