knock knock….

Fang Xiu’s door was knocked.

in his perception, he clearly heard two people knocking on the door, and even heard them when they went upstairs.

Fang Xiu looked through the cat’s eyes and saw a man and a woman in overalls.

he opened the door without the slightest hesitation, not worrying that the other party was weird at all.

because weirdness cannot affect reality when it is not “seen”, which means that it cannot knock.

In addition, at this point in time, he still wore work clothes to find himself, most likely a person from a special department.

After door opened, Li Wenhao took out the documents of the Investigation Bureau and said: “Fang Xiu, we are the staff of the Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau of the Joint Investigation of Global Strange Incidents, and this is our certificate.” ”

Fang Xiu calmly checked the documents of the two and knew their names.

without the slightest surprise, now there is surveillance everywhere, and it is impossible for people in special departments not to find themselves.

the only surprise is that the name of this special department is really long, and people with insufficient lung capacity cannot pronounce it in one breath.

“Please come in.”

Fang Xiu introduced the two, and during this time, Shen Lingxue and the two kept looking at him.

and Fang Xiu was also looking at them, to be precise, to confirm whether they could see his wife.

at this time, the wife is very happy, probably because there are many people.

stood aside very decently and said gently: “Husband, there are friends at home.” ”

Shen Lingxue and Li Wenhao’s eyes have been on Fang Xiu’s body, and they seem to be unable to see their wives.

invisible? Or have you already done it like yourself and can ignore the weirdness?

Fang Xiu guessed in his heart.

As a person in a special department, his strength is definitely stronger than that of a novice spirit master like himself, and he knows a lot of strange information, if even they can’t see their wives, it proves that only they are special.

whether or not you can see weirdness may have nothing to do with whether it is a Spirit Master.

but Fang Xiu has not yet made up his mind and needs to be tested again.

when Fang Xiu guessed, Shen Lingxue and the two were also speculating about him.

the two have a very peculiar feeling of Hugh.

calm, so calm, it’s not at all like the reaction of someone who survived a strange event.

They have also seen many people who have survived strange events, and they are basically stimulated, even if they become Spirit Masters, and their mental state is generally unstable.

Generally, when they see people from the investigation bureau, some choose to escape, and some desperately ask questions to understand the strange truth, but they are not as calm as Fang Xiu.

After the three sat down in the living room, Shen Lingxue examined: “You don’t seem surprised by our arrival at all, you knew about the Investigation Bureau before?” < p idx="28" > Fang Xiu shook his head: “I don’t know, but since there is a strange existence in this world, but it has not caused riots, there must be some kind of force behind it to maintain social order, which is not difficult to guess.” ”

“It’s not hard to guess, but after ordinary people experience strange events, they can’t think calmly like you.” Shen Lingxue said with a slight praise.

“You guessed correctly, our investigation bureau is a special department dedicated to dealing with weirdness, it is the official organization of the Imperial Spirit Master, and there are two things to come here today, one is to investigate the relevant information of the weird domain of Bailiu Academy, and the other is to determine whether you are eligible to join the investigation bureau.”

Although there are many idle Spirit Masters in the people, only the Investigation Bureau has absolute information, absolute ruling strength, and a large number of resources required by Spirit Masters, so this is an opportunity for you.

proceed to the first item below to tell you what you know about the mysterious domain of Bailiu Academy. ”

“I have a few questions I need you to answer before answering your question.” Fang Xiu said calmly.

Shen Lingxue frowned slightly: “Now I’m asking you a question.” < p idx="35"> At this time, Li Wenhao hurriedly said: “Investigator Shen, Fang Xiu has just experienced a strange incident, there must be many questions in his heart, we answered his questions first, let him clear his thoughts, and better answer our questions later, right?” ”

Shen Lingxue nodded slightly, and agreed.

Li Wenhao smiled at Fang Xiu and said: “Fang Xiu, if you have any questions, just ask, after all, you are also an imperial spirit master now, some common sense will know sooner or later, as long as it does not involve secrets, you can ask.” ”

Fang Xiu glanced at the two slightly, and he already had a judgment in his heart.

Shen Lingxue should be a Imperial Spirit Master, while Li Wenhao is not, people who come out alive from strange events have different eyes and different feelings.

which is the perception brought about by one’s own spirituality.

It seems that this is the configuration of the Bureau of Investigation, is a Spirit Master with an ordinary person?

the mind of the Spirit Master is strangely infected, and it is often easy to have a strange and extreme personality, and with the supervision of an ordinary person, it can also play a little supervisory role.

to what extent Shen Lingxue’s mind is distorted is unknown, but the character currently shown is cold and arrogant, strong, I don’t know if it is like this or affected by strangeness.

but none of these Fang Xiu cares, he just wants to know the truth about the weirdness.

“First question, what’s weird?” Fang Xiu asked.

Li Wenhao smiled slightly: “The question you asked is also asked by most people who have survived from the weird domain, but I can only regret to tell you that the current investigation bureau has not given a strange and clear definition.”

Where does weirdness come from, what is weirdness, and what is the purpose of weirdness? No one can give a definitive answer for the time being, at least at my level.

the only thing I can tell you, the weird appearance is irregular, basically they appear suddenly, and their current purpose is to eat people, to be precise, to eat people’s minds, you can also understand as people’s spiritual power.

The bizarre preliminary definition is a distorted mental entity similar to its own source of pollution, which manifests itself in different forms, some flesh and blood, some similar to soul body, and some even conceptual body.

the only thing that is the same is that all the weirdness has great malice towards humans, they seem to strengthen themselves by devouring human minds, and each weird is a source of pollution, like radioactive substances, continuously releasing polluting radiation around.

This radiation can pollute the human mind, stimulate negative emotions, and distort the mind.

you can become a Spirit Master, you should know that the power of the Spirit Master is the product of being strangely polluted. ”

“The second question, how is the power level of the Spirit Master divided?”

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