Welcome to the Nightmare Live

Chapter 156 Safe Nursing Home

Chapter 156


Hearing this, Luce was startled, turned their heads, looked at Wen Jianyan in shock, and asked in disbelief.

Ah? What did you say?

Although they have never really come into contact with this doctor, according to Wen Jianyan's previous description, even if it is only simplified, it can be seen that this is definitely a tough and ruthless character, and it can be said that he took the initiative to go to the other party's treatment room. It's sending yourself into the tiger's mouth on your own initiative!

Hearing this, the expressions of the anchors were involuntarily solemn.

Isn't it... Su Cheng widened his eyes, took a deep breath, and subconsciously lowered his voice: Are we really going to the treatment room next?


Wen Jianyan blinked at Su Cheng, turned her words lightly, and said, However, to be precise, only me will go.

Ah? Su Cheng was stunned for a while, but he couldn't react for a while: Wait, what do you mean?

You should have seen the map of Ping'an Sanatorium, right? Wen Jianyan recited the contents of the map easily without blinking, There are two buildings in the east and west, with four floors above the ground and two floors below the ground. The room is on the fourth floor of the east building, and the dean’s office and archives are on the fourth floor of the west building, am I right?”


Su Cheng nodded hesitantly.

Although he had seen the map, he was not impressed with the specific contents, and could only barely draw an outline in his mind.

The east and west buildings of the Ping An Sanatorium are exactly symmetrical, and the area on both sides should be roughly the same, Wen Jianyan lowered her eyes and said thoughtfully:

However, there is only one treatment room on the east side, and the area is not very large.

On the west side there are the dean's office and the archives room, but on the east side there is only the treatment room. If the area of ​​the treatment room is large enough, it is not unreasonable, but, according to Wen Jianyan's personal experience——

The room size of the treatment room is far from enough to occupy the whole floor.

You mean... on the fourth floor of the East Building, besides the treatment room, are there other rooms?

Luce was startled, and immediately understood the hidden meaning of Wen Jianyan's words. He narrowed his eyes and said slowly, It's just that it's not marked on the map?


Wen Jianyan shrugged and answered vaguely.

He looked at Luce and said, If you guys will act with us next, you can take the opportunity to explore the rest of the fourth floor of the East Building while I'm in the treatment room, maybe you'll have surprises. Discovery from outside.

Of course, if there is a choice, Wen Jianyan actually prefers others to be the bait, so he explores the fourth floor.

But the problem is...

The guy Dr. Reis is really difficult to deal with, plus, the other party revealed secretly that he is closely related to the mutation that happened on the second basement floor, and that he paid attention to himself, so Wen Jianyan had to bite the bullet , and take the initiative to be the bait that contacts the other party.


Luce and a few of his teammates looked at each other.

After a brief balance, he nodded: Let's join.

The group entered the elevator.

Accompanied by the humming sound of the machine, the ground slowly rose, and the second layer of the underground layer was behind him little by little.

Soon, the elevator reached the fourth floor.

The east and west buildings of Ping An Sanatorium are not completely separated, but communicated by corridors, the middle is hollow, and you can look down through the guardrail and directly overlook the hollow main hall.

Wen Jianyan had already been here once, and he had carefully studied the map here, so he knew this place very well.

To the left is the treatment room, and to the right is the director's room and the reference room.

The road to the left is not blocked, but the right side is blocked by a thick iron gate, which is not opened with a key, but a magnetic card, temporarily inaccessible.

Su Cheng looked at Wen Jianyan with some worry:

You'll be fine with that doctor alone, right?

If it's anyone else...

But that brought a group of people directly to the spa room, except for the NPC who took Wen Jianyan away. In addition, Wen Jianyan was strongly targeted by this copy, and no one knew if any accident would happen.

Don't worry, Wen Jianyan glanced at him and said lightly, Didn't our ID card change? This shows that the copy has also acknowledged the change of our identity. No matter how dangerous the doctor is, he is still in the copy after all. NPC, there shouldn't be any big mistakes.

