Welcome to the Nightmare Live

Chapter 227 Prosperity Building

Chapter 227

Wen Jianyan stared at the small copper plate in her hand, lowered her head, and sniffed carefully.

The familiar smell of corpse oil, the rancid smell is mixed with a hint of sweetness, but in addition, it seems to be mixed with a little other smell, like long-standing blood, which is rich and salty.

There is a cotton wick twisted on it, which can obviously be ignited.

Compared with the previous plate of gray-white lamp oil, this plate of lamp oil looks even more eerie, and it exudes ominous meanings everywhere.

After seeing the scarlet grease in the small copper plate, Nursery Rhyme couldn't help but startled:

What's the use of this...?

I don't know.

Wen Jianyan shook his head, also without any clue.

It is very unwise to rashly use the props in the dungeon when nothing is clear. Although Zhang Yu's current situation is critical, Wen Jianyan is not ready to go to the hospital in a hurry.

It's best to see what other banknotes can exchange for something before making a decision.

He then put the remaining two coins into the box one by one.

The ordinary coin was exchanged for a rusty copper key. After picking up the key, Wen Jianyan put the last red coin with a dead face printed on it into the box.

Soon, the scalp-tingling rustle scratching sound sounded, I don't know if it was an illusion, but this time the sound seemed to last extraordinarily long.

The slightly flickering yellow light bulb emitted dim light on the top of the head. Under the nervous gaze of several people, a pair of blue-black dead palms slowly protruded from the wooden box.

two hands?

Everyone was startled, showing expressions of astonishment.

Wen Jianyan's eyes flickered slightly, and he cautiously looked at the two dead palms that stretched out, holding two talisman papers in the cold, blue-black fingers.

One yellow, one black.

On the rough rune paper, there are complex and eerie scarlet patterns drawn, as if drawn with blood, showing a sticky color that has not dried up.

Like... waiting for their choice.

Why are there two colors?

The nursery rhyme on the side frowned, and took a step back carefully.

Although she did not display her talent now, her keen senses as a psychic were warning her—there seemed to be some kind of ominous aura attached to these two talismans.

Especially the black talisman, just being close to it made her feel very uncomfortable.

Cough...cough cough.

At this moment, a hoarse cough sounded from the side.

Zhang Yu, who had just passed out in a coma, seemed to wake up.

After coughing hoarsely for a while, he raised his head slightly, his face was blue-white and black, and strands of black blood overflowed between the blue-purple lips, dripping on the front of the front, and suggested in a weak voice:

Choose, choose the yellow one.

According to the tradition, the talisman paper is also divided into good talisman and bad talisman.

The yellow talisman paper draws on the power of the gods for the purpose of suppressing and exorcising evil spirits, while the power borrowed by the black comes from the evil spirits. But it is easy to harm others. .

Wen Jianyan nodded, accepted his suggestion, and took out the yellow talisman from the palm of a dead man.

Hey, hey! Zhang Yu?! An Xin's surprised voice came from the side.

After he finished speaking, Zhang Yu lowered his head again. The wakefulness just now seemed to be returning to light. This time, his chest began to gradually lose its ups and downs, and his life gradually drained from his body.

An Xin was anxious like an ant on a hot pan.

Hey, where's that talisman? Let me try—

He took the talisman paper from Wen Jianyan's hand and stuck the talisman on Zhang Yu's sweaty and pale forehead as he remembered. After he let go, the talisman paper fell lightly and fell on Zhang Yu on the knee.

Nothing happened.

It seems that the role of this talisman is not this.

Their only hope now is that little red pan of lamp oil.

Now, even if you don't know what its purpose is, you can only try it out first.

Wen Jianyan squatted down: Get out of the way.

As he spoke, he took out a match and lit the wick on the oil lamp plate neatly.

Hearing a cha sound, a flame jumped up, the cotton wick was ignited, and it became charred and curled in the firelight.

After the gray-white lamp oil is lit, it emits a dim and faint yellow light, and after the red lamp oil is ignited, the color of the flame and the surrounding light is actually scarlet like blood.

The light it produces is far darker than the white lamp oil, and its penetrating power is weaker. Although it is not put into the oil lamp or blocked by the lamp wall, it is still surprisingly dark.

A sweet, rotten smell slowly emanated from it.

Wen Jianyan held her breath slightly and brought the lamp oil pan close to Zhang Yu.

The rest of the people were equally nervous, staring at the scene in front of them, for fear of missing the slightest detail.

The scarlet flame jumped silently, smearing Wen Jianyan's palm with a layer of blood like paint.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but under the light of the oil lamp, Zhang Yu's face no longer seemed to be as pale and blue as it was just now, and gradually had the look of a living person.

Ah! It's really useful! Look at it!

Su Cheng's eyes lit up, and he showed the back of his hand to everyone in front of him.

