Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 129 All sorts of strange things

Hiding one's weaknesses is the most important lesson a necromancer can learn.

Flesh magic is the basis for this purpose.

A skilled necromancer can hide his brain by modifying his body to avoid death if his head is cut off.

This level of transformation is a normal effect and therefore does not interfere with the Miracles of the Fallen Priesthood.

Akzi landed on a gray roof on one side of the street and looked down into the dark alley.

Athena, who had lost her head, was still where she was. Under the golden light of the miracle, even though she was wearing mourning clothes and her lower body had a monster-like figure, the light still gave rise to a strange sense of holiness. At the same time, the flesh and blood on her neck boiled like liquid, and the red blisters gathered together, then solidified, and reassembled a new head.

Akchi spread his wings and dived down again.

This time the sharp claws aimed at the hand holding up the amulet.

On the windowpane of the house, the black figure of the owl flashed past, and then quickly blended into the huge shadow cast by the building.

After a brief ups and downs, Akzi once again approached the goal.

His gray hooked toes lead to the slender fingers of the fallen priest holding the amulet. With the speed bonus of a raptor, cutting them off like clay will not be a very laborious task.

Spiders are not good at dealing with birds, that's perfectly natural.

Athena has no intention of staying where she is and competing with them. She just wants to recover as much as possible from her injuries before moving. Even the latter is far more important than the former.

So when the attack from the sky came again, she interrupted the miracle without hesitation and used her magic power to create a temporary body for the invisible one.

Although his eyes could not see anything, Akzi's fingers seemed to be inserted into an unreliable shield. This doesn't completely stop him, but it also causes his offensive line to shift and his body to lose its center of gravity.

He suddenly withdrew his hand and flew past the Spider Priest. When he was about to hit the wall, he turned over and grabbed the ground with both hands to slow down his speed. His fingers left eight deep ravines in the soil.

The others broke through the blockade of the spider silk, and the four people who had finished loading their muskets stepped forward for the second round of shooting.

This round of shooting forced Athena Bailuge to turn around, and indirectly protected Akzi, allowing him to return to the sky.

Perhaps it was the accuracy of the firearm itself, perhaps the influence of luck, or perhaps the light was not suitable for aiming. In short, this round of shooting did not hit Athena. The bullet closest to her was shot at her feet, and the shot ricocheted at the spider. Sputtering between the eight legs, miraculously bypassing them one by one.

Athena didn't show any panic, she seemed to have expected it.

The "magic barrier" was lifted in front of everyone's eyes, and they realized that there was a certain gap between the direction they were aiming at and the enemy's position.

Although still in the realm of silence, members of the action team could hear the demon's contented play as it departed.

Opposite them, Athena Bailuge no longer wanted to entangle with them anymore. She inserted her blade foot into the wall, quickly climbed over the wall, and disappeared from their eyes.

The members of the action team did not continue to reload. They abandoned these heavy gunpowder weapons that were more than two feet long and pursued them with only powerful revolvers and path knives.

Akzi is still in heaven guiding them.

A mage's mana is limited, and its upper limit is inseparably related to his talent.

The origin ancestors of the spider elves were once members of the royal family, but they later offended the pagan gods and received a strong curse, so this bloodline was alienated. The curse penetrated deeply into their blood, causing them to go mad intermittently, with a fondness for intrigues, and a terrible habit of eating children. Their original handsome appearance has also transformed into a hateful monster, and all the talents given by the elven blood have been distorted and degraded. Among them Including spellcasting talents that are superior to "people".

They have lost the ability to communicate with nature through gnosis, and can only consume their own mental power like humans, and activate the ether according to formulas.

This method of casting will make the user increasingly tired, eventually leading to inevitable drowsiness.

Therefore, one of Akchi's early plans was to force Athena to use as many spells as possible. The huge consumption would make her weaker and weaker.

But until now, Athena has not used powerful spells.

She seemed to be biding her time.

Compared to the Presbyterian killer's speculation, Athena was actually not calm.

She had heard about Akzi, so she knew that this attack was definitely authorized by the senior leaders of the Presbyterian Church.

This means that some of the Holy Grail Society's thoughts may have been discovered.

Even if she escapes this pursuit, there will be a second one.

Groene Gaminien was well prepared in Sasha City. There is an old saying, "Don't fight the forest spirits in the forest." She realized this when she entered the city. Those dark green woods wrap around the city like a womb protecting a fetus.

