Bright Spirit Illusionary Boundary 銆

鍗佸阆撹剼涓嬫縺 栌 $ 栌 Spiritual Qi 镄剆 ilhouette 锛岄涔熶 镄勪粠锲涢 灏哃 Sheng u Sheng 涓や 锲 一 (1) 洟锲 綇銆

杩欎簺silhouette 鍏ㄦ槸韬潃锏 叞 叞 箣浜 箣浜 箣浜 箣浜 纴 纴 纴 纴 掞纴閮 掞纴閮 掞纴閮 掞纴閮 掞纴閮 掞纴閮 掞纴閮 掞纴閮 掞纴閮 掞纴閮 掞纴閮 掞纴閮 掞纴閮 掞纴閮 掞纴閮 掞纴閮 掞纴閮Hang Family 鐪嫔畧Bright Spirit Illusionary Boundary 镄凣uardian 銆

鈥滀袱浣岴lder 锛屼 阒 阒 銆傗 銆傗 濆叾涓璼 濆叾涓璼 eng eng eng 缁忚揪鍒癏 缁忚揪鍒癏 und und und und und und und und und und und und und und und und und und und und und und und und und und und鐢峰瓙銆

锏piritual Qi cultivation 锛屼竴鍏卞彧 chain夊叆闂纴small accomplishment 锛孏reat Accomplishment Perfection 锛屾瀬闄愶纴patriarch 绾э纴Taishang 銆效叏閮ㄥ姞璧锋潵鏄叚涓猺ealm 銆傝Umbrella Lu€Lu Family 涔嫔锛屽叾浣欎笁瀹跺睿鐢ㄧ殑镙囧嗳浣撶郴銆

Lu Family 锲犱 镊︼ 涓崭 涓崭 涓崭 pir pir pir pir pir pir pir pir pir pir pir pir pir pir 帴鍜孲 帴鍜孲 帴鍜孲 帴鍜孲 帴鍜孲 帴鍜孲 帴鍜孲 帴鍜孲 帴鍜孲 帴鍜孲 帴鍜孲 帴鍜孲 帴鍜孲 帴鍜孲 帴鍜孲 帴鍜孲Umbrella

鐪熸镄凷piritual Qi spiritual power 锛屾渶鍩 镄勫叆闂ㄩ pir pir pir pir pir pir pir pir pir pir pir pir pir pir pir pir pir鏄兘淇呖small accomplishment 鏄拰 鏄拰 patriarch 绾х殑锏 piritual Qi 鐩 綋銆 箣钖庝 鏄洿寮 鏄洿寮 鏄洿寮 鏄洿寮 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑Jane Gallium Supreme Stage 銆

Lu Sheng 褰揿垵娌°C湁浠嶫u Yan 闾i噷寰楀埌spiritual power   娉曞墠锛屽 娉曞墠锛屽 娉曞墠锛屽 娉曞墠锛屽 宸茬粡鍒 宸茬粡鍒 宸茬粡鍒 宸茬粡鍒 宸茬粡鍒 屼笖涔熷彧娑 屼笖涔熷彧娑堣€椾简寰埚皯镄凙ttachment Force 銆

Yan 湪鑻ヤ笉鏄 Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Yan Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng撶殑Supreme Level 锛岃繘鍏ユ洿楂 眰闱 眰闱 (3) 殑spiritual power realm 銆

Key 屼笖Qi essence 浼piritual Qi 涔熸槸鐩稿嬀杩炵殑锛孮i essence 瓒婂己锛宻piritual power 涔熻秺寮恒€

Lu Sheng 镄凲i essence 涔熸棭灏 鍒 鍒 gold gold golden golden 绾 埆锛岄亶 埆锛岄亶 埆锛岄亶 埆锛岄亶 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一哄ぇ鍒 鎺ヨ繎 鎺ヨ繎Bind 镄勫啀鐢熷姏銆

瑕佺煡阆掳纴灏 畻鏄 ind Ind Single-Vein 锛屼竴鑸殑浼ゅ娍锛屽彧瑕佷笉鏄瀹 琚纴鎴栬 呮柇 呮柇 呮柇 呮柇 呮柇 呮柇 呮柇 呮柇 呮柇 呮柇涔熷 ammonia 鏄竴涓妸镞 灏辫兘镒埚悎鎭 灏辫兘镒埚悎鎭 (1) 銆

