Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 139 Clayton’s Rules

After dinner, Clayton and Donna returned to the house on Marlin Street.

Because he was happy, Clayton made an exception and drank some wine after the meal, but this did not affect his clear thinking. He walked in the door first, put his hat on the corner of the sofa, then put down the package in his hand, turned to face Donna, and pressed his hand down to signal her to stay where she was and listen.

Just outside the window behind him, the silvery-white moon in the blue-gray sky showed a full round outline through the dark clouds.

Today is November 1st, and according to the traditional calendar, the full moon day is designated as the first day of each month.

His body will start to feel the restlessness of his blood at nine o'clock tonight, and it will be completely out of control until ten o'clock.

Donna will likely be living with him for a long time, so a few things must be stated up front.

"Donna, in this family, there are some rules that you must abide by, and I want to explain them to you." Clayton said seriously.

Donna, who entered the door later, leaned against the door, pressed the door into the door frame with her hands behind her back, and then nodded to him to show that she was listening carefully.

"First, you can't go to the study room. There are many important documents and letters in it. Any changes to the words on them will cause huge property losses. Even just a little more ink may cause the documents to become invalid. In order to avoid any accidents, this I usually lock the room, but even if it's unlocked, you'd better not go in."

This reason was reasonable. Donna glanced at the study room, pursed her lips and nodded.

The restaurant her uncle took her to was so good that she couldn't bear to refuse his request right away.

"Second, it's best not to leave your room after nine o'clock in the evening until dawn. Don't worry if you hear strange noises underground. It may be caused by a fault in the power system. You don't need to do anything. Don't get close to make any noise. Where a faulty electrical system could cause you injury."

Clayton kept his eyes on Donna as he spoke these words, and waited until she nodded her promise again before moving on to the next statement.

"Third, I sometimes go out at night to participate in security patrols. I may stay out overnight and don't come back until daytime. If you wake up at night and hear someone knocking on the door, you don't need to open the door. The landlady and I They all have keys, so you don’t need to open the door.”

Marlin Street was not far from the ghetto, and he had to be vigilant.

"Fourth, don't go out for the next few days. I will soon hire a maid to take care of your daily life. It's best to take her with you when you go out. Until we move to the city center, you are the most important person. So as to reduce the number of times you go out. In fact, you should go out as little as possible to areas where the sun is not directly exposed. You usually walk on the road and you must be back home before dinner time."

After hearing this, the girl finally frowned. She was very resistant to the existence of the "maid".

"I don't need a maid, I can take care of myself."

Clayton immediately changed the vocabulary: "Then hire a tutor."

He pointed at himself: "You can't let a man teach you women's social etiquette and clothing, right?"

"Why not?" Donna tilted her head and asked.

"Don't be stubborn, there's no need to discuss this." Clayton refused to give in: "Either let your mother come over and let her learn first and then teach you."

"She's in trouble."

"What can happen to her? She doesn't work."

Clayton didn't believe Donna's words at all. He transferred all the land rent income from Butnus to Tritis's account, and even sent a special person to take care of the accounts. Tritis only needed to concentrate on taking care of Donna, and there was no need to bother. About her departure.

That woman probably went to other cities in Buliga by herself, but she didn't have time to take Donna with her, so she asked her to come to her place.

But that's not important. What's important is that Donna must go to high school, which is crucial to her future.

Donna opened her mouth, but looking at his expression, she did not continue to explain.

Clayton looked at the clock in the hall and saw that it was getting late, so he helped her bring the quilt into the room and charcoal.

He lit the first flame in the brazier on the bed. He stirred the tongs and guided the red and yellow flames to flow on the charcoal, bringing brightness and warmth to the room and numerous shadowy reflections on the walls. Coldness and longing are always inseparable, Clayton knows this very well, and he hopes that Donna will not feel too sad because of leaving her hometown.

When he turned to look at Donna, the girl was staring at the brazier, her face showing a calm aura in the red light.

"It may be too early to say now, but I have to go out soon and may not be able to come back tonight, so... good night." He said, and then added. "Remember to open the window a little. Although there will be a little cold wind blowing in, the fresh air is good for the body."

Donna's smile unexpectedly broke out.

"Of course, I will do it, uncle. Good night to you too."

