Warship of Great Power

Chapter 383: Dassault wants to cooperate? no way!

  Chapter 383 Dassault wants to cooperate? no way!

   Song Lao and the others have been busy. Since the J-10 began its test flight, they can't wait to complete all the test flight tasks, so that the J-10 can mature as soon as possible and enter the army.

  The announcement of the J31A project gave them another stimulus.

   Will the J-10 project be affected by the J-31A, and the troops will greatly reduce the number of equipment? What will they do after 611?

  I'm very busy now, so most people don't think about these things, but, as the chief designer, Mr. Song sometimes can't sleep because of this problem.

  Now, Qin Tao's words can be regarded as reaching the heart of Song Lao.

   "Mr. Song, are you eating so late? Come and join us." Qin Tao greeted.

  Old Song nodded and came over with a plate.

"Mr. Qin, what you said just now is enlightening. Our J-31A's performance indicators are very powerful, but it is only a foreign trade aircraft after all. The performance of this aircraft will be mastered by many countries. It will enter the intelligence department of our potential enemy country, so we must have a model for our own use."

   What Song Lao said was what he thought of.

  J-31A has been introduced to the international market, and many countries will have its data. Such an aircraft has no secrets at all. Therefore, domestic models must be used for their own use.

   Moreover, Qin Tao also pointed out the way for them: develop a double-engine stealth heavy fighter, with high and low matching!

   "Old Song, do you know what is the most important thing about future fighter jets?" Qin Tao asked.

  As a fighter designer, what else is there to say?

   "Super maneuverability, stealth capability, supersonic cruise, and advanced informatization capabilities."

   "Among these abilities, which one is the most important to you?"

   Song Lao thought for a while, and then said: "I think the first thing that can be ruled out is the supersonic cruise capability. This requires a powerful engine. Except for the United States, no country in the world can do it."

  Fighters in this era are capable of flying at supersonic speeds, and even the MiG-25 can fly at three times the speed of sound. However, all of these require a prerequisite: afterburner.

  Afterburner is a special combustion chamber at the back of the engine, which injects fuel vigorously to provide extra thrust. Although the power is surging, the fuel is also swishing.

   Except for the MiG-25, which carries more than ten tons of fuel and can supply it for half an hour, other aircraft basically burn up the fuel in a few minutes after turning on the afterburner.

   All this changed in the F-22 era. This kind of aircraft has a powerful engine, even without afterburner, it can easily fly to supersonic speed.

what does that mean?

  Pilots of other fighter planes who participated in the confrontation in later generations said that as soon as the F-22 enters supersonic cruise, it means that the air combat is over.

  However, the supersonic cruise capability is only for entering the theater as soon as possible and withdrawing from the battle as soon as possible. If the engine is not powerful, then there is no need to expect this now.

Needless to say, the sky-defying engine for supersonic cruise, even if it is an ordinary engine, we don’t have it. If we wait for the turbofan 10, the first flight of the J-10 will be about the same in another ten years. At that time, the J-10 will be really cold .

  Thinking of this, Elder Song sighed again. Thanks to Mr. Qin’s proposal, using the Su-27 engine led to a major change of the aircraft, but at least it was able to test flight and lead to success.

   "What's next?" Qin Tao continued to ask.

"Next, it's really hard to say. The advantage brought by the stealth ability is that the fighter can not be detected by the enemy, quietly approach the enemy, and then attack suddenly. In this case, it does not need to be so maneuverable. It is a launch platform for aerial weapons, but what if the opponent is also a stealth aircraft? Neither side can detect the other, and they will enter the line of sight, and air combat is required, so mobility is also very important.”

  Qin Tao smiled: "Mr. Song, it seems that you put this informatization ability behind. In fact, in the future era, informatization ability is the most important."

   "Informatization capabilities?" Mr. Song chewed repeatedly.

  In the era of the second-generation aircraft, all electronic devices on the aircraft worked independently. On the third-generation aircraft, relying on the 1553B data bus, all these were integrated together, which brought great benefits.

  For example, the navigation device can be connected with the flight control system, and the aircraft can automatically fly to the target. For example, when the pilot is unconscious due to heavy overload, the flight control system will automatically return to the level flight state, etc.

  However, this is still far from the true degree of informatization.

   "Boss Qin, are you talking about advanced radar technology?" Elder Song asked.