Under the action of the red lamp oil, the rotten, blue-black corpse spots seemed to have stopped expanding and were slowly fading. Under the gaze of several people, they almost disappeared.

Nursery Yao was startled, and hurriedly looked at her body.

Sure enough, the corroded curse traces on their bodies, like Su Cheng, are gradually fading.

An Xin pulled up Zhang Yu's sleeve, revealing his arm.

Although the shocking blue-black handprint is still there, the surrounding corpse spots are gradually fading, and the nearby skin has returned to the color and luster that a living person should have.

Thank goodness, I'll just say...

An Xin breathed a long sigh of relief, as if he had lost his strength, and sat on the ground beside Zhang Yu with a relaxed expression, Even if this is a high-calorie copy, it is impossible to die just by being touched by a corpse. Healed by the props and given time to delay the attack, it will definitely give us a solution.

As he spoke, he looked at the red lamp oil in Wen Jianyan's hand, regained his spirits rarely, and said with a smile:

Look, it's coming!

The look on Tong Yao's face was also broadcast, and she nodded: Yes.

Zhang Yu lowered his head and seemed to have consumed too much, and he still did not wake up. However, looking at this, it should be a matter of time for recovery.

The atmosphere was rarely relaxed.

Although they have gone through an extremely difficult two floors now, and almost died several times in the middle, but in the end, they not only managed to survive, but also did not lose any teammates!

In less than 20 minutes, Qi Qian, who was in a state of suspended animation, would be able to return to the team. The cursed Zhang Yu, Tong Yao, and Su Cheng also found a way to relieve the curse.

It seems that everything is going in a good direction.


A subtle electric flickering sound came from overhead.

Wen Jianyan was startled, then raised her head subconsciously, and looked in the direction from which the voice came.

There are no oil lamps in this stairwell, but old light bulbs with the same function as oil lamps. The dim yellow light emitted by the light bulbs dispels the darkness, making this a safe area that will not be eroded by darkness.


Wen Jianyan raised her head, stared fixedly at the light bulb above her head, and frowned slightly.

I always feel that the current of the bulb seems to be disturbed by something, and the light emitted is gradually dimming, and the area that can be covered is also becoming smaller. , but now, the area shrouded in light has unknowingly been reduced to the perimeter of the table.


Wen Jianyan lowered her head, her eyes fell on the red lamp oil in front of Zhang Yu, the deep amber pupils reflected the jumping scarlet shimmer.

Yes, absolutely.

The red light emitted by the lamp oil is suppressing the yellow light above the head. Just now, it can barely illuminate a little bit of red light around. Now it has completely surrounded Zhang Yu and the others. The surrounding darkness extended in, and even wiped onto the wall.

There is a... very uneasy feeling.


Boom... boom boom!

An abrupt sound rang out in the deadly stairwell, startling everyone. They suddenly raised their heads and looked in the direction from which the sound came.

Is... a knock on the door?

A stiff knock sounded from behind the wall illuminated by red lights.

Boom... boom boom!

There, it seemed that someone bent their fingers and tapped the wall with their knuckles, but when everyone looked, they couldn't catch a single figure.

what happened?

Tong Yao's expression became solemn again, and the ease just now was swept away.

An Xin also stood up, staring at the direction of the sound, his whole body tense.


There was the sound of something hard falling to the ground from overhead, followed by the ball-like rolling sound of Guru Lu.

Cough, cough, cough.

Deep down the dark stairs, someone coughed.

In the originally quiet and unusual stairwell, under the shroud of the blood-colored oil lamp lights, suddenly began to change, and strange sounds sounded from all directions, which was creepy.


Wen Jianyan gritted her teeth, her nerves suddenly tense, her eyes fixed on the darkness in front of her eyes, the faint blood-colored light spread over time, spreading little by little.

It's lamp oil...

The voice of the nursery rhyme was tight and whispered.

Wen Jianyan's expression was solemn, and in just a few moments, a layer of cold sweat broke out on her back.

Yep, it's lamp oil.

In [Prosperity Building], all the props provided to them by the dungeons come with a terrifying price.

The gray-white lamp oil can dispel the darkness and prevent the invasion of some curses, but it also acts as a lighthouse, attracting customers and bringing danger to the store.

The red lamp oil can lift the irreversible curse brought by the corpse. If it burns for too long, it will lead to a more terrifying existence.

The stronger the utility, the greater the danger.

Cough, cough, cough.

As if the cough of Shen Ke, who had been sick for a long time, sounded again from the bottom of the stairs, but, compared to just now, the sound seemed closer, as if someone was gradually approaching, but still no figure appeared.

Dong... dong dong! dong dong! The sound of hitting the wall gradually increased.

The sound of glass beads falling sounded from the ceiling, as if something was rolling in all directions.

Zizi... The light bulb above his head flickered more frequently.

