The never-ending storm is raging on the corrupted land. If the Kurgan Steppe once had a beautiful history, it is all in the past. Now, it is left to all What people see is only the land that has become barren in the chaos and corruption. The grassland is still a grassland, but the grassland has long been full of flames. All the tribes who believe in Chaos are madly attacking and fighting each other.

Now, just before a chaos rune stone, the Norskans, Mongolians and Kurgans are preparing to fight a battle here, attracting the eyes of the dark gods, because at this time, evil Moon Moss Libu is hanging high in the sky, and the power of chaos is ushering in a new frenzy.

At this time, it is the best time to win the attention of True God!

The traveler listened to the Kurgan rider’s narration. He gave out a sharp laugh. When he laughed, his whole body was shaking. The laughter seemed to be full of some different emotions: “I I know, I know where it is. It is Kadassah, a place where the evil Demon King was promoted.”

Chaos Talisman Stone monument, after the evil Demon King is promoted, he will stay in place. Such a Talisman Stone monument records its great and legendary story. Ascension is the highest reward of Chaos Evil God to its followers.

Ktravelers don’t seem to care about this reward: “A group of stupid people whose minds are bewildered by power, once they are promoted, they will lose themselves forever, and their lives and souls have become gods. The playthings in their hands, and these idiots think they have gained a lot, but they have lost more.”

“Hmph~hmph hmph hmph~” The traveler’s tone is indifferent, as if he is indifferent to the highest standard of Ascendant. The reward is dismissive.

This angered Kurgan’s riders, and the camps of both sides immediately turned from their guarding companions to enemies. This Kurgan Knight pulled out his long sword. He was too strong and The swelling body speed is not very fast, but the strength is huge, he yelled at the traveler: “You don’t understand anything! Idiot! This is blasphemy! You don’t understand the kindness and love of True God to us, die! For mercy Father’s love!”

“For the loving father’s love!” Thousands of Kurgan riders immediately entered a state of battle. Only fanaticism and bloodthirsty on their faces were fighting in their hands. The axe and long sword slashed at the followers of those travelers without hesitation.

“…Sure enough, it’s still the easiest.” The traveler held the long sword around his waist: “The Kings!”

Burning with the raging fire of chaos The long sword is out of the sheath, and this long sword is stained with the blood of more than twenty human kings.

Five minutes later.

Nearly a thousand corpses of Kurgan riders are scattered on the savannah, and those fragmented Kurgans still have deep fear on their faces. If their life is to pursue chaos, Evil God The attention and blessings of Evil God, then they have already got it, because this wonderful battle has attracted a rush of Evil God. In the gale on the Kurgan steppe, Evil God laughed with satisfaction.

They got their wish, and the price was life.

Just now, the Kurgan rider, who spoke wild words to the traveler, knelt in front of the traveler. The hot chaotic fire on the sword of the kings was burning his body and soul. , His shoulders were held down by this terrifying Demon Sword, extreme fear and suffocation filled his heart, and his words became intermittent: “I…you…no, don’t kill me! No!”

“acknowledge allegiance, or death.” The traveler’s words are also intermittent, or that his attention is simply not focused on the person in front of him.

He felt that the never-ending storm, the world of energy, which is known as the chaotic kingdom, began to greedily transform and expand. Under its influence, the entire northern land was wailing. The tremor and displacement, like a sleeping person entangled in nightmares whimpering in his sleep, the tomb left by the war will spit out the unrest of the dead from the soil, and all the female creatures and the fetuses carried by the human women have come from Chaos dirty and rich blessings, everyone understands that all this indicates that a huge mutation is about to happen.

Evil God is calling, the stage for the performance has been set up, and a grand performance is about to begin.

“No, you can’t kill me! You dare not kill me!” Kurgan rider is still in Final Struggle, he seems to have some kind of support, he tore his clothes and roared loudly “Look at what this is?! This is proof of the love of my father to me, the great, Supreme Lord of the plague! Nurgle! He…”

The clothes are torn apart, the Kurgans Sure enough, there is a “Pin” type on his chest, and three circles are marked. There is no doubt that this is the blessing of Nurgle.

Before the words fell, the death of the kings slammed forward, and his head fell on the spot.

Just as the Kurgan rider leader uttered the name of Evil God, the traveler immediately turned his attention to the person in front of him. His eyes flashed with extreme hatred and viciousness. No longer hesitate, the death of the kings was delivered lightly, and the life of the person in front of him was ended.