"Radar technology is only one aspect." Qin Tao said: "The current flat-panel slot radar is about to fall behind, and in the future it will be the world of active phased array radar. Since we are talking about this, let's talk about it from this aspect. The electromagnetic system will adopt integrated radio frequency technology, such as line-of-sight identification, secure voice communication, cockpit alarm, in-flight communication, and high-speed broadband data link between multiple aircraft. To put it simply, such as radar antenna , may be able to help achieve functions such as voice calls, and even the radar antennas are arranged in the front, and may also be distributed on the fuselage. Of course, the technology may still need some development, but at least six staring devices need to be installed on the side of the aircraft focal plane array sensor."

   This is actually an optical sensor. There is one on the nose of the Su-27, but it only illuminates the front. The advanced fourth-generation aircraft needs to cover the whole body.

  Qin Tao, a shipbuilder, is talking theory to an aircraft builder, which feels a bit ridiculous, but these are common sense that a military fan should know. Qin Tao just did some science popularization here.

   "In this way, 360-degree complete coverage around the aircraft can be achieved, mid-to-short-range infrared search and tracking, missile approach warning, and optical situation data for the pilot's helmet can be completed."

"This is much better than the Su-27's helmet sight!" Lei Qiang couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Although he flew J-10, he has also flown many other third-generation aircraft, and Su-27 is one of them. .

  Qin Tao nodded.

"Of course, I said this earlier now. I want to say that after the airframe of the aircraft is completed, it will be very easy to upgrade. You only need to upgrade the electronic system to make the aircraft play a stronger combat capability. Take our J-31A as an example, it uses one system for its own use and another system for export, even if the hardware doesn’t change, it only needs to change the software to distinguish it.”

   Song Lao nodded, deeply agreeing with Qin Tao's proposal.

   That's right, with the development of technology, the era Qin Tao mentioned may really come soon.

   "President Qin, what do you think about our twin-engine heavy stealth fighter?" Lei Qiang asked.

"Our Institute 611 has conducted in-depth research on the duck-style layout, and the development of the world's military aircraft is also moving towards the duck-style layout. Whether it is the three European heroes or the MiG's next-generation technology verification aircraft, they are all ducks. The road of traditional layout, I think we should continue to develop along this road.”

  The development of military aircraft in various countries has its own laws.

  Americans have the strongest technical strength and the most advanced engines, so they have always followed the path of conventional aerodynamic layout.

  Europeans have to take a shortcut, especially France, which has been engaged in delta-wing fighters, so the third-generation aircraft developed in Europe all use the canard layout.

   Lao Maozi has been listening to the Central Institute of Fluidics, so the appearance of the MiG-29 and Su-27 is very similar. When it came to the fourth generation aircraft, the Central Institute of Fluidics also suggested the use of a duck layout.

  What about domestic?

  The 611 Institute has used the duck layout since the J-9 project. They are very familiar with this set. During the test flight of the J-10, they have never crashed the plane. It is because of the solid foundation that the duck layout has been thoroughly studied.

"Currently, our J-31 plan is using a copy of the R-79 engine. Our new heavy-duty stealth aircraft can also use this engine, or it can be improved and upgraded to produce two. The thrust is absolutely reversed. God, the overall shape can be similar to the American F-22, except that the wings are changed. Such a heavy fighter is definitely the king in the sky. At that time, it will be matched with our J-31A high and low. Let's protect the sky of the motherland together!"

   Song Lao nodded vigorously, yes, what Qin Tao said was exactly what he thought. After the J-10 is finalized, he will start to make this kind of aircraft!

   "Mr. Qin, you are here, I finally found you!" Zhao Dangsheng turned around and found Qin Tao in the cafeteria.

"Well, Lao Zhao, you are late, we have finished our meal." Qin Tao said with a smile: "In the afternoon, let's go to the J31A project office in the afternoon. We have to have a meeting with Lao Mao and the others to coordinate progress, especially the follow-up research and development.”

  When we were working on the J-31 project, we specially prepared a small building for Plesakov and the others as their research and development site. Because we wanted to build stealth aircraft, we also built a special electromagnetic laboratory.

Now, the project has been renamed J31A, and at the same time it was announced with great fanfare. Therefore, a circle of courtyard walls was built around this small building, completely isolated from the main building of 611, and opened from the road on one side. A new door was opened.

  After all, since it is going to be an international cooperation project, there will definitely be many people who will come to visit and investigate in the future. It must be separated from the 611 Institute to avoid leaking the research and development projects there.

  Plesakov didn't go out at today's press conference, but he has been listening to the news over there, and he is very moved in his heart. Mr. Qin is really a person who can create miracles. If the Yakovlev Design Bureau does the same, it is estimated that the project can continue?

