Warhammer Throne

Vol 5 Chapter 1335: , The twin-tailed comet is born

Ryan and the others were rushing to the Imperial Palace. On the way in the past, he heard the news that Regent Raun had died in battle.

Seven of the Ten Marshals were killed in battle. More than half of the Chivalric Crusades were lost. He himself was seriously injured and dying. In the end, Ryan still failed to save Brunswick from the **** fire. With 20,000 people, even with the Nuer Army, there are still less than 60,000.

Lost so many soldiers, lost so many knights and generals.

Finally, Chaos invaded the imperial palace.

Is it all worth it?

Ryan’s face was dark and difficult to understand, and the original body was very clear. It was because of his arrival that his arrival attracted the attention of the four chaotic gods, and the four gods gave greater blessings and sent four great monsters. Composed of the magic army.

If he did not come, perhaps Brunswick would not have to encounter such a large city defense pressure, and would not have to encounter the attack of the four strongest demon armies of the Chaos. He brought reinforcements to the Empire and also brought disaster.

The knightly jihadists also suffered huge losses.

Now, the city’s salvation should not be far away. Even if the imperial palace is breached and everything inside is slaughtered, the Grote brothers will not be able to conquer Braunschweig, because Ryan is here, so just give it to the Grey Knight. The original body has enough time to recover, and the three Grote brothers must have retreated, otherwise they will be prepared to fall in front of Ryan and Diego!

There is also the Green Knight. The demigods of Bretania cannot leave the territory of Bretania for too long. The Breton army cannot summon the Green Knight in areas where the Nurgle has been severely corrupted, but the situation is different now.

Ryan doubted that if he didn't come, relying on Nuer's reinforcements, Vlad's reinforcements, and Gelt's reinforcements, would the situation get better? Will Raun and so many Chivalry jihadists be safe and sound?

Although the city is not dead now, is it all worth it?

Ryan couldn't help but sneer.

It's worth it, it's worth it.

Lie down and learn, right? I would rather do nothing and look forward to things getting better, right?

Dark forest, right? I'd rather hide behind the bushes, praying desperately for you not to see me, you can't see me, you can't see me, praying that Master Chaos will give you a way out, right?

This is not what the original body should do. As the son of the emperor, Ryan has no reason to lie down. If he is all smashed, what should humans do?

"Dad!" Frederick was about to talk to Ryan, only to find that Ryan's eyes were full of deep dark fantasy. The original blue eyes became pure black, as if they could swallow the glowing flames.

The son was frightened, and he quickly closed his mouth.

"...You have to remember, Frey." Ryan's eyes gradually turned back to normal. The Primal Gray Knight reached out and held Frey's head, and said softly: "Whenever you use the power of subspace, you I will be one step closer to the creation and madness of those origins. I am very close. I can already hear the voice of the origin of chaos. He is pushing me,'Wake up, I have something to let you know.'"

Every time Ryan opened his mind like the world, he was a little closer to the origin of the chaos, which was the power inside.

"Is this our fate?" Frederick was silent.

"You must learn to fight it, control it, remember that we are our masters."

"Then... Where's Grandpa?"

"Grandpa himself is one of those creations."

"Like them, but also enemy of them?"

"Chaos is not everything." Ryan stretched out his hand to touch the golden retriever of the Great Griffon Inpress, and smiled: "The Griffin also mutated from subspace, and Noelle?"

The avatar of the goddess of war knew that she was peeked through by Ryan, and she quickly hid behind Frey, only daring to reveal the small half of her head.

The group of people killed near the palace. Seeing Ryan appeared here, the Nurgle army turned around in fear and fled. The rookie of the Berhemond family, Lingard, couldn't help but rushed in and hacked and killed. He was accidentally rescued. Marcus Wolfhart, the hunter marshal trapped in a corner of the palace, and his hunter camp, this legendary imperial army with more than 300 people now has less than 80 people left. The hunter marshal himself is good at sniping, but close combat. Not very proficient, and the color was already hanging on his body. Seeing Ryan's and others appeared, he quickly shouted: "Quick! Go and save the emperor!"

"The emperor? Isn't the emperor missing?" Francois asked.

"The emperor has returned, just now!" Wolfhart said anxiously: "Come on, they are all in the Hall of the Hammer, and the three Grot brothers and their minions have rushed in! The danger is in danger!"

"The emperor..." Ryan quickly turned his attention to the interior of the palace, but he found that the twin-tailed comet traversed the top of the palace, and a dazzling and sharp light tilted toward the earth from the burst open dome, from the hall of the holy hammer. The broken dome fell.

"Two-tailed comet!"

"Oh, it's a two-tailed comet!"

In the Hall of the Sacred Hammer, the three brothers Grote, who had just killed Karl Franz, also saw the shining and substantial golden light from the Hall of the Sacred Hammer, with golden lines hovering on the top of the altar. Merged, condensed into one shining like a star, far away, burned by the lone star high in the sky, the clouds finally fell apart, and above the dome, another world was exposed, which was a world as golden and magnificent as heaven, burning The twin-tailed comet with golden flames blasted down directly, burning the dome of the Holy Hammer Hall to ashes.

"Big Brother! Comet Twin Tails are here!" Ezerak screamed, "It's so hot, my body is so hot, it hurts!"

"Don't panic, don't panic, it's just a star, just a star!" The eldest brother Otto also shook: "Father will not sit idly by!"

Before he finished his words, Otto's body began to melt in the golden light, and his eldest brother was so scared that he crawled back, Ezerak's cane exploded, and the tip of the bell rolled on the marble.

The force of the collision threw the three Grote brothers nearby into the air. A dazzling lightning trail curled in the air, and a dazzling incandescent spiral burned every trace of the pollution of the Nurgle Garden, blowing away the white tornado in the center of the city.