Under the pavement of the eerie red light, the area covered by the yellow light became smaller.

Quick, step back. Wen Jianyan suppressed her voice and said quickly, Only under the lights is safe.

The rest of the people dragged Zhang Yu, who was unconscious, and retreated to the side of the table. The space in which they stood had become extremely narrow and seemed very cramped.

What happened to his hand?

Wen Jianyan didn't lower her head, but stared at the place where the voices came from and asked softly.

An Xin lifted Zhang Yu's sleeves again and looked down.

The blue-purple handprints have basically faded away, and there are only the last light marks left: Come on, it should take another minute to be enough.

He is not in danger now, why don't we turn off the lamp oil, leave here first, and then light it after entering the store? Nursery Rhymes suggested.


Her suggestion was rejected by Wen Jianyan.

The red light will offset the safe yellow light, Wen Jianyan said, pointing to the light bulb above his head - its light is very weak, and a faint red light has been gathered around it, which looks extraordinarily Terrifying, Now there are light bulbs to help us resist some of the curses, but if we enter the store, the only light source is our lamp oil.

Several people sank in their hearts.

This time, although they got extra coin, the coin was red, so they didn't get extra white lamp oil this time, and what they used now is still the one they got from the first floor to the second floor. Reserve lamp oil!

And it was half consumed on the second floor.

Even if the light bulb dims and the envelope becomes smaller, it not only does not consume, but also because it is powered, it will not go out.

The curse must be completely removed, and as long as it remains, it will continue to spread, and it will take longer to remove the curse after that.

If they enter the third floor and light it again, they will consume a lot of precious materials.

more importantly……

There is no doubt that the difficulty of the third floor will be greater than that of the second floor. If the red lamp oil is lit there, they may not be able to deal with the danger caused by that time.

That is to say, they must use this light bulb that will not go out in the area between the second and third floors, and wait for the curse on Zhang Yu to disappear completely before they can move on.

Wen Jianyan: An Xin, pay attention to the curse on Zhang Yu, and tell me immediately when it disappears completely.

His voice was cold and calm, and he gave orders in a succinct manner.

No matter how flustered Wen Jianyan is now, he will restrain his emotions and bring an unparalleled sense of security to his teammates - only in this way can he make the entire team more efficient.

You know, excess panic will only hold you back at this time.

Okay. An Xin nodded, staring at Zhang Yu's palm print, subconsciously holding his breath.

Take it.

Wen Jianyan stuffed the red lamp oil into the nursery rhyme.

After An Xin speaks, turn it off immediately.

Tong Yao's face was pale, but she still held the lamp oil and nodded heavily.

The atmosphere was extremely tense, and the pressed person couldn't breathe.

Wen Jianyan picked up the oil lamp, opened the lampshade outside the oil lamp, and held the match in the other hand, her whole body tensed, waiting for the opportunity.

Half a minute passed.

The red shimmer continued to spread, and the strange phenomenon in the entire stairwell did not decrease but instead increased.

With the dark red light smeared on the wall, a dark, blurred human figure gradually appeared, it seemed to face the wall, and slammed the wall stiffly with its forehead.

Boom... boom boom!

One, one, another.

As its figure gradually became clearer, the sound of dong dong hitting the wall gradually slowed down until it stopped completely.

In the dead silence, it slowly turned around little by little—


At that moment, Wen Jianyan immediately understood that it targeted them, or, to be precise, it was aware of their existence.

His cold hair stood on end, and cold sweat was oozing from the palm of his hand tightly holding the handle of the oil lamp.

Alright! Wen Jianyan heard that her voice still changed a bit.

In a small space, they have almost nowhere to escape!

Quick, quick! An Xin's forehead also oozes cold sweat, and the answering voice trembles slightly under the high pressure, Only the last mark left!

Cough, cough, cough!

The heavy coughing sound got closer, and under the red light, a hunched black figure could vaguely be seen, stepping up the stairs step by step, walking in this direction.

It is definitely not human, whether it is pace or posture, it presents a completely inhuman sense of terror.

The temperature of the air dropped sharply, and the range of overhead lights was reduced again.

As the red light gradually intensified, Wen Jianyan heard a familiar scratching sound from inside the box on the wooden table behind him - not as subtle as when he had given them something before, but instead looked extra crazy and seemed to be attacking the wooden box that trapped them.

Under the violent shaking, the bottom of the wooden box and the table collided with each other, making a clicking sound.

Wen Jianyan turned her head subconsciously, her scalp felt numb in an instant, and her whole body was about to jump up in fright.

Above the scarlet wooden box, in the narrow dark gap, you can vaguely see countless dense blue-black fingers, overlapping each other, squirming under the red light, as if to stick out of it!

are you done!!!!

He screamed.