Although she said so, Wen Jianyan was actually quite clueless in her heart.

Involuntarily flashed in his mind, the moment when he was dragged by the food delivery truck before he entered the second underground floor...

Thinking of this, Wen Jianyan couldn't help but have a toothache.

I can only hope that the ID card judgment has some effect.

No matter whether the other party has doubts or not, at least on the bright side, he is still the nurse in this Ping An Sanatorium.

Watching his companions disappear from sight, Wen Jianyan took a deep breath, curled her knuckles, and knocked gently on the door of the treatment room.

Knock knock.

The knock on the door echoed in the dead corridor.

Wen Jianyan could almost hear his own heartbeat.

A few seconds later, a familiar, gentle voice came from the door: Come in, the door is not closed.

Wen Jianyan didn't forget that less than an hour ago, the other party used the exact same gentle tone to carefully introduce various treatments for perversion to him in detail, and prepared to give him an electric shock.


Wen Jianyan calmed down, raised her hand, and slowly pushed open the door in front of her.

There was a dazzling white in front of me, and the smell of disinfectant was blowing.

The mess before leaving last time has long been cleaned up without leaving any traces. Everything seems clean and orderly. Except for a few objects that disappeared from the desktop, it is almost difficult to see that No. 01 has ever made a big scene here.

A man in a white coat sat at the table and seemed to be looking down at something.

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed, he raised his green eyes, looked over through the thin lenses on the bridge of his nose, his expression was calm, and there was a slight smile on his lips.

Dr. Reese's eyes fell on Wen Jianyan's body, and his voice was low and soft:

Ah, it's you.

I'm glad you could take my advice and come to the clinic for an examination,

He put down what was in his hand and stood up slowly.

The chair's legs slid across the floor, making a heart-pounding screeching sound.

Are you feeling uncomfortable? Across the lens, those green, viper-like eyes were plated with a layer of hypocritical tenderness, almost seeming considerate and concerned:

Do you need me to do a full body examination for you?

[Integrity First] Live Room:



I don't know if this copy has changed me, or if there is something wrong with my thinking... Why does this full-body examination sound weird?!

Feeling the other party's gaze falling on him, Wen Jianyan's nerves instinctively tightened.

He raised the corners of his lips, showing a kind and watertight smile, raised his eyes and looked at Dr. Reiss: Thank you for your concern, but there is no need for a full-body examination.

I was attacked by a patient on the second basement floor before, so I was told to come to the treatment room to check it out.

The young man tilted his head, raised his hand and peeled off his blood-soaked neckline, exposing his pale neck and collarbone, revealing the bite mark branded on his collarbone.

Dr. Reiss lowered his eyes, his eyes fell on Wen Jianyan's neck, his green eyes were slightly deep.

Wen Jianyan stared at the man not far away, not letting go of any change in the other's face, and said in an understatement:

It's just a skin injury. I can go back to work after a little treatment, right, doctor?

After a brief silence, Dr. Reiss raised his lips slightly and nodded:


He regained his senses, opened the cabinet door, took out emergency supplies such as alcohol gauze, etc., then turned around and put them on the iron tray aside.

Come and sit.

Dr. Reiss pointed to the iron bed in front of him.

Wen Jianyan's gaze followed the direction of the other's fingers.

It was an iron restraint bed that could be manually adjusted up and down, with leather restraint straps on the hands and feet.


Bad memories of being tied to it flooded into my mind.

I'm very sorry, Dr. Reese said apologetically, there was a patient who made a big fuss in the treatment room before, not only breaking a lot of medical equipment, but also smashing the only chair I have here, I'm afraid now only Would you mind if I could trouble you to sit here?


Wen Jianyan gritted her teeth and smiled, walked over and took a seat on the iron bed.

Undress, please.

Dr. Reiss picked up the alcohol in one hand and said calmly.

Wen Jianyan has no objection.

He lowered his eyes, raised his hands and flexibly unbuttoned them, one by one, the collars unraveling with his movements, revealing large swathes of pale skin and tight muscular silhouettes.