A beam of light fell from the sky, covering the body of Karl Franz in the center. The golden light turned from raindrops into a torrent. The power of the comet shattered the altar and wrapped the armless body of the emperor, bathed in golden light. The emperor Langz’s body has undergone drastic changes. He first changed from a middle-aged emperor with white sideburns to a calm and wise old man, and then into a twenty or so, with long hair in the middle and a smeared face. The oily and ambitious young barbarian, the wrinkles on his face that symbolized years and experience disappeared.

The emperor opened his eyes, Rune Fang spouted from his chest, and golden flames burned in the cracks in his chest until a bright red and powerful heart was regenerated. He straightened the originally broken waist, dazzlingly shining. Sweeping his gaze over the shivering and trembling mutants below, he looked stronger and taller, far beyond ordinary people.

He noticed that he had lost his arms, and the golden light began to revolve around his body. All the souls of the empires buried in Braunschweig were awakened. They watched the emperor standing here, shining brightly. , Every soul sighed sincerely, and a ray of light was injected into the emperor's body. Following the wound, two light arms extended from the shoulders, and then turned into substance.

The emperor with golden robe and golden beard and golden armor bathed his body in the light of the comet. His whole body was burning with hot golden flames. A majestic voice echoed in the shining space, reminding people of the ancient emperor. A chorus condensed with many others' carols, each voice has a different voice and tone.

"The world has changed!" The emperor's voice changed completely. He sounded like a bell, his son was solemn, but full of primitive wild enthusiasm: "The final battle is approaching! Now, I have returned!"

The pure sacred light enveloped the Hall of the Hammer, and a golden curtain was hung on the stage. The three Grote brothers retreated in fear, and their bodies continued to burn.

"Empire, immortal!" The emperor looked around at the palace. Wherever his eyes passed, all Nurgle God Chosen Warriors, Chaos Warriors, or Beastmen and Big Horns retreated one after another. His fiery eyes stayed on any enemy. , Will let them be swallowed by the fire of the comet.

"Empire, forever!" The emperor stretched out his hand toward the empty golden chain. Lightning, flame, and light flowed at the same time. Along the two golden chains, they gathered together, and an oversized light warhammer appeared. In the middle of the chain, the emperor picked it up, raised it with both hands, and held it flat in the air.

"Witness the power of the twin-tailed comet!" The emperor roared proudly: "Holy Storm!"

The flame golden light from the highest sky instantly engulfed the entire holy hammer hall, all the chaotic creations in the hall were turned into ashes in this hit, the core of the golden light burst open, and the bright white and hot light filled the entire dome. , A surge of purifying energy emerged from the emperor’s body, sweeping away all the filth in front of him with extraordinary power. The Grot brothers were blown up by the emperor with several hammers, and their burning corpses were swallowed and turned into ashes. In the face of the blazing storm, it disappears into the invisible with the wind.

The golden flame nova smashed the glass windows, the waves formed by the power of subspace broke down the walls of the Holy Hammer Hall, and the circling and undulating translucent energy quickly spread and enveloped the entire city in an instant. A golden ring came from the center of the palace. Spreading outward, washing everything it touched, the roaring comet flame destroyed every chaotic creation, the vines burned, the poisonous moss peeled off, the silt and filth peeled off between the cracks of the rock and then turned into nothingness.

everything is over.

The emperor stood in front of two constantly oscillating golden locks, and the sacred storm surrounding him swept across the entire imperial palace until it covered the entire city. All the creations of chaos and demons were purified, and the physical Yankees were in fear. Escape.

The high clouds dispersed, revealing the setting sun, the turbid air became fresh, the plants spreading across the city burned in the raging fire, and the viscous and smelly well water returned to its pure color.

Emperor Karl-Franz's eyes flashed with golden electric lights, his body grew a lot taller, and the color of his hair changed.

Everything in the palace is gone, billowing smoke slowly rises from the charred remains of the magnificent palace complex of the past, and the buildings that once represented the glorious history of the empire, miracles of war, and cultural symbols have collapsed and been destroyed. Up. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The emperor looked at all of this, his brows were furrowed, and he spoke a very old vernacular, then a Gothic with vernacular, and finally turned into a fluent Gothic. It took him a while to understand the status quo. After reading the memory, he figured out the specific situation of the empire. Then he slowly lowered his body, reached out and held down Heilberg’s broken body, the emperor’s eyes flashed with a trace of pain, a trace of determination: "I will fight. Until the end, until the end, I promise, Heilberg, Ivan, rest in peace."

"Frey! And my best friend Ryan, don't be in a daze, come in!" After that, the emperor roared outside: "Didn't you always want to do something? Now it's as you wished!"

"What should I call you?" Ryan brought everyone in from the outside, and the sacred storm just now almost blasted them all, if it hadn't been for Ryan's my lord here to protect him enough to block the shock wave.

"I am Karl-Franz-upgraded. You should call me Karl, the same as before." The emperor's voice is rough, completely different from the original Karl-Franz, and his appearance has also changed a lot. The change can only vaguely see the outline of the former emperor's face. The giant target with blond hair, gold beard and gold armor stared at Ryan, as if he wanted to see through everything about him.

"Ryan, I think it's time to discuss the alliance between us."

I have seen the problems some people said, but I want to say that the coming of the comet is a necessary step. It’s not good to say. If you don’t write this, then et will all be re-deduced and rewritten. This is a big project for me. It's estimated that it will be enough for a person to deduct for three months and there are countless bugs. In the end, being scolded is definitely a traditional art, so forget it.

Furthermore, if the King of Cards does not ask to fight, how can the story of the Empire be written?

(End of this chapter)

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