Warhammer Throne

Vol 5 Chapter 1329: , Now that privilege is mentioned...

All responsibilities are borne by me alone.

Issue military tickets, suppress atrocities, surrender to the dead, and ask the world for help.

All the crimes are borne by me.

Heilberg stared blankly as he watched Vlad finally got what he wanted, and the old man laughed mockingly.

He saw the undead army emerge from the forest outside the city, the nightmare from Sylvania, the lingering shadow of the empire, and at the same time the great savior, the undead army and the three brothers of the maggot riding regiment collided together. The two sides started a fierce battle.

At the same time, Vlad immediately awakened the whole city of Braunschweig at the moment Heilberg made the decision, and the results of the negotiations were immediate. The whole city, from burning houses to moss-covered palace walls, was covered with sticky mud and water. The soil began to squirm and separate, and the death lord easily controlled the wind of death, rooted in Brunswick’s indestructible power of faith, no matter how high or low it was, it was already destroyed by the spell of the witch doctor lord Festus. The hundred-hole pillar base was easily penetrated by Vlad.

The history of Braunschweig can be traced back to before the establishment of the empire by Charlemagne. At that time, it was still a fortress of the Carolingian tribe. From ancient times until the beginning of the Vampire War, there was almost no tradition of cremation in the empire, whether it was a peasant or aristocrat. Taking burial as a habit, for the nobles, luxurious tombs, armor supplies, post-mortem sacrifices and a peaceful sleep under the protection of Moore are an extremely high enjoyment for the nobles, while for farmers, burial means low cost. To reconcile it, you only need to dig a pit and spend a few copper coins to ask Pastor Moore to pray to end everything. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

Even after the Vampire Wars, burial still occupies a large proportion of the world. Cremation is a very costly thing for civilians. In this world, if you want to burn a corpse into ashes with high-quality firewood and refined carbon, the cost can be Not low at all.

Vlad manipulated the wind of death to his heart's content to awaken the fighters he needed. Those corpses who died in the Braunschweig garrison and the previous plague were first summoned and staggered towards the disease gods with instincts. The servants of, and then the older cemeteries, the tombs of the nobles in the Moor Garden, the sanctuary of the headquarters of the Knights, and the skeletal bodies in the major temples were awakened by Vlad's power and stepped into the battlefield.

In the end, the oldest barbarian warriors in the depths of Braunschweig have spanned three thousand years. As Vlad continues to increase their power, they are awakened, and the former Rickdorf is a piece by piece. Surrounded by the humble fortress with fences and wooden walls, these warriors gave everything to keep mankind alive. Now Braunschweig is an extremely glorious big city, and these warriors have to contribute to Brunswick’s survival. Fighting, but this world is like this. The older the thing, the more terrifying. Many of the oldest warriors have fought side by side with Charlemagne. Their bones and souls have condensed countless in the long years. The power of faith and soul purification, these ancient barbarian warriors immediately became teams of grave guards and black knights as soon as they were awakened. They were one of the few forces capable of fighting and suppressing demons.

Soon, all the battles along the banks of the river began, and the ruthless undead fought fiercely against the bloodless filthy residents of another world.

Halfway through the resurrection, Vlad's face changed drastically. If he had promised to add a sword to Ryan, who was fighting hard outside the city, then the Death Maharaja would have to break his promise, because he found the chief demon of Nurgle-Gaz. Festus, the champion of Nurgle God's Choice, is besieging the main shrine of the goddess of mercy Salia!

Relying on the power inherited from Nagash, Vlad knew that if they succeeded and used this to hold a large-scale ritual of Nurg at the Temple of Saria, the entire city would be dragged into the garden of Nurg! Become a new toy for a loving father!

Not allowed! Vlad immediately gave the command to Akhan and others, and then arranged for Hal Harris of the von Kastein family to command the army and rushed to the main shrine of the Goddess of Mercy.

Those two guys must be stopped!

Vlad explained the threat of Salia’s main temple in just a few words, leaving Heilberg, Ivan and a small number of the Imperial internal guards in place. Heilberg could feel everyone looking at him and wondering. With a desperate look, the old man really didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, the silence did not last long. The severely wounded Imperial soldiers came and told Heilberg a crucial news. Simon's defense had been completely breached, and the army of Nurgle was attacking under the leadership of the Grote brothers. In the imperial palace, it is difficult for the defenders to hold there, even with the reinforcements summoned by Vlad.

"Warriors of the empire, the war is not over!" Heilberg resolutely drew out the teeth of the rune: "In the name of Charlemagne, this is a dark day, an unknown beginning. Come with this commander and put aside your doubts. Victory. In the name of Emperor Griffin, in the name of Charlemagne, in the name of Ludwig the savior, go forward! Guard our palace!"

The fierce battle surrounding Brunswick continued.

In the center of the Western Front, Ryan is still fighting the three great monsters with his own power.