鎹(一)彞璇濊锛屽彧瑕佷笉鏄垭鏉€瑕佸锛岀幇鍦ㄧ殑Lu Sheng 闅忎 璁╀ 镰嶏纴閮 镰嶏纴閮 镰嶏纴閮 爫涓嶆銆傛櫘阃氱殑璐┛浼わ纴绌垮垭浼わ纴娴呬竴镣圭殑鍒€鍙d箣绫 纴 纴 槸瀵 槸瀵 槸瀵 粬姣棤镒忎箟銆 粬姣棤镒忎箟銆 粬姣棤镒忎箟銆 粬姣棤镒忎箟銆 粬姣棤镒忎箟銆 粬姣棤镒忎箟銆 粬姣棤镒忎箟銆 粬姣棤镒忎箟銆勪竴浜涘锷熼敾镣笺€

灏 畻璁╁ 畻璁╁ 畻璁╁ 嚒浜 嚒浜 嚒浜 鍒╁櫒锛屽镌 鍒╁櫒锛屽镌 鍒╁櫒锛屽镌 浠栦 浠栦 浠栦 浠栦 浠栦 浠栦 浠栦 浠栦 浠栦 浠栦炵毊閮 笉涓 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹

褰撶劧锛屽姣旇捣Main Body 鏉ヨ锛屼粬濡 鏉ヨ锛屼粬濡 粖镄勮 粖镄勮 鍏 鍏 鍏 浣揿彧鏄媺寮哄寰椾笂鍩 浣揿彧鏄媺寮哄寰椾笂鍩 浣揿彧鏄媺寮哄寰椾笂鍩 浣揿彧鏄媺寮哄寰椾笂鍩 浣揿彧鏄媺寮哄寰椾笂鍩 浣揿彧鏄媺寮哄寰椾笂鍩 浣揿彧鏄媺寮哄寰椾笂鍩 浣揿彧鏄媺寮哄寰椾笂鍩

姝ゆ椂琚汉锲(一)洟锲翠綇锛孡u Sheng 涔熶緷镞omplexion 骞 锛岄殢镒忔墦 锛岄殢镒忔墦 忕潃鏁 忕潃鏁 忕潃鏁 忕潃鏁 忕潃鏁 忕潃鏁 灞辫

鈥滆缮濂絊piritual Qi 椋庢毚鍙浜嬬墿镄勭伒镐ф湁鐢纴涓岖劧杩椤ソ绔镄勪竴涓北璋凤纴镐曟槸瑕佷竴涓嬭姣佷 銆傗 銆傗 濅粬璇皵骞 濅粬璇皵骞 贰阆撱 傗 傗 傗 傗 滆钖э纴浣犱 冮獙鏄粈涔堬纻鈥 冮獙鏄粈涔堬纻鈥 冮獙鏄粈涔堬纻鈥 冮獙鏄粈涔堬纻鈥

澶 澶 篃鏄痳 篃鏄痳 篃鏄痳 篃鏄痳 篃鏄痳 篃鏄痳 篃鏄痳 篃鏄痳 篃鏄痳 篃鏄痳 篃鏄痳 篃鏄痳 篃鏄痳 篃鏄痳 ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung ung People 瀹炲湪澶︼ 囦 囦 囦 囦 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 杞诲 杞诲 杞诲 杞诲 杞诲 杞诲 杞诲 杞诲 杞诲 埌杩栾埇楂 埌杩栾埇楂 埌杩栾埇楂 埌杩栾埇楂 埌杩栾埇楂笅姝讳粐锛岃鐭ラ 笅姝讳粐锛岃鐭ラ 笅姝讳粐锛岃鐭ラ 镞 镞 姩 姩 姩 姩 姩 姩 姩 鍦ㄦ墍闅 鍦ㄦ墍闅 鍦ㄦ墍闅 鍦ㄦ墍闅 鍦ㄦ墍闅 栾嫢鏄竴涓﹄笉灏忓 栾嫢鏄竴涓﹄笉灏忓 栾嫢鏄竴涓﹄笉灏忓 栾嫢鏄竴涓﹄笉灏忓 栾嫢鏄竴涓﹄笉灏忓Umbrella young people 锛屼 锛屼 缁橺 Family Family Family 宁 《潵寮ュぉ澶хジ銆

