Lu Sheng’s brows were close, and suddenly he stepped across the distance and appeared in the position where the child stood. He looked down at the ground.

“There was no footprint….My perception didn’t sense that there was aura close….” He felt faintly wrong.

“This place…” Lu Sheng licked his lips and slammed his right foot, and the whole person floated up.

The buildings around him suddenly became smaller and lower, and in a blink of an eye he rushed up to the 100 meters and looked down at the entire city.

“咦??” Look, Lu Sheng suddenly became more confused.

He only jumped to such a height, but the following Feifu actually covered a thick layer of Gray Fog, so that he could not see anything.

Lu Sheng gently let him fall with gravity, and the wind of Wu wu slid across his ear. As the altitude dropped rapidly, he gradually saw some of the delicate outlines of the Fei Family. But still not clear.

Until the drop to the height of only seven or eight meters, the scenery of the surrounding Fei Family is completely clear, but the height of the seven or eight meters is the most visible, and only a small area around.

Gently fell back to the place, Lu Sheng looked at the swing behind him again, there is also a garden exit behind the swing, I don’t know where to go.

He is paused, straight moving toward that exit.


Sima Xiu, holding the soft Fei Bailing, quickly returned to a bedroom where he had been hiding.

Fei Bailing gasped for a big mouth, and as soon as he entered the door, he squatted.

The corner of the bedroom still stands alone, facing away from them, seems to be quietly eating something, from time to time to make a subtle chewing sound.

“He….who is he?” She shuddered and watched the man whisper.

It seems that she noticed her gaze, and the man’s shoulders were swaying.

“Hey!!” Sima Xiu quickly covered her eyes. “Don’t look at him, as long as you don’t look at him, he won’t pay attention to us!” His voice was very low, and there was a hint of weakness in the tone.

Fei Bailing’s heart pounded and quickly closed his eyes and didn’t dare to look again.

“Don’t be afraid… I have already figured out the rules. If you don’t look at him, he won’t pay attention to us. You should be there if he doesn’t exist.” Sima Xiu said that he coughed a few times and quickly covered his mouth with his sleeves. When the sleeves are removed, there is a little blood on the top.

Fei Bailing tried not to look at the person, but followed Sima Xiu into the bed position inside.

The bedroom is large, with two screens in the middle, one with a bed closet and the other with a desk dresser.

The weirdo is standing in the corner of the dressing table, facing away from them.

The two walked behind the screen and felt that something was blocking the line of sight, which was slightly relaxed.

“Why don’t we change the empty room? Do you have to come here?” Fei Bailing couldn’t help but whisper. “And, Sima inspected when you came in, did you find my younger sister, and my mother?” Her stomach problem was to be answered. At this time, it was difficult to meet normal people. The doubts in her heart suddenly came out like a flash flood.

Sima Xiu smiled and waved his hand.

“As soon as I received your blood book, I immediately rushed over….”

“Blood book?? What blood book?” Unexpectedly. It was interrupted by Fei Bailing. The girl stared at him with a blank look.

“When did I write a blood book?” When she spoke, her eyes continued to turn around, her pupils were focused, but she was not concentrated in front of Sima Xiu.

Moreover, her two eyeballs do not rotate together, but one side to the left and the right side, one side obliquely, and one side obliquely. The speed is fast, as if it is extremely restless.

This kind of action is not something humans can do at all.

“Your eyes…” Sima Xiu’s heart was cold, and the body slightly retreated.

“What eyes?” Fei Bailing seems to have no idea. “Inspect Lord, I haven’t written any blood books at all?”

“Yes… is it?” Sima Xiu blinked, and the flower in front of him, Hui Bailing in front of him reverted to the formerly weak and beautiful appearance. It seems that he just saw it.

“No…nothing….” Sima Xiu took a deep breath.

“After I came in, everything was looking for you, but soon I found that the place was too big, there were a lot of corners, and I almost got lost. Later, in an accidental situation, I met the man.” He pointed to the corner of the wall. “After that, I had a safe hiding place, and then I encountered some accidents. When I found the topographic map, I came along the drawing.”

“Is it?” Fei Bailing looked at him still. “Have you met my younger sister? And my sister?”

“Unfortunately, no.”

“Yes? Is it?? You haven’t met…” Fei Bailing bowed muttered. “Where did they go?”

Sima Xiu gave a sigh of relief and felt that she was really tired and tired, and there was an illusion.

“Right, how do you eat these days? Can’t you find a normal person in this house?”

“Fed? Eat?” Fei Bailing sighed and then lowered his head. “Yeah….What am I eating? What is it?”

Sima Xiu brows a glimpse, knowing that this girl is very likely to stay in this fearful environment for a long time, and there is some neurotic disorder of Anomalies.

“Forget it, let’s not say this first. Let’s first think of a way to get out of here. This house is very strange. I came in last night. During the two times I wanted to quit, I could not find the door to leave.”

Fei Bailing’s eyelids slammed and immediately returned to normal. “I know where I can leave.” She looked up. “In addition to opening the main entrance, there are two more places to leave the house.”

“Take me there. We must leave here right away!” Sima Xiu’s spirit rose.

“Good….good….” Fei Bailing nodded. She looked up, her eyes rubbed tiredly, and suddenly the corner of her eye seemed to be wrong.

Look at the side.

what! !

She screamed fiercely.

On the screen on her right side, a face is protruding from the screen of the cloth.

It is the person in the corner! He is staring at the two people across the screen. The whole face pressed against the screen and seemed to want to break the only partition.

“Go!” Sima Xiu took the initiative and pulled Fei Bailing to run. The two men bypassed the screen and rushed out of the door.


Just rushed out of the door and walked onto the cloister. The two suddenly found that the sky did not know when there were a lot of dark clouds, the black clouds covered the light, the sky quickly became dark, and the darkness spread from the corridor behind them. come.