Under the lens, the snake-like sight was cold and sticky, and it swam with the young man's movements, licking every inch of the other's skin exposed to the light like a snake letter.

Soon, Wen Jianyan unbuttoned half of the button, revealing his injured shoulder.

The bite mark was deep, but it no longer bleeds outward. The half-dried blood stains solidified on the skin, and the dazzling bright red and pale skin formed a sharp contrast.

The flesh around the wound curled up and down with his breathing, looking terrifying.

In any case, thank you for anticipating the riot on the negative second floor. The other employees arrived in time to save me and my companions.

Wen Jianyan tilted her head slightly, letting the other party look at her wound.

He raised his eyes, his amber eyes passed through the gaps in his eyelashes, and he looked from the bottom up to the doctor who was only a few steps away from him. His attitude was sincere and he asked unintentionally:

How did you guess that something would happen on the second basement floor?

A high-risk patient fled after attacking me, and I just guessed that he might return to the location of his ward. Dr. Reiss used tweezers to dip cotton with alcohol, and his face remained unchanged.

He raised his eyes and stared at the young man in front of him with those green eyes:

So, which patient attacked you?

Wen Jianyan opened her mouth, but before she had time to answer, the next second, a sharp, irritating pain came from the wound. Suddenly, a hoarse scream was forced out from the depths of her throat along with her panting.

He almost bounced out of his chair, a little cold sweat oozing out of his forehead, and physiological tears came out and wet his eyelashes.

Dr. Reiss stared at the young man in front of him, holding the blood-stained, alcohol-soaked cotton in his tweezers, with a slight smile on his lips, he said casually:

It might hurt a little bit.



kinda? !

Wen Jianyan gritted her teeth.

And this reminder is a bit too late, right?

The cold alcohol touched the wound, and the sharp pain struck again. However, this time Wen Jianyan was mentally prepared. He let the other party disinfect his wound without saying a word. The entire skin from the neck to the shoulders instinctively tensed.

The treatment room was filled with a certain deadly silence.

No matter what Dr. Reese's intentions are, he is still qualified as a doctor. Except for the irritating pain at the beginning, his techniques are skilled and he can handle it quickly.

Finally, the blood-stained cotton left the skin.

Wen Jianyan took a deep breath, and his body finally relaxed. After only ten seconds, a shallow layer of sweat oozes out of his body again.

He let go of the hand holding the clothes and turned to look at Dr. Reiss in front of him.

The other party was turning around and threw the dirty cotton into the iron plate.

Yes... No. 01. Wen Jianyan answered the other party's last question, his voice trembled slightly, as if he hadn't recovered from the pain just now.

Dr. Reiss nodded and said calmly: The high-risk patients in Ward 01 on the negative second floor suffer from severe paranoia, schizophrenia, and a serious tendency to violence.

He lowered his eyes, and his eyes fell on Wen Jianyan's collarbone wound.

——The blood has been wiped clean, and the marks of the human teeth are clearly visible.

The corners of his lips were slightly hooked, and his tone seemed to have a strange playfulness: He bit you.


Wen Jianyan stared at the man in front of her, and answered.

So, how about the others? Dr. Race chuckled, green eyes flashing under the glasses, and asked in a low voice, Did they do nothing to you?


Wen Jianyan just said two words, suddenly realized something, and stopped abruptly.

Except for the other patients of No. 01, who are well kept in the ward, there is no possibility of doing anything to him, unless... the questioner knows very well that he will be pulled into the inner world, where all the prisoners will be called hunters.

Although he has already had a hunch, the other party may have guessed his identity.

However, after getting the exact answer, Wen Jianyan couldn't help being slightly taken aback - the other party was actually able to break through the limit of the copy and was not restricted by the ID card recognized by the copy.

Are normal NPCs really able to do this?

If this is the case, then all the actions of the other party before have an explanation.

Obviously, including this meeting, is also what the other party is looking forward to.

