Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 106 Listening to Plants Talk

"No, we haven't found those whale oils. It's like they don't exist at all. But it may be that the scope of our search is too small."

Marietta glanced over the wall as she summarized Clayton's work for the others.

Behind the wall were the shouts of soldiers.

"We'll wait ten minutes and then spread out to search the area."

The lieutenant was not satisfied with this answer. He hoped to find the batch of refined whale oil that was stolen by the Gray Hat gang from the Weisund Weaving Factory tonight. Because if the batch of refined whale oil is not in the Gray Hat Gang's stronghold or in the mine, then the situation will be a bit tricky.

Although he already knew that Major Doron was not dealing with the traces here under the guidance of Athena, the spider did not realize that this place had been discovered.

So if the whale oil is not in this mine, there are only two possibilities.

Either these explosives have been placed for the next train to arrive at the station, or not all the Gray Hats are dead at all. They have divided a group of people to carry out the work of arranging the explosives, and this group independently carried out People are not aware that their gang has been wiped out, but the time of their action is not yet known.

He prefers the latter explanation.

The former's plan was too strict on the time element and too coincidental. He didn't believe in coincidence.

Thinking of this, the lieutenant fumbled in his coat pocket and found a whistle.

Those are Gronje's fingers. As long as you blow them, you can listen to the records made by the vegetation for the surrounding sounds.

But here is the underground without seeing the sun, and there is no green at all.

If that didn't work, he could only find it all the way along the railroad tracks, which would be quite time-consuming.

"Mary, go find Julius, why hasn't he arrived yet?" Clayton urged, he needed the mage's ability to find things.

Marietta left the tunnel.

As soon as her figure disappeared, Clayton felt vaguely uneasy.

There are too many soldiers here, scattered in various locations, and they are all hooligans. Mary's dress and reputation are quite controversial. Although she has some abilities, she may not be able to escape if she is blocked by several soldiers.

"Barbara, you should follow, but keep your distance. Unless you are in trouble, don't let other soldiers find you. I heard that the vampire's ability can make you come and go without a trace, can you do it?"

It may sound like a choice made out of distrust, but he just wants to keep a low profile.

Barbara pondered for a long time, until Clayton coughed, she reluctantly agreed, which made the lieutenant very worried.

"If you can't do it, just tell me 'I can't do it.'"

Instead, the female vampire made up her mind. She nodded vigorously, and then chased in the direction Mary left like a gust of wind.

Her statement made Clayton even more uneasy, but he couldn't send Volentin out again, so he could only wait patiently.

It may be unkind to say this, but this man who is silent at all times makes Clayton very uncomfortable. Volentin is cursed with being unable to sleep. He seems to have passed the collapse stage and entered a seemingly peaceful place. But the actual state of mind is more disordered.

It's not that he is a threat to Clayton, but he looks quite scary. Whether it's the empty expression or the bloodshot eyeballs, people dare not communicate with him, for fear that if their voice is slightly louder, it will be so profound. There were surging splashes of water in the pool, stirring up undercurrents.

Clayton bet that the man had lost his emotions, as he had been when he suffered from chronic insomnia and often had bizarre thoughts.

Fortunately, the others returned here quickly so that he would not be alone with Fulentin.

This time Julius put his hands in his pockets leisurely and approached them without any psychological burden.

"You hid that witcher badge?" Clayton asked him.


Clayton has no objection to this approach. In fact, the badge was originally used to test whether there were dark descendants in the black market in the mine. Now that Major Doron has checked it out for them, the badge's role here is better than nothing. .

"I want you to find that batch of refined whale oil, just like you found the 'tree'."

Julius stared at him expressionlessly: "I knew before that we were looking for something, but why do you think I didn't take the initiative to mention it?"

"Appreciate further details."

"I have never seen or touched that batch of whale oil. There is no connection between owning and being owned. They are not unique things, but mass products of the factory. There are so many factors involved. If you want In this case, to find those refined whale oils, it would be possible for Strass's Ring Mage to do it, or Milenti's Star Peeper or something like that, but it's only possible."

"It sounds difficult."

"It's very difficult."

Clayton had no choice but to take out the whistle Gronje gave him, and Julius's face changed greatly when he saw his move.

"You should know how to use it."

"I know."

"That's good." Julius breathed a sigh of relief, he wouldn't put this thing into his mouth, it was his father's finger!

After everyone gathered, Clayton explained the map to Julius, and then everyone dispersed and continued exploring deep in the mine, using stones to mark the tunnel walls along the way to prevent getting lost.

This last attempt was in vain.

The lieutenant had to resort to last resort.