The strength of this kurgan rider is pretty good. If he didn’t want to pray for his life with the blessing of Evil God, the traveler might really spare him.

However, the stupidity of the person in front of him made the traveler lose interest.

“The ignorant Kurgans.” The traveler inserted the kings back into the scabbard, and he sneered: “Spoof?”

Evil God never Spoil any mortal.

This is the truth that travelers have realized after spending a hundred years. The Four Chaos Gods never show mercy to any mortal. The mortal world is just an interesting toy in their eyes.

The traveler hates the four chaos gods, just like he hates all mortal gods, he hates everything. Since he was determined to accept the cruel fate, he has become disgusted with the entire world. The deep in one’s heart burst out of disgust for all things, and it is also for mortal gods, and it is also for the chaotic Evil God.

However, Evil God never cares. It doesn’t matter whether travelers love them, worship them or hate them. As long as travelers show his value, Evil God will still look at him with interest and look forward to Follow his next actions.

Hate, but a power far deeper than love.

This is chaos!

When the travelers arrived near Kadassah, a war had already begun.

Cadasa, the majestic plateau that is cursed has opened her door to welcome all the chaotic warriors who dare to climb her razor-sharp stone wall, waiting for them to enter the distance from her top Ancient Ruins —— Zambazin, a city older than mankind itself, the Colosseum of the Chaos Gods, where the Evil Gods are looking forward to the performance of their favorite entertainment, and their mortals follow In front of this ancient stage, they fight each other to win their favor.

The traveler and his entourage did not choose to join the battle, because this kind of battle has been fought for more than a hundred years. He just stood in the distance and used him to risk the chaos. The bright red of the fire stared at the battlefield with cold eyes.

Now, right in front of his eyes, there are three Chaos armies fighting in the ruins. While fighting, they are all working hard to get close to the Chaos Talisman Stone monument, like a group of children clamoring for candy. He squeezed himself in front of the adults, yelling: “Give me! Give me!”

Haka, the horror champion warrior from the Norsca Iselin tribe, led an entire battalion of brass horrors. The god of abuse warriors are the first to charge. Behind them are groups of Barbarian Race robber, several teams of Primal Chaos Demon dogs and a whole dozen of Chaos Eggs, shouting the name of the god of blood.

From the east are Salgas-Voiders, a large group of evil believers cavalry from the Kurgan tribe. These lustful knights ride on ornately decorated horses. They are slim and gorgeous. Even in the sky of the evil moon, his costume is enough to make people blindfold. The champion of sex, Sargas, is young but has been favored by sex for a long time. His soul has been empty for a long time, and any normal actions in the world have been Unable to make his empty soul feel, now he is here just to satisfy his endless evil desire.

The Conspiracy Witch-Soul Destroyer comes from the Urak tribe in the south. Behind her are groups of treacherous demon wizards and treacherous believers. Although they are the least in number, they can be found in Primal Chaos Demon. With help, their momentum does not belong to any other Barbarian Race army.

Now, a fierce battle is starting in the ruins of the city. Three chaotic tribes are fighting here. Incantation and swords, bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and burning flames Sharp claw, life is harvested in an instant, and the endless blood spewing out reflects the smiles of the gods. The three-way melee makes the battle scene fluctuate. Whenever one party approaches the chaotic Talisman Stone monument, the other two parties will attack together, Scales of Victory continuously swinging.

In this way, one hour after another, the battle was very anxious. The terrifying brass goddess warrior, the evil lust Knight, and the tricky demon wizards fought endlessly.

No one noticed that a new army was appearing on the horizon.

The stench of yellow and green gradually overwhelmed the land they passed by, and a nightmare-like army appeared. They were like a muddy mudslide, their bodies broken, like pustules. Nurgle chooses the warriors, those hungry trolls with festering bodies, those humanoids that are no longer visible to be humans, they are like slender sliding on the earth, flowing with decaying soup.

Just before the entire Nurg army, their leader appeared in the eyes of the travelers.

It was a dead body that was completely dead, but magically maintained a fresh life force. He was riding on a giant toad dragon body that was also rotting. This giant beast is countless The length of the meter lies on it. The champion of Plague God Nurgle, the living corpse, the king of maggots, and the Tamu Khan, who claims to be the orthodox heir of the Great Kurgan, is located here.

