Warning : Providence the Beauty is Driven to Villainy

Chapter 1364: The wife wants to be a widow every day (49)

...Yes, he can't be soft-hearted.

Where is Chu Yunke an ordinary woman?

Didn't he know it a long time ago.

Leading soldiers is just a matter of fact, maybe it's not a difficult task for her.

"...I see."

"Don't worry about it."

That said, Yan Jun said.

However, the next day, a military order was issued to the barracks.

"The one who catches the chief of the Chu army alive will reward you with ten thousand dollars; the one who kills the chief of the Chu army...Zhu tribe.

With this order, the military was shocked.

Although you think about it carefully, you can understand it.

The current chief of the Chu army is their beloved wife, the former empress of Beiliang.

Nowadays the husband and wife are turning against each other... it is also embarrassing.

It is normal for your Majesty to have this reaction.


Although in the first battle, Fu Yue relied on his own power and strategy to barely reverse the defeat, but the Chu army really could not compare with the rigorously trained Yan army, and was defeated steadily within a few days. In the end, As a last resort, he retreated to Shengle City.

The city gate was closed tightly, and the Yan army couldn't rush in for a while. Of course, the Chu army inside couldn't get out either. If it is a hard attack, it will be an extremely tragic loss for anyone.

The war was so deadlocked.

Two days a day is fine.

However, Chu Jun faced a big problem——

Not enough food.

If you continue like this, you will just wait and die, and you will end up in a dead end.

This night.

Fu Yue summoned several generals to talk about most of the night, and finally, after everyone had left. She stood on the city wall, looking at the bright moon in the night sky. Suddenly smiled miserably.

This laugh is half self-deprecating and half cool.

"The way of using soldiers is to attack the heart as the top and the city as the bottom. The heart and the war are the top and the soldiers are the bottom."

"Yan Jun, I'm sorry...maybe I will use you again."


The next day.

The chief of the Chu army led the troops out of the city to meet

Only the sound of fighting remained between the heaven and the earth, and as the living people fell one by one, there were only endless corpses left in the wasteland outside the city.

The thick billowing smoke, the dense forest of spears and swords stuck on the ground are generally almost out of sight.

Just then.

The sound of breaking the wind sounded, an arrow containing a mighty force——

Coming out of the sky.

Shot straight at the back of the young woman.



Hearing the heart-piercing sound next to him, Fu Yue turned around and lifted the sword to block it, but I don't know if it was because of the exhaustion of fighting for too long.

Her sword did not stop the arrow from breaking through the air.

The sharp arrow missed her heart, and the huge impact instantly knocked her to the ground.



This scene was naturally seen by Yan Jun on the opposite side. He was immediately stunned, his pupils gradually enlarged, his lips whitened, and the scene before him was reproduced scene by scene.

Then came rage and fear.

"Who told you to set the arrow?" The emperor in a rage, lifted his sword and slashed at the self-asserting soldier.

However, his hand was always shaking.

Chu Yunke, Chu Yunke...

Yan Jun stared at the fallen figure in the distance, and then—


"Mingjin, retreat"

Although it is not a wise move to retreat in such a good form.

Going back to the camp in a daze, endless panic emerged in his heart, Yan Jun's footsteps were a little vain, he looked at the tower in the distance blankly, his heart seemed to have broken open a big hole, cold to the bone.

......Why does this happen?

He didn't know if she would have an accident. Also, I can't imagine.

However, Yan Jun's worry finally became a fact.

Three days later, among the Chu Army——

The king flag hangs upside down.

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