Welcome to the Nightmare Live

Chapter 364 Prosperity Hotel

Chapter 364

In fact, Wen Jianyan didn't pay attention to what Wu Zhu said at the end.

Because, before Wu Zhu opened his mouth, he felt a creepy feeling pressed down from the top of his head. That feeling didn't come from the alien beside him, but something distant and huge terrifying.

At that moment, Wen Jianyan couldn't help but sweat.

Like a drowning man grabbing a driftwood, he also grabs the only entity beside him:

Wait a moment--

His throat tightened and his voice almost lost its original timbre.

Wu Zhu paused and looked down.

It was like a warm, fluffy, shivering little bird was in his arms. He raised his hand and covered Wen Jianyan's eyes

The memory of the next minute, two minutes, or more, disappeared from the mind. Wen Jianyan didn't know what happened next.

When he regained consciousness, Wu Zhu's arm had already left.

Black, thick, overwhelming darkness spread out within sight.

That kind of too pure black makes one almost begin to wonder if he has opened his eyes.

Vision lost its function. The same goes for touch.

There was nothing under his feet, and nothing that could support him. Wen Jianyan didn't even know whether he was lying down, standing, or just hanging. There was nothing around him. He couldn't even struggle. The only clear message was: He was trapped.

Not sure where you are stuck.

Deprivation of the five senses.

The only thing left is a growing sense of unease.

Wen Jianyan tensed up subconsciously and shivered.

calm down. Wen Jianyan said to herself in her heart.

He took a deep breath and pressed his forehead on the tip of his knee, curling himself up like a baby.

Thinking is the only thing he can do now.

First, what just happened?

The answer is close to the conclusion drawn before. The line transfer of the copy of the Xingwang Hotel in the past has basically been taken care of. In order to achieve the achievement, the state bay foreign newspaper brought by Liangguo has issued a copy, and will be detained in it. Huan Shen was released, so the dream had to go to this place, in order to retribute the damage to the smallest area of ​​​​Thorn Ri.

According to what happens next

Nightmare was undoubtedly a success.

Whether it is the ensuing expansion of the host, or the suppression of the witch candle fragments, it clearly bears this out.

However, it is different from the imagined

During the confrontation just now, Wu Zhu seemed to be not as passive as expected?

Wen Jianyan recalled the previous details with some uncertainty.

Of course, the previous things happened too fast, and he did have the possibility of misunderstanding. But that doesn't explain his current situation.

Although he lost consciousness for a short period of time just now, Wen Jianyan knew that he was still trapped in Wu Zhu's world. If Nightmare really successfully closed the dungeon, it would cut off the possibility of Wu Zhu's recovery. , then, why hasn't he returned to the hotel now?

Witch Candle

Wen Jianyan raised her voice and shouted tentatively.

There was no response around.

The darkness around him was like a sponge, absorbing all the sounds he made. Wen Jianyan wasn't even sure whether the echoes in his ears only existed in his mind.

Witch candle?

Wen Jianyan shouted a few more times.

Still no response.

This is simply useless.

Wen Jianyan stopped.

No light, no sound, no color.

There is no concept of time, and no entity can be touched.

Wen Jianyan felt as if he was suspended in a huge nothingness, and even his own existence seemed to be escaping.

Consciousness is a little blurry. He is not sure whether he has opened his eyes or not. Maybe he is still awake, but he seems to have fallen asleep.

The touch came without warning. Cold fingers landed on the side of his ear.

The strong temperature change caused Wen Jianyan to shiver and wake up suddenly.

The calm darkness just now seemed to have come to life again, tightly confining his Guo body like mud tears, forcing him to unfold from the closed state just now, as if he could easily open a piece of it. Only Bei Xiao's hard and wailing shell

It was an inorganic, overwhelming force, an alien domination, in stark contrast to the weakness and fragility of the human individual.

Wen Jianyan felt top-heavy. Wizard! he couldn't help shouting.

In the dark, no one responded.

Wen Jianyan gritted her teeth and spoke again. you--

The next second, all the sound was swallowed by another pair of lips.

It was a terrible kiss.

The greedy, aggressive lips and tongue pressed up, changed angles, fell again and again, pried open his teeth, wrapped around the tip of his tongue, sucking, biting, licking. Like a storm, without caring about the feelings of the other party.

A wet voice sounded in the dark.

Wen Jianyan could hardly breathe.

He was dizzy, the tip of his tongue was sucked numb, and his strength was drained from his body. At the waist and abdomen, the location of the spell burned violently, and sparks like electric currents scurried around.

damn it

In the boundless violent waves, Wen Jianyan tried hard to maintain her sanity, but her senses became too sharp due to the long darkness and nothingness, and she could hardly bear any stimulation. Not to mention, the other party is so straightforward, sharp, and arrogant

enough. enough

He tried to look away, but was quickly chased and caught again.

From the neck to the cheeks, they were firmly imprisoned in the wide palm, unable to move.

The whimper was trapped deep in the throat, tears came out of the corners of the eyes, unable to breathe, and dizzy.

You're shaking.

The man's low voice rang in his ears.

Wen Jianyan took a deep breath and adjusted her irregular breathing to avoid swearing when she opened her mouth.

Humans have done a lot, haven't they?