"Beep beep, beep, beep, beep!"

The original gray knight fights against the three great monsters with its own strength. The gray knight heroes under his command fought against the chaos demon army under the three demon's orders. This is a battle reverberating in heaven, with flames in the sky, coming from the light. The rain washed away the darkness and illuminated the battlefield in one fell swoop, and the psionic attacks of the gray knight heroes caused the devil's filthy flesh and blood to burst into sky-filled debris.

As fast as the wind, like a forest, invading like a fire and not moving like a mountain, the gray knight spirits crisscross among the traitors like reaping crops, as if entering the land of no one. The heroic posture of the warriors in silver armor is reminiscent of ancient myths. A legendary hero, while the giant blade is tossing, the Terrorist plate armor is no stronger than firewood. The helmet designed by evil fell on the surface of the battlefield and floats lazily. The rotting skin is burned to black and blistered. Gus didn't even dare to get close, only dared to hide in the distance to release plague magic.

However, everyone can see that the Sun King's Proof is barely fighting against everything under the power of the Chaos Three Gods. The indicator light on Ryan's chest flashes quickly, and the original body is not only fighting against Angelus and Shalaxi- The two demon calamities are also known as the best in physics and combat skills in the great devil, and they must separate their energy to maintain the sun king's certificate and provide the gray knight heroic spirits with psychic energy.

This is a huge consumption for Ryan, and the original body has gradually become exhausted from the beginning.

On the other side of the battlefield, Su Liya held the Angel Alliance and also personally led the Knights’ Crusade to fight against the Chaos Demon Army. The Queen of Knights eagerly wanted to support her husband, but the Nurgle Demon Army was responsible for this. Rottigs caused a flood of plague magic to cover the battlefield one by one. It didn't need to defeat Suria, it only needed to delay time until Lion failed.

At this time, Ryan was already scarred, but Shalaxi-Devil's Disaster was also covered in color, and the purple blood of evil fell on the ground along its cut crab claws, forming one by one in the mud. The whirlpool, the spear of the most powerful evil demon left six wounds on Ryan's body, and as a price, its shield was also shattered by Ryan, and there were broken cracks on the breastplate. Even the scorpion was blown by Ryan. Got two.

So strong, really strong! The evil demon couldn't help thinking that it even thought that Ryan was even stronger than the incarnation of the **** of death at this time.

Shalaxi's devil's calamity retreated, and Anglas rushed toward his face again, and it hit Ryan's head with its own horns, and it smashed its head without even paying attention to it.

Ryan lost his balance by this pure blow, and the original body fell directly into the mud. The magnificent scenery of the Sun King's certificate showed violent fluctuations, the original body immediately flashed, and his place was hit by brass. Axe in the middle.

That is a complete center point. The strength of Angelus is so strong that even the space has been cut open by the mighty power of the chief demon. The universe reveals its real, terrifying, and absurd veil, and the powerful suction draws all matter into it. The crushed, vacuum domain has no light and nothing, only complete destruction.

The chief horror demon had no time to watch his battle results, and the seriously injured Ryan rose up and attacked again and again. In front of the original body's storm-like combo, Anglas kept retreating until it was penetrated by our lord. On the chest, the great demon's hot blood was sprinkled like lava in the heavy rain and steamed up the smoke. Angelas held his chest with his hands. It was furious, but the tingling sensation that was higher than the waves told him why the Seed of Destruction would perish. !

Is this the Grey Knight Primarch?

It's so...exciting!

Ryan’s complexion was very serious. After a period of fierce fighting, the original body’s psychic reserve had fallen to less than half, and he was constantly consuming it at a faster rate. His body was already scarred, as long as it was the original body. It's not difficult to defeat the big devil, but no one has done it before.

Only the treacherous wizard knows where the horror of abuse, the kawgold, has taken the wrong medicine before deciding to let Anglas and Shalaxi-Devil's Disaster join forces, as Ryan thought in his heart.

Damn, this is a problem!

"Oh, my father is in trouble!" At this time, Devonhill, who was standing on top of the forest dragon Sethin Hal, and the Twilight sisters felt the rapid decline of Ryan's psionic energy, Devonhill. Originally expected that the mother’s Angel League could help the battlefield, but the Mujahideen was obviously not the opponent of Nurg’s Army and the four Ultimate Demon Army combined. Su Liya had exhausted her in order to resist the Chaos Demon’s total attack. The strength, because of the blessing of the Angel League, the old guards who came from behind barely tied the Chaos Demon Army.

Norsca dwarves are tough, and Maharaja Badr's hammer guards are also considered brave, but the dwarves march slowly, and it is almost impossible to advance to Ryan.

Devinhill bit his lips hard, biting them bleeding. He said to the Twilight sisters in the cloak in the storm: "Sister Nestra, Sister Alohan, do you know what privilege is?"