The traveler’s eyes fixed on the swollen and rotten body of Tamu Khan, and he could see that the imprint from the divine enlightenment on him made him different among the four leaders. , This is the glorious glory bestowed by his master, Nurgle’s plague storm is covering his body, and the Supreme blessing bestowed on him by the father of plague, the god of disease, is clearly visible.

He is the chosen champion of Nurgle!

The Chaos tribes who were fighting in the ruins of the city were immediately attacked by the Tamu Khan and his army. This was an out-and-out massacre. Soon, they were hit hard. The Chaos Tribe was instantly defeated by the plague army. The small Chaos War Group and Chaos War Gang were wiped out one by one. The three Chaos Tribes soon discovered that the balance of this battle began to shift.

The first one who couldn’t hold on was the demon wizards of Tecchi. The conspiracy witch from the Urak tribe soon discovered something was wrong. She screamed and led the demon wizards of Tecchi and fled quickly. On the battlefield, after leaving behind those treacherous devotees, within a few minutes, the last treacherous believer melted into Nurgle’s pus.

“For the love of a loving father!” Tamuk Khan’s bloated and festered mouth spit out a mass of rotten meat, he raised his battle axe in his hand: “Go forward!”

“For a loving father!”

“Praise Nurg!”

The turbid current of yellow green moved towards the battlefield, now, those weak and timid The people can only escape the battlefield. Their embarrassed and cowardly appearance made Evil God laugh. The entire battlefield is full of chaotic Evil God full of happy laughter.

Now, what is blocking the Tamu Khan is the chastity champion Salgas-the emptiness and his lust Knight battallion, as well as the horror champion Haka and his horror yellow The bronze god chooses the warriors.

Heavy rain fell in the sky, lightning flashes and thunder, the plague army of Tamu Khan officially fell on fire with the horrifying brass warriors and the lustful knights, just in the torrential rain , Tamukhan took the lead, riding a toad dragon into the battlefield.

“We are about to win.” The traveler and his followers remained silent. He just watched the war quietly, waiting for the result.

…………I am the dividing line of the onlookers…………

At the same time, the old world, Brittany, and Charon forest.

As it should be by rights, Ryan knows nothing about what is happening on the Kurgan steppes far beyond several tens of thousands of li.

After arranging personnel and all the garrisons, Ryan led the remaining three thousand people to retreat from Musilon, ready to rush back to his territory.

At this time, the time has come to the end of July, Su Liya has been pregnant for almost eight months, and he must also rush back at this time.

Fortunately, from the letter, Su Liya understands Ryan’s career very well, and the fairy in the lake and Ryan’s personal maid, Orika, the dark elf, are always by Dame’s side, especially the fairy in the lake. Her company keeps Dame’s spirit stable.

But even so, Su Liya still complains to Ryan a little bit, hoping that he can come back from Musilon as soon as possible.

Ryan naturally raised his hands to surrender to this situation. There is no reason to talk to the pregnant woman. He immediately wrote to indicate that he would rush back immediately. For this reason, Ryan even dropped it and retreated slowly. The gradually disbanded Knight Dao army, and several holy grail Knights of François, Gerald, and the Quinalis Champion Knight Brother, desperately rushed to the road, wanting to return home early.

In the forest, the Holy Grail Knights hurriedly hurried, and gradually approached the stronghold Anglang established here-the hut in the forest.

The Knights will take a break here.

After Ryan got off his horse, he found that Anglang was feeding his Hippogryph “Nukeliya”. Although he was a little anxious, Ryan stood firm and went up to say with a smile: “Brother, are you feeding it?”

“Yes, Nukhelia has been really hard on this journey.” Anglang stuffed a large piece of roast pork into it. In the horned eagle’s mouth, the horned eagle was obviously enjoying it, and it spread its wings and ate food.

“All the way?” Ryan said strangely: “Brother, you have something to go out?”

“This war, you fought very well, brother.” Anglang Without answering Ryan’s question directly, he grinned: “When I was 34 years old, without your strength, I was still fighting in the arena with a group of guys who didn’t know why they were fighting. .”

“Have you heard about me?” Ryan asked casually.

Angela shook his head.

“…Have you followed me?” Ryan quickly realized something.

Angelang still shook his head. He didn’t talk about this problem anymore. On the contrary, Gene Primarch of the World Devourer took out a letter and handed it to Ryan.

“Fugen’s sissy and his ashes, Legion, are preparing to come to the old world to recruit a large number of recruits.”

“They will arrive soon.”

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