The second one to arrive was Xie Yu.

I only saw a green light flying over the street, flying directly to the door of the building. After the light disappeared, Xie Yu was revealed in white.

Xie Yu saw Jiang You sitting on the steps in front of the building with messy hair, staring blankly at the row of tooth marks on his palms. The blood around them was dried and was the dark red of a withered rose petal.

The white snow covered half of the battlefield, but even so, the Shura-like scene here was enough to be frightening, with severed limbs and remains everywhere.

Xie Yu frowned. This murderous battle made him feel a strong sense of disgust. He asked Jiang You coldly: "Did you do all this?"

Jiang You remained silent, which made Xie Yu even more displeased, "You used such cruel means to kill some ordinary people, you..."

"Xie Yu, you just came here and don't know anything, so stop farting here!"

A voice as cold as a knife interrupted what Xie Yu wanted to say, and Lu Yuan walked out from the shadows in the corner. He changed from his usual carefree look, with two eyebrows raised, and his expression was extremely serious.

Lu Yuan has always been elusive, and his appearance did not surprise Xie Yu. However, the vulgar words made his body emit anger and green light bursts. But after thinking about it, Lu Yuan's words made sense, so he suppressed it and did not have an attack.

Lu Yuan walked directly to Jiang You and sat down next to him. He saw Jiang You still staring at the wound on his hand in a daze. He did not ask what happened to the corpse here. Out of trust in Jiang You, He knew that Jiang You must have his reasons for doing this.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Brother Lu, do you have a cigarette?"

Lu Yuan took out cigarettes from his pocket, handed him one, and lit it for Jiang You.

The low-quality cigarette burned, producing choking smoke. Jiang You took a puff, exhaled it for a long time, looked at the green smoke dissipating in front of his eyes and said, "It's still too late!"

Lu Yuan nodded and said nothing, just smoking with him.

Seeing the two of them acting like this, Xie Yu snorted coldly and was about to ask again. Jiang You said, "There are still some injured girls inside. You can help me go in and comfort them. Then I said everything is safe."

Jiang You hasn't figured out how to face those women again at this time. What should he say then?

When Xie Yu heard this, he felt like walking inside the building. A burst of green light emitted from his feet. Wherever he passed, the blood and debris were dissipated by the green light, clearing a clean and tidy road.

After entering, I saw the huge hole in the wall of the lobby, knew where it was, and walked all the way in.

The snow was falling heavily, and with Xie Yu and Lu Yuan's feedback reports to the investigation bureau, the police finally had the courage to surround them. Seeing this horrific scene, their faces turned pale with fear.

Lu Yuan ordered the police: "The incident has been handled. Arrange for people to clean up this place before dawn!"

The police contacted the relevant personnel and came to clean up the scene. Subsequently, personnel arrived to identify the body parts, splice the body together, seal it into bags, and clean the blood stains.

Everyone was busy, but no one dared to get too close to Jiang You, and they all stayed away from his location.

One of the workers put a mutilated body into a black body bag and whispered to a middle-aged man: "Captain, this body is missing a head. I can't find it no matter how hard I look for it. What should I do?"

"How about you ask that person?"

"How dare I go?"

"I don't dare to ask. What are you talking about? Get it done quickly and withdraw quickly!"

Xie Yu walked out of the house holding Chengcheng who had already been dressed, followed by a group of women in thin clothes. When these women came out and saw the heavy snow outside, they all cried loudly, their voices whimpering, in the sky Circling above, because when Jiang You went in, he was always in darkness. The woman in the dormitory he went to did not recognize Jiang You. Only the woman who was entrusted by Jiang You to take care of Chengcheng guessed that Jiang You was the man from before. .

In front of Jiang You, Lihua expressed her gratitude to him, which pulled Jiang You out of his thoughts. He comforted the woman in a gentle voice, and then asked how he was tied here.

After the woman cried out, the people present realized that this wealth creation building first used recruitment information with high salaries on the Internet to lure victims to apply for jobs. After joining the job, it directly restricted personal freedom, coerced and lured the victims. They are forced to sell their bodies. If they don't obey, they will be brutally tortured. Chengcheng is the best example. As for women's social relationships, they use network technology to block them, causing them to disappear from the world.

The simple and crude methods, the vile behavior, and the arrogance of the attitude are unimaginable. It is unimaginable that in today's society, under the most prosperous financial business district of Hanshui City, such an ugly crime could be born.

