Welcome to the Nightmare Live

Chapter 214 Prosperity Building

Chapter 214

In the empty room, the disturbed rustling current sound was clear and harsh.

The male anchor's voice seemed to be stuck. It was played over and over again, echoing in the shop under the dim lights. It sounded terrifying and weird, and a layer of cold sweat crept up on everyone's back.

They were sure that all the problem goods selected by nursery rhymes were thrown out of the store, but the restrictions brought by this move were extremely limited.

The dead silence lasted for less than a few minutes before the sound of the tape recorder sounded again.

In other words, what the tape recorder said just now wasn't lying to them, everything they did before that was in vain.

- Now it seems that all radios are dangerous, not just the ones that were picked out earlier!

Looking at the huge store, and the radios occupying half of the shelves... Several people could not help but feel cold all over and sweat on their palms.

The copper oil lamp that was welded to death on the counter burned again, making a chichi sound. Obviously, as the sound in the recorder reappeared, its consumption intensified again.

Since everything is faulty, clear all the recorders!

Qi Qian gritted his teeth and said,

With the props in our hands, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Although he said so, Qi Qian's heart was a little uncertain.

After all, what they thought was a foolproof strategy just now turned out to be useless, and no one knew how to do it or not...

Although they were within the range of undisturbed lights, the weird three words useless still echoed in my ears, like a curse, laughing at everything they did.

Struggling is just useless.

Only death awaits you.

However, as an anchor who has survived until now, no one will sit still. Even if he knows the danger of things, in order to survive, he can only fight hard.

Qi Qian turned his head to look at the shelf on the right, raised his voice and said:

Hey! You two come back first!

After the sound from the tape recorder sounded again, it was too dangerous to stay far away from the lights, especially since the two of them didn't have much self-protection ability, so it's better to return to the safe area first, and then take a long-term view.

beyond the lights.

The male announcer's voice that just played on the recorder seemed to be a switch, and after his voice disappeared, more radios began to operate again.

Strange sounds streamed from the radios one by one.

There are old people, there are children, there are men, and there are women.

Some people are crying, some people are giggling, and some people are whispering. Countless voices are mixed together. The specific content cannot be heard clearly. The only thing that can be felt is the chill that escapes from it. of malice.

Everything is tingling in the scalp and chilling in the spinal cord.

Su Cheng had already heard Qi Qian's cry.

He turned his head to look at Wen Jianyan, and couldn't help but startled slightly.

He saw the other party standing still, staring at the shelf in front of him with slightly flickering eyes. Although Su Cheng didn't know what he was thinking, he could see that Wen Jianyan didn't seem to have any intention of leaving.

Aren't you... going to go under the lights?

As the sound spread, Su Cheng could feel that the cold feeling that had just been dispelled rose again from his fingertips, and he could see that the same was true of Wen Jianyan's fingers hanging by his side.

The originally fair skin turned blue as a dead man, and corpse spots emitting a slightly rotten smell appeared on the back of his hand.

It all symbolizes one thing:

They are no longer safe.

At this moment, Qi Qian and several others have already acted. With the ringing of the bell, the glass door of the shop opened and closed. Obviously, they are now discarding all the recorders, trying to prevent The spread of death.

It's useless.

Wen Jianyan shook her head and said.

Su Cheng was startled: What?

This store will 'restock'.

Wen Jianyan said, and pointed to the place where he had just taken the brown tape recorder - now, the place has been filled with a new tape recorder, and it seems that there is no difference.


Su Cheng's pupils shrank, and he instantly felt cold from head to toe.

A steady stream of radios means a steady stream of curses.

so scary...

At that moment, an indescribable sense of despair rose from the bottom of my heart.

This... how can such a copy survive?

No, no.

Unexpectedly, Wen Jianyan quickly shook his head again, as if to immediately deny what he just said, Not exactly.

If the store can replenish the goods into the shelves indiscriminately, then, after the customer leaves, the shelf with the problem goods selected by the nursery rhyme should also be able to automatically replenish new goods, but, Even before Wen Jianyan left the counter, the shelf was still empty and had not been replenished with any new radios.

However, for these radios taken individually, the blank positions can be quickly filled.


Is the store's replenishment capacity not strong enough? Or is it just a matter of speed?

No, it shouldn't be that simple.