Dr. Reiss turned around with the gauze and met the young man's vigilant gaze. He raised his hand and pressed Wen Jianyan's shoulder without changing his face: Don't be so stiff, raise your arm.


Wen Jianyan took a deep breath and raised her arms under the other's instructions.

Dr. Reiss spread his arms, leaned down, and wrapped the young man's shoulders and necks with gauze layer by layer.

The gesture almost amounted to a virtual hug.

Wen Jianyan's body was straight, and she felt the warm and humid breath of the other party blowing out of her ears and the side of her neck. From time to time, her cold fingers rubbed against her shoulders, causing a reflexive tension.


Even though the bandaging was completed, the other party still did not withdraw.

Dr. Reiss turned his head and stared at the young man's profile with his green eyes. He asked gently, So, of all of them, which one do you prefer?

Wen Jianyan was startled.

He turned his head to the side, almost touching the face of the other person who was close at hand, and stopped abruptly before turning halfway.

What are you talking about?

Wen Jianyan asked calmly.

You are so smart, you should have discovered it?

Unknowingly, Dr. Reese's figure was already close to him. He pressed his icy palm on the young man's flexible waist, and fondly rubbed the warm and firm skin, with a hint of voice in his voice. A faint smile, They all like you, don't they?

Including me.

Wen Jianyan: ...

He clenched his teeth subconsciously and didn't make a sound.

Some people may not realize it, but obviously some have figured it out.

Dr. Reiss lowered his eyes, his scorching gaze wandered over the wound that had been bandaged by himself, as if to burn through the thin layer of gauze, licking and kissing the wound below meticulously.

The more time passes, the clearer you can see.

The more people assimilated by pollution, the more vivid the feeling.

As a part of it, Dr. Reiss no longer needs to actively create more it.

It is making itself.

However, not every body has the value of being polluted and assimilated, and not every body has the ability to carry it will.

It was like spreading out invisible, dark tentacles, probing into the gaps, and the boundaries of perception were expanding.

Dr. Reiss realized that of all these shells, he saw the most clearly.

Maybe it's because he was the first to be contaminated, and he didn't lose his brain like that mad dog.

The spiritual network is expanding.

The sense of belonging to some vast being became clearer.

On several occasions, Dr. Reiss was just sitting in the treatment room, and was even able to see some broken images and feel some real, fleeting touches.

Soft, splayed skirts, flowing fabrics meander up slender, pale legs.

The bones in the front are hard, while the skin on the back of the knee socket is soft and hot, as delicate as if it melted with a sip.

Along with the hug, false lies poured into the ears, and it brought a feeling of drunkenness - always together.

Burning love words, rude kneading, wide palms running up the kicking legs.

And the rust smell that spreads between the lips and teeth after the teeth sink into the soft skin.

Dr. Reiss sniffed Wen Jianyan's bare neck.

There escapes the warm, scent that belongs to the skin.

There was a strange hunger in his throat, and a golden light flashed quickly in his green eyes.

So, according to the difference in the depth of assimilation, some of your brothers should be able to feel this moment more or less now, right?

Dr. Reese was very pleased.

He could even feel the emotional changes of the shadows who belonged to the same source as himself in those empty shells.

The young man's tense body was gently held in his arms, not struggling, not fleeing, wrapped in his breath, like a tame lamb, with nowhere to escape, nowhere to hide, only obediently imprisoned by himself .

Tell me, which of us do you prefer?

Dr. Reiss asked in a low voice, he touched Wen Jianyan's auricle with his lips, and the green eyes sparkled with gold.

the one that was chosen.

will devour everyone else.

It was like a bloody gladiatorial fight in the ancient Roman arena. The corners of the noble lady's mouth were slightly raised under the veil.

Who is most favored, who is most qualified to survive.

Wear the crown of victory and enjoy the spoils alone.

Of course, if you like everyone, that's okay, Dr. Reiss chuckled, his chest shaking. I don't mind sharing.

After all, we are all it.

It's just that some parts haven't realized it yet... Give them a little time and they'll figure it out.

It doesn't matter who it is.

We are one.

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