Welcome to the Nightmare Live

Chapter 342 Prosperity Hotel

Chapter 342

The corridor of the hotel was dark and silently extended into the distance.

The hotel manager in formal clothes walked in front. The lantern in his hand became the only light source in the sea-like darkness. The dark red walls on both sides were slightly illuminated, and the monotonous and repeated patterns made people feel dizzy and numb. .

A group of people followed closely behind, walking in the darkness where they could not see their fingers.

Where are we going?

Zhong Shan, who was behind him, shrank his shoulders and asked in a low voice.

Chen Mo in front shook his head and did not answer.

No one knew the answer to this question except the hotel manager who walked in front.

Wen Jianyan turned her head slightly, looked at the road she was on now, and matched the map of the hotel in her mind.

He failed.

What should have been the intersection of the corridors became a solid wall, and what should have been a straight road without branches suddenly appeared at an unknown fork.

The hotel map that had been deeply embedded in their minds seemed to suddenly become a dark labyrinth full of unknowns, and their vision was limited, so they could only rely on the faint light source in front of them to explore step by step. , which is very disturbing.


Wen Jianyan narrowed her eyes slightly.

He didn't feel that his memory was wrong, or that he counted the wrong number of steps during the action, which made the next journey all wrong.

Wen Jianyan's thoughtful gaze fell on the back of the hotel manager in front.

He walked forward with his back to them, the lamp in his hand emitting a faint light, becoming the only light source in the darkness, guiding them towards the endless front.

Time passed by, and patience was exhausted. Just when everyone started to be restless, the hotel manager in front suddenly stopped without warning.

The faint light illuminates the wall in front, showing an inexplicable smooth texture, which looks like...


A crisp sound broke the silence.

The iron door slowly slid open to both sides, revealing the familiar narrow space.

Is it... an elevator?

However, unlike the elevator in my memory, the light above the head showed an ominous blood-red color, and the red color filled the entire narrow and closed space, making it seem like it was filled with blood. Faintly.

Everyone was standing outside the elevator, and they were a little too afraid to step forward for a while.

However, the hotel manager naturally stepped forward and walked in.

His pale face with a weird smile looked even more terrifying under the blood-colored light. He smiled and asked, Why, aren't you coming in?


A few people looked at each other and walked in bravely.

The elevator doors closed automatically behind them.

No one saw the hotel manager press any key, the elevator trembled slightly, and began to slowly ascend with the faint sound of mechanical operation.

Soon, the elevator made a ding sound again.

Wen Jianyan glanced at the elevator display, her heart skipping a beat.

The number shown above...is 1.

Arrived on the first floor.

However, they should have been on the third floor just now, right?

The elevator door opened automatically, and what appeared in front of him was an equally dark corridor.

The hotel manager stepped forward, and the others hurriedly followed.

Wen Jianyan turned her head and looked around.


Although the layout is very similar to the first floor, according to his previous experience, the details are very different.

This is not the first floor of the Xingwang Hotel that they had sneaked into before.

While Wen Jianyan was pondering, the group had unknowingly reached the end of the corridor, and the hotel manager in front finally stopped.

What appeared in front of them was not any room on the first floor, but a huge and heavy mahogany door.

The hotel manager turned sideways, the pale face became more and more terrifying under the light, with a stiff smile on his face, he said slowly, Everyone, please wait inside for a while.

After speaking, he raised his hand and pushed open the door.

Different from the darkness in the corridor, the light inside the heavy wooden door was brilliant.

The sudden light made everyone narrow their eyes reflexively, and it took a while to finally get used to it.

This is a large hall.

In the center of the hall is a dining table covered with a snow-white tablecloth. It is empty, and the chandelier above is bright, but for some reason, there is a gloomy feeling that cannot be dispelled.

There is someone in the room.

more than one.

Wen Jianyan's eyes quickly fell on one of them.

- It's the gentleman and his team.

The other party raised his hand and pinched the brim of his hat, as if the conflict on the ghost street had never happened before, and gave them a polite smile.

Seeing those familiar faces, everyone's bodies involuntarily tensed up. Yun Bilan's face was gloomy, staring at the opposite side with those dark red eyes, like a leopard ready to go. Ready to bite the other's throat.