They went up to the ground with lanterns and searched for high ground in the forest. Everyone was separated and each monitored a four-hundred-yard-long section of railroad track. Among them, darkspawn with dark vision and humans who had to hold lanterns were adjacent to each other to avoid getting too close. The amount of fire alarmed the Gray Hats' explosives enforcers.

No matter what, they have to ensure the safety of the railway tonight.

If the Gray Hat gang wants to blow up the train, they can only go further, or take advantage of the night when the surveillance power is reduced. Even if they are the police officers, they can serve as a warning, so that the Gray Hat gangsters cannot Don't waste more time hiding yourself or moving the crime location.

As long as they survive tonight, they will most likely have a whole day to rest. The Sheriff's Department will then dispatch more peace officers to patrol along the railway because the Parish Council appointed by the Presbyterian Church is putting pressure on the Sheriff's Department. If the remnants of the Gray Hats returned to the mines, Dolon's men would surprise them.

Searching for loot is not something that can be completed in one night. Those soldiers will guard this place for at least a week. Clayton does not have to worry about this place.

After arranging the Sheriff's task, Clayton walked into the depths of the jungle alone with his finger whistle and returned to the vicinity of the mine exit.

There are many oak trees planted here, but they are not very old and are not yet mature for the age of the trees. But even though these young oak trees are still very thin, their canopy is enough to block the moonlight in the sky or allow birds to find a suitable branch to build a nest.

Clayton stood alone among the trees, feeling the peace he had not seen for a long time.

He sighed heartily - at what he'd been through the last few months - and blew his whistle through those drowsy shadows.


The sound of the whistle was unexpectedly unpleasant, but it made the lieutenant feel more energetic.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew in the forest.

In the gaps between branches, soil and fallen leaves, a mournful moan echoed, like a legendary ghost-note, it is a legendary ghost, not a real ghost. Clayton had never heard Galeed make such a sound.

The ground even shook slightly.

Clayton looked down and saw the tree roots crawling under his feet like a swarm of snakes, and above him, the leaves were whispering in the wind, repeating the sounds they heard.

It's just as dreamy as in a fairy tale.

The dream revealed the noise of Doron's soldiers shouting and firing, and then the rumble of a train, but he could hear nothing.

Clayton walked along the direction of the track for a while, breaking away from the traces of the soldiers' march today, and the oak tree's record was slightly different.

That was the voice of a young man.

"Damn it, it's so cold for us to do this job. I really don't understand. Why don't they put whale oil in the mine tunnels under the railroad tracks? Why do we have to dig so many new holes? I feel like my fingers are going to freeze. Lost."

Then came a rich male voice, which sounded older: "If the mine collapses due to an internal explosion, the boss and your father will be ruined, idiot! And it's not even winter yet, so don't be so squeamish. Okay?"

The conversation becomes quieter and quieter, possibly because the speaker is constantly moving and the sound is not fully recorded.

Clayton took the whistle a little further forward and blew the whistle again.

"I wish the guy wearing gloves would shut up because he has no idea how cold his bare hands are."

"Idiot, it's not like I haven't experienced winter before. You're still asking your mother for biscuits at the age when I'm already making a living here."

"Old guy, who are you calling a fool?!"

Clayton trotted forward for ten minutes, skipping this meaningless conversation.

"Seriously, this is boring. We are still arguing here in such a cold weather. Why don't we finish our work quickly and go back to drink."

"I agree."

The two men reconciled their quarrel, and Clayton prayed earnestly that they would continue their discussion of whale oil.

"Hey, if we succeed this time, will we continue in the future?"

"Continue with what?"

"I mean, with all this money, do we need to hang out here? All of us could move to a big city."

"You are overthinking. The stolen goods cannot be sold for a big price. The selling price depends on the mood of the millers, and the money is not equally divided into everyone's hands. The big one goes to the boss, and the others can only gamble twice, or Enough to send the kids to Sunday school.”

"At least give us more, right? We dug a hole."


The conversation was over, and Clayton couldn't hear the plant's memory voice any further along this path.

He walked around the last recording point, almost walking out of a circle with a radius of one kilometer, but he heard no more voices.

The two people stopped talking. They just walked on in silence, so there was no sound.

That's why Creighton initially didn't want to use this method.

He didn't know how long or in which direction he had to walk to continue hearing their conversation, so he decisively gave up trying.

But it's not without good news.

That batch of refined whale oil can be confirmed to have been hidden somewhere in advance, but it may not be in place yet.

And the gang members didn't intend to blow up the train. They just wanted the train to roll over on the tracks and then took advantage of the chaos to commit a robbery.

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