Seesaw North Elder 锛屽悇 竴阆撹 竴阆撹 竴阆撹 冮獙銆傛垜镄勯鐩槸锛屾湀鍦嗕箣澶沧椂锛岀榫欐 冮獙銆傛垜镄勯鐩槸锛屾湀鍦嗕箣澶沧椂锛岀榫欐 冮獙銆傛垜镄勯鐩槸锛屾湀鍦嗕箣澶沧椂锛岀榫欐 冮獙銆傛垜镄勯鐩槸锛屾湀鍦嗕箣澶沧椂锛岀榫欐 冮獙銆傛垜镄勯鐩槸锛屾湀鍦嗕箣澶沧椂锛岀榫欐 岀殑铔緳涓 鍏 鍏 鍏 湁澶 湁澶 纻鈥濆紶鐩甋 纻鈥濆紶鐩甋 纻鈥濆紶鐩甋 纻鈥濆紶鐩甋 纻鈥濆紶鐩甋 纻鈥濆紶鐩甋 纻鈥濆紶鐩甋 纻鈥濆紶鐩甋 纻鈥濆紶鐩甋 纻鈥濆紶鐩甋 纻鈥濆紶鐩甋 纻鈥濆紶鐩甋 纻鈥濆紶鐩甋 纻鈥濆紶鐩甋 纻鈥濆紶鐩甋 纻鈥濆紶鐩甋 纻鈥濆紶鐩甋 纻鈥濆紶鐩甋 tri tri tri tri tri tri tri tri tri tri tri 槸澶у涓€澶勭绉橀仐杩澶勭绉橀仐杩腑镄勫waterwater pool flooding 锛岄噷闱(二)湁镌€涓€绉嶅悕涓鸿泧榫欑殑鍙岃泧榫欑殑鍙岃

杩欑宸ㄨ泧  杽鑹纴涓嶅枩鎭 杽鑹纴涓嶅枩鎭 杽鑹纴涓嶅枩鎭 杽鑹纴涓嶅枩鎭 锛屽彧浼 锛屽彧浼 锛屽彧浼 锛屽彧浼 锛屽彧浼 锛屽彧浼 湪 埚浑涔嫔锛岀悍绾 埚浑涔嫔锛岀悍绾 埇鍑 埇鍑 娼纴鍜屽 娼纴鍜屽 娼纴鍜屽 瀛 瀛 瀛蹇典箣浜箣浜氦娴 and €

Gallium 浠ヨ 浠ヨ 浠ヨ 涓︷棶棰桡纴鍙湁濂 汉 汉 汉 汉 汉 汉

Lu Sheng鈥檚complexion 骞 锛屽嚑涔庢兂閮 锛屽嚑涔庢兂閮 锛屽嚑涔庢兂閮 锛屽嚑涔庢兂閮 锛屽嚑涔庢兂閮 鎯 鑴卞彛 鑴卞彛 鑴卞彛 鑴卞彛 鑴卞彛 滃崄鏉 滃崄鏉 滃崄鏉 滃崄鏉 滃崄鏉 滃崄鏉 滃崄鏉

鈥沧斁灞侊紒锛佲 濆紶杈 濆紶杈 蹇崭笉浣忓ぇ鍙嚭澹 蹇崭笉浣忓ぇ鍙嚭澹 蹇崭笉浣忓ぇ鍙嚭澹 蹇崭笉浣忓ぇ鍙嚭澹 蹇崭笉浣忓ぇ鍙嚭澹 滀粠鍙ゅ埌浠婇兘鏄簩鍗佷竴鏉 滀粠鍙ゅ埌浠婇兘鏄簩鍗佷竴鏉 纴浣犱粠鍝︻ 纴浣犱粠鍝︻ 纴浣犱粠鍝︻ 纴浣犱粠鍝︻紪鍑 潵镄勫崄鏉 潵镄勫崄鏉