Wait a minute! Wait a minute!! An Xin stared at the palm print, his eyes were about to fall out of their sockets, sour to death, but he didn't dare to blink.

He screamed in the same voice.

On Zhang Yu's skin, the blue-purple palm marks have almost completely dissipated, leaving only a vague edge, which is slowly fading.

now what!!!

Wen Jianyan screamed.

The moment An Xin saw the palm marks completely disappeared, he jumped up and screamed in the same shrill voice: Okay! It's okay!

At the moment when his voice fell, the nursery rhyme extinguished the red lamp oil pan with the fastest speed, and the red light disappeared. However, the things that were awakened because of this did not disappear because of this, but were still approaching in this direction. .

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

Wen Jianyan gritted her teeth, her pupils shrank, lit the spare lamp oil in her hand as quickly as possible, and then screamed: Go! Run! Go to the third floor!!!!

As he spoke, he ran out and rushed directly to the top of the stairs!

The crowd carried Zhang Yu's heavy body, which was still unconscious, and followed closely behind.

The strange voices behind them followed, and everyone seemed to have their tails burned by the fire, and ran to the top of the stairs desperately!

The sound of rapid footsteps echoed, and the gray-white staircase in front gradually enlarged.


just in front!

It was like a drowning person caught the driftwood of hope, and everyone stared straight ahead and ran straight towards—

Finally, the pace stepped on the ground on the third floor.

Compared with the crisis-ridden stairwell just now, the gray and gloomy environment on the third floor seemed extra friendly at the moment.


However, before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief and feel relieved, only a familiar voice came from the front:


We've been waiting for you for a long time, why did you come up now. Tangzi Tang stood there and said with a smile, her tender and lovely face looked like a ghost from hell at the moment.

She stared at the embarrassed group of people in front of her with those crazy and belligerent eyes, and compared them with her fingers:

Bang! There is an ambush among you.

Just like we were just now!


Inside shop 02.

The oil lamp, which was welded to the counter, emitted a dim yellow light, illuminating the entire store.

Mu Sen sat with his back against the counter.

His eyes were tightly closed, as if he was closing his eyes and resting, his face was as pale as a dead man, his right sleeve was empty, and he seemed to have lost an arm.

In the confrontation just now, Mu Sen suffered heavy losses.

In order to maintain the accuracy of the prophecy, he sacrificed his entire arm. What's worse, even so, he didn't keep the wooden card, and he ended up in ashes.

Every time he thinks of this, he can't help but twist his face, gnashing his teeth in anger.

It must have been the work of the prophet opposite...


He didn't expect that one day, he would lose so miserably in this one-on-one competition, which is simply a great shame!

But that's okay.

Mu Sen's pale lips wrinkled, revealing a particularly vicious smile.

For the losses he suffered on the second floor, he could get all his revenge on the third floor!

As the fighting maniac who is good at team battles, Tangerine Candy is not an ordinary person. In that kind of crouching battle, it is impossible for her and her teammates to lose, which means that the opposite group of people is absolutely finished.

Not only that, but he also asked Tangerine Candy to tie back the prophet who ruined his good deeds - now, simply killing him is no longer enough to solve the hatred in his heart.

Mu Sen's face was distorted, his expression happy.

He wants this so-called strongest prophet to pay for what he has done!

Whether it was the failed assassination before, or the broken wooden sign this time, and the loss of his arm, he had to get it back from that person...

This time, he will do it himself.

At this moment, a familiar footstep sounded outside.

Relaxed, bouncing footsteps, accompanied by a pleasant, intermittent humming sound, apparently seemed to be in a good mood.

Ah, it's Tangerine Candy and they're back!

Mu Sen suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of surprise. He supported himself with one arm and stood up, almost eager to meet him.

The glass door was pushed open.

The girl jumped in and made a circle with an almost proud attitude: Orange candy, a great success!!

It's all done? Mu Sen's eyes flashed.

No, Tangerine Candy shook her head with a smile, and her ponytail swayed, Not a single one was killed.


Mu Sen was stunned.

It's normal, why are you so surprised, Orange Candy curled her lips and waved her hands casually, Last time someone ambushed us at the entrance of the stairs, didn't they also do something ruthless?

So you let the water out?

Mu Sen's forehead blue veins jumped.

Ah... Tangerine Candy tilted her head, Can you say that?

She shook her head, and showed her indifferent look again: It's a courtesy.

However, it's not entirely without gain.

Tangtang Tang jumped sideways, Dangdang! I'll tie the prophet you want back to you!


Mu Sen was startled, his face filled with joy again.

Although the opponent's team didn't die, it didn't matter anymore. He believed that after losing the Prophet, the crippled team wouldn't be able to live long on the third floor, and his real purpose had been achieved—

Wen Jianyan raised her hand and greeted blankly, Hi.


Mu Sen's expression slowly cracked.

and many more?

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