Clayton left the room happily.

While there was still some time, he went to the study and took the package on the sofa as he passed by the hall.

When I opened the door, the table was empty, and the water in the fish tank spilled all over the floor.

"What the hell." He whispered and raised an eyebrow, closed the door with his right leg, took two more steps, and saw Clara lying between two rows of bookshelves, gnashing her teeth as she struggled with a tome.

Clayton quickly put down his bag and rushed to rescue the books.

"Clara, when I say books are spiritual food, I don't mean for you to actually bite them!"

"Isn't it?" Clara's head rolled sideways and turned to face upward again, but her eyes were tightly closed: "Clara doesn't know anything."

Clayton sighed, patted the book, looked at the teeth marks and drool on the cover, and decided to find time to redo its cover. After holding the book under his arm, he picked up Clara as well and brought them back to the desk.

"As a girl, you should also be more elegant." He stood behind Clara's head and took out a comb to comb the tangled blond hair. "My brother's daughter is here. She has grown into a beautiful girl. Maybe you will have a chance to get to know each other in the future. It is too early to meet now. I will hire a tutor for her soon. If her education methods work, I’ll try it on you too.”

Clara's eyes rolled up, trying desperately to see the broad palm above her head.

"Education, delicious?"

"If your grades improve, I will give you delicious food."

Clayton reluctantly pulled the comb out of his long hair, cleaned up the broken hair with his hands and threw it into the wastebasket aside.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot about this." He opened the bag and stuffed the food inside into Clara's mouth. After more than a month of training, she would no longer be in a hurry to close her mouth and bite his hand. .

After chewing, the blonde girl stretched out her facial features and licked her lips in recollection.

"Clara wants to know what this is?"

"This is pan-fried turbot. It may be a little colder, but the taste should remain the same."

"It's better than beef," said gourmet Clara.

"You haven't eaten much meat. Okay, I'm going to rest. We'll see you tomorrow."

"We'll see you tomorrow," Clara repeated.

Clayton held her into the fish tank and watched her sink into the water with a smile on her face.


The study door handle suddenly turned.

The door is not locked!

The sound was like a direct blow to the heart. Clayton was so stunned that he swore he had never been so fast. While his eyes were locked on the door, his hands desperately grabbed the silk next to him to cover the fish tank.

When Donna appeared from behind the door, his face was stiff and his yellow eyes were staring at her rigidly. The terrifying expression made the girl shrink back.

"Uncle Clayton, what are you doing with the fish tank?"

She supported the cabinet on the left side of the entrance with one hand and the door handle with the other, supporting her upper body and leaning into the study.

Clayton lowered his head suddenly and found that the silk cloth only covered half of it, and the edge of the other half of the glass was exposed. Fortunately, judging from Donna's position, she should not be able to see Clara. But he habitually did not light candles in the study, and his eyes should be glowing at this moment!

When he thought about this kind of thing, he looked up at Donna and became even more arrogant.

"I'm fishing."

It was hard to imagine that a young girl would have such a complex expression on her face, but Donna did it.

She has never heard that the fun of fish farming includes touching fish. Is there really anyone in this world who likes that slimy touch?

Her uncle reacted quickly and said sternly: "Donna, I told you not to come to the study, why didn't you listen to my advice?!"

Clayton accused her while secretly putting the fish tank behind the stack of books to hide it.

"I just wanted to ask you a favor. And I'm not in yet."

Donna defended herself aggrievedly. She held her hands on both sides, lifted her feet off the ground, and kicked her calves on the spot to indicate that her feet were still outside the door. This obviously should not be regarded as illegal intrusion.

Clayton had also played this trick with Ulen. He couldn't refute it for a while. He could only say numbly:

"Okay, let's forget it this time. Don't try to open the study door next time. This gesture shouldn't be done by a lady. Don't do it in the future."

He walked towards Donna, his broad body almost filling the door frame, forcing Donna to retreat and blocking her line of sight.

After leaving the study, Clayton turned around and locked the door, and his heart beat like a drum gradually slowed down.

But at this moment, his unconscious avoidance behavior made him more clearly aware of the fear in his heart.

If this continues, when will he find the courage to confess his identity to Donna and Tritis?

When he thought of this, Clayton felt sad.

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