Wen Jianyan raised her hand to block Yun Bilan and shook her head slightly at her.

Immediately afterwards, he took his team and walked in the opposite direction of the Black team, stopped in another corner of the room, and maintained a cautious and polite distance from the opposite.

What follows is a long wait.

Every once in a while, the heavy mahogany door would open, and a team with a sharply reduced number would be put in, with black and red.

As soon as they enter the hall, they will immediately judge the situation, find the area where their camp is located, and quickly reunite with their teammates.

Wen Jianyan's eyes swept across the team on his side.

All the anchors who came here were basically those who had been silent in the meeting before and watched cautiously, and those who spoke without caution and quickly indicated their positions were almost all wiped out.

The number of people in the hall increased little by little.

But on the whole, it is far less than the total number of anchors in the dungeon. There are a total of nearly 200 large-scale dungeons of anchors. The total number of people who actually enter this hall does not exceed 30.


Wen Jian glanced at the black square without a trace.

Obviously, the black side has more people than the red side.


The mahogany door made a hoarse sound and opened again.

However, this time, it was not a new team, but the hotel manager who led them here.

The door slammed shut behind him.

Congratulations, you have successfully invited guests to this hotel and have worked very hard to make their short time at our hotel more comfortable.

The hotel manager still had an unchanging smile on his face: All the people who can come here have completed the intern employee assessment and become full-time employees of Xingwang Hotel.

...for a short time?

Wen Jianyan frowned.

His eyes fell on the hotel manager, waiting for his next words.

Being a full-time employee means you'll get better employee benefits and a formal salary, but you'll also face harder work.

said the hotel manager.

He glanced at the streamers in front of him with those dark, dreary eyes, and said with a smile:

Please check the contents of the official employee handbook in time.

Official Employee Handbook - ?

Wen Jianyan moved for a while, seemed to realize something, and took out the small black leather notebook from her pocket.

I don't know when it started, a few small gilded characters appeared on the surface of the black leather book:

Official Employee Handbook.

The rest of the anchors also reacted at the moment, and they took out the small book that was originally sent to them from their pockets.

The first page after opening the book is the so-called employee benefits.

From the moment they become regular employees, the time limit for their travel between the two worlds will not only be limited to turning off the lights and turning off the lights, but will be replaced by three times a day to open the door, each one hour long, It can be used by turning the hands on the dial.

As for when to use it, it depends on their choice.

More importantly, all regular employees will be assigned to absolutely safe staff quarters. As long as they are in the staff quarters at night, they do not need to worry about being attacked.

The second page is employee compensation.

Every time a guest is pulled into the hotel, it is one yuan.

Every time a guest's wish is fulfilled, it is also one yuan.

If the guest is satisfied, a tip of different denominations will be given.

New uniforms, employee badges, and your salary for today's work have been sent to your rooms,

The hotel manager said with a smile.

Next, please have a good rest, tomorrow will start a new day of work.

After speaking, the hotel manager turned around and wanted to leave.

Wait a moment!

A voice sounded.

The hotel manager took a step and turned his head to look over.

The one who stopped him was the anchor of a black team.

What about other people who aren't full-time employees today?

The man frowned: What will happen to them?

The smile on the hotel manager's face didn't change, but for some reason, it was inexplicably creepy.

He did not answer the question directly:

The recruitment of regular employees will close when the lights go out tomorrow night.

Wait a moment.

Suddenly, Wen Jianyan realized something.


Before that, every dungeon he entered had never used the unit of measurement day, but basically used the more precise hour.

Even copies over days are counted using 24 hours, 48 hours, etc.

According to this rule, the duration of the [Xingwang Hotel] dungeon should have been 72 hours... not the three days presented now.

This is a very vague concept that can easily be stolen.

Just like today.

When they entered the dungeon, it was nine o'clock in the morning in the dungeon, and only twelve hours had passed so far, but from the perspective of dungeon judgment, they had already spent a day.

This also means that they do not need to stay in the [Xingwang Hotel] copy for 72 hours, but must be considered according to the events in the hotel.

The approximate timeline of the entire dungeon was gradually completed in my mind.

The dungeon of Xingwang Hotel has a total of three days. The essence of the first two days is employee assessment. Then, what will happen on the last day?