Otherwise, there is no way that the shelf is still empty, and not a single radio has been filled.

Or...the trigger of this state needs to meet some conditions?

Perhaps, it is feasible to empty the radio to cut off the curse, but it is necessary to empty the entire shelf at once. Wen Jianyan suddenly turned to look at Su Cheng, and said slowly.

No matter how many strange dangers are hidden in the Prosperity Building, it is still a store after all, and restocking is just a spontaneous behavior of the store.

If only the individual radios are removed from the shelves, it is natural to replenish the goods.

But if an entire shelf is quickly emptied, then the shelf will be judged as an idle shelf, and all coordinate commodities will be lost, and the store will not replenish the shelf.

Go tell other people this information. Wen Jianyan made a decisive decision and ordered, Try whether my guess is correct.

Su Cheng was startled: Wait, what about you?

Wen Jianyan took a deep breath, turned her head and looked into the depths of the shelf:

I have a new idea to verify.

By the way, send nursery rhymes in to find me, Wen Jianyan added, in the name of a prophet.

Okay. Su Cheng didn't ask much, he nodded solemnly to Wen Jianyan: Pay attention to safety.

After speaking, he turned around and ran quickly towards the counter.

Soon, Su Chengcheng brought Wen Jianyan's words to him.

Need me? Tong Yao was startled and looked at Su Cheng.

Su Cheng nodded: Yes.

He has now basically become accustomed to his status as a magician, and even at this time, he can ensure that his face will not change and his strength will not be revealed.

It's part of the prophecy, he said.

Okay, I'll go right now.

The physical strength of nursery rhyme has obviously not recovered.

Compared to just now, her complexion became even paler, but even so, Tong Yao nodded her head through gritted teeth, and walked in the direction of Su Chengzhi without hesitation.

Su Cheng glanced at the back of the nursery rhyme, and at that moment, he seemed to suddenly understand a series of arrangements after Wen Jianyan entered the copy.

Indeed, in the hands of capable people, prophecy is a very useful card.

The physical burden of nursery rhyme has reached its limit. If she needs to do something at this time, no matter what the purpose is, the other party will definitely consider it carefully.

However, after putting on a prophecy name, everything is different.

This kind of almost unconditional trust can not only save time and improve efficiency, but also bring about a terrible blind obedience... And all of this is exactly what Wen Jianyan needs.

A team that has no complaints and no regrets, and allows itself to dominate.

It's just... like a dead man.

Qi Qian and the others attached great importance to another new clue brought by the prophet. According to the instructions, they tried to empty the two front shelves.

The effect is remarkable.

Looking at the empty shelves without any new radios emerging, several people couldn't help but be refreshed, as if they saw the hope of life again.

Great, really useful!

Empty the shelves one by one! Be quick! Qi Qian said.


While several people were busy dealing with the radio in front, Wen Jianyan stood in the distance, always paying attention to the movement of the door——

Soon, he heard the surprised voices of several people.

It appears that emptying the shelves is useful.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Since that guess is correct, his subsequent inferences are more successful.

However, Wen Jianyan is not going to put all his hopes on this method - emptying the shelves and throwing all the radios out of the store. Although this method of breaking the game is effective, it is too simple and crude.

Wen Jianyan guessed that this was probably the back road reserved for them by the copy.

The so-called backward road is what has to be done in order to save one's life without discovering the law.

In other words, according to common sense, this copy should have a simpler solution.

There are two ways to break the curse. One is to destroy all the carriers, which is what Qi Qian is doing now, and the other is to directly find the curse itself, which is exactly what Wen Jianyan is doing.

Wen Jianyan is a cautious person.

Eggs cannot be placed in the same basket.

If his side fails, then he will quickly withdraw and fully support Qi Qian's actions.

If... Qi Qian's side fails, or encounters some obstacles, then they won't be in a desperate situation and can only wait to die.

At this moment, a series of rapid footsteps came from the other side of the aisle.

Wen Jianyan turned her head to look.

It's a nursery rhyme.

Do you need me to use talent? she ran over and asked bluntly.

Under the dim light, Tong Yao's face looked particularly ugly, her pale face was bloodless, almost like a dead person, panting from the trot just now, obviously she had reached the limit.

Even so, she gritted her teeth and asked the question.

Obviously, as long as Wen Jianyan nodded, nursery rhyme would unhesitatingly activate her talent.

