Weird Calendar

Chapter 209 God of Killing

Sima Yi escaped very quickly and was very wise.

He didn't hesitate at all. After seeing the woman's long golden hair and feeling the sense of oppression that only belonged to the Old Calendar, he immediately fled.

Originally, Kronos didn't notice Hu Dongfeng. He just opened the door and planned to look around for Hu Dongfeng.

Seeing the back of a boy who rolled rice in a hurry, Chronos noticed Hu Dongfeng for the first time.

"Hey, Lawyer Hu, you are really eating Pizza Hut. That's great."

Kronos sat next to Hu Dongfeng.

Hu Dongfeng felt a little numb.

What's going on? Just after an untouchable being left, it seems that another even more untouchable being has arrived.

This blond man looks like a very scary character at first glance.

After becoming a person of the Old Calendar, one has basic spiritual attributes, and has the slightest ability to perceive mysterious and mysterious murderous aura, hostility, malice and the like.

Slight to almost no perception.

Just like if a star is too small, no one will see its light.

But if this is a sun, then you can see it as long as you are not blind.

Hu Dongfeng felt that the blond man had a strong sense of oppression, even though this man had a standard Western prodigal smile on his face.

"Hello, Lawyer Hu, please introduce yourself. My name can call me Lao Ke."

Although he speaks Chinese fluently, as a ghost, his pronunciation is still not standard.

Just like the Japanese colonel's feeling when he read the phrase "Wei Junjie, the master of Western things".

Lao Ke was overheard by Hu Dongfeng and became nagging.

Hu Dongfeng looked at "Nagging" nervously. He didn't want to talk about Nagging at all.

"Hey, why do you look so nervous? Speaking of which, that person just now doesn't seem to be a kind person. As soon as I came in, he left in a hurry."

Lao Ke noticed that Hu Dongfeng's reaction seemed to be fearful.

This kind of fear does not start when I sit down, but has always been there.

"Oh, I understand, there are other Old Calendar people who have found you. Are they trying to cause trouble for you?"

Lao Ke stood up.

Hu Dongfeng looked at Lao Ke in confusion.

Lao Ke said:

"Exactly, I need to ask you to do something. To show my sincerity, can I teach that person a lesson for you?"

Hu Dongfeng wanted to say no, but then he thought about it, that person just now might be harmful to him.

It would also be nice if you could use the help of "Nagging" to make the other party understand that you are not a soft persimmon.

Moreover, the other party has already run away. It is also a good thing to let these two monsters chase and escape, and to leave quickly.

Hu Dongfeng said:

"What are you going to do? He has already run away. He did try to use some kind of power to influence me. I feel like my memory is out of control and I recall things that don't exist."

Hu Dongfeng is still very keen.

When Sima Yi used his ability, he had no way of detecting it, but once the ability was released, Hu Dongfeng immediately realized what the other party had done to him.

He decided to tell Qin Ze about this.

At the moment, he hopes that Lao Ke will chase Sima Yi.

Lao Ke expressed a certain degree of goodwill:

"Then I'll help you teach him a lesson, but I won't kill anyone recently, so I can leave a deep memory for him."

Hu Dongfeng pretended to be confused and nodded, waiting for Lao Ke to hunt the curly-haired boy just now.

But Lao Ke didn't move.

Instead he picked up his fork. A steel fork can penetrate a person's body.

Lao Ke picked up his fork and pointed it at the place where the curly-haired boy passed by when he left just now.

Hu Dongfeng said:

"You...what are you doing?"

"Don't worry, I'm targeting him." Lao Ke smiled.

He smiled calmly and calmly.

Hu Dongfeng said:

"They have gone a long way."

"The future is uncertain and cannot be aimed at, but the past is certain. I don't know his trajectory after one minute, but I know his trajectory one minute ago." Lao Ke's smile did not change.

But his eyes became sharper than ever before.

In Lao Ke's sight, many blue figures appeared, and these figures were fixed in this shop.

He recalled for a second and determined that the figure who left in a hurry was the target he wanted to hunt.

The next moment, his sharp eyes converged, and like a sharp knife sheathed, the fork in Lao Ke's hand disappeared.

At this moment, Su Ye, who had fled several streets, suddenly stopped.

He watched with disbelief as a fork appeared on him.

"Damn it!"

At this moment, the pain that lasted for several minutes was transmitted to Su Ye's mind.