  Of course, since he has come here, it is impossible to turn back, and this newly modified shape is much more sci-fi than the previous Yak-141.

   "Old Mao, let's meet again." When this voice came from outside, Pleshakov, whose pseudonym Mao Duanzhang, stood up immediately.

   "Mr. Qin, the project in the morning is going well. I already have a premonition that tomorrow, newspapers all over the world will publish our stealth machine!"

  Plesakov is excited.

  In the Yakovlev Design Bureau, they have been silent for many years. Watching the MiGs killing all directions, they can only be marginalized to engage in vertical take-off and landing fighters.

  Now, they are finally going to feel proud. Even if they old men can't show up, they will feel proud just seeing the fighter plane they developed is famous all over the world.

   This is our advanced fighter! The only vertical take-off and landing fighter with stealth capability in the world!

"Yes, next, some customers should come to us. I predict that one billion dollars of funds should be able to be raised. We have the advantage of human resources here. The money is enough to push us to build this aircraft. Come out with a prototype and conduct a test flight," Qin Tao said.

Although under Qin Tao's care, their research has not lacked funding, but Plesakov can still feel that the relevant higher authorities do not pay enough attention to their aircraft, especially the introduction of the Su After the production line of -27, they can't even count on getting money through higher authorities.

  However, Plesakov was not worried. He believed that Qin Tao would keep his promise and help him realize his ideal.

   Now, Qin Tao said this figure again: one billion US dollars. For them, it is indeed a huge sum of money.

"We are still doing wind tunnel experiments to determine the flight control rate and develop the flight control system. We don't spend a lot of money for the time being. If we want to build a prototype in the future, we will spend a lot of money." Plesakov said : "In particular, the lift fan developed by you will consume a lot of money. We really need a lot of money. If we can advance to the prototype stage, we will be one step closer to success."

   At this moment, Xu Zhengyang walked in, looked at Qin Tao, hesitant to speak.

   "Zhengyang, what's the matter?"

   "President Qin, the first company has sent a friendly inquiry."

   "Really? Wait, it should be a customer, right? How is it a company?"

   "It's the French Dassault company. After they learned about the J-31A project we announced to the public, they were very interested and wanted to seek cooperation."

   No wonder Xu Zhengyang's expression was so unnatural, Qin Tao also smiled.

   "We didn't attract the big benefactor, but first attracted a bad wolf! This Dassault company has no sincerity. Even if it came, it would be a crap."

  Dassault is a world-renowned military aircraft research and development company. The Mirage fighters they produce are equipped with many countries in the world.

  Actually, when it comes to technology, it is not particularly advanced, and the price is not cheap, but they sell fighters, aiming at the blank areas outside the Red Empire and the US arms sales, so it can be regarded as a way out.

  However, when it comes to cooperating with foreign countries to develop aircraft, Dassault must be the leader, as was the case with the Eurofighter project back then.

  Originally, it was only jointly developed by Britain, Spain, Germany and other countries. Dassault heard about it and had to join in.

   After joining in, Dassault Company did not have the consciousness of a latecomer at all, and began to dictate to occupy a dominant position.

Others can be tolerated, but if Dassault wants to use their own M88 engine, the British will definitely not do it. After all, the British aero engine industry is world-class. The RB199 engine they designed has even better performance A few blocks from Dassault.

  The British strongly insisted on using their own aircraft. Dassault felt that its self-esteem had been greatly hurt, so it turned around, slapped its **** and left, and went to build the Rafale fighter jet.

  Now, if Dassault is coming and joining this project, it must want to occupy a dominant position.

"Then how do we reject them? We just said publicly that we will build this aircraft into an international joint fighter, and then rejected the request of the first customer. Dassault will definitely not be convinced, they will go around Rumors." Xu Zhengyang said.

   "They spread rumors? Do they have the face?" Qin Tao's face turned serious: "Since they dare to sell the Mirage 2000 to the other party, they must be mentally prepared for this. We will not make deals with the white-eyed wolf."

  Xu Zhengyang's eyes lit up, that's right, why didn't he think of this?

  Originally, the country was very interested in the Mirage 2000. In the 1980s, the Mirage 2000 even came to China for flight demonstrations. However, the French at that time were very proud and refused to lower the price, so the transaction had to be abandoned.

When the Su-27 fighter jets began to be purchased in large quantities, and even started to talk about the introduction of the production line, the French knew that the Mirage 2000 was out of the question, but after that, they sold the Mirage 2000 to the opposite side, which can be regarded as entering the country in disguise. Chinese territory.