Wen Jianyan turned her head slightly, her eyes fell on the long dining table in the center of the hall, and she was suddenly startled.

As if to confirm his guess, the manager continued to say, All regular employees will attend the banquet and be qualified to serve VIPs.

Please don't drop the chain and smash the sign of our hotel.

The smile on his blurred face seemed to deepen:

After the banquet, I will settle the salary for you.

After he finished speaking, he turned around, pushed open the mahogany door behind him, and said to everyone, Please come with me, I will lead you to the staff dormitory.


The next step is the so-called dormitory allocation.

As a question of official employee benefits, there will be no guests in this corridor, which is used as a staff dormitory. At least this evening, it is absolutely safe.

The black anchor moves into the right corridor, while the red anchor moves into the left corridor.

Although the two sides are in a state of hostility, no one is stupid enough to provoke disputes under such a situation of double-clearing cards, and in the end, it can only be a lose-lose situation.

Wen Jianyan got the key from the hotel manager.

He twisted the door handle with the key and gave the others a wink - before resting, they had to sort out the information and clues so far.

Others followed suit.

The so-called staff dormitory is actually exactly the same as the room facilities in the Xingwang Hotel, but the pattern is completely opposite. In addition, there is another point that is particularly eye-catching...

On the wall facing the bed, the huge picture that should have appeared was replaced by a huge mirror of the same size.

Huang Mao curled his fingers and knocked on the mirror, making a dull sound of Dangdang.

He said jokingly:

It's not a painting anymore, at least tonight, you don't have to worry about a ghost coming out of it.

But, the mirror facing the bed... Rui Rui seemed to think of something bad and shivered, It always feels a little ominous.

Ah! Zhong Shan shook his head: Didn't you listen to what the white-faced man said? This room is for employee benefits, so there won't be any danger. The big deal is that you can use it as a sex mirror.

He laughed: A lot of hotels will have them anyway! It's just on the ceiling!

Wen Jianyan: ...

He glanced at him with a complicated expression, but didn't answer.

Others were not amused by the joke either.

Yun Bilan frowned: Speaking of which, how did you join us?

And he also pretended to be familiar with them... Did this guy completely forget that he tried to deceive them at the beginning of the dungeon?

Seemingly aware of Yun Bilan's implication, Zhong Shan immediately showed a drooling smile on his face: I'm sorry, I really didn't know Taishan before, but fortunately there are a lot of big bosses, and they are really kind and willing to let I'll follow you, I swear, next I'll-

Alright, alright.

Wen Jianyan pinched the bridge of her nose and interrupted Zhong Shan's next words.

He was too lazy to listen to these swearing oaths. When it comes to swearing allegiance, Zhong Shan still has to call him ancestors. It's not because of how much he trusts these cheap teammates who stick together.

Speak the truth.

Hearing this, everyone looked straight and looked over.

You should have heard what the hotel manager said just now, right? Wen Jianyan said.

The crowd nodded.

That's good.

Wen Jianyan nodded and briefly stated his guesses about the number of days of the dungeon and the events of the three days.

After speaking, he paused, waiting for the rest of the team to digest the information.

So, you mean,

Chen Mo pondered for a while, and was the first to break the silence, We don't actually need to stay in this dungeon for three days, we just need to wait until the banquet is over and then we can leave, right?


Wen Jianyan nodded.

Wow... Zhong Shan breathed a sigh of relief like a deflated ball, and relaxed all of a sudden, It's great, great, stay in this ghost copy for 72 hours, it's better to let me die...

Wen Jianyan glanced at him with no expression on her face.

For other anchors, the reduction in the duration of the copy means a reduction in danger, but for him... the situation is exactly the opposite.

As the protagonist against Ben, his purpose is not to boil, but to win.

But now, the black side obviously far exceeds the red side no matter the amount of information or the course of action, and the shortening of the dungeon time judgment is very unfavorable to him.

This means that there is not much time left for him to make a comeback.

The other point is about the victory judgment against Ben, Wen Jianyan said.

Huang Mao: Do you have eyebrows?

Wen Jianyan nodded, turned and walked to the bed in the room, reaching out to open the wardrobe.

Sure enough, as the hotel manager said.