After hearing this, everyone around them gritted their teeth and became furious. This time, the look in their eyes when they looked at Jiang You changed from fear and fear to recognition and reverence!

The woman continued to say that the people who received their services here were either rich or noble. Qin Li was the person in charge of this building. Once when she was paying Qin Li to spend the night, she knew his address outside and immediately gave him to him. provided by the police.

Several policemen immediately became serious. This kind of organized crime is not just the thugs like the criminals now, but also the protective umbrella behind them. Pull out the carrots and bring out the mud. There are many things to investigate later. , this is a serious case, an important case!

He immediately used his walkie-talkie to call the headquarters and requested that the police be dispatched to investigate.

Xie Yu hugged Chengcheng and walked in front of Jiang You. When handing Chengcheng to him, he whispered: "Good kill!"

Jiang You stood up and smiled, and glanced at Xie Yu. Xie Yu asked him about the whole matter inside. At this time, his eyes were full of anger, and they were no longer as gentle as jade when he first arrived.

Jiang You solemnly took Chengcheng's body and told Lu Yuan that there were still corpses inside that needed to be disposed of, and then left the scene. He was now going to Ji Sheng to send Chengcheng home!

After Jiang You left, Lu Yuan led the police in to dispose of the body. This time, even in the face of a more bloody scene, no one felt timid. When putting the body into the bag, they would spit and kick him. Feet, another foul language.

Xie Yu went to Qin Li's residence. He wanted to turn the place upside down and make sure to reveal the clues of the maggots hiding behind it.

Ji Sheng's home was in an old unit building near the gym. It was already dark when Jiang You arrived.

As the morning sun rises, the fiery red sunlight shines on the silver-covered earth, and the snow burns coldly, becoming more and more dazzling. The low wind blows the snow off the branches and flies between the sky and the earth.

Jiang You looked at Chengcheng in his arms. The cold air blew her pale cheeks even whiter. Her eyes were closed tightly. Her long eyelashes and slim and straight nose made her whole face extraordinarily holy, as if she was just a girl. Go to sleep.

Jiang You took a deep breath, stepped forward, and went upstairs.

The door was kept wide open, and the rising sun was completely blocked by the dense trees outside the window, shrouding the house in a blue gloom.

Ji Sheng stayed up all night, sitting on the dining table facing the door with his back on his back. Luo Ping was taking care of him. He saw Jiang You naked at the door. He stood up happily and looked at Chengcheng in his arms. He had stayed up all night. But his dry and dull eyes gave off a bright light, and he walked over quickly and asked Jiang You with his eyes.

Jiang You shook his head slightly and heavily, and the bright light that just appeared in Luo Ping's eyes disappeared instantly, and grief mixed with tears surged out.

Ji Sheng slowly turned around. After just one night, he had already aged ten years, his face was covered with wrinkles, and his bright eyes were cloudy. He tried to stand up, but halfway up, his eyes were so tight because he had been sitting for too long. His legs were weak and he fell back again. Luo Ping hurried over and helped Ji Sheng up.

Jiang You walked to the aisle and said, "Teacher, I brought Chengcheng back!"

Ji Sheng had already guessed something from the expressions of the two of them. His gray hair hung messily in front of his forehead. He stretched out his trembling hands that were as dry as tree roots and touched Chengcheng's forehead. Just when his fingers touched The moment he touched his forehead, Ji Sheng could no longer control the pain in his heart and let out a whimpering cry from his throat. The sound was intermittent, shrill and sad.

Many memories suddenly appeared in his mind. His granddaughter had just been born. He and her father were anxiously pacing at the door of the delivery room. When he was a baby, he put his fingers in her fleshy palms and was grabbed by her. The happiness of living, the cuteness of toddlers and stumbling, the excitement when he called me grandpa for the first time, the news of his son’s death, pretending to be calm, but comforting himself with strength, secretly crying under the quilt in the middle of the night The fragility and hard study in the cold window, the joy when graduating from college.

The torrent of too many memories completely overwhelmed Ji Sheng. He staggered and couldn't stand, but Luo Ping quickly supported him.

Jiang You's words of condolences stuck on his lips, but he couldn't say them out for a long time. A waning old man was losing the last relative who depended on him for life. Who could express his condolences for such a human tragedy?

Luo Ping was afraid that Ji Sheng would be overly sad and did not dare to let Ji Sheng see Chengcheng's body again, so he motioned to Jiang You to carry Chengcheng into the bedroom inside.