When a being like her enters and exits the city, she will inevitably be noticed by the old forest elf. This is why she takes the risk to meet the other party and trick the other party into signing a non-interference agreement, instead of directly using her ability to hide into the crowd.

Deception can at least gain temporary trust, but arousing the other party's suspicion will only lead to death.

Now that Gronje insists on breaking the contract, the relationship between them will return to what it was before.

Athena looked back at the pursuers behind her and understood.

Of course, the non-interference agreement is also valid for these killers, but judging from their nonchalant look, it is probably the forest elf who has transferred all the curses on them to himself.

The hero Otyr, who was poisoned and cursed, received a tree fruit given by an old man in the woods, so he recovered and returned to the battlefield with great victory.

As this famous myth reveals, the wood spirit's fruit continues to absorb the curse even after leaving its body. The Elder Council's special medicine for suppressing dark descendants' instincts is the so-called forest spirit fruit, so they don't care about members' attempts to imitate it.

But this is not necessarily a good thing.

For an individual like her, it will be very difficult to break through the forest and escape from Sasha City. The best way is to disguise as an ordinary person and leave by train, but the people of the Presbyterian Church are not stupid enough not to check the passengers. Identity, the railway company here also has the investment of the Presbyterian Church, adding a review mechanism only requires one sentence, and the vigilance there will be denser than the lush forest.

But now Groene has absorbed at least seven additional curses. Even if the forest elves are one of the most tenacious races, they will definitely fall into a long dormancy due to backlash. Athena thinks that she may be able to leave Sasha City on foot.

The premise is that she must first deal with these two groups of killers.

That's right, two batches.

She felt that another being marked by herself was coming, which was one of the reasons why she was unwilling to stay where she was.

She didn't know who the assassin was who triggered the trap in her room, let alone how many there were. It was just that the mark happened to be attached to one of them, allowing her to know their movements.

In any case, it is very dangerous for the two groups to merge.

She didn't know much about Akchi and his group. They kept themselves tightly wrapped and were more adapted to fighting with firearms than their own abilities.

This kind of fighting method that keeps pace with the times is really too much for her, an old guy who is over a hundred years old.

She can also kill people in this way, but she doesn't know how to defend against such an attack.

It was a good idea to kill them before they shot, but the location chosen by these killers was deserted and unsuitable for her spells, so she was at a disadvantage. It was too difficult to deal with seven extraordinary beings who could shoot at the same time without any preparation. Except for the one who could fly, she had never experienced the close combat skills of others.

As for the assassins who infiltrated the Culles mansion - they were obviously not many.

He was so fast that it was impossible to keep his many companions in coordinated formations with him.

At the same time, this killer may have certain tracking methods, because he is coming towards him.

Athena calmly judged the form and carefully sequenced what she wanted to do next, just like she always did.

The spider's belly and legs moved rapidly. She turned several alleys in succession, and at the cost of being shot twice more, she led these people to a nearby square - those dense awnings could block the sight from the sky. Isolate and buy a certain amount of time for her.

The feathered man hovering in the sky fell down, and the action team from behind came slowly.

The square here held a market not long ago, and the old stands with their own awnings were naturally pushed out of the warehouse and put to good use, which caused them a lot of trouble at the moment.

Akzi looked around and gestured to Fulentin, who knowingly lifted the silence area.

"She disappeared in this area, but she definitely didn't leave." Akzi's voice was cold. Due to his physiological structure, he couldn't move his eyes, so he had to turn his whole head and look back again before coming to a conclusion. : "At least she didn't leave the ground. There is a water diversion channel underground here. She may want to escape from the sewer."

"We are not familiar with the structure of the sewer. Maybe she will set up an ambush." ​​The member of the action team wearing a strange fish headgear said, his voice sounded very young.

Akzi doesn't like to contradict, but he still maintains a certain degree of patience with this new member of the action team.

"That bitch was injured. It is almost impossible to have such an opportunity again in the future. There are seven of us, so there is nothing to be afraid of." After he explained, he turned his head to look at the other four people: "My power is in the sewer. If you can't fully display it, it will be up to you later. You don't have to worry about anything underground. If necessary, then perform three curses. After so many years, you should be qualified."

Opposite him, the four domestic animals, chicken, pig, cow, and sheep, nodded, but their bodies trembled slightly.

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