Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 101 A bold idea

"Do you know what you are talking about?" Mary looked at Clayton as if she were looking at the devil.

Twelve carriages are the standard number of passenger trains.

The density of people on the train is not comparable to that of a mine. Four or five carriages may be able to accommodate a hundred people.

The severity of this incident is definitely much higher than that of an abandoned mine explosion. At least in the latter case, most of the people who died were unknown and would not have any impact on the city.

Fortunately, Clayton once again corrected himself: "Actually, the twelve-car train is just my guess. It could also be an eight-car freight train. If we are lucky, or they think they have calculated the train schedule accurately, They would blow up the tracks to stop a particular train."

He had become convinced that Athena Burrow was important to the strange object sent by Detective Hook.

Although the Holy Grail Society cooperates with Detective Hook, the Spider Priest does not mind hurting this ally to keep his secrets when he thinks he is important. He had reason to believe that the woman's calculations led Detective Hook to arrive in Sasha City in batches. The other party would not receive the strange object through normal means to prevent others from taking it from Detective Hook before her. Strange objects.

To do this, she was willing to stop an entire train.

That curious object was definitely something extraordinary.

Entering the black market in the mines and seeking a hiding place in the city was her arrangement for this.

From the time Joe Mani appeared in front of Clayton, the monster had already made a layout outside the city. By the time Clayton saw her, her plan was already in its final stages.

Everyone, including Detective Hook, is fooled by her.

When he thought of this fact, Clayton couldn't immediately feel hatred.

Meeting such a clever liar was as shocking to him as seeing a legendary work of art.

Mary couldn't understand the expression on his face, but knew that staying still would not allow the conversation to move forward.

"Why is there such a difference?"

"I'll make a long story short, there is a strange object to be delivered to the city of Sasha, but I don't know the size of the strange object, and whether the guard escorting it obeys the rules. And the attitude of the lady who wants to get it towards her helper is also unknown. It makes a difference.”

If the strange object is about the same size as the placenta of the original whale in the abandoned Notre Dame, then the Hook detective who escorts the strange object can only buy a passenger train ticket. If it's big enough for one person to carry, like the Seal of the Inquisition that's still in the store, transporting it by passenger train wouldn't be a bad idea, as it would be more stealthy in terms of movement.

But Clayton didn't know if Athena intended to find anything on the body.

If she hadn't had any sympathy for her allies in Hook's Detective Agency, she might have persuaded them to use freight trains to transport the oddities.

There are so many people on a passenger train that it would be troublesome to dig through the bodies.

"I don't know why you know this so well, but when? This guy has to tell me." Mary frowned at him.

"Today or tomorrow."

The lieutenant once again gave an unacceptable answer.

"This is too fast."

"So we have to make decisions faster, otherwise we won't be able to save the people in the car."

"I'll take you there." Mary made up her mind: "Have you notified the General Security Bureau? To notify the train to stop, we must have their help."

"I've asked someone to notify you. I hope the reply will be faster."

Clayton took a sip of coffee. Although the changes in his body no longer required the drink to refresh him, the sweetness brought by the sugar still cheered him up.

"Let's go to the mines first and deal with some people. They know where the refined whale oil that caused the explosion is hidden."

"Just the two of us?" Mary asked uncertainly, and the way the other party answered had already left her with a psychological shadow.

"I still have a few helpers who are preparing to take action. They are all people who live for themselves."

"You mean they have no morals and no sense of shame."

"It's not that bad, but I haven't met with them many times, so I can't make a fair evaluation." Clayton put down his coffee and stood up from his seat: "Do you need to ask for a leave from your boss? It's still you now working hours.”

Mary also stood up: "No, I will explain to him later."

They left the café, and Mary didn't even take her gun with her in order to hurry.

Creighton took her and Fulentin's group to meet at the train station, and then followed the track to the forest.

He knew that if he wanted to stop the train carrying strange objects, he would have to do something on the track, but it was unclear how far Athena was going to stop the train from the city. They couldn't walk along the track all night. It is impossible to maintain such a long distance.

"Stay away from me, don't come near me!"

Julius glared at other people, or things that were not human. Clayton and the other Darklings backed away awkwardly, almost reaching the corner of the mine passage to prevent the Demon Hunter Badge from vibrating again. The thing was partially charged by the mage, but the use time was not enough to last an hour. , and the time they really need this magical item to work may be far longer than this, and it cannot be wasted.