As a person who is sensitive to memory, Su Ye could tell that the pain seemed to have existed from the moment he left Hu Dongfeng and escaped.

But he also remembered clearly that he was not harmed in any way when he escaped.

Su Ye pulled out the fork.

"Avoiding my vital points... Hahahahaha, this is the strength of the world's number one killer! Hahahahaha..."

"I almost died hahahahaha..."

In a certain alley, Su Ye was sitting on the ground, leaning against the wall, smiling crazily.

"Hu Dongfeng, you really surprised me. Why would the strongest killer in the killer organization appear next to you?"

"You didn't kill me. Is this a warning?"

I don’t know if I will be blessed if I survive a catastrophe, but I am sure I will be afraid of it.

Even the mysterious and evil Sima Yi felt inexplicably scared at this moment.

But when he was afraid, he wanted to laugh.

As if it was something that made him happy.

He laughed until the wound spread, but didn't care.

Gradually, his smile turned ferocious:

"Chronos, you win this round, but you made a huge mistake by not killing me."

Inside Pizza Hut.

Hu Dongfeng was confused, what is this? A magic trick that makes the fork disappear?

Where is the lesson you promised to teach the curly boy?

Lao Ke smiled:

"Oh, I've taught you a lesson anyway. Trust me, he won't dare to provoke you anytime soon."

"Do we officially know each other, Lawyer Hu?"

Hu Dongfeng still hasn't recovered from what happened just now.

He couldn't understand that there were two kinds of snipers in this world, one kind of sniper with powerful spatial aiming ability.

Just like Hawkeye and Mooneye, Hawkeye, one of the seven master assassins, can see things very far away purely by his eyesight.

Yuetong, one of the four killer emperors, can see things far away with the help of the stars.

They can kill their opponents at extremely long distances that their opponents cannot detect.

But Chronos is different. Lao Ke's ability is time targeting.

He is not targeting enemies thousands of miles away.

Rather, it is an enemy of a certain period of time.

Chronos once killed a high-ranking official of a country.

During the presidential campaign, that senior official hired the strongest security team.

Every time this senior official wants to travel, he will ask the security team to set up camp and clear the place in advance.

There are also bodyguards around him. Basically, there is no blind spot that can kill high-ranking officials.

Many killers, even though they are Old Ones, are helpless in the face of such security defenses.

I basically wouldn't consider taking this order.

But for Chronos, everything is simple.

He simply went where the high official had been and fired a shot.

The senior official died, obviously at 9pm on July 2nd. Many people watched as a bullet that seemed to have traveled through space appeared on the senior official's head out of thin air.

So at nine o'clock in the evening on July 2, the senior official died.

But the strange thing is that after forensic examination, the senior official died six hours ago.

This is nonsense, after all, six hours ago——

At three o'clock in the afternoon, senior officials were giving speeches.

At that time, there were troops stationed at the speech site. How could anyone kill a high-ranking official?

How could a person who was reading a book and calling other politicians after eight o'clock die more than two hours ago?

The medical examiner was scolded and lost his job.

But other forensic...identification results are also the same. Finally, a forensic doctor who was very understanding of human nature said that the senior official died at nine o'clock in the evening.

No one could trace Chronos. This is a man who can use the past as a target.

His occupation of the Old Calendar is extremely rare, and he is the only one among the known Old Calendar practitioners.

How does one defend one's past?

It is precisely because of this terrifying ability that Chronos is the undisputed number one killer.

Hu Dongfeng didn't know how terrifying the man in front of him was.

All he knew was that... the other party did a magic trick and the fork disappeared.

Although what the other party said was very bluffing, this guy was very strong. Hu Dongfeng felt that he should be stronger than Qin Ze and the curly-haired boy just now.

So he was still very nervous:

" know each other?"

"I don't know you. Mr. Hu Dongfeng, I have read your information. I am just interested in you because there is something I need to discuss with you in detail. It is not convenient here. Can we go to your office?" Lao Ke Make an invitation.

Immediately, Lao Ke smiled apologetically:

"Sure, you can finish your pizza first."

You are quite a nice person, but Hu Dongfeng is not so nervous anymore.

He was not in the mood for pizza either and said:

"Let's go."

I'm really busy today. I originally made an appointment with Mr. Qin Ze to talk about the inheritance and ask Mr. Qin Ze to enlighten me.

He now feels very uncomfortable with some of his actions.

Inside Justice Law Firm.

Yui poured coffee for the two men and then left the office knowingly.

