Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 126 Long planned

The explosion of the human head had no lethality, but the thick plasma poured over Clayton's head and face.

Because he had the experience of seeing Faslag's stand-in killed by a demon in front of him, this sudden change did not scare him again. He just squinted his eyes and even immediately distinguished the abnormality of the human head.

"No brain matter." He licked the blood on his lips. The taste was much more dilute than the blood of a living person.

This is not a living person, he was tricked by that spider.

"what happens?"

Julius and Barbara just rushed in. Only a few seconds had passed since Clayton entered the room. Before they could figure out what happened, they could only see his fighting figure.

Once inside, they were stunned.

"Are you... glowing?" Barbara stuttered.

In their eyes, Clayton has simply become a star in the night sky. The blood on his body changes rapidly, from red to transparent, and then fluoresces, covering his body with a shiny but not dazzling layer. The light attracts their attention all the time.

After hearing the prompt, Clayton looked at himself in the dressing table mirror with an ugly expression.


There was a sound outside the door.

They turned around suddenly and judged that it was probably in the conference hall on the second floor.

There is no doubt that the guard who has been standing guard on the independent balcony in accordance with industry rules and has a bird's eye view of the main entrance below noticed the explosion here and opened the balcony door and rushed here.

Clayton had no time to worry about his own shining. He sheathed his sword, pulled his coat back from the corpse, and then quickly repeated the warning he had given before setting off.

"Lower your head, don't kill anyone, let's go back the way we came."

Finally, he reached for a handful on the dressing table, tucked everything that might be valuable under his arm, and rushed out of the room with them.

When they left the room, they saw the black-clothed guard standing at the door of the hall, holding a rifle in one hand and facing away from them. This is not because he is not loyal to his duty, but because he has to turn on the light first, otherwise human eyes cannot see in the dark.

The switch made a crisp sound, and the electric lights on the walls on both sides of the corridor lit up with a buzzing sound stimulated by electricity.

After the environment lit up, the guard narrowed his eyes and turned back with his gun in hand.

Then a hard slap slapped his face back.

The dizziness and surprise made him stare blankly at the wall for two seconds. When he turned his head, he saw three yellow figures running through the corridor like madmen and running to the window at the end.

Before he even had time to raise his gun and take aim, the three figures jumped out and disappeared.

The guard covered his face and didn't know whether to pursue him or not.

There are too many people on the other side, and no important person is resting in this house today.

The lights on the first floor soon came on. Another guard saw the abnormal lighting on the second floor through the maze-shaped hedges in the garden and rushed over from downstairs.

After he came up, he looked around with a gun in hand, but saw no one there. Only his colleagues were standing in the corridor in a daze.

"What happened?"

He put away the gun and walked over, only to see the blurred red mark on his companion's face and the look of shock.

"There are three intruders."

"Where are they?" he asked impatiently, with a hint of the impatience of standing guard in the cold wind for a long time.

The guard standing guard indoors pointed toward the end of the corridor: "Jumped out of the window."

"What a stupid thing! I just came up!" The garden guard gritted his teeth as he looked at the window, but had no idea of ​​moving.

"Is anyone hurt?"

The only guard who received a slap from the intruder shook his head: "There are no residents on this floor tonight. Did you see anything when you came from the first floor?"

"I was in a hurry to go upstairs and didn't pay attention. Did you see what those intruders looked like?"

"They... are very pornographic." He carefully considered each word, forcing his expression to be correct. "To be precise, one of them is even more yellow and glowing."

Seeing that his colleagues' eyes gradually became strange, he had to change his mind again: "Maybe the one that glowed was my mistake when the light came on, but they are really yellow."

His colleague looked unkind: "I hope the housekeeper can accept this answer."

"Why are the lights on in the house?" Fasslag asked.

He took the horse that the old butler brought from the stable and was about to go to any hotel to rest for the night before setting off in the morning.

This was because Carolingian did not want him to be seen by anyone during the day.

The housekeeper was about to help him mount his horse. When he heard this question, the old man turned around and a warm glow shone on his face.

The old man narrowed his cloudy eyes and did not answer.

Although this silence surprised Faslag, he didn't find it strange.

Many elderly people suffer from deafness or temporary memory loss. He thought that maybe this old guy couldn't continue to work as a butler, and they had to arrange for his retirement and pay him a pension - after the success of Carolingian, these last few months cannot be without trust. Have people by your side.

"Sorry, what did you say?" The butler turned around, his expression returned to the same as before, as if he hadn't seen anything.

Faslag had no desire to repeat the question. He just said angrily: "Nothing, I'm leaving. Take care of yourself, old guy."

After saying that, he easily mounted the horse.

Although he has never been on the battlefield, he has practiced for a lot of time. At least the training season from summer to autumn cannot be avoided, and he has to do it every other year.

But as he urged the horse forward, the old steward pulled the reins and looked at him with a rather sad look.

"I'm sorry, Master, but can you tell me what Master Caroline and you are busy with? Before he died, the master told me that you always like to take risks. You want me to watch you and don't let you do things on a whim. You have done something bad in the past few months without telling me, and you even brought back a wanton witch. Although the blessing of the church is sacred, after all, you have become dead in the public announcement, and you can no longer go to the church to do it. Worship. Maybe that witch can take the opportunity to attack you."

Faslag wanted to drive away the old man, but looking into his eyes, he couldn't help but answer seriously.

"I'm sure she didn't do anything to me, I haven't even seen her this month, you have nothing to worry about."

The old man lowered his head and sighed: "I've been worried about you. Please at least tell me what the witch said. I'm worried that Master Caroline will be bewitched by her. It's not just magic that can affect people."

Faslag thought it was nothing at first, but he remembered that after his brother communicated with that woman, he did make many decisions that he would not normally make. Tonight, he stayed out all night with that woman and escort, so the doubts in his heart were close to dissipating. Gathered again.

Maybe it's time to ask this old guy to help pay attention.

"Actually, I don't know much," he said: "When that witch came into contact with me, her reason was...yes."

Individual letters stuck in his throat, like entities that he couldn't spit out.

Faslag grabbed his own throat, his face turned red from holding back, and he rolled off the horse.

The old butler stood quietly aside, his expression still sad, but it was the same as the emotion retained in the portrait - it was not a dynamic emotion, but like someone cut out the sad part from the scroll and pasted it on his face. on his face, and this emotion is constantly being replaced by deep, dead silence.

Faslag Kules, who was struggling on the ground, stared at the familiar old man with protruding and bloodshot eyes, but received no response.

His hands covering his neck suddenly deformed and broke, along with his neck.

Then his chest deflated, and there was a crisp and sweet sound when the ribs and spine were broken, but only a few times.

An invisible force rolled over his face, and his tall features were sunken, and his skin twisted into arc-shaped ravines, like the thumbprints left by a giant.

This was not the end. His body quickly collapsed inward, as if being sucked by the existence in the void.

The support volume in the gorgeous clothes gradually emptied out. After a few seconds, Faslag no longer existed in the world, leaving only a set of clothes on the ground.

The old man walked over, picked up the clothes and put them in the saddle bag, then led the horse back.

The lights in Culles' mansion were still on, and two lines of tears rolled down his calm face facing the lights.

He wiped the corners of his eyes, and suddenly he couldn't remember why he was standing here late at night, why he was holding the horse, and what was going on with that inexplicable sadness?

He stood blankly for a moment and finally thought of it.

Master Fasslag has been dead for a long time. After the funeral, he began to suffer from temporary amnesia. Maybe he should choose an opportunity to resign to Master Carolingian and no longer occupy the important butler position with his old body. location.

The old man sighed and led the horse back to the stable.

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