Wealthy Child Bride: Hello, Mr. President

Chapter 816: not going abroad

  She is not stupid, she thought about what Fu Zhiyan said, raised her head and suggested, "Can you not go abroad?"

   "..." Fu Zhiyan frowned.

   Little hooligans don't want to go abroad?

"I don't have to stay here, I mean that Mommy is getting older, and she is so stimulated this time. Maybe she doesn't like the unfamiliar environment too much, and there are kittens, and there are a group of English-speaking people outside. Man, he must not be able to adapt to it at first glance. Moreover, what about foreign education, if we go abroad and not come back, of course I have no problem. The key is that we have to come back. If we want to come back, many foreign educations are not applicable in China. Uncle, what do you think?"

  Han Xiaoye said the truth, and then asked him.

   The stern man lowered his eyes and pondered for a moment, then said, "Do you think it's better to stay?"

"No, we definitely want to go, but I suggest not to go abroad. We can go to a small city with better air and scenery. There are definitely not so many things here. Come again, the living environment is good, and the folk customs must be relatively good. It is more suitable for Mommy to relax, when she can dance square dance with the old ladies in the neighbors, drive to the nearby scenic spots for a drive, maybe she will be in a good mood."

"Also, it's good for Fu Kitten in a small city. I always think that the environment where Fu Kitten grew up is too good, and everyone around him follows him and pampers him. He was trained to be competitive and to do everything. A sharp character. How to say this character, it was fine when I was young, but when I grow up and go out of the society, I will suffer."

  Han Xiaoye said again seriously.

"Besides, there is another problem with Kitten. He spends a lot of money and likes to play tricks. It's not his fault that he spends a lot of money. Who makes him spend his pocket money all day long. I'm afraid, at most he is now Buy some limited-edition Luffy dolls, and when they grow up, they will buy more and more exaggerated things. Also, he follows Qin Fang and Mo Qi all day long. playboy."

   She was really a little scared and said worriedly, "Little uncle, don't you think that some of the things he suddenly say sometimes we can't imagine that they came out of the mouth of a 5-year-old child?"

   Kitten Fu is too precocious!

   His precocious phenomenon, Han Xiaoye thinks it is very bad.

   After all, one age group should do something for another age group. If you can’t integrate into your age group from the beginning, you won’t be able to integrate into the society in the future.

  Genius and lunatic are often just a thin line apart.

   Now that Fu Kitten is still young, he can still turn it around. When he gets older and doesn't listen to discipline and enters a period of rebelliousness, he will be annoyed.

"The kindergarten he is currently studying is private. The teachers all know that these children have money and status at home, and even if they make mistakes, they dare not provoke them. Some time ago, their teacher Liu would tell me about his mobile phone use. , I don't know what Fu Kitten has done to others at this moment, I ask now, and they all say he's good, and they say he doesn't play with his mobile phone."

  Han Xiaoye gave Fu Zhiyan a sideways glance and pursed his lips.

   "Do you still know about your son? He doesn't play with his mobile phone? He's cheating!"

   It must be Fu Kitten who coerced and lured Teacher Liu!


   The 5-year-old radish head shouldn't be able to do it, but intimidation... With the mind of Fu Kitten, it is very possible!

  Han Xiaoye has a very bad headache. As long as she thinks about Fu Xiaoyao's education, she has a terrible headache. Fu Kitten is too smart and too precocious, and since she owes him, she really can't control him. But I can't control it, and I can't watch my son go crooked day by day, right?

   She wanted to raise this question for a long time and have a good talk with Fu Zhiyan, but this time she met this opportunity, and she said it all at once.

"Let's go to a small city with a better environment. First, no one is holding him. Second, we are far away from Qin Fang and Qiqi. No one spoils him, so let him be petty. Third, everyone It's human words, and it won't suddenly change him to a place that speaks bird's words, which will cause him too much impact. Fourth, the small city is quiet, there are not so many gossip news, and there are not so many circles and circles, listen to No gossip. In the fifth year, you can also let the kittens, ninety-nine, get in touch with everyone's living environment, which will help them grow up in the future..."

   She put forward 5 points in one go, and each point made sense. Fu Zhiyan stretched his outline and raised the corners of his mouth, "Okay, I still have to discuss with my mother to see what her opinion is."


   Anyway, she felt that Aunt Feng must be exactly what she thought.

  Because Aunt Feng had said before that she didn't like foreign devils' territory, she felt uncomfortable when she saw a group of blond and blue-eyed foreign devils who were chatting.

   "You rest first, I'll let the kitten come up first, and I'll go talk to Mom. By the way, talk to Fu Xiao and the others."

   "I'll let you know when it's discussed."

   "Okay." Han Xiaoye had no objection, she just drooled, and she didn't want to repeat it at all. And Aunt Feng, shouldn't Aunt Feng want her to know about the bad things that happened at home? It doesn't matter, even if she knows, she can pretend she doesn't know. Let my uncle tell her, and she will pretend she doesn't know anything, so that when Aunt Feng faces her in the future, she can at least feel more at ease.

   Thinking of Feng Yaqin, Han Xiaoye still couldn't help feeling uncomfortable.

  Han Xiaoye quickly sorted out his mood, picked up Fu Xiaojiu who had already woken up, and fed Fu Xiaojiu when he was full. Kitty Fu went upstairs, and Han Xiaoye coaxed him again, gave him a bath, watched cartoons with him for a while, and unknowingly lay on the bed and fell asleep with Kitty Fu.


   I don't know how Fu Zhiyan talked to Aunt Feng. A few days later, the moving company came.

  Aunt Feng was in better spirits and instructed a group of people to start packing the things in the house. She didn't take the big ones, and only packed clothes, quilts, bags, cups and other necessities. Rao is so, she still packs several carts of these things accumulated over time by her super strong purchasing power. In addition to Han Xiaoye and Fu Xiaojiu's, 4 cars were properly installed.

   "Okay, that's all, you can send the things over first." Feng Yaqin waved his hand vigorously and asked the movers to do the work, "Be careful, I won't break my cup."

"do not worry."

She turned her head and found Han Xiaoye on the stairs, showing a hearty smile and waving to her, "Girl Xiaoye, is it too noisy down there? I woke you up? Come on, I'll ask Aunt Liu to cook fish soup for you. , come and have a drink."

   "Mommy, this is..."

   "Oh, I asked them to carry the big luggage first, and we will take the small ones ourselves."

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