Wu Zhu repeated the lies that Wen Jianyan had said before. Tell me, what's the first trick?

His fingers wrapped around the young man's sharply contracted neck.

An icy, battering aura surrounded his body, and his blood vessels were pulsing violently and irregularly under the warm skin.

He carelessly pecked and kissed on the wet, hot, quivering full lips of the human being. We can do it all over again.

fuck you

Wen Jianyan recovered from the kiss just now.

His voice was hoarse, with a slight trembling at the end, wrapped in a wet, disordered breath.

Not knowing where the strength came from, he suddenly raised his hand, grabbed the man who was close at hand, and pulled him closer, gritted his teeth and said:

You have memories, don't you?!

This kissing technique is definitely not a level he has not taught!

Darkness returns to silence.

The other party seemed to fall into silence.

The barrier that cannot be penetrated by human sight is obviously not hindering the other party.

However, without the light, the liar has no way to speculate on the other party's intentions.

The young man's unfolded chest and abdomen that still had residual body temperature rose and fell violently, staring vainly at the darkness in front of him.


Wu Zhu repeated it.

In the darkness, the other party seemed to smile, but Wen Jianyan wasn't sure if it was his own delusion. not yet.

not yet?

Wen Jianyan was startled.

Yes or no, yes or no, he can understand, but what is not yet? what is this answer

Before he could react, Wu Zhu's voice sounded again.

But soon.

His voice was calm, but he seemed to be hiding something unknown and dangerous, which made Wen Jianyan tremble for a moment.

What do you mean? Wen Jianyan couldn't help but ask.

Before the ear can hear the response, the side hip first feels the sudden temperature and weight.

The palm is over the spell.

The young man was shocked and subconsciously bounced up like a fish.

Wen Jianyan couldn't help but arched up and grabbed the opponent's wrist, as if trying to stop the opponent's next move.

Wu Zhu let him hold it, and was not ready to break free. His cold fingers fell on the spell, and if there was no ground, he rubbed it one by one. Do you know what this is? he asked.

Wen Jianyan was silent for a moment, and then said with some uncertainty: Your name?

Yes. Wu Zhu smiled clearly this time, But it's not just that.

It's the rule.

I'm not a human being, I'm not a creature, there is no so-called individual distinction, every me is me, a concept bound by a unique rule. His words were like a spell.

Simple and clear, but it seems to be some kind of unspeakable, given fact.

You were included in the rules by me and became my anchor.

A cold, broad hand grabbed the back of his neck and stroked his soft hair.

As if aware of the approaching danger, Wen Jianyan's breathing accelerated slightly involuntarily.

Suddenly, there was a pain in the side of the neck.

The opponent's fingers exerted force, as if they had cut the skin with their fingernails.

Wen Jianyan bit down on the painful cry that was about to come out.

Without vision, he could feel the tickling sensation of warm blood sliding down his neck, and

The tip of the tongue is like an icy snake, clinging from bottom to top, licking all the way to the vicinity of the wound.

You have my blood in your body.

Above the flank, the strength of Wu Zhu's men increased, separated by a thin, warm skin, as if to merge with the spell under the skin. You have my name on you.

As long as you're around, I'm me.

Or in your words

He paused, and seemed reluctant to adopt such a statement, but repeated with the words Wen Jianyan had just used: Restore memory

The amount of information is a bit large, and Wen Jianyan feels that his mind has not recovered from the chaos just now. He can't understand the meaning of the other party's words. screen.

The hot, magma-like golden blood poured into his throat, merged with him, and engraved the rules of aliens into his blood—

It turned out that this was the reason why Wu Zhu did this.

Although his body is bound in the Ouroboros ring, as long as Wen Jianyan is still alive, all the witch candle fragments that he sees in any dungeon will be fine as long as they have been in contact with him for a long enough time. It's a good idea to be the body.

Wen Jianyan's teeth itch with hatred.

Wu Zhu's lips fell on his ears again, with a little carelessness: No wonder we haven't taken the last step. The spell on you is written with my blood. He traced the lines of the spell with his fingers, added

So, the rules are protecting you equally, not controlling and swallowing.

He seemed a little regretful.

What is the last step? A strong sense of uncertainty struck.

Wen Jianyan suppressed her heartbeat, which was gradually rushing, and asked.

Be one with me. Wu Zhu smiled, Be part of me.

Wen Jianyan:

This is basically the same as the performance of Wu Zhu when he was dominated by the fruit of lies at the end of the copy of Decai Middle School - love is appetite, it is to eat him and become a part of himself. You are so perverted.

He took a deep breath and said dryly, Thank you for the invitation, but it still won't work.

The witch candle emits a calm monophonic sound:


I'm sorry, I still prefer to be myself. Although he didn't know if the other party could see it, Wen Jianyan still showed a smile and said with a hypocritical politeness.


Wu Zhu's reaction was very calm, That's fine.

Wen Jianyan: ?

you're a good talker

I gradually realized the reason why I didn't take the next step, Wu Zhu picked up his hand, raised the chin of the human in front of him again, and looked at him very novelly.

You're an interesting individual.


He paused.

The pulp of his fingers pressed against the plump lower lip of the young man, kneading casually.

I like doing this kind of thing with you.

Anything else? Tell me, what's next?

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