When Jiang You left the room, he saw the old man leaning on the table, his chest like a bellows, twitching and out of breath. He thought something bad in his heart, so he hurriedly stepped forward, grabbed Ji Sheng's wrist, and pulled out the body that had just recovered. , the thin longevity energy was injected into his body, and only then did Ji Sheng take a breath.

Jiang You stretched his hand behind his waist, took out a drawstring bag fastened to his waist, and took out Qin Li's head.

"This is one of the murderers of this incident. I brought his head back to you."

Ji Sheng didn't seem to hear Jiang You's words, his eyes were dull and lifeless.

"There is more than one murderer, there is someone behind him. I will find him and bring his head back to comfort Chengcheng's spirit in heaven!"

Jiang spoke very slowly, spitting out each word one by one. As he said this, Ji Sheng's rotten wood-like body trembled and finally came to life. He opened his mouth and uttered a labored and unclear voice, "Revenge!"

Luo Ping, who was next to him, heard Jiang You's words and asked with red eyes: "Who is it? Plus me!"

Jiang You shook his head at Luo Ping and said, "I am enough. You can't get involved. The teacher wants you to take care of him until you die."

Luo Ping wanted to say something else, but when he saw the scars all over Jiang You's upper body, especially the two on his chest, he thought to himself, "Jiang You's strength has reached an unimaginable level. If I join in his battle, it's just a burden." , can’t help at all.” He said nothing more.

Just when Luo Ping was thinking about it, Ji Sheng suddenly stood up and knelt down directly towards Jiang You. His knees pulled out with a dull sound on the wooden floor. Jiang You didn't react when Ji Sheng knelt down. The moment he was about to land on the wooden floor, he dodged and avoided Ji Sheng's kneel down.

"Teacher, what are you doing? Get up quickly, Senior Brother Luo, help the teacher up quickly!"

When Luo Ping heard Jiang You's words, he was unmoved and knelt down as well, "Jiang You, I don't have the ability to avenge Chengcheng. I beg you to find that person and kill him!"

After Luo Ping finished speaking, he kowtowed with all his strength on the ground. The floor was hit with a loud bang, and soon his forehead turned red. Luo Ping seemed to be using this method to punish himself for his incompetence.

Jiang You stepped in front of the two of them and raised his hand to help them up, but Ji Sheng grabbed Jiang You's arm and looked at him deeply with tearful eyes. He opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything for the moment. Luo Ping said, "Junior brother, if you still recognize the teacher, just accept this gift! The teacher can't speak now, but I have served him for many years, so I know what he means!"

Jiang You looked at Ji Sheng, who nodded and used all his strength to tear out two words from his throat, "Revenge!!!"

As he spoke, he pushed Jiang You back slightly, and his pale head suddenly hit the floor!

Luo Ping and Ji Sheng kowtowed together and refused to raise their heads for a long time.

Since the awakening sequence, Jiang You has faced many powerful enemies and been in desperate situations several times. However, these have not defeated him. Instead, they have made him stronger. However, facing the kowtows of the two people now, Jiang You There was a bang in You Zhixin's head, and a long and harsh blind sound came from his ears. He was defeated. For the first time, he felt the huge waves of his destiny. From then on, there was one thing he had to do. Appearing in his life was even more important than his own life!

This matter is not only for Chengcheng, but also for that word that has long been forgotten and covered with dust, justice!

His whole body was shaking, his chest seemed to be pressed by a huge mountain, he couldn't breathe, and his eyes were filled with tears. He knelt down in front of Ji Sheng, and used the nails of his left hand to draw a long blood mark on his right arm, letting the blood flow out. He raised his arms high, "I, Jiang You, swear to God that I will go to heaven and earth to search the mountains and seas, and I will also take off the head of the murderer who harmed Chengcheng. If I violate this oath, I will be punished by heaven and earth!"

As soon as the words fell to the ground, Jiang You felt his eyebrows suddenly beating violently. He felt that the river of his destiny had changed its course, and the roaring and violent river surged towards an unknown road.

Suddenly, a thunder exploded outside the window, making the windows of the room buzz. The sky where the sun had already risen was suddenly shrouded in thick dark clouds. The dark clouds pressed over the city, and the sky was dim. Lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating the sky. After the heavy snowfall, What followed turned out to be a thunderstorm!

Storm, storm, storm is coming!

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