鈥沧槸钖楋纻濡傛灉阌欎 锛岄偅锲炲ご鎴戝 锛岄偅锲炲ご鎴戝 锛岄偅锲炲ご鎴戝 锛岄偅锲炲ご鎴戝 锛岄偅锲炲ご鎴戝 锛岃瀹冧 Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng阆撱€傗€沧墍浠ユ垜鏄镄勩€傗€

鈥滀綘锛佲 濆紶杈 濆紶杈 鐏ぇ锛屽 鐏ぇ锛屽 鐏ぇ锛屽 鐏ぇ锛屽 鐏ぇ锛屽 瑕佷笂鍓嶅姩 瑕佷笂鍓嶅姩 瑕佷笂鍓嶅姩 瑕佷笂鍓嶅姩 瑕佷笂鍓嶅姩 瑕佷笂鍓嶅姩 瑕佷笂鍓嶅姩 瑕佷笂鍓嶅姩

寮犵洰涔熸槸took a deep breath 銆俆aishang 灞傛镄凯owerhouse 锛屽鐢熺伒镄勭伃鏉€鑳借姏锛屾槸涓姏锛屾槸涓鑸鑸镞犳硶鎯镞犳硶鎯薄镄勩€粬浠彧瑕佹 the 镒忥纴灏辫兘 with no difficulty 镄勫紩锷ㄥ宁哥敓鐗)ithin the body 镄剆piritual power鐢氲呖鎶界銆

鐢熷懡涓 镞 镞 浜唖 浜唖 浜唖 浜唖 浜唖 浜唖 浜唖 浜唖 Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Sheng Shengヤ粬镄勫 澶 澶 piritual power 娉 (一) 姩鏉ョ湅锛屽仛鍒 mixed umbrella 浜嬬殑鍙兘镐 瀬楂 瀬楂 €

鈥滈偅涔堟垜绠楁槸阃氲 浜嗕箞锛熲 浜嗕箞锛熲 滚 滚 u Sheng 闂€

鍑犱汉鐪嬬潃鐪煎墠镄凩u Sheng 锛屾劅 夊 夊 夊 夊 忔槸闱 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 澶 澶 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜跺彲鑳 垎鍙戠殑鐏 垎鍙戠殑鐏 锛屾 锛屾 锛屾 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 涔堟椂 涔堟椂 涔堟椂 涔堟椂 涔堟椂 涔堟椂

鈥沧棦鐒跺姝わ纴涔熸 浠 涔堣 涔堣 冮獙镄勪 冮獙镄勪 濆紶鏄玺 濆紶鏄玺 濆紶鏄玺 濆紶鏄玺 濆紶鏄玺 濆紶鏄玺 deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep Ability 锛岃皝閮 borrow 銆傗€

鈥 劧钖庡憿锛熶綘鎯 庝箞 庝箞 庝箞 庝箞 纻鈥 Sheng u Sheng Sheng 楗 湁鍏 湁鍏 湁鍏 杩欎笁浜 杩欎笁浜 杩欎笁浜 杩欎笁浜 杩欎笁浜 杩欎笁浜 杩欎笁浜 杩欎笁浜轰 鏄暣涓︼ 鏄暣涓︼ 涓瘑鍦 涓瘑鍦 渶寮 渶寮 渶寮 渶寮 渶寮 渶寮 鍐 鍐 鍐 鍐 鍐 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 鏄 鍐 鍐 鍐 鍐 鍐 鍐

Zhang Zhao closed his eyes, took a deep breath.

“grandfather, look at yours.” He quickly stepped back, and his side slammed out the silhouette of Zhang Mu and Zhang Chenshan.

Different from before, the two people at this time transpired with a translucent invisible flame. The image of the old turtle Spiritual Qi emerged behind one person, and the other was followed by the shape of the buck.

The speed of the two is very fast, almost to the point of lightning speed, obviously they want to 趁 Lu Sheng not pay attention, quickly solve the battle.

The two eyes were slightly golden, and a sprint crossed the distance and came to Lu Sheng.

Hey! !

The two men attacked Lu Sheng’s whole body with lightning, and every move was mixed with a huge and solid Spiritual Qi. If they are ordinary creatures, they will be punched by a punch. Even if they are not hit, they will only be swayed by the body and will die on the spot.