"Privilege?" Nestla gave the answer.

"Glorious position?" Alohan said casually. The Twilight sisters dropped a rain of arrows toward the ground and solved the two chaos demons. The forest dragon's magic power dropped so much that there was no way to spit out the dragon's breath.

"Since privilege is mentioned, I'll talk about where my pride is reflected." Devin Hill said softly: "I will jump down now and fight with my father against the three ultimate demons. This is As the grandson of that person, the glory and responsibility of my father's grandson, when it comes to this, my arrogance as the son of the sun has been fully manifested."

"What silly thing are you talking about? Devon, you'll fall to death if you jump from here! Fall into meat sauce." Nestra didn't care until the sister heard her scream.

Devonhill actually jumped! The young baron placed his body in the shape of a "ten", so he jumped off the forest dragon and plunged into the heavy rain!

"I'll leave the rest to you, Sister Nestra, Sister Alohan, go and support my mother!" the baron roared.

Feeling the rapid fall of his body, the feeling of rain hitting his face and the fierce and brutal wind that almost made one’s eyes blind, Devonshire laughed freely, and the baron struggled to hold the Wood Elf Spark at his waist. Rune Sword, he meditated on the ancient sage's spell, felt the power of nature, and let the origin of the universe unfold in front of him.

I have to say that the Twilight Sisters are not very high IQs. They are even more so after losing Alair’s restricted teaching. They were originally the symbolic spokespersons of Alair. After losing the restrictions of the Wizard Queen, the Twilight Sisters Now that they are attached to Devonhill's power, they are not swallowed by the darkness. In addition to getting the physical and spiritual pleasure from the sisters, Devonhill also easily stole information about how the Twilight Sisters used the magic web to separate and merge. Only a little bit of skill is needed, and Nestla and Alohan obeyed all the tricks.

In that case, give it a try, my power! The friction of the air scratched Devinhill's cheeks, and the Baron drew out the Starfire Rune Sword, dazzling psychic glare radiating from the surface of the blade in a whirlpool.

Devinhill sank his soul into the subspace, following the power of blood, searching for nodes linked by ribbons, he saw the cold sun.

Correct! This is it! Devonhill searched along the icy sun, and he immediately found what he wanted!

So, come on!哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novels|w~w~

In the Boulder Fortress of Caliban, Leon-El-Johnson, the original Dark Angel of the First Legion, who was sitting in the bar tasting and watching the pole dancing performance, was suddenly moved.

Sitting on the Angel Fort in the red desert of Barr, San Giles, who tasted the red wine made from the dried fruits of Barr’s native, felt a call.

The sword of the lion king and the red-stained blade were drawn out by the original body at the same time, pointing to the depths of the universe!

Devonhill's call was answered, and Ryan's youngest son screamed excitedly, and the brilliance on the rune sword became stronger.

let's start.

"Uncle Zhuang Sen!" Dark green steel wings, a lion pattern emerged, and the phantom of Zhuang Sen, the original body of the First Legion, appeared on Devin Hill's left hand. U U Reading www.uukANAnshu.cóm

"Uncle San Giles!" With scarlet tears of blood and white wings stretched out, the phantom of San Giles, the original body of the Ninth Legion, appeared on the right.

"Please lend me your power!" Devin Hill shouted wildly in the storm: "Angel of Vengeance!"

"Fusion! Sublimation!"

The rune sword has undergone an abnormal change. First, the black and green lion-shaped coat of arms replaced the original sword grid. In the middle of the blade, a drop of red blood and tears shone brightly, and the white psychic wings stretched out from the two ends of the sword grid. , Two-color brilliance broke through the rain curtain, and the sky was bright!

Damn it, why do you feel that the power of Uncle San Giles is more violent, bloodthirsty, and evil?

Devinhill, who concentrated all his power to control the Vengeance Angel's Greatsword, gritted his teeth and thought.

Damn, I can't stand the evil power of Uncle San Giles! Devin Hill seized the opportunity to immediately swing a sword, cut through the clouds, and fell from the sky: "Father, here I am!"

Everyone on the ground saw this scene.

By strength, right? When did you learn it?

Ryan felt the change in his son's power, and the original body waved his gun to force Shalaxi back from the disaster. He smiled bitterly in his heart. He learned to owe debts at a young age. Son, what are you going to do in the future?

What debt king?

But now I can’t manage that much anymore. Devinhill’s arrival made the other three Chaos Demon feel tricky, and at the same time it finally cut open the sky covered by dark clouds, and a dazzling and sharp light burst open. The dome tilted toward the ground.

In the sky, a star is flying, it is blazing, and the two long tails of its tail are burning with the sacred sun.

All the faces on the battlefield changed drastically.

Two-tailed comet!

It's a two-tailed comet!

No matter which force it was, it subconsciously remembered the ancient prophecy.

Could it be...?

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