"Mr. Nagging, tell me, do you have anything to entrust us with?"

Hu Dongfeng thought to himself, maybe he is violating a taboo now, right?

Is this suffering?

Lao Ke smiled and said:

"Lawyer Hu, let me reintroduce myself and introduce myself seriously. My real name is... Victor Cole. I am a killer, although I will no longer be."

"Of course, you can just call me Lao Ke. I hope you can help me quit being a killer."

Hu Dongfeng was stunned on the spot.


So direct? This black profession exploded directly in front of me?

Aren't you afraid that I'll call the police now?

In fact, Hu Dongfeng doesn't hate killers.

After all, many movies and TV series have glorified the image of the killer.

For example, Leon in the classic movie "The Killer Isn't Too Cold".

But in reality, killers have actually killed people.

Unless they are the "five-star killers" played by Zhang Yi, most killers can basically ask for metal handcuffs and the right to live in prison.

After all, Hu Dongfeng had seen the world and calmed down quickly.

The killer in front of me is probably not a killer in the simple sense.

Most likely a professional killer from the Old Calendar. I won't help such a person, but I can't offend such a person either.

Mainly, I can't afford to offend.

So Hu Dongfeng said:

"Mr. Cole, I'm sorry, I can't help you. My ability is to help people get rid of legal sanctions that should not belong to them."

"But your profession is a profession in a lawless zone. I really can't help you."

Lao Ke didn't pay attention and still said with a very polite smile:

"What I need is actually not a lawyer. After all, it doesn't mean that if I stop being a killer, the judges in this world will let me go."

"Lawyer Hu Dongfeng, actually I found you because your deeds made me feel that you are a very trustworthy person."

"By the way, you are actually an Old Calendar person, right?"

So direct. Hu Dongfeng wanted to deny it, but denial was meaningless.

In front of such a powerful person, it is difficult to have privacy.

Lao Ke laughed and said:

"Don't be afraid. I've already said that I want to quit being an assassin. I haven't killed many people recently. Otherwise, the guy just now would be dead."

"Mr. Hu, you are not a lawyer here, but a person of upright character. I need such a person."

"Here, let me first tell you about the establishment of the killer organization."

Hu Dongfeng really wanted to say, can I not listen? After all, the more you know, the more likely you are to deviate from your original plan.

But he didn't complain, he just complained in his heart. Suffering is indeed not something that can be easily contaminated.

Hu Dongfeng sighed:

"It's okay if I don't listen. In that case, I'm all ears. You can speak."

Lao Ke took a sip of tea and said:

"Hahahahaha, don't worry, if you don't agree, I will continue to find someone else. I said I want to retire, but the retirement conditions set by the God of Killing are very harsh."

"To put it simply, the killer organization is not actually an organization like a company..."

"Well, to be more precise, it is a church. A church that believes in foreign gods."

"Everyone who joins will receive a killing mark. The effect of this mark is that even if someone kills someone, they will not be affected by the nonsense because they violate the rules."

"But the disadvantage is that it takes three days to kill. Every three days, one person must be killed."

"The first person to believe in an alien god, the god of killing, was thinking about this logic——"

"He thought, since I'm going to kill someone in three days, why don't I call myself a killer? Let killing be no longer a last resort, but my job."

"So, the first Old Calendar Killer was born."

"The God of Slaughter also thought this was very good, so he asked this person to recruit a group of people regularly to become his followers."

"Of course, not every killer has a killing mark. They are all believers of the outer gods. There are also many killers who are willing to bear the ravings caused by killing, such as Medni and Prell."

"Oh, you may not know these people, it doesn't matter. In short, the top killers, the seven great masters, and the four emperors are all mark owners."

Hu Dongfeng glanced outside the glass wall to confirm that Yui was not eavesdropping.

He was still worried, good guy, what secret is this? If he knew about this thing, he would probably have to be deeply bound to the killer organization, right?

Lao Ke said:

"Let's talk about me again. I realized that every time I kill someone, the Outer God will become stronger, so I decided to retire. Except for the fixed kill once every three days, I will no longer kill anyone."

"Also, I have a daughter, I just found out not long ago."

"It's funny, a person like me would actually get married and have children, and his heart would soften just because of children."

"Anyway, I need to quit the killer organization and erase the mark."

"And the first killer also formulated a way to retire. That is, a way to terminate cooperation."

Hu Dongfeng frowned:

"Does this have anything to do with me...?"

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