In other words, at this time, the two old men and two people broke out with all their strength, or they did not move, and they resolved the battle as quickly as possible. This is the arrangement of Zhang Zhao three people.

Lu Sheng is like a leaf that is swaying in the storm, and the shape is accurate to the limit. In the two old offensives, find the crack, perfect to avoid all attacks.

He even has the strength to speak.

“Not fast enough! Too slow, too slow, too slow!”

The three people in the silhouette of the air are almost only a group of pale golden shadows. The shadow quickly flew to the ground not far away, close to the mountain wall.

Pu chi!

Zhang Muyi cut to Lu Sheng’s neck, but did not cut it, but pierced the front stone wall. The hard gray stone is easily penetrated like tofu.

Bang! !

Zhang eyes waved with his hand, and the wide-diameter horizontal boulder was smashed, driven by great power, and hovering at a high speed to Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng right hand Lifted up and punched the same boulder.

Bang!! !

The boulder exploded into several pieces, which were scattered and scattered, far from being known.

“Re-come!” Such a fordable power, even Lu Sheng, feels a little excited.

He has the body of Lu Zhong, the cultivation time is not long, and there is not enough physical power to use the skill means, like the limit strength of the previous use, there is really no way to use it.

The reason why he can open the boulder is to rely on the strength of his own body. After the increase of Qi essence, the strength of this body in the eight magical roads under the hard work, whether it is strength or defense, far beyond the ordinary Jianghu external work.

However, with his physical instinct and full strength, facing two Taishang experts at the same time, it is indeed a little reluctant.

Zhang eyes coldly snorted, the palms are continuously inserted into the mountain wall, picking up a piece of boulder crazy to Lu Sheng.

Zhang Chenshan is far away from every boulder, and every boulder that has been hit is burned with an invisible flame. It is a spiritual fire ignited by Spiritual Qi, an invisible flame fueled by Spiritual Qi.


He took the palm of his hand and ignited all the dozens of boulders and slammed them into Lu Sheng.

“What is this fire?” Lu Sheng came to the interest. If it weren’t for the purpose of watching the two men for a while, he would have done his best to end the battle.

From the beginning to the present, he only used the physical body and the spiritual power of a dozen guardian spirits, and then played against these two old men.

The true power of your own has not been transferred yet.

The boulder was easily chopped by him, and a large amount of stone powder blew away. Lu Sheng suddenly found that something was wrong.

He raised his hand and saw that his hands actually ignited the invisible transparent flame.

The flames burned and he could feel the physical power of his body and was being consumed quickly. Spiritual power If it is completely burned out, no matter what life will be completely dying. This is the law.

Spiritual power, this is a special thing that contains life and a Divided Spirit soul.

“This trick is good.”

Lu Sheng was not surprised, trying to spread his hands to the side. The little bit of the flame suddenly flew to the distant ground, and the grass that was picked up quickly withered from the blue color to the dark yellow.



Lu Sheng punches the ground, and the violent spiritual power is like a high-pressure water cannon. It spurts out from where the fire burns, and all the fires are extinguished in an instant.

This is the same as the need for oxygen for the combustion of the flame. The fire burns and requires additional conditions. But at this time, the flexibility is too late to burn, and it is overwhelmed by too much of the spiritual power forcibly.

The two old men saw their eyelids jumping wildly.

“I am coming!” Zhang Meng quickly pulled out from the arms like a light purple fish-shaped pendant, gently throwing forward.

“Sword Spirit is coming!”


The pendant suddenly blasted and turned into a mass of purple powder suspended in front of Zhang.

Almost at the same time, Lu Sheng appeared in the air around the road with purple sword marks.


In the blink of an eye, hundreds of swords cut the range of space he stood. Do not leave any dead ends.

Lu Sheng’s upper body clothes were instantly smashed, revealing the strong, strong muscles inside. a path of the sword madly cut on him, but only left a white mark.

Even some places have spark sputtering, which is obviously too intense, causing hard sparks.

“Not bad! This is a good move!” Lu Sheng laughed. “But I want to win me, it’s still a little worse.”

In order to maintain this trick, Absolute Kill, Zhang Mu began to flow out two bloodstains at this time. At this time, seeing Lu Sheng, he did not have anything to say. The shock of his heart is almost indescribable.

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