Way of the Devil

Chapter 1186

What a hell!

Lu Sheng finally knew that the people were so devout and that the true cultists did not develop them. This IQ, development is also giving himself a fire.

The Ruffola hearing in front of him is not as sharp as Lu Sheng, but he only heard a little voice.

After a strong laugh, Lu Sheng probably queried the previous situation of Rover, and Rivra also respected one after another.

“If you have any trouble, you can come to me and ask, maybe I can give you some help. If you can.” Lu Sheng decided to develop another downline. The more the sacrifices to the Negative Space, the more likely it is to evoke the attention of Primal Chaos Demon there.

“It’s already a lot of trouble for you…” Rovra groaned, looking at the Teacher in front of her, she remembered the dark scene hidden in the church, and for a moment she couldn’t help but wanted to talk to the other person, but that What is it used for?

There will be no results other than the tired Teacher. In the face of a powerful church, no one can resist the vortex.

“Don’t be afraid. If you are in fear, you can try to meditate on these things in your heart.” Lu Sheng took a piece of paper from his pocket and tore off half of it. Shua shua wrote the previously revised ritual mantra above.

“This is a piece of prayer that I have compiled myself after my psychology. I can comfort myself with the power of sound and calm my inner fears and uneasiness. Give it to you.”

He stuffed the note into the girl’s hand.

“Go to child, may Holy Light protect you.”

“Thank you Teacher, the Lord will definitely protect you like this.” Rivra gratefully grabbed the note and bent his knees again, watching Lu Sheng walk into the door until the door closed. She took out the note in her hand and untied it.

There is not much content on the top, just a paragraph, a paragraph of inexplicable prayers mixed with syllables.

The last end is exhort again and again her, don’t rumor.

Rivra looked for meditation again and found that her heart was really faint and calm.

For a time, she seemed to have caught some kind of straw, tightly clenched the note, and grateful moved towards the gate of Isera’s Teacher’s house, and then turned and left.

Even on the way to the church, she continued to meditate on this magical text along the way.

“Light is meditation, there is no sacrifice, but no. It is impossible to attract the attention of Negative Space.” Lu Sheng leaned on the door and thought quietly.

“So, what kind of people are willing to take the initiative to collect sacrifices and seek help from Primal Chaos Demon of Negative Space?”

“The answer is, desperate people.” Lu Sheng slightly smiled, find the target.

In such a dark age, nothing else may be lacking. The only thing that will not be lacking is despair.



Three days later, the Wisteria flower advanced Academy.

The graduates who have graduated, together with Lu Sheng, finally hold a dinner in the Academy, which is a thank-you feast.

The fee is shared equally by all students and paid to the Academy’s canteen.

The locations are set in the classroom where they are in class. This is the fourth and is also dedicated to Ysera.

Ysera is one of the lecturers. At the same time, because of her kindness and beautiful appearance, she is very popular among many students. Many men and women have a certain admiration for him.

In the entire class, there are three male students and seventeen female students, a total of twenty. The mode of gathering is self-service and self-feeding.

The chef in the cafeteria specializes in grilling lamb chops for everyone, and a large number of fruit dishes on the long table.

But the atmosphere in the banquet hall was somewhat suppressed.

Because the girls present, more than half of the people, returning to the family after graduation, have to face the fate of the family to arrange marriage.

This is irresistible, just as they enjoy the family’s good life when they are born. After studying at Academy, they learned etiquette, dance, music, math wait/and so on to improve their self-cultivation knowledge.

And to a large extent, this is to marry a better person in the future.

No one likes this arrangement. The girls whispered in their faces and eyes with uneasiness and fear of future destiny. Even the most prostitute prostitute, at most, is only obedience and Muran.

After all, no one will have feelings and expectations for a fiancé who has never met before.

All of the Teacher’s banquets are separate.

Today, it is the turn of Ysera to accept this feast.

He sat alone among a group of students, listening to each and everyone with a smile and the students got up and said thank you and separate words. It seems to be no different from a normal lecturer.

In the past few days, he has already begun to promote and strengthen his own body.

He didn’t use the power of the Main Body, but just raised the basic slick sword technique that the body had mastered, and increased it with the Attachment Force.

In a few days, I raised the thorn sword technique, which was originally only Level 9, by more than 300 levels. It is barely able to have the power of self-protection.

Then, after studying the rules of this world, he used the intensified flesh to successfully inspire a unique power that is unique here.