A brand new employee uniform was neatly folded and placed in the closet, and a red employee badge was placed next to the uniform:

【Regular employee 001】

Below the badge, there are several pieces of paper money.

The surface of the paper is slightly blue, and the pattern on it is very familiar, it is clearly the Ming coin he has come into contact with in the previous copy.

Wen Jianyan paused, put the badge aside, picked up the paper money and counted it.

Four dollars in total.

The total of three residents they brought in today, plus the wish of one of the residents was fulfilled, the total salary was so much.

Wen Jianyan turned to look at the others, shook the paper money in her hand, and said, Do you remember the last sentence the hotel manager said?

The salary will be settled after the banquet...?

Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted:

Do you mean that the victory of the red and black sides in this dungeon will be judged by the final employee performance?

According to the current known information, there is a high probability of this. Wen Jianyan said cautiously.

Then, this copy is really interesting...

Yun Bilan's eyes flickered, and she said thoughtfully, Other dungeons tend to develop further back and become more difficult, but this dungeon seems to be the other way around.

At least for now, that's how it looks.

The anchors who enter the [Xingwang Hotel] copy need to grope in this malicious copy without any information, avoid pit after pit, compete with the host of the enemy for the source of customers, occupy the Housing, while avoiding hostile occupants that might appear during light-on hours...it's pretty dangerous.

However, after the anchor finds out the rules and completes all the internship assessments, he will get the status of a regular employee.

Regular employees not only have safe housing, but also have the authority to travel between the two maps at will, and thus have further access to the true determination mechanism of the copy.

For them, the danger is substantially reduced.

Next, they just need to work hard to make money and spend the third day of the banquet, that's enough.


Wen Jianyan twitched the corners of his mouth, and his eyes fell on the coin in his hand.

Looking at the familiar pattern, for some reason, he didn't feel so optimistic. Instead, he always had the illusion that there were hidden dangers everywhere.

Wen Jianyan closed the cabinet in front of her, turned her head to look at everyone, what else do you have—

Halfway through his words, his voice got stuck in his throat.

Wen Jianyan stared at the mirror facing the bed, her eyes widened slightly.

Every corner of the room is reflected in the mirror, and everyone's figure is clearly reflected.

Zhong Shan, Huang Mao, Chen Mo with their backs to the mirror, Yun Bilan and Bai Xue with their backs to the mirror, and Rui Rui with their backs to the mirror, including himself standing far from the mirror and close to the wardrobe.

But the problem is, the number of people in the mirror is one more.

The man with black hair and golden eyes was standing beside him very naturally, as if he did not exist only in the mirror, but also in the real world.

He looked down at Wen Jianyan's hand, and seemed to be very curious about the banknotes in his hand.

Wen Jianyan's pupils shrank, and she turned her head sharply to look around.

All around is empty.

However, within the mirror, Wu Zhu actually existed, and even had to get a little closer.

The cold and soft touch of the long hair rubbed his ears and swept his shoulders. Wen Jianyan seemed to be startled. He shrank fiercely to the side, trying to avoid it, but hit the cabinet with a thud.

What's wrong?

Everyone was frightened by Wen Jianyan's sudden action:

Did something happen?

Chen Mo noticed Wen Jianyan's gaze and turned his head to look in the mirror.


Wen Jianyan didn't even have time to stop it, but the other party turned his head away - Chen Mo's eyes moved in the mirror to look for it, as if he didn't see the big evil spirit that appeared without warning. He turned his head in a daze and asked:

Is something wrong with the mirror? What did you just see?

Of course it's not right.

But it's so wrong! !

Wen Jianyan gritted her teeth, but still maintained a natural expression on her face: it's nothing... I just read it wrong, and saw the shadow on the wall as something strange.


Others were a little worried.

...Of course. Wen Jianyan took a deep breath and smiled, Maybe my nerves are too tense today.

In the mirror, Wu Zhu's golden eyes flashed happily.

He raised his hand, put his palm on Wen Jianyan's back waist, and dragged him out of the closet.

Wen Jianyan's back froze, but she did not avoid it.

His mind was spinning fast.

How could this be? !

Why do witch candles appear in the mirror? Wasn't he left on that street?

more importantly……

Why does he clearly feel what he does in the mirror even in the real world! !

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