Wen Jianyan glanced at her and shook her head:

I don't need it for now.

The state of the nursery rhyme is too bad, and it is too much consumption now, and the journey will be more difficult to walk in the future.

Good steel is used on the blade.

The nursery rhyme was startled: Then we...?

Come forward with me first, Wen Jianyan said, I will tell you when you need to activate your talent.

On the shelves on both sides, large and small radios sounded one after another, the old man's sigh, the child's laughter, the woman's cry, those voices were like whispering, inaudible, but they had an obvious cold atmosphere.

The farther he went, the stronger the stench of corruption in the air, almost suspicious that he was in a cemetery.

In just a few dozen seconds after entering the corridor, nursery rhyme felt that her fingers became cold, but before she could habitually take out the soundproof earmuffs, she was stopped by Wen Jianyan:

Need not.

Need not……?

The nursery rhyme was startled and turned to look at the girl in the white skirt beside her.

The other party stood silently in the same place, the arms hanging by his side were smooth and white, and one of his hands had already shown signs of decay. From the fingertips to the wrist, and then to the forearm, all of them had turned a shockingly tragic blue. There were some corpse spots on it.

However, she didn't seem to care.

Don't worry, just follow me and go forward. Wen Jianyan said, I go to the left, you go to the right, preferably side by side, not too far away.

Tong Yao hesitated for a moment, but nodded anyway and put all the soundproofing equipment into the backpack.

The two walked step by step into the darkness side by side.

Wen Jianyan's thinking is very clear, he knows what he is looking for now.

First, where does the real danger come from?

At first, they naturally assumed that the danger came from those cursed radios that, with the help of psychic nursery rhymes, had been found and thrown out of the shop.

However, after these radios left, other ordinary radios that had no sound at first also began to behave abnormally, spreading out terrifying sounds.

This indiscriminate release is not normal.


The radio itself doesn't matter.

That is, brown, black, big, small, all radios are just vehicles for a curse, not a curse itself.

So, what is the real curse?

After thinking of this level, the answer naturally appeared in Wen Jianyan's mind:


From the brief contact just now, you can realize that these sounds are not ordinary. Even if you use props to block your ears, you can't stop the intrusion of such sounds, but they will sound directly in people's minds.

The voice is the real source of the curse.

However, sound itself is incorporeal, that is, it must have a source carrier.

And the logic is deadlocked at this step.

Just standing in front of the shelf thinking, Wen Jianyan suddenly realized that to some extent...

All of them seemed distracted.

Even he himself is no exception.

With the further escalation of the crisis, the death is pressing step by step, and most of them have forgotten the real source of the danger——

Goods bought by a customer.

On the first floor, there are not a lot of dummies, there are four or five in the whole store, but the only one that really moves is the one that was bought by the customer.

After entering the second floor, due to the characteristics of the products on the second floor, the danger is far less conspicuous than that on the first floor, so most of them ignore this point.

What really matters is not what is taken, but what is left.

There are dummies in human leather jackets on the first floor, but only a radio on the second floor. Since the customer took the radio, then what was left?

Wen Jianyan never figured this out.

Until... he suddenly discovered the store's restocking mechanism.

Since the customer has taken a radio, it should also be added to the original location.

In this way, the whole logic is complete.

After the customer took the radio, the store would fill the vacancy with a new one, and it would radiate the curse of death.

As for the other radios in the store, they are all interference items, the way the curse spreads, not the source.

Wen Jianyan walked towards the depths of the store step by step. He remembered that the footsteps of the previous customer should have been in this direction.

As for the aisle, it was the one he chose at the beginning.

Because, although the radio sounded at almost the same time, there was a subtle order of precedence. Wen Jianyan remembered that the first sounded was the radio in the aisle where he was.

In this case, the most critical radio is likely to be in the depths of this road.

But...how should it be positioned?

There are voices everywhere.

Localization by sound source is almost completely impossible.

Wen Jianyan felt the changes in her body.

The cold temperature slowly climbed up along the fingers.

He could feel that both of his arms had lost their temperature, as if they had been frozen under an ice lake, and all his senses and senses had become dull.

Even if he didn't need to look down, Wen Jianyan knew that his skin was losing its vitality, becoming pale and stiff, as if it was turning in the direction of a carrion.