The original bright corridor quickly turned black. Like being blackened by ink, quickly catch up.

“Go!” Sima Xiu looked at the sky that obviously did not conform to the laws of nature. He quickly took Fei Bailing and ran.

Ka-cha !

Lightning crossed. In the darkness of the corridor, a petite girl in a white dress, with a shawl, looked away from the distance.

She walked forward step by step, and everything went dark.

The dark clouds of the sky followed her footsteps, hiding all the light in front of her.


Another lightning flash.

Fei Bailing was carried on the back by Sima Xiu. The two men ran all the way, and a little blood was scattered under them. That is the wound on the waist side of Sima Xiu.

“You are hurt!? You are bleeding!?” Fei Bailing couldn’t help but exclaim.

“Nothing, I’m fine, we must leave here right away.” Sima Xiu endured severe pain, and did not change his face. Except for his pale face, the rest was similar to normal people who were not injured.

“Safe, we have nothing to catch up with.” Fei Bailing looked back and looked empty.

They didn’t know when they had already reached the door of a banquet hall. The hall door was half open, and there was a cold wind coming out, some biting.

“Is it?” Sima Xiu was also relaxed and gently lowered Fei Bailing.

“Here… it’s my father, the place to meet…” Fei Bailing stood firm and looked at the ruined hall in the hall.

Just through the half-open doorway, she also saw the wine glass scattered on the ground, the low table that fell to the ground, the moldy carpet and the dirty wall.

“Or look for the export first!” Sima Xiu urged.

“Here…. seems to have a secret passage….” Fei Bailing hesitantly said, slowly entering the hall.

The hall was in a mess, the cobwebs, the ash, the broken glass, and the walls were covered with black stains that didn’t know what it was.

“Here!” Soon Fei Bailing found an entrance and exit, just beside the ventilation duct, and untied a stone brick on the wall, there was a secret way to go out.

Only this place is more than two meters high from the ground, she put a stool to reveal the opening.

“I am going advanced.” Sima Xiu looked at the secret way, and nothing could be seen in the dark.

“Good!” Fei Bailing nodded, retreat a bit.

Sima Xiu looked around the hall and decided that there was no problem, only to slam and easily get into the secret.

He quickly climbed a distance and found that there was nothing gray and no danger, and he quickly returned to the entrance.

“Come, I am pulling you!” He poked his head out.

“it is good.”

Fei Bailing also stepped on the stool and reached out.


Suddenly the whole hall was light and dark, and only one breath, the hall was completely covered by dark clouds, and it was dark.



Fei Bailing was shocked. When he was not careful, he fell down and fell to the ground.

“Nothing??” Sima Xiu quickly found a fire from his body, but how could it not burn.

“Nothing. I stood up again. I reached out.” The voice of Fei Bailing came from the darkness.

“Okay, come, I will pull you!” He quickly reached out and reached enough. He quickly caught an ice-cooled little hand and pulled it hard. He pulled the man in.


“It hurts….” Fei Bailing licked his ass and sat up.

“It’s okay, this secret road was blocked in front of me. I didn’t see it clearly. We have to leave here and look for other exits.” She heard the voice of Sima Xiu in front of her.

“Good!” Fei Bailing stood up and saw a silhouette in front of him, nodded. “I know there is still a place to go out.”

“Yes? Then let’s go.” The silhouette took her, hurried out of the hall and hurried back and forth along the corridor.

“Hey? We are in the wrong direction.” Fei Bailing was surprised.

“No, that’s right,” answered the silhouette.

“This is the way back, go back!” Fei Bailing feels wrong.

“It’s the direction to go back.” The silhouette of the silhouette is not back, and the strength of her hand is getting bigger and bigger and getting tighter.

The two ran across one room after another, rushing out of the hallway and through the small garden.

“Here is….no! I don’t want to go back!!” Fei Bailing finally found out that she was struggling. But the hand is tightly gripped, and how can it break free.

Hehe 嘻..

In the darkness, you can see a few small silhouettes standing in the garden sparsely, giving the little child a laugh. These silhouette heads are look towards towards her side and seem to be watching her.

“No…no…!” Fei Bailing burst into tears. She was pulled away and moved to the bedroom where she lived. The man who took her, the hair remark, just ran forward.

The two began to run along the garden wall, getting closer and closer to the small child in front.

“hehe 嘻…..”

“little girl…”

“little girl….”

“little girl….”

“little girl…..”

The little children began to approach her quickly. Fei Bailing was trembling, the vest was cold, and only the numb was pulled, watching the shadows gradually close.

In the darkness, she was cold, and even her breathing was about to stagnate. She could only stare at the younger children who were getting closer and closer.

The first child raised his hand and reached towards her.


Suddenly the person who took her in front disappeared. Fei Bailing sat down on the ground as he fell.

It happened to fall into the encirclement of the little children.

“hehe 嘻….”

Each and everyone silhouette slowly walks from all around to her. All of them slowly reached out to her.

“little girl.”

“little girl.”

“little girl.”

“little girl.”

“Little girl….”

Hong long! ! !

Suddenly a loud bang exploded from the side wall. Countless gravel shells splashed and slammed into the back door.

“So, I hate the maze.” A burly silhouette carrying a sword with white smoke slowly into the gap.

Silhouette Bare-chested, a muscle like a twisted millennium root, tangled, filled with steel-like metallic luster.

Most striking is that this person has a large number of blood red mesh patterns, these patterns in the dark with clear and bloody cruel halo. It is like a blood-sucking nematode crawling.

Everyone is optimistic, although I don’t add more, but the number of words in the alliance lord is still added ~ don’t be a good person! (* ̄rǒ ̄) 抠 nose

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