It is a special kind of power contained in the blood, some similar to vampires, using blood to gain stronger strength and lifespan.

Even if he doesn’t rely on the Main Body, Lu Sheng relies on Dark Blue, and he quickly pushes into this level of blood energy – a light silver essence.

He named this blood essence as the blood of mercury.

Now, it is time to really expand the scale of the sacrifice…

Although it is ok, it is too inefficient. And Negative Space has already remembered his mind, and he personally sacrificed, and the opposite will definitely not open.

He must be hidden, and find other people who are completely irrelevant to start the sacrifice, in order to successfully paralyze Primal Chaos Demon, as long as you open a little gap, he can sneak into it, with Xining and so on into the Chaos clan.

“….. I sincerely wish that Ysera Teacher can find the other half of her own in the next season of wisteria blossoms. Thank you for your teachings in the past three years.” The last silver-haired girl was facing Lu. Sheng took a deep bow and thanked the ceremony for the turn.

Next, twenty students all looked together towards Lu Sheng.

He personally spoke for the end of the ceremony.

Lu Sheng slowly stood up.

“Beautiful words, I believe that you have been tired from the other few Teachers, I will not say it here.” His face with a relaxed smile.

“In this case, I will come to the point.” He paused and looked around in the crowd.

“I believe that everyone in the room, a large part of them, will face the helplessness of marriage and family distribution after graduation.”

The students present were quietly quiet. Before the people of Divided Spirit, they suddenly heard Lu Sheng directly point out the dilemma with such straightforward words. They were a little surprised and surprised.

Notice that everyone’s eyes are gathered on themselves. Lu Sheng pick up the glass and let the light blue wine slip into the lips.

“Know you, why are you facing such a dilemma?” He said with a slight smile. “The boys in you have to go back to accept the family arrangement and marry a woman you never know.”

Girls, there is no choice, even the object of marriage may be the old man who is over 50 years old. ”

“Guide, what do you want to say? Can you be more direct?” A ponytail girl as cold as ice and frost indifferently said.

She is the most prominent of the group of female students, named Jolin Shadi. It is the thirty-seventh Princess of the Imperial Family.

There are more than 300 Prince Princesses in the empire, scattered throughout the country. Many people, though distinguished, have lived a life that is inferior to the ordinary aristocrats.

There is more than one Princess in the Wisteria Academy, and there are more than ten. But only she is in the class where Ysera is.

“What I want to say is…” Lu Sheng stood up. Put down the glass. The arm gently stroked a strange arc, a gesture that looked strange, flicking between his fingers and flashing.

Many students did not notice this detail at all, just heard his words, and their attention was concentrated on Lu Sheng’s face.

They have some expectations, perhaps the mentor who has been good to them, can give a good suggestion at the last party.

Although everyone understands, this is embarrassing.

Lu Sheng smiles and supports his hands on the table.

“You lack one thing.”

“The same thing that can get you out of this life.”

“Teacher, what is it? You can say it.” A slightly fat girl got up and hurried. There is a little expectation on my face.

How to learn to cultivate etiquette, they are still less than twenty years old boys and girls. It is about to mature, but it is still a little bit tempered.

Not calm, immature, impetuous, green, and …. easy to shake. This is the common feature of this age.

There may be a small number of people who remain awake, but that makes no sense. When everyone around them behaves the same, a few people are not careful.

The torrent of thought will wrap them together into the frenzy.

“It is power!”

The smile on Lu Sheng’s face slowly subsided and replaced with awe.

“You are faced with the fear of production, the fear of being dominated, and the fear of unprotected.” Lu Sheng used three lines to highlight his point.

“But why other brothers and sisters rarely have this kind of trouble. You should think about what kind of peers around you, around you, can avoid this dilemma?”

Under the circumstance, many of the students present were somewhat stunned. Wang Nuolin is slightly relaxed, but it is not her guessing cult content. It is just an unusual spread of thought. This kind of ideological trend is not uncommon in today’s aristocratic circles. Many eloquent people are lobbying people in power.

Most of them use this way to guide ignorants into their traps.

However, at this time, she also had to admit that what the mentor said was indeed the key reason for their difficulties.

“So, what do you mean?” Ruolin asked, silently.

Lu Sheng opened his arms.

“Power! Only master the power! You can control your own destiny!”

“Proliferation is just a symbol of incompetence. Because they are pinning the part that they can’t achieve on the next generation.”

“And the real Powerhouse doesn’t need to have a child!”

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