The further you go, the quicker the change.

Now, every radio is a medium, they don't block their ears, and they don't get touched by a particular radio, so the only variable is the distance from the source radio, and it stands to reason that as long as the closer to the source, the affected the bigger.

This is a control variable method.

Using the degree of decay of the body, it is possible to locate the real source of the curse.

However, the reason why Wen Jianyan chose this almost crazy way was not because of a momentary attack, or simply because of masochism.

He cherishes his life, let alone risking his own life.

This seemingly extreme method is actually the safest.

Now, Qi Qian and the others have emptied half of the shop. As a medium for making sounds, a large part of the radios have been thrown out of the shop. Although the source has not yet been found, the curse brought by these sounds has been greatly reduced. suppressed.

Therefore, even though Wen Jianyan was going deep into the hinterland, he could still feel that the rot spread on his body was not as fast as he imagined, and he even had spare energy.

Most importantly, this state of decay is not irreversible.

As long as you enter the shrouded range of the oil lamp, these seemingly terrifying states will fade away. Even if you are in danger, you can give up and leave immediately. In this case, it is more secure to do so.


Qi Qian's side is going very well. As more and more radios are thrown out of the store,

I have to say that the joint effect of several senior anchors is remarkable. Everyone has gone through several dungeons, and each has resources at the bottom of the box. After clearing the direction of action, the efficiency is absolutely amazing.

But in just a few minutes, the front shelf was half emptied.

Under the strong suppression of several people, the bizarre, scalp-numbing babbles became less.

The frantic burning of lantern oil gradually slowed down and returned to a normal rate. It is believed that if this progress continues, the crisis will be resolved sooner or later.

Su Cheng rounded his arms, threw the radio in his hand violently, and then closed the glass door.

In the distance, the radio fell to the ground. It was obviously hit hard, but the pitch-black metal shell was still intact, with no scratches at all.

In the darkness where you can't see five fingers, the lamp symbolizing the power supply is still flickering slightly, and a strange voice sounds from it:




The voice was repeated over and over again, as if some kind of curse was attracting and calling some existences hidden in the darkness.


Wen Jianyan and nursery rhyme walked forward side by side.

Suddenly, nursery rhyme frowned, and there was a look of surprise on his face: I don't think it's right...

She is a psychic, and even if she doesn't activate her talent, she is far more sensitive to this existence than Wen Jianyan.

Hearing the words of the nursery rhyme, Wen Jianyan stopped:

I look at your arm.

Nursery Rhymes pursed her lips and rolled up her sleeves.

The blue-purple corpse spot has spread to the place close to the upper arm, she obviously came later, but the degree of decay is faintly more than that of Wen Jianyan.

That is to say, the real source is located on the right shelf where the nursery rhymes are located.

And...they've gotten pretty close to it.

Wen Jianyan's eyes lit up.

He looked at the nursery rhyme: Now is the time, you can activate your talent.

Although the physical changes can be used to measure the distance, the real accurate positioning still requires the activation of the psychic talent.

Tong Yao took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, a thin layer of white veil covered the eyeballs.

She rolled her bizarre eyes, looking for something on the nearest shelf in front of her.

at the same time.

Qi Qian and the others at the door suddenly felt a little ominous.

The copper oil lamp soldered to the table top, the light on and off, seems to have been affected by some unknown influence.

A few people were startled, stopped tacitly, turned their heads and looked out the door.

It was pitch black outside the glass door.

In the darkness, a strange sound seemed to be faintly heard.

Da da da.

footsteps? !

How could this be? !

Several people looked at each other suspiciously, and under the looming light, they saw the surprise and fear in each other's eyes.

Is it...

Is the next wave of customers coming?

However, they didn't even finish this time. Once a new crisis emerges, the combination of the two will bring devastating horror! !

The crisis of annihilation hovered above his head, bringing a sense of coldness that was almost desperate.

Outside the glass door is endless darkness, nothing can be seen, nothing can be distinguished, the only thing that can work is the sharper hearing under fear.

Da da da.

Footsteps are approaching.

Da da--

New footsteps are being added.

Wait, more than one? ! !

Maybe God was joking with them. In the darkness, more footsteps joined in, and all of them were walking in this direction——

One, two, three...  

More people are approaching.

Dark terror seemed to be coming.

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