Clayton stopped in front of the corner and looked back to estimate the distance between them and Julius. It was about fifty yards away, and the wall seemed to absorb light. He only saw the flame of an oil lamp at the end of the corridor. He believed that the other party was This is what I saw.

"The farthest is right here. If we are too far apart, are you sure you can follow us?"

"I know how to find people, and I can find you no matter how far away you are." Julius shouted impatiently from the other side.

Clayton didn't know magic, so he hesitated for a few seconds before deciding to let him go free.

Soon, he lost information about Julius.

Mary took them to this mine. The mine tunnels here were dark and deep, and they needed to bring their own oil lamps for lighting.

This is a very novel experience for dark descendants like Clayton and Barbara who have dark vision, but others will feel dizzy due to the dim visual environment, except for Fulentin, who is not satisfied with the dizzy state. Very adaptable.

But this is just an exception. Underground, this dull and invisible state has cast a layer of haze on their moods.

Before they reached their current location, no one came out to inform them that they were there, or to tell them that they were on the wrong track and had entered the territory of a gang that was not easy to mess with.

If it weren't for the fact that there was a lot of strange smell here, Clayton would have thought that Mary had brought them to the wrong place.

But just because he understands it, doesn't mean that others can.

Barbara made a weak voice at the end of the line: "Is this usually like this here? I don't see anyone else except us."

Mary stopped and looked back at Barbara seriously, who suddenly stopped talking and looked nervous.

If the person leading them was a man, Barbara would probably not have any doubts, but although Marietta was a woman, she behaved more like a man than most men. As soon as she caught her gaze, Barbara immediately felt sorry for her. I regret my words, my eyes are wandering and I dare not look directly at the other person.

But in fact, when Mary put on that serious expression, she didn't mean to blame, she was just thinking carefully.

"I rarely came here before, and I haven't come here since I became the Sheriff, so I really don't know anything about the current situation here. However, the black market trading point should not change. There must be people there."

The Sheriff is only responsible for the internal order of the city. The mine black market is located outside the city. All conflicts that occur are also limited to the outside of the city. They will not disturb the residents in the parish and can also relieve the pressure of some homeless people who have nowhere to stay. Therefore, there is no Hit a nerve with the Sheriff.

Clayton frowned, he had to remind her not to focus on unnecessary things.

"We just need to find the Gray Hats. Let's go on. Don't stop here."

Mary thought he was right, so she didn't think about it any further and continued to lead them along the corridor, choosing left and right among the many forked passages.

As they went deeper into the mine, they gradually saw traces of human life. The discarded garbage and food scraps piled in the corners made them feel at ease, indicating that they were on the right path.

But at the end of the line, Barbara's expression became more and more abnormal.


Among the many criss-crossing tunnels, a strange vibration was transmitted along the artificial shaft walls.

A pebble fell from above and hit Clayton on the head.

"It seems to smell like blood here."

Barbara once again stopped the team's progress. Her green eyes stared at the darkness at the end of the corridor, and the longing in them made people believe that this was not false.

Clayton took a deep breath, savoring the scent in the air.

Barbara was right, he also smelled smoke, but not blood.

This may be because vampires are more sensitive to the smell of blood than he is.

"Check your weapons, but don't shoot unless there is an emergency. Try to use a knife to solve the problem first. The walls here are reinforced and are very hard. The projectiles fired may injure ourselves after reflection."

They paused for a moment to recheck the status of their weapons and put their melee weapons in a position suitable for extraction.

Volentin carried no such weapon, but he didn't need it.

"Folundin." Clayton called him, but found that there was nothing to order.

The cursed man's power is not needed just yet.

They must first master the collective information of the battle in the mine, and hearing is an important part of it. Losing their voice will certainly allow them to move covertly, but it will also reduce their access to information.

"I'm always here. If you need me later, just call my name."

The guy who always couldn't sleep turned out to be very reliable, and Clayton was a little relieved.

At this moment, they heard a shrill scream at the same time. The sound echoed underground and spread in all directions through the thick rocks and logs. They could not distinguish the location of the sound source. The sound was deformed due to fear and matched the situation where they were. The dim environment was like being in the Seven Hells in the Bai Jiao mythology, and someone was being tortured by the devil here.

"You can't do this! I was just like you! Spare me! Spare me."


There was another gunshot, and the sound fell silent.

I am healthy but weak. My skill level for staying up late to write is -1.

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