Welfare Officer

Chapter 64 A little cinnabar mole

This book is the Yin Si Ming Book, which is not comprehensive, and can only be reduced or added, but cannot be delineated, such as erasing it with one stroke.

Moreover, this book has three volumes and five categories.

The three volumes refer to the white volume, the red volume, and the yellow volume, which respectively correspond to the three fates of the humble, the average, and the noble.

The five categories represent the five insects.

The more advanced destiny book is in the heaven, which is the so-called list of heavens, which governs the five immortals and the priests.

In addition to the life book, the City God's Office also has a book of merits and demerits and a book of living people.

It is also a derivative of the book of life and death. Among them, the book of merits and demerits is the merits and demerits of the supervisor. The so-called accounting is that it is calculated once a year.

According to the book of merits and demerits, the destiny book can be modified.

It is for the so-called retribution of the underworld.

The Shengmin Book is the household registration book. All living beings in the county are listed in this book. And the authority is the lowest. For example, the land master also has a book of living people, and you can check the living people of the village.

Accounts are opened after birth and closed after death. According to this book, you can better attract people's souls and attract them.

At this time, when the judge saw Master Cui coming in with Qingxuan Village Land and Huang Tian, ​​he stopped his cinnabar brush and put the case aside.

Why did Master Cui come to my place?

This little guy met a Wu Clan monk who crossed the Three Realms Mountains, and they had a fight. Master Cui directly explained the purpose of his visit.

This judge was the one who interviewed Huang Tian, ​​and his name was Lu Haichuan.

Lu Haichuan was a widower during his lifetime. Because he was upright, pursued the truth, and did not investigate clues in the direction that some people wanted, he offended his superiors and was later plotted against him and lost his life.

After his death, a large number of people were wronged because of him, and the truth came to light. The unjust souls of the murderers were able to plead for his life on their own, write a book of ten thousand people, and submit it to the local city god, hoping to redress his grievances.

But in Yangshi, a group of people spontaneously held a road sacrifice, with people supporting the coffin stretching for ten miles, and tens of thousands of people's umbrellas opening the way. With such a formation, no county magistrate could compare to a lowly official.

In this way, all the people are grateful to heaven, heaven appoints and issues decrees, and the underworld issues special edicts.

He was allowed to be the judge first, and then he could be appointed as the City God when there was a shortage of City God.

After Lu Haichuan became the judge of Ji County, there were far fewer evil spirits.

Chief Cui said to Huang Tian again: Explain this matter to Judge Lu again.

Huang Tian then danced and danced again, vividly and vividly explaining the dangers involved. But I was afraid that the judge wouldn't take it seriously.

The guy didn't know whether it was true or not, whether he succeeded in seizing the house or not. After all, he was his neighbor. If he lived there, the risk factor would be doubled.

And where my roots are, it’s impossible to move.

Lu Haichuan watched with great interest Huang Tian's five-inch body performing on the desk. He only found it lively and interesting. After reviewing the fortune book for a long time, his eyes were a little tired. It was hard to rest now.

Don't think it's easy for the judge. Lu Haichuan works twelve hours a day, at least ten of them, and the remaining two are either in meetings or arranging work for the people below him. He can be said to be a workaholic.

After listening to Huang Tian's story, Lu Pan said, Don't be afraid. I also know that Longzi. He is the youngest son of the Dragon King of East Lake, named Ao Qing.

His mother is a carp spirit. She used to listen to lectures by great scholars in the academy. She was quite talented and knowledgeable. I had an old relationship with her during my lifetime.

She once transformed into a human form, fulfilled my wish, took the spiritual herbs from East Lake, and helped me cure my mother's eye disease when she was still alive.

However, the Dragon King of East Lake had a family dispute before. The Dragon King of East Lake married the Coral Empress of the East China Sea. The Coral Empress is the subordinate god of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and she took the position of Dragon Concubine as soon as she came.

Her mother lost power because she had a premonition of changes, so she came to beg me, so I put her in such a secluded place and concentrated on practicing.

Lu Haichuan lamented: I don't want the Dragon King of East Lake to marry Coral Empress for a few years, and now he has passed away. Now East Lake is leaderless, and several empresses are fighting for power. I heard that Coral Empress also invited Donghai aid to support her son to rise to power. .”

Huang Tian didn't expect to hear a big story here, and it was about Ao Qing.

Lu Pan said: Since you are entrusted by others, you must be loyal to others, and Ao Qing is my good nephew, so let the God of Day and Night travel with my precious monitoring mirror.

Lu Haichuan made arrangements like this: It's not that I won't go, it's just that once I go, the East Lake side will know that my original intention is for my nephew to settle down and concentrate on his practice. If I come forward, the East Lake side will think that I am the one who wants to go. If you support my nephew's rise to power, you will be involved in their party struggles in East Lake and even East China Sea.

Huang Tian didn't expect this aspect, but he did want the judge to visit in person. But now after listening to it, I have given up the idea.

Judge Lu finally came forward to resolve the matter, and then asked Huang Tian about the troubled bird: This troubled bird cannot be ignored. From which direction did it come? Have you ever asked him where he was going? Who ordered him? Where is he? Are there any parents, relatives, or brothers and sisters in the same litter?

Ah? Huang Tian was stunned by the question. Who could ask so carefully? It’s more stringent than checking household registration.

This time the Land Master spoke up: Qian'er, didn't you pluck out the three true feathers of that troubled bird? Show them to Judge Lu, and you might find some clues.

Huang Tian quickly took out three real bird feathers wrapped in red cloth and showed them to Judge Lu for inspection.

Lu Haichuan looked at Fu Yu, lost in thought, and then put them away and said: I'm keeping these three feathers for now, waiting for this matter, and then I will return them to you.

I'll ask the Day and Night God to take it to the City God's Mansion later for review.

Huang Tian only felt that this thing was bad luck. He had no good luck after holding it in his hands.

In the past, treasures were often found from the ground, but now there is nothing left.

So he readily agreed: Judge, just take it. I don't want this thing anymore. Maybe you can give me some real feathers from other birds? It's okay if you don't have them. I'll look for them later.

The judge knew that Huang Tian was afraid of trouble, but he laughed and said: You don't blame this misfortune for your bad luck, and I don't have real feathers here. I am a very shabby person, so you have to worry about me. But you found the wrong person.

However, my cinnabar pen has the effect of changing your destiny and changing your luck. Let me put a cinnabar mole between your eyebrows to break your bad luck, okay?

That's awesome! Huang Tian was extremely happy: I said that I have a good earth spirit and a yellow face. Where did this bad luck come from? It has been pestering me for several days and I can't get rid of it. After a few days of accumulation, my face turns dark.

The judge smiled and took a pen to touch Huang Tian's forehead and between his eyebrows.

Huang Tian instantly felt warm and relaxed, and at the same time his eyes were clear and his mind was bright.

On the outside, the black energy dissipated, and a stream of energy poured into Huang Tian's body from the cinnabar pen, condensing and not dissipating.

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