  However, this aroused the anger of all Chinese people, and all projects in cooperation with France were suspended.

  The matter of the Lavant frigate, after Qin Tao disclosed the inside story, caused a huge repercussions. This project has been suspended, but the Mirage 2000 fighter project is still in progress.

  In the past, Qin Tao was only engaged in ships. Even if he built the J-31, he was still preparing for the navy.

  How could they cheat the batch of Phantom 2000 on the opposite side? Qin Tao's mind was thinking rapidly.

   "Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin?" Xu Zhengyang continued to call Qin Tao a few times before he came back to his senses.

   "Well, let's go ahead and reply to Dassault, unless we cancel the Phantom 2000 transaction with the opposite side, we don't welcome them."

  Xu Zhengyang nodded and went out.

  Qin Tao continued to communicate with Plesakov: "Our international cooperation project is just to solve the funding problem. However, our key technology must not be leaked. This is our principle."

They announced a high price to the outside world. In this way, even if several countries invest one billion US dollars together, they still occupy a small part of the investment. Most of the investment is theoretically paid by their own side. Therefore, their own side has to control all the initiative. , to master all the technologies, other countries, at most, allocate and produce parts such as wings.

  Plesakov nodded. He is the person in charge of this project. Of course, he doesn't want a group of people to come in and point fingers at him.

   After not speaking for a few minutes, Xu Zhengyang came in again.

   "Mr. Qin, Laoba has expressed interest in our project."

   "Old bus?" Qin Tao was a little surprised.

  Xu Zhengyang was very curious, why did Mr. Qin have such an expression? Laoba is our traditional ally! We just negotiated with Laoba about the construction of Gwadar Port, and we also plan to build several 054 foreign trade warships for Laoba. Now, why are you surprised?

   Isn't this a logical thing?

  Qin Tao sighed: "Oh, I don't know if Tu Lao will scold me!"

  Of course, Qin Tao knew that Tu Lao from Factory 112 had high hopes for the Super Seven project. Even if the old bus was gone, they were still working tirelessly, trying to bring the Super Seven project to the other side of success.

   Later, Laoba once again turned around and jointly developed Super Seven with the 112 factory, and Laoba also became the number one user of Super Seven.

  Now, if the Super Seven project is messed up because of J31A, Qin Tao will feel guilty.

  In a person's life, it is good to be able to accomplish one thing. What Lao Tu is most proud of in his life is that he has come out with the Super Seven project.

  Qin Tao always respects Tu Lao, so if because of himself, the Super Seven project is messed up, Qin Tao will have a bad conscience.

  However, he could not refuse.

   After all, this is market competition. If there is a better choice, then customers will definitely change their minds.

   "Old Zhao, I will be responsible for the follow-up reception. Anyway, I have established the basic framework of international cooperation." Qin Tao decided to withdraw.

"No, no, this won't work." Zhao Dangsheng immediately became anxious: "Mr. Qin, today's press conference, I felt like I was being roasted on the fire. I am engaged in technology, and I am engaged in flight control. Yes, I'm not good at negotiating with foreigners!"

  Old Maozi can't be exposed for the time being. Zhao Dangsheng is the person in charge of the Chinese side, so Qin Tao pointed Zhao Dangsheng to be in charge. Who would have thought that Zhao Dangsheng would be dead or alive.

"Mr. Qin, it's so easy for you to come to the Land of Abundance, stay here for a few more days, and talk to the old man about this project." Zhao Dangsheng said: "Our project has always been promoted by you. You can't be a hands-off shopkeeper."

I? The thing I want to do most now is to go back to Huating and stay with my wife until the child is born! It has been more than half a month since he came out this time, and Qin Tao has long been homesick.

   "That is, our 611 Institute is not good at negotiating with foreigners. If we are experienced, it is the 132 Factory. Tu Lao and they often deal with foreigners." Zhao Dangsheng's assistant said.

  When the country was opened, Factory 132 was actively self-reliant. They sold J-7 fighters to foreign countries, and they were very successful.

  So, when it comes to negotiating with foreigners, Factory 132 has the most experience, especially Lao Ba, who is an old acquaintance of them. I don’t know how many times they have been in contact with each other before.

   "Anyway, we only focus on design, and the production will still be in Factory 132 in the future, so now, it is logical for them to help negotiate." Zhao Dangsheng also echoed.

   Qin Tao didn't know that Tu Lao was very suitable, but this was a bit unfair to Tu Lao!

   "Forget it, let me stay here."

  (end of this chapter)

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